Why has the Peanut the Squirrel thing exploded on here?
Because it's the perfect anarchotyranny tale. The system that refuses to lock up murderers will send a SWAT team to kill your pet for lack of a permit
As the anarchotyranny situation is about to explode, this did too 🧵👇
The anarchotyranny is probably the best example of how America is becoming South Africa
There, employers must follow BEE (affirmative action) legislation to the letter or face government wrath, all while 95% of farm murders go unsolved and entire cities decay
Here, murderers are rarely even given a slap on the wrist if the races are "right" (black murderer, white victim), but the smallest details of tyrannical licensure, permits, and similar sorts of bureaucracy wholly foreign to America until FDR created it and Obama dramatically expanded it.
So, on one side, you get attempted murder suspects and admitted murderers let off the hook because of "mental issues," but the state will seize your children to trans them under the "child protection" framework and ignore anything approaching justice or law while doing so
And New York is the best example of this anarchotyranny problem
On one hand, it has done nothing whatsoever to stop its criminal underclass from ruining NYC. In fact, no cash bail and similar problems have turned the city into Johannesburg
Meanwhile, it's also the state and city of regulatory tyranny. Whether building codes and restrictions, rent controls that are an infringement of property rights, sky-high taxes, regulations of the sort Letitia James has used to squeeze @vdare and Donald Trump, and brutal crackdowns on those who defend themselves from criminals, whether Bernie Goetz or Daniel Penny
And Peanut the Squirrel, of course, was from Pine City, NY. Not in NYC, but the state is about as tyrannical as the city
So, because of a lack of a license, which could have just been easily obtained upon notification, a SWAT team raided a family's house and confiscated a pet, then had it euthanized
All just out of spite. There was no reason for it. They claim "disease" is a problem, but if that was the case they wouldn't have invited tens of millions of unchecked illegal immigrants into the country. They just hate normal people and want to unleash the state on them
That's what the state can do when it wants. When it wants to go after even minor permitting violations, it can do so with a SWAT team armored like it was in Iraq in '07
So, the state does have the capacity to go after the crime problem. It just doesn't want to. It doesn't want to lock up the illegal immigrants that are r*ping and murdering kids, much less keep them from entering the country. It doesn't want to go after the gangbangers, the thugs, the drug dealers, or the prostitutes, all of whom have turned cities like New York and Philadelphia into Third World-style slums.
Thus, your city is a slum purely because the state wants it to be. The streets could be cleansed of homeless drug addicts and devoid of needles. You wouldn't have to give car or home break-ins a thought. Petty crime would be absent from the streets and organized crime gone completely.
All of that could be achieved. They have the resources, as shown by the crackdowns on the J6 protesters and Peanut the Squirrel
But they don't want to
Altogether, that creates a near-perfect state of anarchotyranny
On one hand, it does nothing to stop the crime that matters. The petty crime, the homelessness, the drugs, the murders and chaos, etc
On the other, it has the resources to be fully tyrannical when it so chooses. If you pray outside an abortion clinic or protest outside the Capitol, you can expect the FBI to hunt you down. If you own a pet and don't get your bureaucratic ducks in a row, you can expect the state to raid you with armored vehicles. It reads all your messages, listens to your phone calls, and tracks your online activity
That's anarcho-tyranny
And people are finally waking up to it
It's taken long enough, after a slew of many unpunished murders and cracked down upon misdemeanors, but now everyone who is even a remotely normal or valuable citizen notices that their government hates them for being normal and a contributor to society
It meanwhile loves the thugs, murderers, and so on
That situation is, even more so than the over-taxation we experience or the pointless foreign wars, the situation closest to exploding
Taxes can be paid, if grudgingly. The national debt has been ignored for this long, and so can be ignored for a bit longer. There's no draft, so the same is true of the wars
But the anarcho-tyranny? That impacts everyone. You are ruthlessly punished for even minor infractions and subjected to every sort of bureaucratic tyranny, all while the government aids millions of invaders who illegally cross the border and turns a blind eye to everything from foreign gangsters taking over apartment buildings to black women laughing about stabbing white children to death
That can't be avoided. It can't be ignored. It impacts all of us morally and emotionally, and often leads to the attack upon or death of a loved one that even red states don't punish
So, that's why people online care about a pet squirrel in New York
It's not really the squirrel that matters. It's the anarcho-tyranny, a problem that's been around for decades but exploded as an issue since Floyd overdosed on fentanyl
That is slowly turning into a critical issue in which normal people, valuable citizens, are firmly opposed to nearly all of the governments across the union. The above story of Ohio's Timmeka Eggleton murdering a 3-year-old and getting away with it, occurred in a deep red state, after all. Same with the murderers of Ethan Liming
That's a huge issue, and government officials, particularly in red states and cities, who don't get onboard with the sentiment that wants bureaucracy/administrative requirements reduced and mercilessly punished are going to face the fire
Not everywhere, of course. Sadly this isn't the America of the Sons of Liberty anymore. But it will start to happen in some places and, as always, grow as a fiery issue once some places start to crack down on crime Singapore/@nayibbukele-style or ignore their constituents and start to face massive disorder
Incredibly, it's the squirrel that's drawn attention to this, but that squirrel is just a minor symptom, not the root of the matter
Indeed other words, in executing peanut and leaving alive the worst humans in the country, our anarchotyrannic overlords have set a standard quite unfair to squirrels
Below, Elon argues DOGE is fighting the bureaucracy, and thus might restore Democracy in America
He's right to call bureaucracy the enemy of the people, but wrong to say it's the enemy of democracy
The two go hand in hand, as the West's 20th century decline shows
First, what Elon told Rogan was partially correct, but mostly incorrect
He said, “The reality is that our elected officials have very little power relative to the bureaucracy until DOGE. DOGE is a threat to the bureaucracy—it's the first threat to the bureaucracy. Normally, the bureaucracy eats revolutions for breakfast. This is the first time that they're not, that the revolution might actually succeed, that we could restore power to the people instead of power to the bureaucracy.”
In some ways, that is obviously correct. DOGE is indeed at war with the bureaucracy, as shown by the firings, the court cases, the budget freezes, and so on
Elon, and thus DOGE, recognize that the federal bureaucracy is not only overly expensive, but has been spending and regulating in a way that makes it hard to do anything in America, particularly anything worth doing. Business is burdened by taxes and constrained by onerous regulations. Hiring is difficult, and firing an incompetent employee of a "protected" race is nearly impossible. Innovation is stifled by aging bureaucrats. The Deep State has been weaponized against conservatives, and most bureaucrats go along with it because they just want their pensions.
So, DOGE is indeed at war with the bureaucracy, is winning some battles, and the bureaucracy is clearly the enemy of the American people
But he is wrong in saying that the bureaucracy is the enemy of democracy, by which he means modern mass democracy, or a near-universal adult franchise, which hereafter I'll just call democracy
That is wildly off, and proof of that comes from America and Britain throughout the 20th century
I’ve seen much talk about what visas the US ought have, from golden visas to H-1bs
Often missed is that all are highly destructive, lacking a critical focus: assimilation
Rhodesia shows assimilation-focused immigration builds national prosperity without destroying culture🧵👇
This was a critical problem Rhodesia had nearly from the beginning, even as it was still a private colony being built by Rhodes and the British South Africa Company:
Its vast veldt and resultant massive farms, paired with its Anglo roots and the strict criteria on who was in the original Pioneer Column, created a unique and highly distinctive national culture
That culture was, in many ways, an African adaptation of the better aspects of British country life.
This can be seen in Rhodesians eventually being known as “more British than the British,” polo being beloved, a national reputation for love of social drinking, the country estates around which the agrarian economy was organized. And, of course, as @RoryDun76684897 pointed out in my recent podcast with him, there was an Anglo upper class in the country and many of its cultural attributes “trickled down” to much of the prosperous white population in the country
But there were the African variations on that; it wasn’t, like Tidewater Virginia, an attempt to just recreate England but with different crops and fewer villages. The unique conditions of Africa and adaptations those who moved there made meant that its culture, while very British in many respects, was still unique and distinctive
“We will expropriate land without compensation whether [whites] like it or not. If they object, they can seek refugee in America.”
South Africa is going full Zimbabwe. Never go full Zimbabwe.
A reminder of what happened in Rhodesia and why that's a warning for South Africa🧵👇
As a reminder, Rhodesia was essentially the opposite of either Zimbabwe or modern South Africa
It was prosperous, had no anti-black or anti-white apartheid laws, had functioning civil infrastructure, and was a breadbasket rather than a land of fallow farms that have been handed to incompetents out of a desire for racial redistribution
That held true, for reference, even into the later stages of the Bush War, when you'd think things would be falling apart, a la Germany in March of '45
Instead, it was more functional than modern South Africa, which is at peace and aided by the world
Here is how Dr. Theodore Dalrymple described it:
I expected to find on my arrival, therefore, a country in crisis and decay. Instead, I found a country that was, to all appearances, thriving: its roads were well maintained, its transport system functioning, its towns and cities clean and manifesting a municipal pride long gone from England. There were no electricity cuts or shortages of basic food commodities. The large hospital in which I was to work, while stark and somewhat lacking in comforts, was extremely clean and ran with exemplary efficiency. The staff, mostly black except for its most senior members, had a vibrant esprit de corps, and the hospital, as I discovered, had a reputation for miles around for the best of medical care. The rural poor would make immense and touching efforts to reach it: they arrived covered in the dust of their long journeys. The African nationalist leader and foe of the government, Joshua Nkomo, was a patient there and trusted the care implicitly: for medical ethics transcended all political antagonisms.
One of the states I find most fascinating, after Rhodesia, of course, is Singapore
Because, it, in its undemocratic nature and drive for excellence, shows how we can escape our current decline and build a future of greatness even as decline surrounds us
A short 🧵👇
Why is it a glimpse at a good future?
It, much like Rhodesia, embraced the functional aspects of our civilization without the egalitarian insanity
As such, it shows what me must avoid to have a thriving society
It is undemocratic, and thus practical rather than ideological, prosperous rather than race communism obsessed, and gleaming rather than covered in the usual refuse of the Third World and increasingly Third Worldified West
It is, in other words, the opposite of South Africa
It embraced excellence rather than equality, and prospered for it, creating a world in which one would like to live rather than some steaming, Third World hell
The trend for the past century and a quarter, one partially shown by this superb video, is that houses prices in gold got cheaper, but priced in fiat they've gotten hugely more expensive
The truth, then, is that Houses Aren't Getting More Expensive, You're Getting Poorer
This chart provides a good showing of the gold trend, though it only goes until 2020, after which the trend accelerated
Priced in gold, which is useful because it represents the cost in a relatively stable fraction of global production, houses have gotten noticeably cheaper while growing larger and more complex
Priced in fiat, they've become unaffordable to the majority of the country
So, what happened? Why don't they seem cheaper?
Because income hasn't kept up with real inflation
As Forbes noted: "The bottom line is that, in terms of gold, wages have fallen by about 87 percent. To get a stronger sense of what that means, consider that back in 1965, the minimum wage was 71 ounces of gold per year. In 2011, the senior engineer earned the equivalent of 63 ounces in gold. So, measured in gold, we see that senior engineers now earn less than what unskilled laborers earned back in 1965. That’s right: today’s highly skilled professional is making less in real, comparative terms than yesterday’s unskilled worker."
Time for a very short 🧵with some of my favorite memes about the Rhodesian Bush War
First up, of course, is this about Operation Eland, the amazing raid on ZANLA in Mozambique in which 4 Selous Scouts were injured, and 2000 "terrs" left "slotted"
The rest 🧵👇
Up next: always remember what's possible
The Rhodesian security forces never had more than a few thousand first-line fighters, yet they fought a nearly successful, 15-year war against terrorists backed by not just the communist bloc, but the "free world" as well
Few things are impossible to those willing to go all out fighting for them, as the valiant efforts of the Rhodesians in the Bush War show, and thus even their loss is inspiring. If they, a small and landlocked country of ~250k whites and a few million blacks, could almost win a fight against the whole world, we can surely rescue our country
Then there's: your average Joe has no idea about any of this
People frequently ask what I do and I end up telling them I generally focus on the history of "decolonized" Africa, with a focus on the tragedy of Rhodesia. They're shocked to discover America aided communists destroy a free and prosperous state in the name of race communism.
Further, it seriously changes their view of not just the Cold War, but also the American Civil Rights Movement, which was backing Mugabe and Nkomo even as they launched terror attacks on Rhodesian civilians