I’ll explain this again just to get ahead of the MAGA outrage at my “lack of civility/tolerance for people with different political beliefs.” If you voted for Trump, you and I do not have “different political beliefs.” We are at opposite ends of the cosmos in terms of character.
If you voted for Trump, you voted for the nullification of my marriage by your corrupt court of illegitimate religious extremists who we all know isn’t done taking a sledgehammer to our fundamental freedoms and most cherished victories for equality and civil rights.
If you voted for Trump, you voted for mass deportations, which will destroy the nation; crater the economy; tear apart MILLIONS of families. I cannot be friends with someone who supports something so needless, racist, inhumane, unconstitutional, and un-American.
If you voted for Trump, you didn’t find any of the following disqualifying:
—Him being a convicted felon
—Him being an adjudicated rapist
—Him being a lifelong pedophile, abuser and denigrator of women, and sexual predator
—Him being a demented malignantly narcissistic sociopath
—Him being a traitor to the United States of America who helps Russia attack our elections
—Him being an insurrectionist who refused to accept the will of the American people in 2020, rendering him CONSTITUTIONALLY DISQUALIFIED FROM HOLDING ANY PUBLIC OFFICE IN THE FUTURE
—Him being a lifelong racist who was sued by NIXON’S DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE for his refusal to allow Black people to rent apartments in any of his shitty buildings
—Him spending every moment of his first “presidency” committing crimes, abusing his power, dividing us and ruining 🇺🇸
—Him being incapable of telling the truth, accepting responsibility, admitting mistakes, caring about anyone or any thing other than himself, following the law, upholding his oath of office, or such fundamentally human things as empathy, compassion, remorse, humility, or decency
—Him accepting millions in bribes from foreign governments during his first “presidency”
—Him absconding with HUNDREDS of CLASSIFIED and TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS including NUCLEAR SECRETS and refusing to return them even after being subpoenaed
—Him lusting after his own daughter 🤮
—Him pledging to “terminate the Constitution” and “be a dictator on Day one”
—Him pledging to dismantle our federal agencies that serve critical functions for tens of millions of Americans
—Him pledging to rip healthcare from 50+ million Americans and replace it with nothing
—Him being compromised by our enemies including Putin/Russia, Saudi Arabia/MBS, China/Xi Jinping, North Korea/Kim Jong-Un, and at least a dozen others.
—Him fleecing over $1.7 BILLION from the treasury (aka AMERICAN TAXPAYERS) during his first “presidency”
—Him sabotaging our pandemic response, unilaterally causing the needless and preventable DEATHS of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Americans as well as crippling supply chains and condemning us to future inflation (which of course everyone will mistakenly blame on his successor 🙄
Here’s a Substack piece I wrote last September about how much the Republican Party DESPISES our nation’s military. And no one in the party has more contempt for the members of our armed forces than Donald Trump himself
They don’t refuse to admit it because they believe it’s true. They do it because fascists always try to create a world where there is no truth
So that people say “Well, Democrats and pundits say the election wasn’t stolen. But Republicans say that it was. I guess we can never truly know for sure one way or the other.”
Except THAT’S BULLSHIT. The 2020 election was NOT STOLEN. Trump LOST. And TRUTH MATTERS in a DEMOCRACY
One of the things that Jack Smith revealed in his most recent 165-page filing exposing the lengths that Trump went to to cling to power after losing in 2020 was that Trump said to family members:
“It doesn’t matter if you win or lose an election. What matters is that you fight.”
Vance and Trump have both repeatedly lied about Trump “salvaging/saving the Affordable Care Act.” Vance told this lie at least half a dozen times tonight. So let’s correct the record on Trump and Obamacare (the ACA) right now so there is no more confusion (Thread).
As president, Trump fought relentlessly to repeal the ACA using executive action, legislation and lawsuits. “Trump was not successful in undoing the ACA, but it was not for lack of trying,” said Larry Levitt, executive VP for health policy at KFF, a nonpartisan research group.
“Trump encouraged congressional efforts to repeal and replace the ACA, and then took administrative steps to try to weaken it when the legislative route failed,” he continued.
1. He’s a virulent racist (white supremacist is more accurate)
2. He’s a rapist (of at least 3 women including his first wife, E. Jean Carroll, and a 13 year old girl)
3. He’s a pedophile (who is on Epstein’s flight logs and raped at least one child with him)
4. He’s a traitor (owned by Russia for the last 3 decades; sold state secrets while in office; sides with our enemies)
5. He’s one of the dumbest people alive (he thinks we should nuke hurricanes, inject bleach, science is a hoax, and windmills cause cancer. Unfathomable idiot)
6. He is a malignant narcissistic sociopath with anti-social personality disorder, making him incapable of navigating reality, assessing risks, considering others, empathy, compassion, remorse, accepting responsibility, admitting mistakes, deferring to experts all out of reach,
“To the American People,
We are former public servants who swore an oath to the Constitution. Many of us risked our lives for it. We are retired generals, admirals, senior noncommissioned officers, ambassadors, and senior civilian national security leaders.”
She got over 81 million votes in the 2020 election
And watch her get over 90 million votes in November
All they can do is cry about how we have a nominee they can’t beat. Hate to break it to the cat turds of the world, but Trump wasn’t going to beat Biden either. And he has absolutely zero shot against Harris.
Another daily reminder:
Donald Trump tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election despite LOSING BY 7 MILLION VOTES. He conspired with far-right Neo-Nazi militias to attack the Capitol to prevent the certification of Biden’s victory and THROW OUT OVER 81 MILLION BALLOTS.