🧵New HRW "report" claiming Israel committed crime of “forcible transfer” is a work of fantasy and fake law. HRW ridiculously claims Israel has no “military imperative” to evacuate Gazans by pretending IDF is not battling Hamas and has other options—but offers none. Analysis: 1/
First, HRW's entire 176-page analysis assumes Gaza is occupied thus Geneva Article 49 (below) applies to Israel’s evacuation actions—otherwise entire report falls apart. We’ll assume for this thread Gaza is occupied (it’s not); even so, Israel’s actions are still 100% legal. 2/
HRW’s thesis relies entirely on claiming Israel has no legitimate “military imperative” to evacuate Gazans—thus a crime. HRW does this by effectively pretending Hamas was/is not in active combat in Gaza, is not embedded in civilian areas & poses no threat to IDF or Israel. 3/
HRW claims presence of Hamas does not justify displacement of civilians, but does not explain why. HRW just claims IDF had other options but does not say what those are. Is it: 1) attacking Hamas with civilians in place? or 2) granting Hamas permanent immunity? HRW wants #2. 4/
Later in report HRW even says it is “impossible” to fully understand Israel’s strategy (so admitting entire report is based on fake analysis) but again declares presence of Hamas does not justify evacuating citizens. HRW offers no analysis or other option to defeat Hamas. 5/
In a total & deliberate erasure HRW omits Hamas: 500km of tunnels, non-stop rocket fire no nation on earth would tolerate, 1000s of buildings booby-trapped, Hamas dressed as civilian, combat from apartments & hospitals. Total removal to claim IDF has no “military imperative.” 6/
Not one section of report (all sections below) discusses Hamas, analyzes war, discusses other “options” for Israel, discusses option of not evacuating Gazans, assesses Hamas threat to Israel, consults military experts. Hamas is a total non-player in HRW’s fantasy narrative. 7/
HRW fabricates int’l law claiming Israel must “guarantee protection of displaced persons” & guarantee “safe areas.” But Geneva does not require this; the word "guarantee" is not even written in Article 49. It only says obligations required to "greatest practicable extent." 8/
In an active war zone, with many 1,000s of Hamas dressed as civilians in tunnels, IEDs & booby-trapping buildings, snipers, etc. causing >5,000 IDF casualties (5 killed in north Gaza last week), perfect evacuations are not "practicable." But HRW pretends Hamas does not exist. 9/
HRW deliberately makes no mention of Geneva Protocol I.58 which requires evacuation of civilians in combat zone. If Israel DID NOT evacuate Gazans it is 100% certain HRW would write report how Israel violated Article 58. For Israel it's a crime if you do, crime if you don’t. 10/
HRW demands perfection of Israel’s evacuation otherwise it’s criminal, devoting many pages to how orders were confusing, disabled people had trouble and many other hardships. Geneva again understands it's war: evacuations are to “extent feasible” as analysis below explains: 11/
HRW also claims Israel is unlawful by not allowing population to return after "threat is no longer present.” HRW ignores that Hamas remains a deadly threat all over Gaza, constantly returning to places IDF clears like north Gaza. HRW's "I don't see Hamas" fantasy continues. 12/
HRW devotes many pages to IDF attacks in humanitarian zones, thus claiming Israel's evacuations were not intended to move Gazans for their safety, but won't say why: Hamas embedded in these zones. Mohammed Deif was killed inside the Mawasi safe zone. No mention by HRW. 13/
Another core claim of HRW is that IDF attacked main evacuation routes, such as Salah al-Din Road. But the only evidence are news reports & Hamas statements where it’s not clear at all what happened – in fact evidence shows Hamas attacked the evacuees, but HRW omits this. 14/
HRW's fantasy of Hamas not existing is affirmed in “Recommendations” section. Israel must do just about everything. Hamas is free & clear, no obligations, no fault. They don’t even have to release hostages. They freely can attack Israel and promise publicly to do 10/7 again. 15/
HRW reveals true goal of report: dismantle Israel as a Jewish state in favor of a Palestinian state that enshrines Islam & Sharia law in its constitution (Remember: dozens of Muslim states OK; one Jewish not OK). HRW brings up fake “right” of return several times in report. 16/
Conclusion: This long report is another in an endless series of anti-Israel propaganda masking as "reports" and "research" by a formerly respected NGO. In HRW’s warped world view, Israel is solely responsible for the perfect well being of Gazans while Hamas has zero responsibility, zero fault. In fact, the report is an incredibly weaved fairy tale where Hamas does not exist. Other than a brief mention by HRW that they committed crimes on 10/7, Hamas is in the clear. Hamas can freely spend billions building a 30,000 strong military, firing rockets (even just a few days ago), attacking from tunnels, booby-trapping 1000s of buildings, holding & killing hostages, causing 5,000 IDF casualties (even yesterday an IDF soldier was killed in north Gaza where supposedly there is no justification to move civilians) and keep doing this now and in the future. Hamas can publicly boast that they will do 10/7 again, refuse to surrender, but to HRW, this is not relevant, not mentioned, not analyzed. Thus Israeli still cannot claim a "military imperative" to justify evacuating civilians. HRW claims instead that Israel has other "options," but does not say what these options are. There is no analysis of the war, and certainly no consultation with military experts (of course: none would agree with HRW). One can be sure that if Israel did not evacuate civilians they'd also be guilty of crimes, a 176-page report on how Israel violated Protocol I.58 and the horror of attacking Hamas without moving out civilians first. To HRW, the laws of war are written in such a way that Hamas has permanent immunity, and literally any action Israel takes is always criminal. END
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🧵Israel is often accused of "Collective Punishment” of Gazans since many suffer due to war. But this is not at all what Collective Punishment means. Geneva prohibits specific penalties against people who did not commit a crime. It's a false usage of the law to attack Israel. 1/
Concept of Collective Punishment is that “penal liability is personal in character.” You cannot penalize someone who did not commit a crime. Collective punishment DOES NOT refer to general suffering from war or other reasons. Here is the explanatory commentary from Geneva: 2/
Collective Punishment is NOT: Difficulty finding food, closing borders for security, demolishing booby-trapped buildings, evacuating Gazans from war zones, people living in tents, etc. It is related only to penal actions or sanctions against people who did not commit a crime. 3/
🧵Ehud Olmert just released a map of proposed Palestinian state he offered Abbas in 2008, the final shattering of the myth that Abbas said no to statehood because he did not have a proper map. Palestinians had this map all along, proven by the "Palestine Papers." See detail: 1/
We know for sure that the Palestinian negotiating team had the detailed map when Al Jazeera published the Palestine Papers in 2011. They contained Olmert’s plan in detail with map, see below. The "not having a map to review" excuse is fake. 2/ aljazeera.com/news/2011/1/23…
Here is a full thread on the Olmert offer, for those who want to know more: Olmert & Abbas initiated a peace process with support from President Bush at Annapolis Conference in Nov 2007. They issued the joint statement below with Saudi & Qatari participation at the event. 3/
🧵@nytimes continues to spread the lie of starvation, presenting the market in Jabaliya as something new, that has not happened for "endless months," finally some food. But food markets operated here throughout war. All journalistic standards violated here. Evidence below. 1/
This 2 minute video from Dec 2024, weeks before the ceasefire, shows fruits & vegetables sold in Jabaliya, including apples. No famine, no starvation. 2/
Another video of active food markets in Jabaliya. This was Jan 2024, months into the war, when famine supposedly reached Gaza, especially in the north. No famine, no starvation. 3/
🧵Article in Haaretz by Professors Daniel Blatman & Amos Goldberg claiming Israel is committing genocide in Gaza relies on lies, fake analysis and several fabricated quotes. Difficult to understand why these academics would be so intellectually dishonest. Detailed analysis: 1/
On intent to genocide, authors claim it exists from Netanyahu, Herzog & Gallant. But their entire paragraph is fake, with 3 invented quotes. Nothing authors write on intent is accurate, invalidating article. Inability to tell the simple truth on the quotes is shocking. 2/
Authors put in quotes “There are no innocents in Gaza” but no Israeli leader said this. It’s a fake quote, not sure where they got this, why lie? Perhaps they associate with Herzog, but he never said this or anything genocidal as this thread proves. 3/
🧵Hamas' murder & kidnapping of Thai workers on 10/7 was closely planned; contrary to Hamas apologists it wasn't “inadvertent.” Silence by fake NGOs @hrw @amnesty is deliberate & disgusting—but since Hamas fights Israel they don't care and won't call for release of last Thai. 1/
Here is an example of how the fake “human rights NGOs” is 100% silent about Thais held hostage by Hamas, but tweets regularly critical of Thailand for detentions. If you get caught up with Israel, assume your human rights don’t count to these "NGOs." 2/
Despite Hamas brutality resulting in tragic and significant losses, the Thailand government seeks to expand the worker agreement with Israel up from 30,000. Thai workers earn about $2,300/month in Israel, many multiples of what is possible back home. 3/ asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Middl…
🧵BOMBSHELL FINDING: Hamas inadvertently admits in new data release that far more men died than shown on “identified” list of fatalities, corroborating IDF claim of 20,000 combatants killed. Hamas reports 7x more fathers killed than mothers during war! Sources & analysis: 1/
See Hamas MoH report below. 32,152 children lost father and 4,417 lost mother. This 7.3x ratio is far higher than 2.2x adult men to woman listed on Hamas fatality list from Oct 2024. It can only mean many men killed missing from Hamas fatality list. 2/
Ratio of females age 18+ listed killed to “children who lost mothers” is almost 2:1, but for males it is 0.6:1. A staggering difference of almost 28,000 more “children who lost fathers” than a mother; this can only mean far more male fatalities not counted by Hamas. 3/