I missed the mass performative resignations when Joe Biden undid the years-long work of dedicated federal prosecutors by extending corrupt blank pardons to his own son, right?
Or when the White House attacked the special counsel for being honest about Biden forgetting things?
Seems to be a very selective sense of when the president's lawful but corrupt intervention in federal law enforcement work, benefiting allies at the expense of the rule of law, warrants outrage from the bureaucrats.
Or, for instance, when people working for Joe Biden decided not to prosecute Joe Biden for the same crime for which they were prosecuting Joe Biden's chief political opponent.
Or when the people working for Joe Biden tried to cut Joe Biden's son a sweetheart plea deal so corrupt it blew up in federal court under light questioning.
Surely that prompted loud resignations from outraged masses of bureaucrats upset about such unconscionable behavior perverting the rule of law.
Curiously, the media outlets which rush to label the political affiliations of any judges who rule in favor of conservatives, are uninterested in the specifics of the judges who heard this appeal.
They were two Obama appointees and a Biden appointee, the latter of which joined the bench in 2021 after having never been a judge before and her previous job experience having been as a left-wing activist openly attacking Republican politicians.
Judge Perez, who sits on the Second Circuit and heard this case, has zero previous judicial experience and spent her career at the left-wing Brennan Center for Justice, where she published conspiracy theory pieces about Republicans wanting to destroy freedom
Judge Chin, one of the Obama appointees, you may remember as the judge who authorized the anti-First Amendment opinion that the Supreme Court unanimously overturned in National Rifle Association of America v. Vullo.
Chin had held that it was fine for NY officials in their official capacities to demand that banks stop doing business with right-wing political groups like the NRA.
It was a decision so heinous that the ACLU represented the NRA, and the pro-NRA opinion at SCOTUS was authored by Sotomayor.
I must be one of the few people who believe that Carter’s post-presidency legacy was, despite some mitigating work like Habitat for Humanity, far worse morally than his presidency.
Here's Jimmy Carter issuing a statement of condolences for Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.
"we have never doubted Hugo Chávez's commitment to improving the lives of millions of his fellow countrymen."
"Chávez will be remembered for his bold assertion of autonomy and independence for Latin American governments and for his formidable communication skills and personal connection with supporters in his country and abroad to whom he gave hope and empowerment."
In the midst of the Cold War, while Fidel Castro was terrorizing his people, Carter was dedicated to normalizing relations and helping Castro economically.
In 2002, Carter traveled to Cuba on the dictator's personal invitation and, in a propaganda coup for the dictatorship, demanded the US take the first steps towards normalization.
His apologists have tried to mitigate that by pointing to his simultaneous calls for political reform -- but of course that didn't amount to anything.
That didn't stop Carter from again going to Cuba at the new dictator Raul's invitation in 2011 while Cuba was holding an American aid worker hostage.
Carter responded by attacking the US justice system, attacking US lawmakers critical of Cuba, and called the Castros personal friends.
The US aid worker remained imprisoned in Cuba for several more years.
An insane amount of the modern progressive agenda involves gaslighting you about basic, provable things.
That man in a wig? It's a woman and you have to pretend it is.
Inflation? It's caused by, um, greed.
That thing we admitted happened in 2021? It now never happened.
The Marxist head of Venezuela? He's right-wing.
The border crisis we said we don't have the power to fix? We're fixing it now, you're welcome.
The student loans we said we didn't have the power to forgive? Of course we have the power to forgive them, we always have.
The debate Trump agreed to with Biden and we extensively reported he agreed to with Biden? He actually agreed to debate Kamala and now he's running away.
Turning Pulse into merely an anti-LGBTQ+ attack accomplishes several things for the media and fringe left:
1) Suggests that criticism of trans activism leads to this or even that this was a right-wing attack on gays.
2) Avoids mentioning the actual Islamist motivations of the attacker, which they fear would raise Islamaphibia
3) Turns it into a parable about guns rather than Islamist terrorism.
4) Avoids talking about the fact that armed police being at Disney Springs led the attacker to switch targets.
The more cynical of those is the suggestions of it being the result of an opponent of LGBTQ+ agenda items who also owns guns.
They want you to hear that and think "crazy right-winger" rather than Islamist terrorist who chose the target as a result of relative convenience.
The subordination of the actual interests of gay people to the paramount interests of not offending Islamists (not Muslims but Islamists) continues apace.
This is what happens when civil authority breaks down and refuses to enforce the law because political considerations.
People deposit some sovereignty into civil authority in exchange for an agreement to enforce laws equally. And when that breaks down, they try to reclaim it.
Which is why if you want a peaceful society, the law needs to be enforced and it needs to be enforced blindly.
Because otherwise civil society devolves back into tribes and vigilantism.
Permissive law breaking, and unequal distribution of justice based on perceived entitlements, lead to violence and disorder not "social justice".
If a violent mob of Klansmen were harassing black people on college campuses and scaring them away, I'd want law enforcement to crush them as well.
And I don't doubt that universities like UF and Georgia would. Because the guiding principle is not tolerating lawlessness.
Universities like Columbia would have zero-tolerance for Klansmen attacking black students but had a long-permissive approach for Marxists attacking Jews. Because the guiding principle was "social justice" rather than rule of law.
The result? Violence. Chaos. Disorder. Persecution.