A brief history of Israel's support for apartheid, atrocities, war crimes & genocide around the world. A 🧵
In the 1970s & 80s, Israel was one of the main arms suppliers 972mag.com/investigate-is…) to Chile's military dictator Augusto Pinochet. Israel trained (haaretz.com/israel-news/20…) the country's security forces, who abducted & murdered 3,000 persons & tortured 35,000.
In the early 1980s, Israel helped Guatemala's Efraín Ríos Montt carry out a coup. Israel supplied the country w/ weapons (nacla.org/news/2013/4/23…) to slaughter 45K-60K Mayans in Guatemala & destroy 440 Mayan villages b/w 1981-1983. Many call it genocide. (papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cf…)
During the 1970s & 80s, Israel became apartheid South Africa's most important arms supplier, all the while South Africa saved Israel's cash-starved defense industry after the apartheid state spent an unprecedented $1.7 billion on Israeli weapons. haaretz.com/2013-12-10/ty-…
In 1994, Israel supplied weapons to Rwanda while it carried out a genocide. This is how Yair Auron, an Israeli historian, described it: “To send arms to a country where genocide is taking place is like sending arms to Nazi Germany during World War II." middleeasteye.net/news/did-israe…
Israel sold weapons to Myanmar throughout its 2016-17 genocide of the Rohingya in which military, police & local militias killed at least 6,700 Rohingya during the first month of attacks alone (msf.org/myanmarbanglad…), ethnically cleansing >1 million haaretz.com/israel-news/se…
We haven't even mentioned Israeli spyware, which has been sold to the most repressive countries in the world to imprison, torture & kill activists fighting for social justice in Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kashmir & dozens of other countries. amazon.com/Palestine-Labo…
Apartheid, atrocities & genocide are very on brand for Israel, tragically so. I write about this stuff in my newsletter:
A brief history of genocidal rhetoric in Israel BEFORE Oct. 7th, 2023. A 🧵
Zionist leaders have convinced themselves Palestinian Arabs were genocidal since the 1920s. Yosef Hecht (leader of the Haganah in the 1920s) confided in his diary, “we are always persecuted [&] murdered by the majority of ‘civilized’ peoples, or savage & cruel [peoples] like the Arabs…their intention toward us is not only to humiliate but also to destroy [us] physically.” haaretz.com/israel-news/20…
In Aug. 1947, David Ben Gurion said: “The aim of the Arab attacks on Zionism is not robbery, terror, or stopping Zionist growth, but total destruction of the Yishuv.” They are not “political adversaries,” but “pupils & teachers of Hitler, who claim there is only one way to solve the Jewish question… total annihilation." source:
Was Zionism about rescuing Jews from persecution? A 🧵
Zionists believe Zionism was primarily about saving Jews fleeing persecution. Yet key Zionist leaders from the 1880s-1948 rejected this idea, believing the interests of the state-to-be trumped the interests of persecuted Jews. This 🧵 is a history of the #1 Zionist myth today.
From 1880s-1914, the Zionist leadership rejected the overwhelming majority of Jews hoping to settle in Ottoman Palestine. Arthur Ruppin and Menahem Sheinkin, in charge of Zionist immigration policy, told ~61% of Jews who wanted to move to the colonies not to come. Source:
A brief history of Zionism (@harari_yuval style) 🧵
Zionism is about 500 years old. To tell a history of Zionism Harari style, we thus need to spend 2/3rds of the story on the pre-1850s period.
2/3rds of our story is before there were very many (any?) Jewish Zionists.
There was a return to scripture in the 16th century. the attitude was, to hell with the catholic church. go straight to the texts. the bible. translate it. learn the stories by heart. know the old testament inside out.
Zionism says Jews should have a Jewish State in Palestine.
When Jewish Zionists developed this idea (1870s-1890s), Palestine was 90-95% non-Jewish.
At the time, 0 Zionists believed it was possible to establish a Jewish State in a land that was 90%-95% non-Jewish.
Instead, 100% of Jewish Zionists believed Palestine needed to be Judaized.
If you are trying to understand whether "Judaizing" a country that's mostly not Jewish is racist or not, ask yourself, if you happened to be one of those non-Jews (i.e. Arab Palestinian) living there...
A brief history of Israel's use of poisonous chemicals to take over Palestinian land & kill Palestinians. A 🧵
Sep. 13, 2024: Israeli settlers killed dozens of sheep belonging to 2 Palestinian brothers in the Bedouin community of Arab Al-Malihat (near Jericho in West Bank), by pouring poison into the water that the animals drink from. middleeastmonitor.com/20240913-israe…
Oct. 11, 2023: Israeli warplanes used white phosphorus over the Gaza city port. White phosphorus has an incendiary effect that can severely burn people & set structures, fields, & other civilian objects in the vicinity on fire. hrw.org/news/2023/10/1…