Who owns Bluesky? Turns out that between 25% and 50% of the capitalization of Blockchain Capital, LLC - which just invested $15 million in Bluesky - is owned by Brock Jeffrey Pierce, who has quite an interesting resume: @davetroyen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brock_Pie…
Though he has in the past worked with Steve Bannon, Brock Pierce is not exactly your standard far-right operative. They call him the "hippie king of crypto". His ventures frequently crash & burn but he always seems to emerge unscathed.
Pierce seems to consistently leave failed business ventures & angry former business partners in his wake. In August 2024, the NYT ran a substantial investigation into his controversial Puerto Rico projects. nytimes.com/2024/08/13/tec…
My sense is that Pierce's abilities as a visionary outstrip his talent for business. I can easily imagine him - independent of Dorsey or other questionable actors - sensing a quick profit from a modest (for him) investment in Bluesky. But...
...the general messiness of his many business ventures suggests to me that at some point he might want to cash out his Bluesky investment... to whom? I think that might be the real danger, especially given the crypto/TESCREAL crowd he seems to move in...
...would a hypothetical buyer have a political sensibility as relatively expansive as Pierce's seems to be? I rather doubt it.
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Crashing the economy is how the crypto bros & tech utopian billionaires plan to launch, using the disaster, their corporate feudal fascist "network cities". It's also the Christian theocrat plan for how to kickstart local, church-based "biblical law".
On the "Network cities", see this New Republic piece by Gil Duran, who has been covering the bizarre Silicon Valley billionaire cult behind these ideas (Musk's in the soup too): newrepublic.com/article/183971…
What did Biden really mean? -> look at his ACTIONS. He's given generous disaster relief to all America, both red states & blue states.
It was Trump who withheld hurricane disaster relief from Puerto Rico for 2 YEARS, prolly 'cause he truly thinks it's "floating garbage"
Joe Biden's legislation has provided unprecedented investment in rebuilding American manufacturing, and the bulk of this is happening in Trump-supporting states. These were not the actions of man who thinks Trump supporters are "garbage", but who's president for all Americans.
Another example; the covid pandemic. As blue states & blue state cities were reeling, in 2020, from the pandemic outbreak, the Trump covid team, led by Jared Kushner, decided against a national response; covid was mainly killing democrats, so no big deal.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/…
In 2016, Donald Trump met with William S. Lind, author of the 2014 book "Victoria: A Novel of 4th Generation War", that depicts white Christian militias overthrowing the federal government & implementing mass deportation, from the US mainland, of Puerto Ricans.
Lind popularized the now-ubiquitous conspiracy theory about "cultural Marxism" as a Marxist plot to undermine the United States with waves of immigration by destroying America's cultural coherence. The white Christian militias reestablish white supremacy by mass deportation and..
..by forcing black families from cities into the countryside - where they are consigned to neo-slavery, forced to sharecrop on white & corporate owned lands. Donald Trump's "law & order" campaign rhetoric has mirrored the book, in which drug dealer & users are summarily...
Then, Republicans will come for the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. Getting rid of all constitutional amendments beyond the 10th Amendment is part of the Christian Reconstructionist agenda which is fast becoming the GOP agenda. cnn.com/2017/12/10/pol…x.com/MollyJongFast/…
"Trump bible" being bought for Oklahoma schools has a US Constitution w/out the constitutional amendments 11-27, inc. the 19th Amendment that gave women the right to vote. Eliminating all amendments past the 10th Amendment has long been on Christian Reconstructionism's wish list.
When I read about this peculiar feature of the "Trump bible", it sounded *strangely familiar.* What theocratic movement wants to get rid of the 19th Amendment & also the 13th, which banned chattel slavery? The article where I read about this [] stated, meidasnews.com/news/amendment…
Yeah, I immediately said "Purge!" but I was wrong. This isn't "The Purge" at all. Trump was proposing a national campaign of extrajudicial executions by police.
To get a sense of what groups would be targeted for such police murders, consider the broad range of groups vilified, over the past year, in right-wing rhetoric.
So: migrants, people who police think *might* be criminals, liberals & leftists generally, & a broad array of minorities - African-Americans, Hispanics, Asian-Americans, Jews, Muslims, LGBTQI... everybody but white Christians.
The GOP's Russian compromise traces back to the late 1990s, w/the Russian/US paleocon creation of the "World Congress of Families" out of, in part, concern for white demographic decline. Within 5 years the newly formed NAR movement had entrained & proclaimed Putin God's agent...
But the story goes back at least to the early 1990s. While covert US evangelical efforts to evangelize in Russia had been ongoing for decades, w/the collapse of the Soviet Union, far-right US missionaries flooded into Russia in 1992, under the banner of the "Co-Mission", to...
..teach "Christian" values to kids across the former USSR's expanse; a front of US fundamentalist & neo-fundamentalist groups came together to seize the opportunity to indoctrinate millions of schoolchildren in "Christian Ethics and Morality". (see: twocare.org/how-antigay-am…