Romanaland Hour of Grift, Thursday 21 November 2024 will be here. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340.
8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST
We expect Creepy Darlene, ogre of cultville, but they haven't kept their own schedule lately. Image of Darlene doing "kind" for her acting class in 1989:
@RebeccaO1340 Ack. Damn cult, you keep having the wrong person on! It's Fluffy.
@RebeccaO1340 No cult word of the day.
Webster's WOTD: tenacious
Sentence: Romana's followers appear tenacious online but are old, weak and timid in real life.
@RebeccaO1340 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! Gail has been sent on "special assignment" (she's dead). Don't use her email address for payments!!!
Somethings gone wrong in cultlandia.
@RebeccaO1340 Maria Magdalenema from Austria. She has a raging searchlight fetish.
@RebeccaO1340 Gina Lee from "floor-duh." She's going to slither around like an allleeeey gaaayyytirr for awhile and read some thing irrelevant she found in her batshit "studies." I wonder if she's discovered that the US was in something called "World War I" today.
@RebeccaO1340 Here's something from last month that was reposted to the Main Channel, from Gina. Gina knows that LOBSTERS! are very important to the kingdumb of kanada. LOBSTERS LOBSTERS LOBSTERS!
@RebeccaO1340 Here's a thread about Debbra Greig and how she lost her registration and can't see clients as a social worker any more... because of her beliefs in Romana's bullshit and introducing them into her work.
She was on a livestream on 5 October 2024.
@RebeccaO1340 First grift. It's been half a year since they started grifting for $30,000 for paint. They still need $30,000 for paint. They slapped purple paint on the building (took months) then some days they claim they did a second coat. Still need $30,000 for paint.
@RebeccaO1340 The cult has requested you send certificates to them at the following address. Here are some ideas I found pictured on the internet.
Her Royal Majesty Queen Romana Didulo Command Center
Box 210
Richmound, Saskatchewan S0N 2E0
Gail's history. Well, or something. Her bank account might be in peril or something. Whatever you do, don't use her email address like we told you to do on Monday! Except for paypal. See? Simple!
@RebeccaO1340 Now it's time for them to force a re-run of "Press Briefing" down their follower's throats. The good news is it's only about 5 minutes long today.
Darlene may need an oil change for winter, something with lower viscosity so she doesn't seize up all the time.
@RebeccaO1340 Here's what it looks like. She looks fake because they green-screen, poorly, the podium and Darlene over a still image of the set in the gym, which is too cold now for humans to inhabit. She also looks fake because she's generated by entirely by a faulty AI.
@RebeccaO1340 Here's a summary, as well as the full text, of the 'briefing', graciously provided by @SMetharp:
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp The article they posted on telegram about Edmonton's police chief is this one:…
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp Briefing's over, and we go back to Fluffy.
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp Fluffy's reading posts from the Main channel. Including this one:
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp Now it's Tammy Burdett. She's in a little box and they put this in a big box, which I found amusing.
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp She's reading a lengthy story about refugees and refugee services.
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp Q&A post about, well, something:
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp Talking ass Mikey Hawkey dispensing the boredom from his cul-de-sac in West Kelowna. Recently had his ONE BOOK confiscated. Energy vampire, boring as snot, charisma of donkey feces, known worshiper of the devil.
Here he is receiving advice from one of his most trusted mentors.
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp Again with Edmonton's police chief. Mikey's in BC. He was introduced as the BC correspondent. So what does he care about Edmonton's police chief?
They just pick things and read them for no reason. I'm sure at the end of this it will show stinkey kweeney is in charge.
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp Here's another when Mikey was standing for his oath:
Need big-boy pants.
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp URGENT AND IMPORTANT. Listen up KWEENEE's FAMILY! Gail has been sent away. Don't sent her money.
I assume this means grift #2 us upon us.
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp French is by Lise Beauchamp tonight. Same room, same corner.
And that brings to a close culting with dipshits. Thank you for stopping by.
@RebeccaO1340 Thursday 21 November 2024. Fluffy showed up by surprise, BUT... delivered a relatively short 45-minute show. Let's just do that from now on, shall we? Gail remains vaporized, kween's issuing nonsense coded messages to "family". I think she's sunk deeper into the deep end.
🧵 Thread... A little about Debbra Greig of Watson Lake, YT, a Romana Didulo follower.
She was a social worker with legitimate degrees from real schools, and then after that a barrel-full of bogus degrees from nonsense, unaccredited "metaphysical" schools of woo.
Debbra was who we thought would be on a cult livestream back in April/May when the cult was feverously upset about everything indigenous. They mentioned it a number of times.
They referenced a social worker in the north and the BC College of Social Workers. She fit the bill perfectly. Then they stopped talking about it and didn't end up having her on.
Then on 5 October 2024 they announced a special afternoon show w/ "Social Worker working in Yukon".
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Tuesday 19 November 2024 will be here. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340.
8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST
It's probably will be Fluffernutter, but could be C-LSD or Tennyson or even ogre Creepy D. This cult can't keep to a schedule if their lives depended on it.
@RebeccaO1340 It's Fluffernutter, or Fluffy as we call him. Some people call him Glenn Jancke but that just because they aren't his true friends like we are.
@RebeccaO1340 No cult word of the day
Webster's WOTD: moot
Sentence: In Romana's cult status is achieved by giving money to the stink kween, everything else is moot.
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Saturday 16 November 2024 will be here. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340.
8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST
We expect Cindy Desrochers, who is confined to one room in the school & not allowed out. They tried putting a bag over her head but it made things worse.
@RebeccaO1340 They're late. The streams are started but their ticker isn't running. Incompetence IS what they are famous for, you know.
@HyapatiaLee 1/10 [URLs at end] Historical examples of culturally-accepted child killing and sacrifice can be found all over the globe, including Europe and the Middle East.
1/ @HyapatiaLee Some eagle nest (and one Red Tailed Hawk nest) cams as promised.
Two Harbors Bald Eagle Nest (Eagle sitting on nest 3/7/2023, two eggs mentioned in chat) 1/
2/ Decorah Eagles Nest (eagle sitting on nest 3/7/2023) 2/
3/ Bald Canyon Bald Eagle Nest (eagle sitting on nest 3/7/2023, 3 eggs mentioned in other chat) 3/