83% of young korean women think of south korea as “hell” and 80% of them want to leave korea. if your mental model of south korea does not match this, it’s your mental model and not the data that is wrong
if you have doubts about this particular survey or its results, note that it is consistent with other independently conducted surveys m.koreatimes.co.kr/pages/article.…
what yann lecun said: "the more tokens an llm generates, the more likely it is to go off the rails and get everything wrong"
what actually happened: "we get extremely high accuracy on arc-agi by generating billions of tokens, the more tokens we throw at it the better it gets"
many people in the comments saying things like “you misunderstand his argument” or “reasoning models are different”
yann here was arguing against the “autoregressive” part first and foremost, and that part is very much alive and well in all llms including o3. yann was wrong
i lost trial 3. reading the decision, it is apparent why: the judges refused to evaluate most of the arguments that i had made, and made some "interesting" interpretations of statements/wording in contracts
i am appealing. we go agane
most interesting "interpretation" was the judges deciding that "your contract period is from 2022.x.y~2023.x.y" meant "your contract can start at minimum from 2022.x.y and can go maximum to 2023.x.y" (i.e., kaist could freely change the dates at will)
never work in korea fellas
rough draft of appeal letter (attorney will revise it):
when americans study the pacific theater of ww2, it starts with japan attacking the usa “for no reason at all”
japanese history starts with 50 prior years of american interference in east asia, intent on limiting japan’s regional power
which story sounds more believable
the comments are blowing my mind. you guys think it was ok for the usa to cut japan off of resources "because it was expanding its territory"
should the usa have also embargoed the uk, france, and netherlands? they were expanding into asia as well
is it ok when youre white??
if you traveled back in time and killed hitler as a baby, you would be a hero. but you would be known to history as the monster who killed a baby for no reason
japan is that guy, who saved the world from imperial korea's colonial ambitions before they happened
despite what you might see on the internet, japan is managing the transition to a multicultural society wonderfully. most long-term immigrants are learning japanese, and you can see half or fully non-japanese kids seeming to integrate without issues. lots of hope for the future
>man speedruns learning entire japanese language in a few months
>shares tips for success with the internet
>reddit mods remove his post for seemingly no reason (the "spam filter" message comes up with mod removal)
crazy how r/learnjapanese is for everyone but japanese learners
first, some background. as a government institution, kaist is required to put out public advertisements for positions, and hire "fairly". here is the advertisement i answered, for a 1 year contract: 13 sept 2022 to 12 sept 2023
despite the above, kaist is claiming that my contract period was from 1 nov 2022 to 28 march 2023 (less than 5 months). why? because they, unilaterally, made an "internal decision" to just wildly change my contract period *after i had begun working*
not only did i not agree to the above, *i didnt even know it had happened until they didnt give me a paycheck for 2 months*. i was in the lab and working, showing up daily for my 80+ hour work weeks, even helping to teach a class, throughout all of september and october