Bruce Wilson Profile picture
I researched & wrote extensively on the New Apostolic Reformation movement from 2008-2014 & was the first to tie Sarah Palin to the NAR.
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Jul 20 8 tweets 2 min read
Starting in 1990 w/the "Promise Keepers", a charismatic Christian initiative sought to move white conservative Christians past their traditional racism. This effort made common cause with the elite Christianity of the National Prayer Breakfast set, which viewed racism as a... an obstacle to Christian world conquest because, on a global level, most Christians are African, Asian, & Latin American. So *overt* racism had to be suppressed & structural racism ignored. "We are race-blind" became the mantra.
Jul 4 20 tweets 6 min read
The head of Oklahoma's schools is working w/a group that wants to impose theonomy ("biblical law"). Republican politicians with national stature, such as Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt, speak at City Elders events. In a sane world, Stitt's support for a plot to impose theocracy (biblical law, that is) would be not just national, but *international* news.
May 26 8 tweets 3 min read
In 2016, I alluded to the potential fascism threat of CSPOA sheriffs w/paramilitary "posses", which I thought would arise under Trump's presidency.

Per @jennycohn1, the elite US far right wargamed the scenario back in 2020. And now...

Image @jennycohn1 The wilder wing of the pro-Trump, pro-sedition right is clearly taken with such openly fascist thinking, as just demonstrated by Michael Flynn associate Ivan Raiklan:
May 1 18 tweets 5 min read
We now have clear, strong evidence tying the New Apostolic Reformation movement to the inspiring & scripting of political violence, inc. incipient domestic terrorism. The story @TaylorMatthewD refers to notes former WA Rep. Matt Shea's tie to said network.

Shea is NAR.
@TaylorMatthewD A December 19, 2019 story from the Seattle Times reported on a Washington State House of Representatives report that concluded Matt Shea had engaged in domestic terrorism. Image
Apr 6 14 tweets 4 min read
These uniformed public servants implicitly endorsing the fascist destruction of American democracy appear to be taxpayer-supported Michigan sheriffs. And... it seems that we have names. Mason County MI Sheriff, Kim Cole:

Feb 29 11 tweets 2 min read
Since time immemorial, one of the key functions of religion has been to consecrate secular power.

From the 2000 presidential election, when prayer warriors of the NAR sent many thousands of emails in support of Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris, who had shut down... ...the vote recount in Florida, a key decision leading to the ascent of George W. Bush to the presidency (Harris was an acolyte of Dutch Sheets, who would donate heavily to her 2006 bid for a US Senate seat), New Apostolic Reformation leaders have sacralized the most extreme...
Feb 23 7 tweets 2 min read
We have arrived at a point in US history where a plurality of organizations on the American far right are now openly declaring their intent to overthrow American democracy and impose religious fascism.

A few examples: At the heart of this is the "2025 Project", which has a 900 page-plus theocratic action plan signed onto by 100-odd conservative groups & orgs, under leadership of the Heritage Foundation.

One of those groups is Turning Point USA, whose head Charlie Kirk just declared...
Jan 3 4 tweets 2 min read
Ron Johnson has courted the New Apostolic Reformation movement, which aspires to destroy art, cultural objects, & scripture associated with competing faiths, and aims to impose biblical law. IN this 1/2/2024 thread, I included some data points establishing that imposing biblical law is a goal of the NAR movement:
Jan 2 9 tweets 3 min read
An important new story on the New Apostolic Reformation movement from Paul Rosenberg, re a new book on NAR from Dr. Andre Gagne.
In this video clip from a 2020 conference of the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders, ICAL's Barbara Wentroble releases a prophetic word on god's mandate for the church, the "Ecclesia"/"Ekklesia" to dominate & rule secular society.
Dec 12, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
17.8 million views, a picture of a "wholesome Christian family" OK, I'll bite.

1) Judging by the characters who are wearing wedding rings, the father seems to be married to his daughter, on the left, who also seems to have 3 hands.

2) Son on the left is wearing a dress. Image 3) Same son, on the left, has a cellphone.

4) Perhaps he's using it to go behind his parents' backs & explore his sexuality - which his parents are oblivious to b/c they're obsessed with the BOBV PASCOLY book, whatever that is...
Nov 30, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
A teaser for my upcoming series on how religious right $ corrupted wide swaths of the sociology of religion in North America. This 2006 USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture conference featured, as a keynote speaker, a prominent NAR apostle linked to death squads. Image During his keynote speech, Harold Caballeros -- an apostle in the International Coalition of Apostles (then under C. Peter Wagner) & a major theorist of Spiritual Mapping/Spiritual Warfare -- stated in no uncertain terms that Catholics *are not Christians*.
Oct 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
On his admiration for pseudo-historian David Barton, whose doctored "American history" is wildly influential on the Christian right, House Speaker Mike Johnson is clearly a Christian Nationalist. But he's also, as Barton seems to be, very close to Christian Reconstructionism... Christian Reconstructionism allows for the enslavement of non-Christians when certain conditions are met (CR is very legalistic).

Back in 2011, I covered David Barton's apparent endorsement of "biblical slavery", so it's fair to wonder if Johnson does…
Oct 11, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
In the 1920s, automaker Henry Ford financed a propaganda tract series that he distributed in the US & Germany titled "The International Jew - The World's Foremost Problem". It inspired Hitler & his Nazis. But Ford was *also* a proto-Christian Zionist!

Check out this quote... Henry Ford died in 1947, one year before the creation of the state of Israel. But based on the quote below, from Ford's "The International Jew" propaganda series, it seems likely Ford would have been an enthusiastic supporter of the new nation: Image
Aug 5, 2023 25 tweets 6 min read
The Sound of Freedom depicts evangelicals (who might be Mormon, or born-again Christian) as heroes who rescue kidnapped, trafficked, & abused children.

In the early 2000s in Thailand, Czech anthropologist Tomáš Ryška uncovered a disturbing truth: the predators were missionaries "Prisoners of a White God" is Ryška's 2008 documentary on what he found. Every evil against children depicted in The Sound of Freedom was being committed by missionaries from one of the biggest missionary orgs on earth, Youth With a Mission (YWAM).
Jul 29, 2023 27 tweets 6 min read
Yemi Mobolade, who ran as an independent, is Colorado Springs, CO's new mayor. In this photo, he's being blessed by CO Springs pastor Mark Cowart, who isn't officially in established NAR organizations but appears to be in the NAR movement. That Mobolade may himself be NAR... strongly suggested by his participation in the 4-day "Fire and Glory" revival event held in CO Springs July 16-19 of this year, which was co-led by prominent NAR apostle Lance Wallnau, who is on the National Council of USCAL, the US subsidiary of ICAL...
Jun 26, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This is coming from the classic NAR Spiritual Mapping/Spiritual Warfare paradigm in which believers map (identify) and then attempt to neutralize the demonic forces that hold sway over specific geographic areas. In classic SM/SW, one starts by researching the history of the geographic area in question, to look for clues as to the nature of the presiding demon spirit(s). That's where this guy's idea that Mt. Rushmore was associated with Freemasonry comes in - idea being that the evil...
Jun 23, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
I talked with her early on during the writing of her first book "The Good News Club", but was unaware at the time that Katherine Stewart had noticed a disturbing aspect of global evangelical thought that I was also tracking, via a research folder titled "Hitler, Lenin, Mao, Etc." What Stewart had noticed - that my research folder eventually contained dozens of examples of - was an emerging evangelical school of thought on the need to grow the movement by indoctrinating children.

Some major evangelical figures were even looking to Nazi indoctrination...
Jun 19, 2023 22 tweets 5 min read
This may be a teachable moment on elite neo-Fundamentalism - what it is, how it operates, etc.

Q Ideas is a creation of Gabe Lyons, an evangelical leader who in 2005 spoke at the very center of Christian right funding, the event known as "The Gathering". Presumably... ...Lyons had been invited there b/c 1 or more of the wealthy funders of The Gathering saw promise in what he was up to. What he's up to, really, is an updated version of the movement known as "neo-Fundamentalism" which was launched in the 1940s by Billy Graham & other...
Jun 13, 2023 32 tweets 7 min read
Grooming, you said?

Very few Americans are aware of the national program to put into public schools fundamentalist Christian "clubs" that prey upon children.

There are now 5,000+ "Good News Clubs" in schools across America.)… This is part of a global effort, by Christian fundamentalist missionary groups, to target the so-called ""4/14 Window" - children from 4-14 years old, whom research has showed are the demographic group that is easiest to evangelize.
Jun 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Probably a coincidence, but I can't help notice that America's most important highway has been shut down, amid calls for violence in support of him, 2 days before Donald Trump's arraignment on multiple felony charges, b/c a tanker truck caught fire under an I-95 (I 95) overpass. Only a few days ago US Rep. Clay Higgins tweeted this: Image
May 28, 2023 29 tweets 7 min read
I disagree. It's conceptually easy. Here's how.

Start w/an empty room. No windows, & the 1 door closes so exactly that no air flows in or out. Put a dozen "economists" in the room.

Within a day or two, all these economists will die. Every one. Why?... The answer is that the economists are breathing in Oxygen & breathing out Carbon Dioxide. Eventually, the economists will consume all the Oxygen in the room. Without Oxygen to breathe, they will die;

Add a bunch of plants and grow lights (electricity is assumed).

What happens?