By aiding the 🇮🇱 slaughter in Gaza, Joe Biden has been accused of participating in war crimes.
But "Genocide Joe" is far from the 1st president to have done so
In this thread, I will show how successive presidents have perpetrated war crimes & crimes against humanity
1. Joe Biden
Apart from directly funding and facilitating the Israeli genocide in Gaza, Biden:
+ Strongly supported the illegal invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, helping push through conflicts that would go on to kill millions of people, according to a study from Brown University -…
+ Biden was also the architect of "Plan Colombia" - the militarization of the drug war in Latin America, whereby the US sent vast amounts of money and military hardware to the far-right Colombian government, who used it to fight a bitter counter-insurgency war against leftist guerillas under the guise of eradicating drugs. The United Nations estimates that 7.4 million Colombians were internally displaced in this war, which few in the US have even heard about.…
2. Donald Trump
Some of Trump's worst actions included:
+ Removing the US from global anti-nuclear weapons treaties.
+ Supporting a Saudi-led genocide in Yemen, supplying arms and political support to the government in Riyadh.
+ Dropping "The Mother of All Bombs" on Afghanistan - the largest non-nuclear bomb ever used in combat.
+ Ramping up illegal sanctions against Cuba 🇨🇺, Venezuela 🇻🇪, Iran 🇮🇷 and many other countries.
3. Barack Obama
Obama rapidly expanded the US drone program. He also led a successful regime change attempt against Colonel Gaddafi in Libya 🇱🇾, turning Africa's most prosperous nation into an open-air slave market.
The 44th president spent more than a billion dollars on a regime change operation against the government of Syria 🇸🇾, which included training an army of Jihadists and supporting Al-Qaeda.
By the time he left office, the US was bombing seven nations simultaneously: Iraq 🇮🇶, Syria 🇸🇾, Pakistan 🇵🇰, Libya 🇱🇾, Afghanistan 🇦🇫, Yemen 🇾🇪 and Somalia 🇸🇴.
4. George W. Bush
President Bush launched the 20-year occupation of Afghanistan, lied the United States into invading Iraq, oversaw a massive global torture program, and implemented the beginnings of the surveillance state we know today.
5. Bill Clinton
As president, Bill Clinton:
+ Ramped up deadly sanctions against Iraq, killing an estimated 1 million people, including half a million children under five.
+ Bombed a pharmaceutical plant in Sudan 🇸🇩, causing a huge shortage of medicines that led to tens of thousands of deaths across the country.
+ Bombed Yugoslavia under false pretenses.
6. George H. W. Bush
The elder Bush was CIA director during the "Dirty Wars" in Central America, whereby the US government funded, trained and armed far-right death squads across the region, who killed and tortured hundreds of thousands of people.
He also oversaw the first Gulf War and invaded Panama 🇵🇦, deposing President Noriega in the process. Bush's excuse was that Noriega was wanted to stand trial for drug trafficking charges -- crimes Noriega committed while on the CIA payroll.
7. Ronald Reagan
While president, Reagan:
+ Supported fascist death squads in Nicaragua 🇳🇮 in an attempt to overthrow the Sandinista government.
+ Helped to implement a genocide of the Maya people in Guatemala 🇬🇹.
+ Helped Saddam Hussein use chemical weapons against both Iraqis and against Iran 🇮🇷.
In 1986, the International Court of Justice found Reagan guilty of what amounted to international terrorism.
8. Jimmy Carter
Carter is often remembered as among the least violent US presidents. Yet he still:
+ Armed and supported an Indonesian genocide against East Timor 🇹🇱 that killed around 250,000 people.
+ Supported fascist military dictatorships across Latin America.
+ Defended Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia 🇰🇭.
If you liked this thread, follow me on here, or on Instagram or Telegram.
Add in any other things people should know about/things I missed in the replies as well.
And check out my latest article, where I uncovered a network of (ex-)Israeli spies working in top US media outlets, including the New York Times and CNN.
BREAKING: Today, the United Nations voted 170-6 on "The Right of the Palestinian People to Self-Determination".
Those voting against:
🇺🇸United States
The full voting list can be found here. The vote today was actually less one-sided than it should have been, as certain targets of Washington (e.g. Venezuela 🇻🇪, Afghanistan 🇦🇫) have had their voting privileges revoked, thanks mainly to US sanctions on their countries.
I'm seeing a few of the same questions about UN voting pop up in the replies, so here are some answers:
The intense US economic blockade of countries like Venezuela 🇻🇪 and Afghanistan 🇦🇫 has caused them to be physically unable to transfer their dues (payable in US dollars) to the UN, meaning their voting rights have been suspended. The same thing happened to Iran a couple of years ago.
On the question of why so many tiny Pacific countries vote alongside the US 🇺🇸 and Israel 🇮🇱: They are microstates, and one of their only valuable exports is their United Nations votes, which are reliably (under the table) sold to the highest bidder. On so many issues, you will see the likes of Nauru 🇳🇷 and Micronesia 🇫🇲 vote with the minority (usually the US position) in order to pad the stats a bit. Why is it that only these countries vote alongside the US? Because that's all Washington can afford.
For instance, Moshe Arenstein, MSNBC's Executive Producer, was literally an IDF intelligence commander in his youth.
You'd never guess from Gili Malinsky's CNBC profile that she is a former IDF commander, & worked for years for Friends of the IDF, an American charity that raises money for supplies for Israeli soldiers.
This conflict of interest isn't even disclosed when she writes about Israel
BREAKING: For the 32nd year in a row, the United Nations votes overwhelmingly to end the US embargo on Cuba 🇨🇺.
The vote today was 187-2.
Countries voting against:
United States 🇺🇸
Israel 🇮🇱
Moldova 🇲🇩
US sanctions are illegal under international law, & only pariah nations like the 🇺🇸 & 🇮🇱 support them.
The sanctions are designed, in the US govt's own words, to "decrease monetary and real wages, to bring about hunger, desperation and [the] overthrow of [the] government."
When read out, the results were met with resounding applause from representatives of the world's free nations at the UN.
In a 2009 interview with David Letterman, Baron Cohen casually mentioned that "Brüno" was made possible by the CIA, and that a CIA agent helped arrange much of the film.
I managed to find that CIA agent and talk to him.
@JohnKiriakou told me that Baron Cohen was obsessed with finding a "terrorist" and making him look stupid on camera. Kiriakou advised against it, but Baron Cohen eventually interviewed Ayman Abu Aita -- a Christian Palestinian NGO worker -- and presented him as a radical jihadist in the movie. In this interview with Letterman, Baron Cohen casually refers to him as a "terrorist" eight times.
Abu Aita's life was ruined, and he sued for nearly $100 million. The case was settled for an undisclosed sum in 2012.
Brüno depicts Muslims as rabid homophobic trash. But the most shocking and newsworthy case of exposing bigotry Baron Cohen has documented has never been revealed.
Kiriakou notes that, while in character as Brüno in Jerusalem, Baron Cohen was beaten nearly to death by an enraged crowd of homophobic Israelis, who, angered by his camp and sacrilegious attire, started stoning him, on camera. A rabbi even spat on him. He was nearly killed.
It was the only time in his career that he broke character and desperately yelled that he was an Israeli Jew, not a homosexual foreigner. The comedian fled for his life and found refuge in a nearby store bathroom.
Read further on to find out why Baron Cohen would choose to never reveal this footage.
From an early age, Baron Cohen's friends note that he was an obsessive Zionist who went to live in Israel in his youth.
He grew up idolizing Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres, and met him in 2012.
In 2019, Baron Cohen starred in "The Spy", an Israeli series idolizing Mossad agent Eli Cohen. Cohen goes deep undercover in Syrian high society, providing intelligence to Israel that was crucial for its victory over Syria in the 1967 war. To this day, Israel illegally occupies Syrian and Palestinian land captured in 1967.
"The Spy" was directed by a former Israeli paratrooper, who worked closely with the Mossad to produce it. The series has been used extensively in Mossad recruitment campaigns.
My new investigation uncovers a network of ex-agents of 🇮🇱 spying agency Unit 8200 working at some of the US' most prestigious outlets, including Axios & CNN.
Axios reporter Barak Ravid recently won the prestigious White House Correspondents' Award.
Ravid is a former agent of Israeli spying agency, Unit 8200, and was, until last year, a reservist in the Israeli military group.
Before joining CNN to produce segments for Fareed Zakaria and Christiane Amanpour, Shachar Peled was an officer in Unit 8200 and in Israeli intelligence service, Shin Bet.