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Nutria/Coypu | River/Swamp Rat | Orange Teeth | Brought to US by that Tabasco Sauce guy
Mar 2 26 tweets 6 min read
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Sunday 2 March 2025. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340. 5pm EST/2pm PST.

37 straight days of Creepy D. An ogrish nightmare with no end in sight. I hope today will be short, at least. Image @RebeccaO1340 Grifty McStinksalot herself attempted to bore everyone to death with a FIVE HOUR borecution yesterday. Here's apex of happiness and contentedness, Creepy D, looking absofuckinglutely miserable. Image
Mar 1 77 tweets 16 min read
Koffee w/ cult kween #RomanaDidulo, Saturday 1 March 2025. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340. Noon EST/9am PST.

The last one of these was 31 December 2024, and was lengthy (218 minutes ≈ 3 and a half hours) but also included moments of Stinkey unbridled. Image @RebeccaO1340 Nothing to do with the batshit kween, but today's Futurama character of the day is Nixon's Head, one of my favorite characters.
Feb 27 32 tweets 7 min read
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Thursday 27 February 2025. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340. 5pm EST/2pm PST.

Zombie ogre Creepy D had waggled her decaying tongue at us for 35 days. Today, I hope it falls off. Image @RebeccaO1340 They had no morning press briefing. Boo hoo. Darlene was...😄😄😄 on...😂😂😂 assignment🤣🤣🤣

Oh shit Darlene, that means you were scheduled for an unalivement, just like Mary! Image
Feb 25 30 tweets 7 min read
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Tuesday 25 February 2025. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340. 5pm EST/2pm PST.

Creepy has been barricaded in the room w/ the camera for 33 days. No morning briefing today because they were "moving offices" within the school. I anticipate a supershitshow. Image @RebeccaO1340 Announcement about "press briefing": Image
Feb 23 24 tweets 6 min read
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Sunday 23 February 2025. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340. 5pm EST/2pm PST.

31 days in a row of Creepy D. I'm going to still hope today is Fluffernutter, although I expect it to be the ogre. Here's one of AI's more fanciful portraits of Fluffy. 😀 Image @RebeccaO1340 I predict no cult Word Of The Day.

Webster's WOTD: tousle.

In a sentence: Romana only posts AI pictures lately because of her constantly tousled hair.

Feb 22 27 tweets 7 min read
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Saturday 22 February 2025. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340. 5pm EST/2pm PST.

It's been Creepy D for 30 days now. Maybe she will let Fluffernutter back today. We know he's there, we saw him Thursday. Even Wendy would be better than more of the ogre. Image @RebeccaO1340 Romana's posted a bunch of varied batshit last night and today. One thing that caught my eye is this.

Personally, I'm leaning toward "Fuck NO!" but if you promise to do something insane and entertaining, I'd reconsider.

[ 1 March 2025 11am CST Koffee with Kween ] Image
Feb 18 27 tweets 7 min read
Romanaland Hour of Grift Tuesday 18 February 2025. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340. 5pm EST/2pm PST.

26days of Creepy. The manic megalomania in there must be at a deadly level. The peasants must be suffering fiercely. Which is OK, maybe they'll revive some brain cells & leave. Image @RebeccaO1340 Creepy D again. 27 days now. If she keeps it up maybe I'll do a recap in the style of "Civil War Correspondence."

I recently discovered that back in 1862, Creepy D was the inspiration for the first use of "She really gives me the Creeps." Image
Feb 16 27 tweets 7 min read
Romanaland Eternity of Grift, Sunday 16 February 2025. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340. 5pm EST/2pm PST.

24 days of Creepy. No sign of relief. We are in Turin Horse territory now.

Fun fact: Part of horse played by Darlene Ondi!
[Part of mentally ill Nietzsche played by Grifty] @RebeccaO1340…
Feb 15 26 tweets 8 min read
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Saturday 15 February 2025. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340.5pm EST/2pm PST.

The last 23 days have been zombie Creepy D, who dreams that she's some sort of media figure despite not having a clue how to use words or make sentences or produce basic video. Image @RebeccaO1340 Maybe today we will finally get a break from the unbearable dimness of Darlene,
Feb 13 34 tweets 9 min read
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Thursday 13 February 2025. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340. 5pm EST/2pm PST.

21 days now of Creepy D without interruption. I expect it to continue. Image @RebeccaO1340 It's Creepy D. Day 22 of overbearing ogreocity. Image
Feb 11 38 tweets 9 min read
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Tuesday 11 February 2025. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340. 5pm EST/2pm PST.

Ogre Creepy D has attempted to kill us with boredom and mental dullness for 19 days. I have given up hope that it will ever end. Maybe H5N1 will deliver us from this scourge. Image @RebeccaO1340 I'm going to try really really extra hard not to call for anyone to be fucked with a 2x4 today. We'll see how it goes. No promises.
Feb 9 38 tweets 9 min read
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Sunday 9 February 2025. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340. 5pm EST/2pm PST.

17 days the Ogre of Creepy D has come and spit nonsense. May today bring respite from extreme Ogre-ness. We hope for Fluffy, but are prepared for a specter of ogrish monotony. Image @RebeccaO1340 I predict no cult Word Of The Day.

Webster's WOTD: ecstatic.

In a sentence: I will be exstatic if it is NOT Creepy D hosting today.

Feb 8 32 tweets 8 min read
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Saturday 8 February 2025. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340. 5pm EST/2pm PST.

It's been 16 days in a row Creepy D has inflicted herself on us. I'm hoping against hope that it's Fluffernutter today. Image @RebeccaO1340 I predict no cult Word Of The Day.

Webster's WOTD: finesse

In a sentence: Romana does not need to finesse the scamming of her followers because they simply believe the absurd things she says.

Feb 6 54 tweets 14 min read
Romanaland Hour of Grift,Thursday 6 February 2025. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340. 5pm EST/2pm PST.

I'm expecting Creepy D.She's not letting anyone else host lately. It must suck to be dead inside, yet still jealous of something as stupid & meaningless as hosting one of these. Image @RebeccaO1340 I predict no cult Word Of The Day.

Webster's WOTD: ad-lib.

In a sentence: One day, Romana woke up and decided to ad-lib her way through a 4-year-long performance of absurd, extreme batshittery.

Feb 4 32 tweets 10 min read
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Tuesday 4 February 2025. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340. 5pm EST/2pm PST.

It will probably be ogrish Creepy D, but maybe we'll get Fluffy or Wendy. At least Wendy keeps them short.

AI Ogre Creepy D, surrounded by the haboobs that form around her: Image @RebeccaO1340 Darlene was responsible for all of these haboobs. She's a menace and needs to be sedated and locked away far from civilization. A cleanroom in Antarctica might work... no dust to make haboobs with. Image
Feb 3 58 tweets 12 min read
Romanaland Hour of Grift - Geriatric Vigilantes Oath-taking Ceremony Edition, 3 Feb 2025. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340.

1pm EST/10pm PST/noon CST.

They call them "Humanitarian Peace, Prosperity, and Love Officers". I expect Grifty McStinksalot to be present.

#RomanaDidulo Image @RebeccaO1340 Their telegram group for vigilantes now has 79 members, up from 56 on 1/19/2025 so maybe they found 23 new fools to embarrass themselves publicly.
Feb 2 22 tweets 6 min read
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Sunday 2 February 2025. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340. 5pm EST/2pm PST.

I'm resigned to it being Creepy D today. She is incapable of sharing and has done the last 10 days in a row. Image @RebeccaO1340 Richmound's a little on the chilly side. Boo hoo. I hope the cult stays nice and cold. Image
Feb 1 21 tweets 6 min read
Grifty McStinksalot's Romanaland Hour of Grift, Saturday 1 February 2025. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340. 5pm EST/2pm PST.

I hope for Fluffernutter but Creepy D has been hogging everything lately. Here's an image AI made of Fluffy when I left the prompt very un-specific. 🤣 Image @RebeccaO1340 I haven't been watching what the cult is doing today but they did have a special (or as I would call it "unnecessary and uncalled-for") Saturday morning press briefing. No need whatsoever. Just the usual crap.
Jan 30 33 tweets 9 min read
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Thursday 30 January 2025. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340. 5pm EST/2pm PST.

I'm half-expecting Creepy Ogre because back when they (formerly) kept to their own schedule, she did W-F. But the cult is highly incapable, so it could be Wendy or Fluffy. Image @RebeccaO1340 Are Romana's followers willfully stupid? I think the jury is in. Image
Jan 28 32 tweets 7 min read
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Tuesday 28 January 2025. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340. 5pm EST/2pm PST.

The cult released their new tagline:
"The Khmer Rouge for seniors." (™️ @SPirie625)

My guess is it will be Ogre Creepy D, Chief Secretary of Ogreing. Could be Fluffy or Wendy. Image @RebeccaO1340 @SPirie625 I predict there will be no cult Word Of The Day.

Webster's WOTD: sward.

In a sentence: The mudpit used to be a nice sward, then the cult turned it into a death pit to stash all the bodies.

Jan 26 28 tweets 8 min read
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Sunday 26 January 2025. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340.

New time: 5pm EST/2pm PST.

It could be Wendy, Fluffy or the awful ogre Creepy D. I'm going to guess... Wendy [below], but I have a CREEPING suspicion it will be someone else, someone horrible. Image @RebeccaO1340 No cult Word Of The Day on Sundays (or any day lately).

Webster's WOTD: circuitous.

In a sentence: Romana's brain always takes a circuitous route to arrive at the inevitable destination: total batshit.