Clément Molin Profile picture
Nov 20 27 tweets 9 min read Read on X
We shouldn't be afraid of Russia ☢️🇷🇺☢️

What many failed to understand is that Putin is not crazy nor stupid. He is even quite clever.

He understood we are weak. He understood we are afraid by his power. We shouldn't.

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What did he wanted ?

Putin was humiliated by the loss of the Russian Empire. When he came to power, his obsession was to Make Russia Great Again.

He began by fixing the internal situation with Chechenia, saying it was war against terrorism. Image
But from 2003 to 2005, he was one more time humiliated. Many Warsaw pact and USSR countries joined NATO and the EU.

At the same time, color revolutions in Ukraine, Georgia and Kirghizistan challenged his project of great Eurasia controlled by Russia. Image
In 2008, he put presure on Sarkozy and Merkel, both kind of "Russian friendly" leaders. This avoided Ukraine and Georgia entry to NATO.

When the war in south Ossetia began (because we said it was ok to Georgia), Putin crosssed the border and enforced his power on ex-USSR countries.Image
He saw nobody reacted in the west. Sarkozy rushed to Moscow to save the peace.

Then, Putin prepared his strategy : one step forward, basing himself on the western political problems.
When Maidan began in 2014, Putin failed for the second time to understand the internal situation of Ukraine.

He thought his controll on oligarchs and political power would be enough. Image
In 2014, most Western countries were at war with terrorism, in Afghanistan, Middle East and Africa.

Putin chose this occasion, annexed Crimea (with some ukrainian units changing sides) and supported the war in Donbass. Image
The west imposed sanctions on Russia. But for Merkel, economy was more important. France, Germany and other European countries began bypassing these sanctions.

For example, Germany even built Nord Stream 2 pipeline to avoid the ones going through Ukraine. Image
Putin understood this "Munich spirit" among Western leaders. He understood that they are afraid of the war. He also understood their armies were on a constant downgrade.

But he did not see or wanted to see Ukraine was preparing for war. Image
In 2021, he first did large exercices in Belarus and at the border with Ukraine. There were no reactions.

So he began amassing troops. When the US said he was going to cross the border, most of Europeans did not believed them. Image
His plan was simple :

-> attack Ukraine from everywhere
-> bet on the disorganization of the ukrainian state and army
-> be fast like in Crimea in 2014, take controll of main cities in southern and eastern Ukraine
-> kill Zelensky and put a new government, loyal to Moscow. Image
Putin is not crazy, he knows very well NATO is more powerful. He knows his economy is not enough powerful.

But he also knows Europe is afraid. He knows Germans do not want a new war. So he will base his entire operation on what the west will do.
He wanted to take the country before western leaders react. He knew it would take time for them to take decisions.

This is why he said "anyone who will interfere with us will receive a response that no one has ever seen in the history of humanity". Image
His entire operation was a bluff. His army was not ready and he wouln't strike any NATO country.

But he knew western politicians, journalists, researchers and people would be afraid of him and his fantasized army.
But he did not see Ukraine could hold. He did not see western leaders could be united, particularly European leaders.

He thought they would be afraid by his nuclear threats. But they were not. Image
Well, in fact, they were very afraid. They waited a long time before giving Ukraine with what it needed, artillery, munitions, MRAPs, Tanks, Missiles, planes...

But it was enough to stop and even push back russian invasion.
Putin changed his strategy from a short war to a very long war. His military power (artillery, FABs, infantry...) would be very helpful against Ukraine.

He also put red lines. These are not real red lines because each time one was outdated, nothing happened. Image
Many people are still telling us "Russia hasn't even began, they will bomb us, they will do a nuclear strike".

So targeting the Kremlin, destroying part of the black sea fleet, entering Kursk and striking military and energy targets all other western Russia is not enough for ☢️? Image
Putin is using threats and bluff. He knows he can't allow himself a conventional war with NATO. And he also knows we are still afraid of him even after 1 001 days of fighting.

He knows our countries are not politically and economically prepared for a long war.
We saw that in many countries, Slovakia, Hungary, France, Germany... were politicians (pro-russians) are telling us inflation is because of what we are giving to Ukraine.

And this is exactly what Putin wants. Image
Today, I read the reactions of people who still believe Putin could do one step more on this war.

I listened classmates and teachers telling "But what if Putin react ?"
Vladimir Putin is playing with us and our fears because we are weak. We are weak because our society does not know war and privation.

We are afraid of losing our consummer and "hobby" society. Image
To face Russia, you have to show power and unity. We are showing weakness and desunion.

This is the basis of realism and the law of the strongest. We are stronger than Russia and they know that. But they know very well our weakness. Image
This is why, when we finally allow Ukraine to strike back Russia with our missiles, just remember Russia is striking Ukraine everyday (sometimes with Iranian and North Korean assets) -even some time Poland and Romania, NATO countries- and Ukraine is already striking Russia with its own drones.Image
This is not escalation. To face Putin, you must show him you are stonger.

And with 32 countries in NATO, 27 in the EU, of course we are more powerful.

Thank you for following this thread.
Of course, this is an OPINION thread. You can agree or not. If not, you can debate.

I will do a pause for special reasons from tomorrow to saturday and then I will talk of important subjects, Kursk, Pokrovsk, fortifications…

Thanks, and don't forget to follow me on @atummundi
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Nov 19
3 925 jours de guerre en Ukraine 🇺🇦

Aujourd'hui, l'Ukraine fête la triste date des 1 000 jours de l'invasion russe 🇷🇺 à grande échelle. Mais la guerre a commencé bien plus tôt, dès 2014.

Au millième jour, l'Ukraine fortifie la banlieue de Kyiv.

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Ce devait être rapide, les armées russes de Vladimir Poutine devaient balayer l'Ukraine, s'emparer de sa capitale et des 3 autres principales villes, Kharkiv, Dnipro et Odessa et changer le gouvernement en place, en intégrant l'est et le sud à la Russie.

Pourtant, tout a changé. Image
Les ukrainiens ont d'abord tenu dans les principales villes, au nord, à l'est et au sud, subissant parfois de lourdes défaites comme le franchissement des ponts du Dniepr, l'encerclement de + 6 000 soldats à Marioupol ou la traversée de la rivière Siverski Donets à Izioum. Image
Read 26 tweets
Nov 17
Quel avenir géopolitique pour l'Arménie 🇦🇲 ?

Plus d'un an après la reddition du Haut Karabagh, l'Arménie se donne un objectif : permettre l'ouverture d'une route entre l'Inde 🇮🇳 et l'Europe 🇪🇺.

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Tout d'abord, je serai très heureux de vous retrouver sur Blue Sky pour tous ceux qui ne souhaitent plus rester ici. (Moi, je reste !)

Je publierai bientôt un article sur les frontières de l'Arménie avec l'Azerbaïdjan, au cœur de ce…
Depuis l'indépendance, Erevan a regardé vers l'ouest et le nord. D'abord, elle a soutenu les séparatistes du Haut Karabagh, occupant une partie importante du territoire Azerbaïdjanais.

Dans le même temps, elle est resté très proche de Moscou, qui dispose de bases militaires. Image
Read 24 tweets
Nov 16
A l'aube de février 2022, une série de batailles dans les oblasts de Soumy et Poltava vont permettre à l'Ukraine 🇺🇦 de sauver l'ouest de Kyiv.

Voici un retour historique sur les batailles d'Okhtyrka et Trostianets au sud de l'oblast de Soumy en 2022.

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En guise de rappel historique, il faut bien comprendre que l'armée russe souhaitait attaquer Kyiv via 3 axes.

1- Tchernobyl-Irpin

Les défenses de Tchernihiv et de Soumy seront ainsi cruciales. (+ carte des principales villes évoquées) Image
Du côté de l'armée russe, c'est la première armée blindé de la garde qui attaque cette direction.

Ses 30ème et 21ème brigades de fusilliés motorisés sont chargés de prendre la route Hloukhiv-Baturyn et Buryn-Konotop.

La 47ème division de chars, la 2ème division de fusillés motorisés et deux brigades, la 27ème et la 15ème doivent attaquer Soumy puis progresser jusqu'à Romny, Prylouky et Kyiv.Image
Read 25 tweets
Nov 13
J'ai commencé à rédiger un article sur l'offensive de Donetsk 🇺🇦

Ce qu'il se passe aujourd'hui à Kourakhove n'est autre que la continuation de cette offensive de Donetsk, qui a débuté en 2014 et devrait se terminer dans un mois.

Je vous explique brièvement : 🧵1/18⬇️ Image
Donetsk, c'est le fer de lance de la Novororissia russe, ce projet de nouvelle Russie allant de Kharkiv à Odessa, et passant par le Donbass et la Crimée.

Donetsk est également la 5ème ville d'Ukraine, au potentiel industriel et minier immense. Image
Dès l'indépendance de l'Ukraine, la République oligarchique ukrainienne (pour reprendre les mots si justes de @SebaGobert) voit une concurrence entre le clan de Dnipropetrovsk (Dnipro) et celui de Donetsk.

A Donetsk règne un certain Akhmetov, oligarche surpuissant jusqu'en 2014. Image
Read 18 tweets
Nov 11
Critical situation for Ukraine 🇺🇦 armed forces in the south Dontesk front. They just destroyed a dam on the Vovotcha river.

This comes amid the risk of Kurakhove being encircled from the north-west.

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If the situation was already critical for the city, it became catastrophic during the last week.

Russian recon managed to enter Sontsivka, the town north-west of Kurakhove, breaking between ukrainian lines.
At the same time, Russian army continued its offensive south of Kurakhove, in the direction of the H15 Zaporizhia-Donetsk Highway.

Now, there is only one road out of Kurakhove, dominated by the high ground and between 7 (north) and 9 km (south) from the frontlines. Image
Read 13 tweets
Nov 9
Ordre de bataille de la guerre en Ukraine 🇺🇦/🇷🇺

Chaque Etat major doit gérer le déploiement de ses troupes sur le front. Celui-ci se fait le long de lignes de défenses et dans les villes clés.

Voyons comment s'organisent les deux armées :

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Tout d'abord, merci à @UAControlMap pour leur immense travail de recherche des unités.

Une version anglophone sera bientôt disponible. Ici, j'évoquerai principalement les unités de manœuvres au niveau division/brigades. Ayez à l'esprit la présence de bataillons, régiments...
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