(🧵) THREAD: Donald Trump is clearly fading mentally and physically. His running mate was handpicked by a Kremlin-agent white supremacist (Tucker Carlson) and two creepy far-right billionaire techno-authoritarians (Peter Thiel and Elon Musk).
This is not the election you think.
1/ No Trump voter is saying that they are voting for Trump because they want J.D. Vance to be president. Or Elon Musk. Or Peter Thiel. MAGA voters believe they will be getting MAGA if they vote red.
They are absolutely not going to get that. They are going to get the *opposite*.
2/ Donald Trump is running to stay out of prison, which he’s entitled to do.
But he didn’t expect to win in 2016 and didn’t enjoy being president. He might not have run this time had he not felt embarrassed about 2020 and been worried about being imprisoned if he loses immunity.
3/ He’s hiding his medical records and looks and sounds unwell. He’s cancelling events due to—his own team says—“exhaustion.” He’s doing fewer events than ever. He’s rambling and mixing up dates and names more than ever before, to the point media is starting to write about it.
4/ He would be the oldest human to be sworn in as president. His wife and daughter have largely abandoned him. He just swayed and bopped silently to his own iPod playlist in front of a crowd for 40 minutes. There’s something wrong with him. Even if he wins, he won’t be president.
5/ All this was known to Musk, Thiel and Rupert Murdoch when they convened in California early this summer (feel free to Google it; it’s uncontested) to figure out who’d be Trump’s running mate. They and their ally Tucker Carlson knew the GOP VP candidate would be de facto POTUS.
6/ Canada just revealed it has evidence that Tucker Carlson is a Kremlin agent. So at least one of the men who chose the MAGA ticket is an agent of an enemy of America.
Obviously this is enough to avoid that ticket like the plague—forever—but that is just the tip of the iceberg.
7/ Peter Thiel is part of a creepy far-right techno-authoritarian cult headed by failed coder and utterly mid “intellectual” Curtis Yarvin.
Yarvin has proposed that he and a group of other tech bros decide which humans worldwide are “productive” and turn all the others into goo.
9/ You’ll notice that the Yarvinist listed in the headline of the preceding article *isn’t* Thiel. No—it’s Thiel’s disciple, Vance, who Thiel *and Yarvin* have been grooming (yes, that is the right word) for years to become president so that Yarvin and Thiel can rule through him.
10/ When they saw that Trump was running not to be president but to avoid jail; when they saw how elderly and infirm Trump had become, and incapable of being POTUS even if elected; when Tucker Carlson convinced Trump that picking anyone but the Yarvinist Vance would cause him...
11/ ...to get assassinated by the Deep State (again, Google it, it’s uncontested that this is how Kremlin agent Tucker Carlson got Trump to pick Vance); they realized this was the moment to make their techno-authoritarian dream come true.
And it has *nothing* to do with MAGA.
12/ Elon Musk will be U.S. co-president if Trump wins... not with Trump, but with Peter Thiel.
J.D. Vance, who—again—is in a cult in which Peter Thiel is his mentor and superior and which is headed by Curtis Yarvin, would simply be the executor of a techno-authoritarian agenda.
13/ MAGAism is far-right populism. Rightly or not, some working-/middle-class voters see it as a political ideology under which they’re finally seen.
That’s no longer the GOP ticket’s agenda.
Techno-authoritarianism—which Musk and Thiel and Carlson are piggybacking atop MAGA...
14/ ...takes exactly the opposite view of the working- and middle-classes. Under Musk and Thiel’s theology—the right word, as they treat tech as a God rather the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit—the working/middle classes are good for nothing because they do not “innovate.”
15/ What Yarvin has settled on, in place of the *worldwide genocide he initially advocated for*, is simply *imprisoning* all non-innovators in a virtual reality (yes, like the movie The Matrix!) so that Musk, Thiel, Murdoch, and other rich men can “innovate” in peace.
Google it!
16/ So when Musk leaps about like a jack-in-the-box at his rallies and talks about white people needing to have more babies and government needing to basically go away completely and tries to pretend that is all for the sake of MAGA he is *lying*. He is *conning*. It is a *scam*.
17/ Elon believes government is unnecessary because when *you MAGAs*—and it will be nearly all of you!—are liquidated into goo to fuel buses (the first Yarvin Scheme) or imprisoned forever in a meaningless virtual reality locked away from anything that matters (the second one)...
18/ ...what need will there be for government? Or all your white babies? They will simply be digitized so that Elon, Trump, Murdoch, Carlson, Thiel, Putin and a few oligarchs from each white nation can live in a techno-utopia fueled by...
...well, *you*, actually. Your *prison*.
19/ Think this sounds crazy?
It *is* crazy! It is f*cking genocidal! Because these people *are crazy*!
And they will be running America come January without *anyone* vetting their techno-fascist ideas.
So why is media ignoring all of this? I have no idea! It’s all in the open!
20/ My point: let’s say you’ve settled on voting for Trump for some reason, or are still open to it. You need to understand that that’s immaterial *because he won’t be in charge*.
You owe it to yourself, your family, and your friends to look up all of the *actual* ideas in play:
^This is what will make working/middle-class people expendable to Elon and his digital robber-baron peers.
NOTE/ Project 2025 is still a short-term danger, as the techno-fascists and white supremacists need Christian evangelicals to be duped into voting their way for this dystopian future to be born. So yes, MAGAs *will* get Project 2025’s terrors for a few years before goo or prison.
MORE/ I didn’t get into this aspect of Yarvinism—as the goo-or-prison component of this Thiel/Vance-supported cult is bad enough—but Yarvin also knows America will have to switch from a democracy to a tyranny before you/your family are killed/imprisoned. vox.com/policy-and-pol…
MORE/ Think Elon’s your friend, tech bros? Think he’s your friend, Elongelicals? You’ll be goo or imprisoned with the rest. These techno-fascists think only a small number of rich men deserve to live.
Based on uncontested major-media reporting from both right and left, the view inside the GOP is that Trump is ailing; Vance was handpicked by techno-fascists; and Yarvinism wants us dead or imprisoned.
Know what you’re voting for.
PS/ If you can sleep at night knowing it’s actually a Yarvinist ticket (Thiel-Musk) that will run America if Trump wins, rather than Trump—with Vance as its instrument—you have more intestinal fortitude than me. I thought Trumpism was bad; Yarvinism is an extinction-level event.
PS2/ Don’t think this is everything on Trump being sick; Vance being a plant; Thiel, Musk, Murdoch and Carlson being a white-supremacist far-right cabal of digital robber barons who hold meetings.
PS3/ On how Kremlin agent Carlson convinced Trump to pick the Yarvinist Vance—a Thiel/Musk stooge—by using the paranoia Trump is infamous for against him, telling him he would be killed if he didn’t pick Vance.
PS4/ Elon has no interest in MAGA. He’s almost no history of supporting it.
Why is he now all-in? He realized Trump isn’t going to be president and Trump offered him a supra-Cabinet job—a job where he can fire Cabinet members by closing their departments. nytimes.com/2024/10/11/us/…
PS5/ The truth has only just started to come out since July. And yes, I agree with you it’s crazy! None of it makes any sense to any normal person! But these aren’t normal people—you have to understand that.
PS6/ Why was Elon so concerned about oppo research on *Vance* leaking that he took a step he explicitly said he would never take?
Because Vance is the stooge who will be an instrument of Musk and Thiel. Musk does not expect Trump to be an obstacle to him. newrepublic.com/post/186423/el…
PS7/ MAGAs, why on *Earth* would you think rich tech bros care about you? They explicitly follow a Yarvinist doctrine that has you being turned into goo or imprisoned forever in a virtual reality. They’re *very* open about this. Why would you support them? npr.org/2024/07/17/g-s…
PS8/ For f*ck’s sake, The Cabal *literally held a dinner party in the Hollywood Hills* like supervillains!
Attending were Kremlin agents and apologists, white supremacists, far-right media mavens and techno-fascists.
PS9/ A year from now the headlines will be everywhere—not just on major media but on MAGA podcats, MAGA Rumble vlogs, and MAGA influencer feeds—saying MAGA was betrayed. Trump needed money to help him avoid jail and he sold out MAGA to get it.
The techno-fascists are *not MAGA*.
PS10/ So if you have a friend or family member who is MAGA, share this thread with them or RT it. Stop trying to convince them to not be MAGA. That’s over. And it’s irrelevant, anyway—because MAGA will be dead soon either way.
The fight now is *all* of us against techno-fascism.
APPENDIX A/ This paragraph, on the Yarvinism of Thiel and Musk and Vance, is uncontested. This is the truth they hope no one will tell you over the next 18 days.
APPENDIX B/ And this paragraph, on the Yarvinism of Thiel and Musk and Vance, is *also* uncontested.
(The “he” here is Yarvin—the cult leader. Yarvinism is for tech mavens, not you. It is diametrically opposed to MAGA and is about to steal MAGA from under the noses of MAGAs.)
This is one of the most shameful days in US history.
A weak, corrupt, compromised Kremlinist US president recruited his Yarvinist VP to gang up on a heroic ally on live TV. It devolved into a shouting match. Why?
I mean it: that was one of the most distressing videos I’ve ever watched as an American.
Zelenskyy is the George Washington of Ukraine and one of the most heroic men alive. He sat through a shouted (televised) lecture by two of the _worst_ men alive.
A real-life *horror film*.
What happened today was a character litmus test.
If you watched those two weak-willed Kremlinists (Trump and Vance) and thought they were great, you’re a person of low moral character.
If it wasn’t *clear* to you who the hero in that room was—and how he was abused—shame on you.
I only went to Harvard Law and have three terminal graduate degrees, including a PhD, so I apologize if this is a question a drooling moron would ask, @yhbryankimiq, but is there a reason you do not list his accomplishments?
Is it because none are his—but those of his employees?
I know this is a difficult concept for Elongelicals, so let me use their favorite form of argument: anecdote.
I have 5 higher-ed degrees; I earned them all personally and in the shortest possible period of time.
Elon flamed out at three colleges and was *not* admitted to a PhD.
I’ve founded 4 startups: a consulting company and three media outlets, one a multimillion-dollar operation. I had no seed money for my startups but the little in my bank account.
Musk had money from his dad’s emerald mines and $300 million via Zip2—the idea for which wasn’t his.
As an Elon Musk biographer, I would peg his IQ as between 100 and 110. There’s zero evidence in his biography of anything higher.
And I want to repeat that now, lest you think it a typo.
There’s zero evidence, from his life history, of Musk having anything higher than a 110 IQ.
Stepped away from Twitter for a number of hours—on the basis of this not being a platform worth spending time on—and came back to find this tweet went viral because Nate Silver thinks Carlyle's 1800s theory of history, the Great Man Theory, is still relevant to historians in 2025
I understand the MAGAsphere runs on dudes who stayed at a Holiday Inn last night and are now expert astrophysicists, but another possibility is Musk's biographers know him better than fanboys do, and historians know more than pollsters about history.
I mean I'm just an American lawyer, so what do I know compared to a nepo baby whose money initially came from Zambian emerald mines, but under the United States Constitution and the thousands of Supreme Court decisions interpreting it for 250 years, free speech is *not* absolute
And I guess I would add to that, @ElonMusk, that if you don't know what I just said already, while you do not *have* to shut the f*** up under the First Amendment, you absolutely *should* shut the f*** up until you know what the f*** you're talking about, you *petulant man-child*
@elonmusk MAGAism is feelings over facts
All I ever hear Trump voters say is not what is true by law but what they think *should* be true, not actually how anything works but how they *wish* it would work
When you are poorly educated and know nothing, all you have is your Big Feelings
If you wonder why civil commitment statutes exist, the extremely dangerous derangement Musk is exhibiting publicly is why
He's now accused multiple federal agencies of being criminal operations, accused many federal officials of being criminals, and seems to believe he is POTUS
America is watching the mental collapse of the richest man on Earth in real time—and it's only a question of how many markets collapse, how many millions of people lose their jobs, and how many people die due to his actions before someone who cares about him tries to get him help
Clearly not one member of his family is willing to get off the gravy train to stand up to him and tell him that he needs to get off drugs, take a break from public life, and be hospitalized for a period of time
His employees know he is deranged but are obviously terrified of him
(Elon is throttling this feed. If you want anyone to see this new report, please RETWEET the post above.)
1/ One of the things that most surprised me about these revelations is how a number of them relate to the current nomination of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the support Elon Musk has for it. As well as the support he had for Kennedy becoming President of the United States.