The Secret DJ. Profile picture
Oct 11 32 tweets 11 min read Read on X
Could be the last MEGATHREAD 🧵🧵 - judging by the huge reduction in engagement recently. Which in-turn suggested this topic. The reason why I do this. The reason why I pay for the tick. So people can see the journalism. Because that is what the Secret DJ project is for.

I did a solid 20 years of writing before the Secret DJ. Rarely got paid for it and compared to DJ wages in the 90s, who cared back then? A lot of it was fluff. But the thing that changed everything was GATECRASHERGATE.Image
This thread would be like Lord of the Rings if I went into all the detail, but after hearing perhaps the 10th story of wrongdoing by them I went to a major dance mag and asked why no one talks about it and basically I was told to shut up, cos Gatecrasher owed them money. Lots. Image
So a network of ‘debt as control’ emerged. Simon Raine, Evil Brain, the boss behind it, essentially never paid anyone when he could. Leaving a trail of destruction going back to the early 90s, possibly further. Wherever I asked a victim, no one would speak up. No one.

Rumours begin to circulate of criminal dealings, threats and non-payments. Some agents place Gatecrasher on 'The Blacklist' as early as 1998. Some witnesses cite even earlier examples at 'Bakers' in Birmingham, Raine's first venture.Image
Gatecrasher's flagship and HQ 'Republic' experiences drop off in custom after the Millennium, as does most of the industry. 2007 Gatecrasher HQ 'goes on fire'.…
As plans are made for a phoenix-like rebirth Police suspect arson ;…
In lesser known news Simon Raine backs the famous Sheffield Ski Village. Eventually this closes after a period of bad business and again, mysteriously 'goes on fire'. Perhaps due to flammable snow?…
1999 - 2003 Gatecrasher opens a much smaller venue 'Bed' in Sheffield. This is generally badly received and eventually closes. Again many complain of non payment and criminal threats. Gatecrasher also makes attempts to 'crack' London at Heaven. This also fails.

Gatecrasher opens as smaller spin-offs in Leeds , Birmingham, Nottingham and Watford. They buy the copyright of any possible competition large or small and send 'cease and desist' legal letters to all. Many never trade again including well known Leeds brand 'Dirty Disco'. More threats ensue.Image
Some of these people were my friends. I would look at the ‘legal’ document and tell them it was ridiculous, the ‘lawyer’ sending it was on the board of Gatecrasher! But still - total fear. Total silence. Also- this was during a recession. Image
Leeds branch of Gatecrasher/Bed (the names change often) is then caught in a false vodka scandal. Tests find no alcohol but ethanol and chloroform.…
2008 sees an attempt to crack the festival circuit. The festival is abandoned, all acts are unpaid and a man dies. Later the separate company formed for this purposes liquidates. Again.…
Leeds is abandoned - for once a venue doesn't 'go on fire' - this time it floods.

The license is revoked regardless.…
At some point you have to wonder - is Simon Raine the single most unlucky businessman who ever walked the earth?

Every single venue burning or flooding?

Every single venture going under, then rising again.

Despite all appearances of success Gatecrasher goes into administration amid storm of non payment of debts. No dance music trades will touch the story due the amounts owed them by Gatecrasher in unpaid advertising. The pattern of 'debt as control' is forming a ring of silence around the brand.
But I knew. By now I had been mentored into the NUJ, I was a 'proper' journalist.

I love what is says on the back of my press pass -

I'm a bona fide newsgatherer now. Image
So I looked at the public records of the bankruptcy. Essentially what it meant was over 300 people could whistle for what Raine owed them. He was laughing.…
Wait! what's that you say?? ANOTHER venue 'goes on fire' ...again??

OK so. Bear in mind now there has been a lifetime of wrongo.

He's done right? It is over.

Wrong. Imagine he destroyed your business and he owes you thousands, then he waves at you from Ibiza!
It didn't even last a season. Within 2 months Raine and his son reportedly scuttling around the venue bars emptying tills.

One by one associate brands and DJs pull out.
One by one they go.…
By this point Raine is employing a team to erase bad press online and they literally cannot keep up. Much of it has been erased due to folk panicking at the fake lawyer, but plenty remains.…
The Raine in Spain then left quickly on a plane. Image
What's your point Secret DJ?

Well glad you asked. By now ALL OF THE ABOVE is public knowledge but not a single publication speaks of it. One of the reasons Raine continues for so long is either people just do not know, or more likely have heard rumours and utter to themselves the mug's mantra -

"not me. I'm too smart."


Is an industry and its press complicit in the silence? Is this a form of professional Omertà? Solution? Go big.
I’m going to name The Guardian. Long story short? they wanted my story, were about to print it and WALLOP - after one of Raine’s hilarious letters they, unbelievably, sided with him! He sold them the classic ‘disgruntled ex employee’ line - but I’d never worked for him or met him. This bastion of left wing news left me swinging in the wind with a gangster on my heels!Image
The threats started. Raine started calling. In his empire he had a ‘security’ firm known in Birmingham for being well dodge. I had to get a threat assessment done. I also went to my union, the NUJ, who helped with advice. Like it or not I was a journalist now. With real journalists problems.

Thank the Lord (Gnome) ! Private Eye to the rescue!Image
Again, condensing things greatly. The Eye saw immediately that I was both very correct in my work, and also being shut into a box. Not only by my own industry but a major 'left wing' newspaper.

FINALLY someone published my work - Image
And of course, fast forward a couple of years and Raine opens "Area" in Sheffield and exactly the same pattern emerges, more are ripped off - and it goes on!

Because who in dance music reads anything other than their phones? "what? 'The Secret DJ!?' haven't you heard? He's a nutcase? Nothing he says is true" etc etc.

And to this day. Still not a word in our press and industry.

But by now I knew, I had to do it. This is what I do now.

I suppose this is an origin story of sorts. It definitely meant pretty much the end of my career as a DJ - but it was certainly the start of something else.

And I tell you - I have 20, 30, maybe more stories exactly like this, exactly as detailed, just as researched and rigorously proven using as many reliable sources. I just assume you all know that by now.

But maybe you don't.

So yeah, maybe the last MEGATHREAD is just to let you know that I do not fuck about.
So when I talk about wrongness - non-payers, liars, bad promoters, cheating venues, abusers, bullies, rapists, thieves, racists and general rotters - understand it is THEY who tell you not to listen to me. Many of them chat together about how they can bring down Secret DJ Project.

But it's all exactly the same as the Gatecrasher case. None of them have ever taken me to court or indeed ever will - because they cannot.

None of them realise there are a few people behind this phrase 'Secret DJ' including the might of an entire union, a couple of brilliant specialist lawyers and 2 ace editors.

They cannot go to court because you can only do that if none of what I say is true.

And no country in the world is easier or more keen to hear a libel or defamation case than the UK.

I do not say a word online about a villain until I have a stack of proof and months of rigour behind it.

And if this place goes under, or limits reach further, it will just pop up somewhere else.

I'm going nowhere.
help out.

press like


put the fucking willies up the worst people in our biz.
(and yes, if you detect a slightly combative and pissed-off undertone here - yes I am getting bit sick of doing all this for zero recompense, endless whisperings and nasty attacks just to have the account hobbled and perhaps people start to take this work for granted a touch).
perhaps I have danced around a couple of things here hoping you will work it out.

for clarity...

am I saying the UK has a ring of dark asteroids orbiting around it known as 'directors' who intentionally drive their own enterprises into the ground, running up HUGE debts for others, enriching themselves and then, sometimes literally, burning it down only to start all over again in the full knowledge that the UK will NEVER prosecute, and will in fact reward them??

am I pointing out as clearly as possible how 'failing upwards' works not just in my biz, but all western enterprise?

post script

thought you might enjoy their 'legal' letter to me from a while back.

And my answer. Image
'answer came there none'
you might be legitimately wondering where is the music biz on the comments section?

I mean I know of dozens of name DJs, venues and promoters who have been shafted by Raine and are definitely watching my socials.

Saying nothing is what allows people like Raine to operate.

• • •

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Aug 13
Remember something very important when on here.

That ‘Far Right’ Brit spouting venom at you is highly likely not British at all.

The American Far Right and Russia are constantly trying to mess with you.

Stand fast.

Know your enemy.
'The Movement' was an attempt by Steve Bannon, arguably one of the most dangerous men on the planet, top unify the global Far Right. It was devised to destabilise Europe after the failure of TTIP.…
Bannon is behind Trump, Johnson, Brexit, Orban, Bolsanaro, Vox and much more...…
Read 11 tweets
Aug 11
Boris Johnson is trending and while I hate him with every fibre of my being for reasons everyone else shares, I have a personal reason. Deeply personal.

I was stuck in Spain for COVID. Already had an evil dose of it very early on. High risk. I knew with absolute conviction what we were dealing with.

Thing is, I felt safe in Spain. There were roadblocks with machine guns. There were no crowds in parks or beaches. Within a matter of weeks the curve was flattened. We had adults in charge.

Populists by definition cannot make unpopular decisions, and a pandemic is literally a non-stop series of unpopular decisions that need to be made. Must be made.

Watching the absolute farce that unfolded in the UK was unreal. I was in a country taking real measures using science, while the leader of the UK was literally saying in public that it didn't exist. The it was 'just flu'. Then appearing without masks (intentionally) and saying he'd take a dose live on TV. I mean, not just the most obscene claptrap but also you could see the UK was palpably about 6 weeks behind the rest of the world.

And gradually, slowly, the COVID map of europe shed the red parts, the orange parts, soon Europe was shades of green.

Not the UK of course. Still red zones. Mostly orange.

One of the reasons Boris Johnson was so inept is Brexit. He prioritised it over COVID.

Things were looking OK, right wing Spaniards were demanding things open up. Normality was looming. And Boris Johnson went to India. Boris was in trade negotiations for Brexit with India's far right Gvt.

India had the Delta Variant. India had the most brutal circumstances for an outbreak imaginable. India was dying by the thousands daily.

As part of keeping India's far right sweet, Boris Johnson personally left the travel corridor with India open. No other nation on earth did. Tens of thousands of wealthy Indians with the Delta Variant flooded into the UK.

Suddenly the COVID map changed, London went red, then black. Glasgow went black. Boris was advised not just to shut the travel corridor with India. It was discovered that Delta was THREE HUNDRED TIMES the viral load of the Alpha Variant. It was a monster. And Boris Johnson may as well of brought it in his hand luggage in a jar.

And what did he do when told of this?

He opened all the stadiums for the football and then, unbelievably, opened all travel corridors and gave Brits infected with Delta the green light.

"Everybody go on holiday har har ho ho!" cried jolly Boris. Fully advised as to what this meant.

And within a week that COVID map of Europe showed a strange change. Much of it still green. No orange at all. But patches of red and even black in some spots.

Guess which spots?

Favourite holiday spots for the British.

And within 2 weeks of this - I got the Delta Variant, spent 3 weeks in hell trying to isolate while deranged with hypoxia, eventually emergency services having to break in, helicopter me to Majorca (Ibiza hospital overrun with sick Brits) 2 months in a coma. Nearly 2 years of complications.

I lost all my muscles to atrophy in my 50s. I lost everything. I could do nothing for the key 2 years after the worst of COVID. And I had to pay for it all. Tens of thousands.

I escaped with nothing but my life. And a day doesn't pass that I don't count myself very lucky...

Nor does a day pass when I do not curse the name of Boris Johnson.

Vile, lying filth.

At least a quarter of a million dead by his hands. Could be double that for all we know.

This is what I think when I see that name trending.

Boris Johnson? mass murderer.
Sky covered the aftermath -…
In the UK you won't have seen anything other than the usual propaganda.

The rest of the world looked on in horror.

The New York Times here being diplomatic calling Johnson's inactivity 'a gamble'.…
Read 7 tweets
Aug 7
You see this, this is what happens in real life. The bots can't show up on the streets.

On the right there (yeah the far right) are the 6 nazis who turned up to cause mayhem.

Everyone else is there to stop them.

This is England.Image
Read 8 tweets
Aug 2
This week's MEGATHREAD 🧵 is pretty basic. I just figured we all need a wee cleanse. So I thought Id share some of my fave photos from over the years of Ibiza. Like a lot of immigrants in love with their host I got bang into the history of the place. Image
I am mad for dogs and one of the true tragedies in my life is that I travel too much to have any. So once a week I volunteer at the local pound. It's heartbreaking sometimes but...

The Podenco is both feral and indigenous and you may recognise the head of Anubis - Image
Every one of these has a story, some I even know.

There's a rough chronology, some the oldest go back a long way. I got all of them from the same shop over the years. It's tucked away and like all specialist shops it's under threat. This is the very furthest end of Talamanca. Image
Read 36 tweets
Jun 28
Mates who tell me "ooo I can't come to see you it's SO expensive in Ibiza".

Mate, as if I would take you somewhere ripoff.

If I came to London would you take me to the Wolsey, Ritz, Annabels and the Ivy?

You get the Ibiza you are looking for same as anywhere else.

You want ripoff Ibiza, you will find ripoff Ibiza.

You think all the locals are minted? where do you think we go?

You went to Pikes mate, its a fucking hotel, of course you spent a lot.

Ibiza is chokka with proper.

You fell for the 'balearic' lie.

Real Balearic exists. Now.

Just because you don't know, doesn't mean it doesn't.
Look, the entire 'balearic' myth sprouted from a real place. And that place was Ibiza and it was about adventurous working class kids taking a punt and going to extremely underground and highly international events, such as the daytime afterparty at Amnesia.

They called us 'Los Bocadillos' because a sandwich was all we could afford, and you know what, back then there were loads of places none of us could afford to go to either. One of the reasons we went to afterparties was because we couldn't afford the nightclubs.

The Brits are pretty much the only people who do this 'balearic' nonsense. Lost in a lie that they created something by stealing from Alfredo and passing it off as theirs, something they do right up to this day.

But its a large lie. Because 'balearic' only exists in the minds of handful of Silverbacks. Balearic however never went anywhere. Because Balearic isn't a genre - it's an address. Ibiza is still here and still does interesting and amazing pan-national and cosmopolitan events that the Brits have no more clue about than they did 40 years ago. It never stopped doing them. What stopped was curious Brits looking for adventure. Because they now think they own it.

it's old fashioned colonialism. 'Oh hello, this looks jolly interesting - kill it immediately, label it, put it in a jar and stick it in a museum'.

The Brits think they own 'balearic' now of course. And in a sense they do. They own the travesty they created. But 'balearic' has as little to do with the truly Balearic as going to the museum to look at the 'Elgin Marbles' has to do with Greek history.

Think about it. Not including a handful of spinoff individuals from the Brit scene - does any other country do this? I'll save you the bother - the answer is no.

Look Dad. There's nothing wrong with you, or your hobby. Don't hate me for giving you a fact sandwich. The thing is - Balearic is right here. It's not judging you. Any time you want to emerge blinking from fucking Pikes and actually engage with the island it will welcome you. The issue is that you have replaced the real with a construct. It's easier to go to Pikes where everyone speaks English and you might see your favourite English DJs. The real Ibiza is scary. They don't care how hard you balearic at them cos to Ibiza the construct is utter nonsense.

If you go back to the original humble model - curious folk wandering into the unfamiliar and exotic - you are Balearic my friend. That is what it was always about. And always will be.

Visiting balearic Butlins is not it.
I booked a mate a flight today and it was 47 EUROS.

Stay somewhere the sort of quality you would stay in the UK instead of the sort of place a millionaire would and you could have an amazing, life changing week here for less than a day trip to London.

Be real.
Read 33 tweets
Jun 10
One of the things I have been trying to explain to UK folks about how touring has changed under the Right Wing is in relation to something that has been discussed over the years in detail in @PrivateEyeNews, but I will try to condense here -

PUBCOS - a thread… 🧵
In tandem with the rise of hedge funds, ‘disruptors’ and the global grasping machine - in the UK during the Tory reign you may have noticed something?

Did you notice how pubs seemed to change hands a lot? Or close down for periods? Or close completely? Or turned into flats? Image
Have you noticed the homogenisation? A sterilising of the vibe? The same wisecracks stolen from the internet? The dull props that are supposed to lend an air of authenticity but convey the opposite? Prices going up and inexperienced or overwhelmed staff?

Pubcos!! Image
Read 13 tweets

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