1/ If you’re surprised we’re in this mess, you haven’t been paying attention to history. As I show in my new book, Den of Spies, , the GOP has been engaged in treasonous assaults on democracy for more than 50 years. (Reposts are greatly appreciated.)harpercollins.com/products/den-o…
2/It started w/ Nixon’s election in 1968. Back then, Nixon “secretly deputized GOP operative Anna Chennault to intervene on his behalf and talk directly to the powers that be in South Vietnam” to make sure they would NOT participate in the Paris Peace Talks.
Sure enough, South Vietnam withdrew from the peace talks, Nixon won, and the war continued for six more years, resulting in another twenty thousand unnecessary American deaths, not to mention millions of Cambodian, Laotian, and Vietnamese casualties. But it remained a secret until too late. The Dems didn’t fight back.
3/When Nixon ran for reelection in '72, he was petrified that LBJ would release documents and tapes re the Chennault Affair, so he put together a group of burglars known as The Plumbers to break in and steal the documents from various offices--including the Watergate complex.Even though Woodward & Bernstein reported on it through the summer of ’72, the Dems didn’t fight back, Nixon was reelected in a landslide, and was only forced out of office when GOP senators convince Nixon to resign.
4/ In my new book, Den of Spies, you can read all about the GOP’s treasonous covert op that won the election for them in 1980. . Again, the Dems didn’t fight back and allowed a congressional investigation to cover it all up.harpercollins.com/products/den-o…
5/In 2000, the so-called Brooks Brothers riots in Fla featured scores of middle-aged white GOP lawyers led by Roger Stone, among other operatives, in an assault on election canvassers that stopped vote counting in highly Democratic precincts. Again, the Dems didn’t fight back enough and that left the decision about who would be president in the hands of the GOP-aligned Supreme Court.
6/In 2016, Trump, who had been targeted as an intelligence asset by the KGB years earlier, openly urged Russia to interfere on his behalf in the presidential election. Again, the Democrats didn’t fight back.
7/On January 6, 2021, three months after the 2020 election, Trump incited tens of thousands of followers to storm the Capitol in hopes of overturning the election. This time, Merrick Garland's Justice Department did not take action until too late.
8/And now, as Trump is about to take office once again and seize dictatorial powers, the Democrats had better fight back as fiercely as possible or our democracy will be over—once and for all.
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When I started out in journalism what excited me most was that blockbuster stories like the My Lai Massacre, the Pentagon Papers, and Watergate could takeover the national conversation and change the course of history.
2/ But those days are gone and the WaPo-LATimes capitulation to Trump seems like the final nail. Even though he has more than $200 billion, Bezos feels so scared of Trump that he capitulates before Election Day.
3/ No wonder we’ve entered a period in which Trump is almost invulnerable. Trump is a rapist. Yawn. General Milley says he’s “fascist to the core.” So? Trump has laundered millions of dollars for the Russian mafia through his real estate properties and he has been cultivated as an intelligence asset by the KGB and its successors. Shrug.
Thanks, @KCBoyd3. In House of Trump, House of Putin, I wrote about Trump laundering $$ for Russian Mafia--now surfacing in lawsuits in Kazakhstan regarding the Trump SoHo which was developed by Felix Sater's Bayrock Group.
2/ I wrote, "Khrapunov and Muktar Ablyazov, another Kazakh oligarch, have been accused of embezzling about $10 billion from a Kazakh bank and laundering it through shell companies, which purchased real estate all over the world.
3/"...With regard to Trump SoHo, the lawyers charged that Khrapunov’s network used dozens of shell companies, among them three limited liability companies...called Soho 3310, Soho 3311, and Soho 3203, which corresponded to apartments of the same name in Trump SoHo."
The Specter of 2016, excellent piece by @TimothyDSnyder. The FBI turned a blind eye to Trump's ties to Russia long before McGonigal. As I wrote in House of Trump, House of Putin, relying in part on FBI files...1/ open.substack.com/pub/snyder/p/t…
in 1984 Russian mobster David Bogatin laundered $6 million thru Trump real estate when he bought 5 Trump Tower condos in a building that became a home for Russian Mafioso like Vyaschelav Ivankov, various oligarchs, and a paradigm for $$ laundering on a massive scale..2/
and they knew that Felix Sater, who was an FBI informant, had ties to the Russian Mafia and, through Bayrock, played a role in helping bail out Trump after his Atlantic City bankruptcies...3/
1/ But there was a dark side to 9/11 domestically that people forget. I wrote about it in House of Bush, House of Saud in 2004.@DashDobrofsky@gregolear
2/Let’s not forget, that even tho 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi, & Osama bin Laden masterminded the attacks, Saudi complicity was almost completely dismissed by Bush administration.
3/Remember that after the attacks, American air space was completely shut down. The skies were as empty as they had been since the Wright Brothers. No one in the country could fly. The only exception: Saudi royals and members of the bin Laden family.
2/In 1980, as I wrote in American Kompromat, Trump bought 100s of TVs for the Grand Hyatt Hotel. Yuri Shvets, a fmr major in the KGB, told me that the man who sold the TVs, Semion Kislin, was a “spotter agent” for the KGB—i.e. someone seeking new assets and agents to cultivate.
3/ In 1984, Trump made 1st known sale to a Russian mobster when David Bogatin put down $6 million(abt $15 M today) for 5 condos. In effect, according to NY State AG's office, Trump had just helped launder $ for the Russian Mafia—which happened to work hand in glove with the KGB.
Okay. In the 90s I was editor of Boston Magazine and we ran a guide to Martha’s Vineyard including nude beaches favored by local celebs such as one @AlanDersh 1/
As soon as it appeared, I got an angry call from Dershowitz shouting at me that we have to retract it because he’s never been to a nude beach in his life. 2/
For a moment I was genuinely upset. I don’t like to make mistakes and didn’t realize that Dersh doesn’t always tell the truth. 3/