My uncle’s friend Hawk was a feared gangsta. He was ruthless but he was also a chess wizard. According to the streets, Hawk only lost 1 once, years ago, when he was in prison.
So imagine my surprise when my uncle told Hawk: “l bet $100 my nephew will kick your ass
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Now I was like 12 or 13, so even though I was a chess prodigy, I was scared AF
What if I put Hawk in check and he slit my throat ? What if he sicced his goons on me to keep his streak alive? I hadn’t even reached goon-fighting age!
Then my uncle made a deal:
If I beat Hawk, I could keep the money.
A whole $100 dollars? Oh, hell yeah! I was down.
There was just one other problem with my uncle’s plan.
I had never actually played a chess match.
Not one.
I had literally taught myself how to play chess by reading an encyclopedia. I was consumed with it for a while, but I didn’t have any opponents, so my mom bought a computerized chess game for me.
And the computer ALWAYS kicked my ass.
But $100 tho
There was no time to take a goon defense class and this was pre-internet. I checked out some chess books from the library and learned everything I could about strategy.
My uncle invited Hawk over and EVERYONE showed up to watch. Gangstas, thugs, goons, & even a few hoods
I kicked Hawk’s ass
To be fair, most mass incarceration system chess leagues are SEVERELY underfunded. Conversely, books, data and a computerized chess opponent is great preparation.
And Hawk lost gracefully
When he left, my jugular AND my reputation were both intact.
After I beat Hawk, Hawk kept asking for a rematch but I didn’t have the money to put up. I had already put it in my college savings account.
I’m lying
I bought me a brand new pair of Air Force 1s.
After I beat Hawk, ALL the middle management goons knew me. They’d even stop me when I walked past “the spot”
One day, Hawk even stopped me when he saw me walking home from school and yelled, jokingly, out of his car window:
“Mikey, I haven’t forgotten about my money!”
Now I have no idea how my mom found out so fast, but by the time I got home, she was waiting for me.
She snatched me up and walked me out of the door. I had no idea where we were going…
Until we got to Hawk’s house.
My mom banged on the door like the police
Hawk came to the door with the biggest gun I had ever seen in my life. (It also might’ve been the smallest. I hadn’t seen a lot of guns.) I was crying, begging Hawk not to kill my mom. But my mom had the Holy Ghost, so she wasn’t scared.
“You got the wrong one, Hawk!” She said
Hawk was as confused as I was.
“I know you got my son selling the crackstone!” my mom said. “There will not be any thugbanging in MY HOUSE!”
She was dead serious Hawk started laughing, and said: “ok Miss Dot.” He closed the door and went back in the house
Now I’m mad
I told her thst I was not “thugbanging” or selling “crack stones.” I explained the chess bet and said that someone had told her a story (my mom considered the word “lie” to be a cuss word)
“No they didn’t.” She said as we walked home. She was so mad she wouldn’t look at me
Her: Were you at the crack house?
Me: Yes, ma’am
Her: With the crack salesmen?
Me: Yes, ma’am
Her: And do you wear the crack salesmen shoes?
Me: Yes, ma’am
Her: And you do business the top crack salesman?
Me: Yes, ma’am
She stopped in the middle of the street
She turned and looked at me. I could see that she had been crying.
“Do you understand what I’m saying to you?” She asked.
That’s when it hit me
I hugged her and, to let her know I’d received the lesson she was trying to teach me.
“I understand,” I said.
Even if you think you’re playing chess
You can’t whine about being called a Nazi if you wear your Nazi hat to see the top Nazi at the Nazi rally…
• • •
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One of my former economics students recently reminded me about a concept I used to call "belief economics."
I haven't taught the course it in a long time, but ever since she reminded me, it perfectly explains why everyone is so focused on Black male Trump voters
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My "Race as an Economic Construct" class applied economic principles as a framework for understanding the concept of race.
I know you've heard that race is an SOCIAL CONTRUCT - it is. But MOST social constructs are ALSO economic constructs.
Even money.
A $100 bill is more valuable than monopoly money bc society constructed a monetary system. Take the pseudointellectual right-wing conspiracy about the gold standard
Why is gold so valuable?
Sure it's rare. But it's not as rare as rhodium or as useful as iron.
While other organizations (hopefully, maybe) will be fact-checking, JD Vance & Tim Walz, as usual, I’ll be translating the dog whistles, white lies and overall Caucasity
The live vice presidential debate “BlackCheck”
JD Vance begins by blaming the “Kamala Harris Administration” for Iran’s nuclear progress.
When was that?
Apparently, Kamala Harris has done a LOT. She held a seminar in Iran on how to build nukes
She opened a fentanyl shipping company
She helped organize a human trafficking ring
Somehow, as VP, she passed executive orders to renam the whole South: “Kamala Harris’s open border”
From now until the general election, my weekly “Downballot” series will explore lesser-known races on the 2024 ballot
This first 1 might be the greatest story in politics. It has everything:
A Klandaughter, a civil rights hero, white history, Black history & a map
A thread:
First, we must understand that this race takes place in one of the Blackest, poorest, most disenfranchised congressional districts in the country —Alabama’s 2nd district
It is a perfect example of the MOST COMMON voter suppression strategy:
Racial gerrymandering
This is the OLD Alabama 2nd congressional district. The boundaries do not follow geographic or political boundaries. It was SPECIFICALLY drawn to reduce Black voting power.
But because of population changes, the AL legislature had redraw its congressional districts
“The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” -
Some guy who wrote the Declaration of Independence
Donald Trump:
“The liberty of the press is essential to the security of freedom in a state: it ought not, therefore, to be restrained in this Commonwealth.” the oldest functioning constitution in the world
It’s not about how easy it was for people to believe a —someone has to say it —batshit crazy lady who, INSTEAD OF LOOK EVERYWHERE for her missing pet, with zero evidence, immediately jumped to:
“Well, the Haitians must’ve eaten it.”
It’s not about how many people automatically took the word of a BATSHIT CRAZY WHITE LADY with zero evidence over common sense, hundreds of Haitians and the ACTUAL EVIDENCE of city officials