I wanted proof to show the world there was almost no stopping a trans-identified child from being medically "transitioned" at Kaiser Permanente once your child announced their trans 🏳️⚧️ identity. I wanted written records from the pediatricians in my town (Davis, CA) exactly what would be their protocol for medicalizing a child, and if there were any guardrails in place for parents like me who were not affirming.
In order to do this, I pretended my younger child, my 15-year-old son, was interested in starting up on estrogen so he could present as female. Unlike his sister, my son had never experienced any distress over "gender" and wasn't likely to ever see this correspondence between his new pediatrician and me.
Within 2 days, I received all the proof I needed to show how every pediatrician was completely captured by radical gender ideology and no child was safe under Kaiser's care. The responses get more shocking as I ask harder questions 🧵
2/ Within 30 minutes, I hear back from my son's pediatrician. She says kids in Davis are often directly referred to the pediatric gender clinic, about an hour away in Oakland. I had already learned about the "Proud Clinic" with my daughter. This is a one-stop shop for transitioning kids with gender specialist counselors, fertility bank for storing sperm/eggs, and surgeons performing mastectomies "top surgery" on girls as young as 13.
3/ My next question is an easy one. "Could you tell me how you make the determination that a patient is 🏳️⚧️transgender?"
4/ Dr. Heidt quickly answers: "Usually it is the patient telling me how they identify. Some people feel strongly that they are male or female, no matter their gender at birth." So it's the child who is actually diagnosing himself or herself as transgender based on their feelings??!!
5/ I ask the doctor if she might be willing to caution my son about the health risks of starting estrogen, feminizing hormone therapy, since he's only 15 years old.
6/ Not only does Dr. Heidt skirt the issue of answering my question about the health risks associated with a 15-year old boy on cross-sex hormones, but she now responds with a message that now includes my ex-husband.
She says: "I am here to speak with Nathan (my patient, not sure what they want to be called now) if they feel ready and want to talk with me and of course am happy to discuss with parents as well. "
7/ I already knew the answer to this question since I had done my own undercover investigation where I pretended to be nonbinary, and my daughter's psychiatrist had warned me about a patient (13-year "nonbinary" girl) of hers that was prescribed testosterone on the first visit. But I still asked it: "Could you tell me the minimum number of sessions with a mental health evaluator before XXX (my son) could be prescribed estrogen? "
8/ Dr. Heidt answers there is no "set number of sessions as every patient is different." She says not to worry, Kaiser isn't putting kids on wrong-sex hormones if they've only been thinking about it for a month or two as this would not be "consistent/persistent enough to meet the criteria." The criteria is 6 months. Insanity. 🚩🚩
She adds, "I know this can be very difficult as a parent but there are several excellent websites that you can check out." (all 3 are big TRA lobbying groups promoting the tran$ gender industry: TransParenting, Gender Spectrum, and Human Rights Campaign) 🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️
9/ Can children consent to being sterilized??
I decide to ask Dr. Heidt point-blank if she thinks my son is old enough at 15 to consent to taking life-altering drugs that could leave him sterilized.
10/ My son's pediatrician acknowledges she can see in my son's records that his sister is "trans" and says parents need to consent. (What she doesn't say is that in California only one parent needs to consent and you will likely lose custody if you are the non-affirming parent holding the line.) 🚩🚩
She also says: "No one is going to force hormones on a child but rather offer support and affirmation for how a child is expressing themselves."
11/ I pressed on and asked my son's pediatrician if there were any gender critical docs at Kaiser Davis. My friend in town had confided me in that there was a private group chat among her physician colleagues at Kaiser and a few docs had voiced their objection to being told to prescribe wrong-sex hormones to their patients - and instead were referring them to the new "gender affirming care" champion in the office, Dr. Yolanda Bakus. (The same doctor I met with for my undercover story where I pretended to be non-binary.)
...and I can't help myself with this question "Could you recommend another doctor at Kaiser Davis for my son who is not an activist?" 😂😂🤣
12/12 And here it is, the proof. The Kaiser Permanente pediatricians will take no responsibility or blame for the destruction (cancer risks, sterility, irreversible genital surgeries, etc.) to your child. Dr. Heidt says:
"As I mentioned in my first email, the primary care provider (whether it's a pediatrician or family medicine doctor) really has little oversight in this sort of situation."
It's a big money $$$ generating pipeline for confused kids 🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️ as Kaiser is an HMO, so both the insurer and the provider. All of the Kaiser members are paying the shared cost of putting these kids on wrong sex hormones, needing fertility banks, providing cosmetic double mastectomies for teen girls, etc. It's the most horrific medical scandal of modern times.
+1/ My daughter grew out of her "trans-male" identity. She is proof that children should never be medicalized with puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and unnecessary double mastectomies.
Few people understand the pressure we were under, back in 2019, if you had a trans-identified child in California and had Kaiser Permanente health insurance. We were expected to start our kid on puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones almost immediately after their 🏳️⚧️ declaration. I saved my records from Dr. Hoe, a Kaiser pediatric endocrinologist, who suggested I contact Gender Spectrum (an Oakland-based trans activist group) to get help in overcoming my fears. My daughter was 13 at the time. 🧵
I asked Dr. Hoe what would be the next steps for a 14-year old, such as Ian, if they met with him. He said he would recommend that they speak with one of Kaiser’s Gender Specialists before proceeding. I told him that Ian already meets with a psychiatrist that is familiar with his mental/physical health. He said that Kaiser has found it is “easier for the (Kaiser) doctors to work directly with Kaisers own Gender Specialists” rather than with the teen’s psychiatrist outside of Kaiser system.
I voiced my concerns about medical risks. Dr Hoe said over and over again, that this is “an emerging field” and that “they don’t know the long term medical effects”, “but with any medical treatment there are benefits and risks”. When I asked him what would be the benefits he said, “it’s been shown that youths have a lower risk of suicide and less suicide ideation” if they are offered medical treatment, including hormone blockers and hormones.
🧵 Why was there such a huge uptick in trans-identified teen boys and girls in Northern California during the covid lockdown?
In 2022, my daughter, along with every other trans-identified 12-17 years-old Kaiser NorCal patient, was invited to an online 'Gender Expression Workshop' led by trans-makeup artist Monica Prata.
After some digging, I discovered this is the same makeup artist that 'transformed' Dr. 'Grace' Firtch, a Kaiser Permanente NorCal physician-in-chief to be a "transgender woman" and along with Dr. Firtch determined to help vulnerable teens do the same. 🏳️⚧️
Here is Monica Prata, @aboutKP, Gender Expression Specialist.
In 2019, Dr Grace Firtch (a man pretending to be a woman) hired Monica Prata as Kaiser Permanente's first 'Gender Expression Specialist.'
Dr. 'Grace' Firtch, Kaiser Permanente NorCal physician-in-chief, transitioned at 58 (after fathering two children) to be a 'transgender woman.'
“Everyone deserves adequate and supportive health care to guide them through that journey. It’s life-affirming and a true gift to fully express yourself as you really are.” Dr. Firtch says.
@ucdavis provides free BREAST BINDERS and BRAS so students can affirm their transgender identity without their parents knowing.
Listen to this UC Davis (they/them) engineering student give a tour of the UC Davis LGBTQIA Resource Center 🏳️⚧️ 🏳️⚧️ This young woman is beautiful, articulate, and clearly kindhearted - but how does she not see that she is promoting the erasure of women, and the loss of women's rights?