Feb 2020: A UK virologist warned that Covid “can be described in basic terms as a ‘slow airborne killer that will never let its victim off, even if it loses the battle the first time,’ implying that even those so-called recovered might face reinfections or that the existing viral loads in the body will eventually cause some other new chronic disease.”
I remember reading this chilling article then. SO much abt this diabolical, bioengineered virus was known from the beginning by virologists and other scientists.
I saved many COVID reports/ data starting Jan 2020. Some have disappeared or been literally re-written.
I’ve often thought abt this SEPT 2020 interview w Dr. Eric Topol stating COVID vax wouldn’t block infection & “I don’t think people recognize this.”
“Everybody” knew.
What was the intention behind the massive campaign to cover it up and convince people otherwise?
The charade didn’t last long but a lot of ppl got hurt thinking they were protected. I am convinced this was the last nail in the coffin of public health. RIP.
Via WaPo: “I’ve been in practice 23 years and have never seen anything like this,” oncologist Kashyap Patel said.
Asutosh Gor, another oncologist, agreed: “We were all shaken.”
There was other weirdness, too: multiple patients contending w multiple types of cancer arising almost simultaneously, and more than a dozen new cases of other rare cancers.”
“The uptick in aggressive, late-stage cancers since the…pandemic is confirmed by early national data and a number of large cancer institutions.
Many…dismissed the trend as a consequence of disruptions to health care that began in 2020.
But not everyone.
The idea that some viruses can cause or accelerate cancer is hardly new… 15 to 20 percent of all cancers worldwide originate from infectious agents…”
“..:Patel and other concerned scientists are calling on the U.S. government to make this question [of whether Covid is causing rise in cancer] a priority knowing it could affect treatment and management of millions of cancer patients for decades to come.”
👀 NEW: Stunning interview w former @CDCgov director, virologist Robert Redfield:
COVID vaccines “Do not prevent infection & didn’t impact kinetics of pandemic…They don’t work that well, they’re not durable. What does work better is antiviral drug development [EARLY TX!!!] & we haven’t invested heavily there... Annual flu vaccines only work 25-50% of the time. Vaccines…won’t protect us against bird flu.”
“It was a big mistake mandating vaccines [that don’t stop infection] and negating the value of natural immunity…And the climate against vaccines is much greater now than when I became CDC director and…that’s largely bc of the way the covid vaccines were positioned on the American public.”
“Scientists are trying to teach the flu virus how to infect human tissue… there are other scientists that are doing this as we speak in the United States and I think the scientific community is not trying to cause a pandemic, but I think they’re arrogant about their ability to keep a respiratory virus contained… I’m saying if you look at covid, it EVOLVED FROM SCIENCE — in a laboratory—THAT WAS INTENTIONAL—…the bottom line is it escaped and at the end of the day over 20 million people died.
Right now we have nature trying to change [H5N1] and it will continue to try to change although the species barrier is pretty high. If it’s up to nature, it could take a long time…
There’s a lot of committed scientists who think they need gain of function research to help protect humanity against these pathogens when they emerge, but they don’t consider the fact that THEY MAY BE EMERGING THEM as they did with Covid, so that’s where I am. I mean I hope to God I’m wrong.”
My latest Ticktective 🎧 is w ⭐️ brilliant MD/ medical detective who saved my life, & my coauthor of 📖 CHRONIC, @StevePhillipsMD.
He’s a top expert on infection-mediated complex, chronic & autoimmune dz (a large % of it!) & has given thousands of disenfranchised pts their lives back.
He answers FAQ abt:
✅ His early Rx protocols for COVID & Lyme‼️
✅COVID causing immune dysfunction/ chronic COVID
✅ getting LC pts well again
✅ how he’s preventing LC
✅saving my dad from severe COVID infection when hospital failed
✅medical controversies & more‼️
This is a must-listen for anyone seeking clarity in these muddy waters! Thx to @BayAreaLyme for sponsoring this incredible resource 💚
Link at end of 🧵
😳 💣 “There’s a published case where they found molecular evidence of Bartonella in a Longcovid patient. They treated the bartonella and her Longcovid went away.”
@BayAreaLyme @StevePhillipsMD @Lymenews @loscharlos “One out of 5 with dilated cardiomyopathy have evidence of Lyme. If you don’t KNOW Lyme can cause dilated cardiomyopathy [which can be treated w abx], you end up on a ❤️ transplant list.”
Well, this is rich. At 83, Fauci “gets” how the millions of chronic Lyme, MECFS, & Longcovid patients that he shafted feel BC IT HAPPENED TO HIM!
Of course, he calls for vax & Rx dev for exceedingly rare cases of WNV while neglecting to adequately address ANY of the above!
Another Paxlovid failure. 👍 (We have the tools!)
Then “unexplained severe fatigue” “delirious & incoherent.” Hospitalized and little memory of those 5+ days besides “I have never felt so ill in my whole life.”
“It was terrifying. I could not swing my legs over the side of the bed to sit up w/o help from my wife & 3 daughters…or stand w/o assistance and certainly could not walk. A v scary part…was the effect on my cognition…disoriented, unable to remember certain words…I was afraid that I would never recover and return to normal.”
⚠️FACT: Anxiety, depression, insomnia, OCD, insomnia, PANS & even psychoses & BPD can be driven by TREATABLE underlying infection(s) that cause brain inflam.
MDs send patients to psychiatrists w/o considering this & they get drugged, not cured.
Important data 🧵
Read this incredible review of ALL the pathogens that cause mental illness. It will blow your mind! Importantly, if you’re going through it, share it w your docs! Guarantee you they don’t know! (Will post link end of 🧵)
“Microbes are associated with a number of mental disorders, including autism, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depressive disorders, and anxiety disorders, as well as suicidality and aggressive or violent behaviors. Specific microbes that have been associated or potentially associated with at least one of these conditions include Aspergillus, Babesia, Bartonella, Borna disease virus, Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease), Candida, Chlamydia, coronaviruses (e.g., SARS-CoV-2), Cryptococcus neoformans, cytomegalovirus, enteroviruses, Epstein–Barr virus, hepatitis C, herpes simplex virus, human endogenous retroviruses, human immunodeficiency virus, human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6), human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1, influenza viruses, measles virus, Mycoplasma, Plasmodium, rubella virus, Group A Streptococcus (PANDAS), Taenia solium, Toxoplasma gondii, Treponema pallidum (syphilis), Trypanosoma, and West Nile virus. Recognition of the microbe and mental illness association with the development of greater interdisciplinary research, education, and treatment options may prevent and reduce mental illness morbidity, disability, and mortality.”
Bartonella (aka cat scratch disease) is a huge driver of psych illness, incl SCHIZOPHRENIA & PANS. Countless people (and kids!) are committed to psych wards instead of being treated for underlying infections!! We present many such cases in our book CHRONIC. Here’s one: