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Not your average lawyer alligator
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Feb 14 4 tweets 1 min read
I missed the mass performative resignations when Joe Biden undid the years-long work of dedicated federal prosecutors by extending corrupt blank pardons to his own son, right?

Or when the White House attacked the special counsel for being honest about Biden forgetting things? Seems to be a very selective sense of when the president's lawful but corrupt intervention in federal law enforcement work, benefiting allies at the expense of the rule of law, warrants outrage from the bureaucrats.
Dec 30, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Curiously, the media outlets which rush to label the political affiliations of any judges who rule in favor of conservatives, are uninterested in the specifics of the judges who heard this appeal.

They were two Obama appointees and a Biden appointee, the latter of which joined the bench in 2021 after having never been a judge before and her previous job experience having been as a left-wing activist openly attacking Republican politicians. Judge Perez, who sits on the Second Circuit and heard this case, has zero previous judicial experience and spent her career at the left-wing Brennan Center for Justice, where she published conspiracy theory pieces about Republicans wanting to destroy freedom…
Dec 30, 2024 15 tweets 7 min read
I must be one of the few people who believe that Carter’s post-presidency legacy was, despite some mitigating work like Habitat for Humanity, far worse morally than his presidency. Here's Jimmy Carter issuing a statement of condolences for Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.

"we have never doubted Hugo Chávez's commitment to improving the lives of millions of his fellow countrymen."

"Chávez will be remembered for his bold assertion of autonomy and independence for Latin American governments and for his formidable communication skills and personal connection with supporters in his country and abroad to whom he gave hope and empowerment."…
Oct 23, 2024 16 tweets 5 min read
A short list of things and people Democrats have told you are Nazis and/or Hitler.

1. Nikki Haley Image 2. McCain supporters Image
Aug 3, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
An insane amount of the modern progressive agenda involves gaslighting you about basic, provable things.

That man in a wig? It's a woman and you have to pretend it is.

Inflation? It's caused by, um, greed.

That thing we admitted happened in 2021? It now never happened. The Marxist head of Venezuela? He's right-wing.

The border crisis we said we don't have the power to fix? We're fixing it now, you're welcome.

The student loans we said we didn't have the power to forgive? Of course we have the power to forgive them, we always have.
Jun 13, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Turning Pulse into merely an anti-LGBTQ+ attack accomplishes several things for the media and fringe left:

1) Suggests that criticism of trans activism leads to this or even that this was a right-wing attack on gays.

2) Avoids mentioning the actual Islamist motivations of the attacker, which they fear would raise Islamaphibia

3) Turns it into a parable about guns rather than Islamist terrorism.

4) Avoids talking about the fact that armed police being at Disney Springs led the attacker to switch targets. The more cynical of those is the suggestions of it being the result of an opponent of LGBTQ+ agenda items who also owns guns.

They want you to hear that and think "crazy right-winger" rather than Islamist terrorist who chose the target as a result of relative convenience.
May 1, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
This is what happens when civil authority breaks down and refuses to enforce the law because political considerations.

People deposit some sovereignty into civil authority in exchange for an agreement to enforce laws equally. And when that breaks down, they try to reclaim it. Which is why if you want a peaceful society, the law needs to be enforced and it needs to be enforced blindly.

Because otherwise civil society devolves back into tribes and vigilantism.

Permissive law breaking, and unequal distribution of justice based on perceived entitlements, lead to violence and disorder not "social justice".
Dec 12, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The dirty little "secret" is that much of the world, including elements of the US government, don't actually want Hamas destroyed.

The quiet part is that they think having an armed militant group occasionally murdering the Jews is just and in line with their oppressor/oppressed world view. They have to genuflect to "yeah murdering the Jews is bad" but then they don't really want the Jews to rid the world of the violent antisemitic terrorists because the latter group appeals to their "oppressed rising up against the colonizers" radical world view.
Nov 2, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
In 2018, a Democratic councilman in DC blamed the weather on sneaky Jews controlling the weather to "own cities"… In the aftermath of his antisemitic screeds, DC Councilman Trayon White was pressured to attend the Holocaust Museum.

He left halfway through the tour, after saying a photo of a Jewish girl being humiliated by Nazis was actually the Nazis being good.…
Oct 10, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Harvard was always full of people who hated Jews. People who very vocally supported those who murder Jews.

The only reason you as an alumnus are shocked about it now is because you wore rose colored glasses and comforted yourself with the lie that it was just nuanced criticism of Israeli security policy. They weren't marching against specifics of Netanyahu's policies with the justification that it made a two-state solution harder to achieve.

They were calling Israelis "occupiers" and calling for them to be driven from the Holy Land and celebrating those who murdered Jews.
Sep 1, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
If Clarence Thomas ruled the way progressives wanted, his life story and accomplishments would make him one of the most celebrated figures in America and he'd have a million fawning biographies in classrooms for Black History Month each year. "But Anita Hill!"

Bill Clinton had sex with an intern and then lied under oath about it, and has been credibly accused of sexual assault, and the left still celebrates him and tried to make him First Gentleman.

So piss off with that.
Aug 30, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
One of the worst stories I've ever read is the account of the 1918 lynching of Hayes and Mary Turner.

Hayes Turner was lynched on (false) suspicion of having killed a white man.

His wife, who was 8 months pregnant, denounced her husband's lynching.

So the lynch mob turned on her as well. She fled but was soon captured.

She was hung upside down, doused in gasoline, and set on fire.

Her unborn baby -- almost due to be born -- was cut from her stomach. Witnesses reported the baby let out meager cries.

At which point a member...
Aug 24, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
So have we talked about the fact that next January every business owner, including single-member LLCs, will need to report their names, dates of birth, and current addresses to the federal government or face jail? Under the Corporate Transparency Act, any "beneficial owners" -- meaning both literal owners and those who exercise significant control -- over any state-registered entity (including LLCs and trusts) will need to constantly report their data to the feds…
Aug 9, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
There's a mountain of credible evidence of the Biden family accepting bribes from foreign sources seeking access.

Enough that with another POTUS we'd be talking about resignation or impeachment.

Even the WH's story has changed on the issue.

90% of the media is uninterested. The evidence includes whistleblower testimony of career officials, financial transaction records, and official visitation records. Mounds of evidence that would damn a defendant in court.

So much so that the WH has had to change its story to explain why its old story blew up.
Jul 16, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
This was only ever a reality for a small segment of society that some fondly remember as if it was ubiquitous.

20 years ago, only 47% of those between 25-34 even owned one house. And that was heavily caused by white college graduates.

For 35-40, less than 70% owned even a……
For under-35, home ownership levels going back 40 years has never reached 50%. Image
Jul 10, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Oh you mean the segregationist-allying, racist joke-telling, grandchild-denying, race-baiting, life story-bullshitting, plagiarist swamp creature is an asshole behind closed doors?

Who knew. While the media was busy writing stories about how cool Biden was for liking ice cream, he was publicly proclaiming that Obama was the first "clean" and "articulate" mainstream black politician and demanding black senators apologize for criticizing his segregationist friendships.
Jun 20, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Sorry no, I'm not playing along with "okay good for them I guess they're being fair" for a choreographed sweetheart deal where they'll drop the most serious charges if he promises to be a good boy.

That's not equal justice. That's the Presidential Family Discount. And in case I need to refresh any memories, this is the stand I take with all politicians who trade on their privilege. Just like criticized Trump pardons. We have a multi-tiered justice system regardless of whether the beneficiary at the moment is a Republican or a Democrat.
Jun 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Just to clarify something, the crime-fraud exception to privilege doesn’t mean if the topic related to fraud or some crime. It means that the lawyer’s services were used to perpetuate fraud or crime. If you used the lawyer’s services to commit an ongoing or future crime. Communications to your counsel about past crimes or frauds will almost always be privileged. So too will consulting your counsel about whether something is lawful and possible penalties for doing something.
Jun 9, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Joe Biden wanted his biggest political opponent prosecuted for doing the same thing Joe Biden did, so his DoJ brought in a disgraced hack best known for having his last prosecution of a Republican politician unanimously reversed by the Supreme Court. "But Trump did it" may be true but isn't enough to counter the fact that justice is unequally applied and the DoJ has been politically weaponized. If you only prosecute the president's opponents for doing something, you're not pursuing justice. You're corrupt.
Jun 8, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
What’s so remarkable about TrumpWorld’s lies at this point is how lazy they are. It’s all crap that anyone who lived through the last few years knows are nonsense.

No one actually believes them, they just count on rabid supporters spreading them and feeling like they’re part of some Roger Stone-wannabe “win at all costs even spreading misinformation” operation they like to think of as Alinsky-like.

But no one not already convinced believes it. It’s a modified circle jerk.
Jun 6, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Glossed over: Scott did well despite the hosts confirming yet again that they’re left-wing hacks with no interest in the norms or decorum French expects the right to abide by.

Scott held his own but it confirmed much of the media is a waste of time. No minds were changed. Republican primary voters aren’t tuning into The View to figure out who they’ll support. And neither the hosts nor their adoring progressive wine mom viewers are open to voting Republican. They’re rooting for the hosts to insult and mock him.