Good morning from #HeritageDebate24 - @Heritage_NGOs Chair @CaroleSouter introduces the topic “Balancing the Books - How Should the Heritage Sector Be Funded?” & the angles we will explore - philanthropic, public & commercial. Thanks to @Ecclesiastical & @ArchHFund @HistEnvForum
An opening poll answered by 158 of our 400+ live attendees captured the main source of funding for organisations attending.
We are hearing introductions from our panellists today.
Firstly some key reflections from the @HistEnvForum gathered case studies showing a range of perspectives from across the sector
Thank you to @HistEnvForum & all those who contributed case studies.
Now to the main debate. First skills/capacity. Alex & Oli from the Crooked House talk about falling in love with it & taking it on. Small house so not about lots of people through the door but digital engagement. Came with a developed skill set. Now do consulting for others.
Claudia @SquireKenyatta reflects on the wealth of evidence gathering from @Heritage_NGOs & the complex & exhausting landscape faced by applicants. @HistoricEngland looking at one grants to help make the process easier. Grants to give confidence to other potential funders.
As a funder @HistoricEngland see the skills & capacity support needed as an important part of this process. @HistoricEngland will be rolling out some changes next year to take this support further.
Caroline Underwood @PhilanthropyCo reflects on the lonely nature of fundraising, capacity is needed & there is more competition. Core costs v hard to cover. Need to articulate your impact. Lots of good resources out there. On @Heritage_NGOs side there is
Also lots of existing resources through @HeritageFundUK supported Rebuilding Heritage Programme.
We are now discussing creativity & partnership in ‘growing the pie’. @SquireKenyatta talks about the creativity the sector has shown in accessing levelling up funding & situating Hetitage as part of other priorities..
The Crooked Men say that it’s not about competition but reaching audiences together - people want to visit more than one place. Positives for local places by working with shops etc currently collaborating with a London florist to promote. Everyone benefits through
Caroline talks about the importance of place in narratives. She goes on to answer questions about ethical funding. All orgs should have a donor acceptance policy. Doesn’t need to be the same for all orgs. Thinking about organisational reputation & values re: private philanthropy
Claudia reflects on Diversity & Inclusion - a baseline that we now should all be working from. Needs to be fundamental to thinking through our approach to fundraising from the outset. Seeing nationally a real focus on mutually beneficial partnerships in policy. Large + small.
Our Chair @CaroleSouter picks up on Governance issues in some orgs. Blockers perhaps or unaware of what might need to be done in this space. The more diverse your workforce, offer etc… the more opportunities you have.
Presentation of Crooked House rooted in EDI but range of visitors v wide. Ensuring a range of high value events, through merchandising to free digital resources. Important to have offering that feels like it is for everyone. Clear private first can be a real advantage here.
Carole asks Caroline about the appetite for philanthropy. As a fundraiser she is optimistic but it has to be collaborative. How can donations create leverage from other funders including the big trusts. Look at the public potential close to home first.
Claudia talks about the optimism of the sector in the incredible story we have to tell. A very diverse sector in terms of scale and reach. Very resilient sector. Lots of anxieties, rightly so, but we have shown time & time again we are creative & try a range of models.
It’s a risky time. Government Budget & CSR in the Spring. Lots of opportunities. Citing @neilfmendoza speech at @Historic_Houses encouraging the sector to shout loudly about the value of our work and the great egs of what we deliver - including for Govt missions & devolution.
We should be confident in our value and offer.
Crooked house works forward with pre booking for events. Working forwards. Carefully choosing activities appropriate with the fragility of space. Done in a fun way. Recently won High Street innovation award. People looking for different experiences in towns as trends change.
Final question. Is there one measure that you think would stimulate funding in your area? Caroline - philanthropy is 1%. Can we grow it with Govt & Heritage sector to 2%? Capacity building, collaboration, increased competition so important to make your story stand out.
Carole reflects on different tax position in U.K. than say America. A break has been talked about for decades. We are in the tax increase space. One thing first though - make sure you are fully working with gift aid system.
Claudia - making hetitage as easy to understand for people not from the sector to unlock interest from others. @HistoricEngland - mapping project not on what of the stuff, but what it delivers to help with this.
Alex & Oli - similar to Claudia. Getting people to engage with heritage from a v early age & see it as part of their broader leisure programme. Part of wider cultural activities. Ways to engage people with the profile & richness of our sector will help private hetitage enterprise
Next up our corporate partners @Ecclesiastical share their new research on the built property part of the sector. Pre budget but carried out in 2024. Top issue continues to be increasing costs. Now 84%. Diversification to attract new visitors sharp jump up. Top 12 areas impacted.
Some key questions on funding issues faced. On climate change it’s clear people find it tricky to fund adaptations. @Ecclesiastical & @benefactgroup offer various tools & resources as well as opportunities to apply for funding through giving programmes.
We are now taking a moment to hear from Stephen Anderson of @valley_heritage Heritage Development Trust (supported by @ArchHFund) on social investment & alternative investment model. Debt & Equity
He explores a case study from @valley_heritage - social impact embedded. Community arts, affordable apartments & co-working. Some key tips & resources available including @ArchHFund support.
The v effective Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme has come up in questions as it is due for renewal Spring 2025. DCMS answered parliament that it will be discussed in spring fiscal event. The more we constructively talk about importance of LPWGS the better. Evidenced impacts.
Who should we be working with? Caroline says we more generally should consider saying thank you more. Think about top 20 key influencers/supporters in your area. Share problems & challenges earlier rather than later. No surprises in conversations.
Alex & Oli talk about ensuring that people feel valued as part of a community. Invested in its future. Claudia advises that the sector remains in contact with @HistoricEngland so they can hear the intelligence back & use it. Can turn into a case study or a ministerial engagement.
Cultural Recovery Fund was a response to evidence of need on the ground. @valley_heritage talking about hyper local nature & ability to engage their new MP. Funders willing to engage in the grassroots conversations.
From insurer perspective @Ecclesiastical Laura says have risk conversation early - insurers will help advise on mitigation & help you think through a project in advance.
Reflection from @valley_heritage on the challenge of project funding & the cliff edge of loss of skills at the end, and even possible early. V much echoed in what we hear at @Heritage_NGOs & in our Cost of Living Report.
Q from @Ben_CowellDG whether there is a need for another look at the ecosystem as through Gower Report (almost 75 years ago). Claudia reflects on opportunities, risk & horizon scanning what is coming down the track. Personally more keen on incremental change than big moments…
… but now does feel l like the time to be thinking about innovation & big questions for the future. Caroline says the flexible & collaborative orgs will be the strongest. We should use our big asset - storytelling. Is it that heritage needs to be more porous - not in own lane.
Being part of communities - collaborative & involved in place.
Alex & Oli see Crooked House as a brand as well as a property for life. Furthering heritage brand together rather than in any competitive way.
Participants reflect on what they see from their perspective to be the ideal funding mix. Really interesting results in the balance. A place for all to play a significant role.
We finish today’s #HeritageDebate24 #HeritageDebate2024 with an encouragement frolm our Chair @CaroleSouter to join the @Heritage_NGOs - to build our voice & ability to support the sector. Plus highlighted a range of opportunities to get involved. Nominate a Heritage Hero today.
Recordings will be available in December. We look forward to seeing you next year.
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Good morning from @Heritage_NGOs member @RIBA for @HOLTofLondon conference on #PublicArt - a full house as Director Dr Nicola Stacey introduces the theme of breaking the barrier between heritage & art.
Let the art breathe through time, communities engage & respond. Public art is bonding & inspiring but they are vulnerable.
Care & restoration. Imaginative reuse where this is needed. This should always be possible.
Good morning from Day 3 of the #LabourConference2024 - first up a dip into the monthly @HistEnvForum meeting & now I’m at the @BritishMusicExp with our member @UNESCOUK & colleagues @BritishCouncil for a session on how culture & heritage can support a sustainable future for all.
This is an event celebrating UN Sustainable Development Goals week with @2030hub.
Discussion about locally led solutions, relational infrastructure, reduction of siloed working between orgs, reconnecting communities with their own monuments when they have been alienated in some places. Need to connect individual to global. Hearing localised voices.
Good morning from Day two of #LabourConference2024 & we are joining a discussion about government-civil partnership around culture wars with @nationaltrust and @Moreincommon_
Some fascinating material about voter profiles & views on ‘culture war’ type issues. Voters see through it.
People are interested in the “and what?” question. Unlike America we don’t have stacked issues in certain profiles. In Britain we are more issue led, issue by issue.
Good morning from #LabourConference24& the @WeAreCreativeUK Pavillion. @RhonddaBryant kicks off the programme saying cultural education should be for all & all children, that human to human engagement is of great importance & Labour wants to fix the black hole in arts provision.
A lovely start to the day celebrating young musicians from @IHLiverpool with stories of impact & performance.
@IHLiverpool @WeAreCreativeUK A spot of #Beatles for Liverpool’s heritage.
Good morning Yorkshire! En route from Ripon to @durham_uni for member meetings…
First up @durham_uni @DU_Collections Oriental Museum to see Head of Collections Craig Barclay. The museum & associated academic staff are doing some really exciting international partnership work.…
@durham_uni @DU_Collections Contemporary collecting of Japanese & Chinese material adds to a really impressive collection spanning Asia & Ancient Egypt. Lots of work underway with local communities with (for instance) Hindus coming to engage with shrines. A session for under 5s was underway during my visit.
Back in York today for catch ups with @RedfernNeil @archaeologyuk @mikeheyworth & exciting to see the team at @York_Minster Fund & have a hard hat tour at the centre for excellence for heritage craft skills & estate management nearing completion. 1/5…
Firstly we visited the new - almost ready - heritage skills campus & centre. Stonemasonry will be taught on site & first year apprentices will live on site to support their first year in York. The centre will be sustainable with ground source heat pumps & solar panels. 2/5
The apprentices’ rooms echo monastic cells & the quad courtyard echoes cloisters in the nearby cathedral. There will be shared gardens & meeting facilities too.