JILL STEIN: Purity tests for thee, but not for me.
@DrJillStein is in her third losing bid for the White House, with not a single electoral vote to her name, and she’s dragging the Green Party down with her. Hear me out…
📌 Green Party Decline: Membership peaked at 319,000 in 2004 but has dropped to 234,000 today, largely under Stein’s leadership. Of approximately 500,000 elected positions in the U.S., from school boards and township supervisors to the presidency, the Green Party holds just 149. Stein does not have the ability to lift up candidates.
📌 Political Fraud: She has no real chance at winning. Stein is barely polling at 1%, but her candidacy can still influence who wins. GOP attorneys are helping her with ballot access, and Putin boosts her by spreading disinformation about elections and Democratic candidates.
📌 Financial Hypocrisy: She rails against Big Pharma and Big Oil, but has large investments in mutual funds with holdings in fossil fuels, big banks, Big Pharma, tobacco, and defense contractors.
📌 Political Hypocrisy: She calls Netanyahu a war criminal but can’t manage to call Putin the same. She uses the Israel-Hamas war as a verbal weapon, but is hands-off when it comes to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
📌 Basic Knowledge Fail: Stein doesn’t even know how many members are in Congress—she thinks it’s 600—and plans to rely only on executive orders instead of members of Congress as allies that any president would need to get their agenda passed into law.
📌 Every 4 Years: Stein only shows up during elections to criticize Democrats, raise money, and then disappears.
📌 Smears Progressives and Moderates Alike: She’s attacked Bernie Sanders and AOC and once claimed Hillary Clinton was a bigger threat than Trump.
The Green Party needs a candidate who isn’t a spoiler and a hypocrite if it wants legitimacy or it will continue to fade away.
SPRINGFIELD: GROUND ZERO FOR THE NEW BIG LIE—and it’s endangering lives.
In 2016, Pizzagate got out of hand because we let it go. It seemed so crazy—who could believe it? But we were wrong. Let’s not let that happen with this conspiracy theory.
The new big lie about Haitians eating pets started with a single false post. ONE POST! Neo-Nazis, Donald Trump, J.D. Vance, and other right-wingers ran with it.
Watch this news video for the backstory and to correct the record…
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Yesterday, I posted this NBC News segment reporting that Erika Lee, the woman behind the viral post that claimed her neighbor’s cat was kidnapped by Haitian neighbors, deleted her post and said it was wrong information.
I asked for help spreading the word to correct the record, hoping it might put an end to this disinformation campaign if the truth got out, but it clearly was not enough. So many replies were hateful and spread more disinformation.
Let’s go through…
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There was Erika’s viral conspiracy post. Simultaneously, there was the case of a woman who mutilated a cat. This also went viral. Not going into the gory details, but she was not Haitian, nor was she an immigrant. She was a mentally ill U.S. citizen, and the video was taken in Canton, not Springfield.
This @MSNBC segment is about mixed-race voters' take on this election. It includes people of diverse political persuasions as well.
One of the participants makes a quick comment that you might miss but shouldn’t ignore: “I never heard her identify herself as a Black woman.” He implies that Kamala Harris is being dishonest about her race because he “never heard” her say she was Black until she ran for president. That’s how effective Trump’s lie has been.
I’ll circle back on that brother in a minute, but first…
There’s an important aspect of being multiracial that I’m not seeing discussed—the cultural piece. It’s not just your DNA that affects your identity; it’s how you are raised and who raised you.
The most important person in my life is biracial. Her father passed when she was very young, so she was raised by her mom, a Black woman, along with some fabulous Black aunties who were central to her upbringing. She’s always identified as Black—not because she is in denial of her other half, but because these are her people.
We don’t know these things about people based on how they look, and they don’t owe you or anyone else an explanation.
So if they tell you who they are, or if for some reason you feel the need to know and decide to ask them, don’t be an ass about it.
Now, back to brother @AliAddul. Addul is a Republican congressional candidate in North Carolina, and he makes the following comments about Kamala Harris during the interview:
“I don’t think that Kamala Harris has anything vested in the—air finger quote—‘Black or Hispanic experience.’”
“I didn’t know she identified as Black because everything I saw was first South Asian, first Indian…”
“Going to Howard don’t make you Black.”
“I never heard her identify herself as a Black woman.”
Addul has subscribed to and is perpetuating the lie that Harris is somehow being dishonest about her race. I’m going to drop a few older videos in the thread where Kamala refers to her racial identity. She has always claimed to be Black, in addition to the pride she shares about her Indian mom.
But also consider the cultural element of her identity.
Harris was raised by her mom, who’s Indian, but she grew up in Oakland, California. I’ll let you do your own research on the significance of that. She is a Howard University alum, an HBCU, and a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha, a Black sorority. These are her people, her culture, and a big piece of who she is.
So I’ve noticed a lot of names being floated on cable news for @VP as well as some names being bounced around in our friend groups on Twitter/X.
I’d like to make the case for someone you might not have thought of — @DougJones
Hear me out…
Former Senator Jones is a son of the south. Black folks in the south trust him. Doug was one of the first Senators, and the only one from the south to say ‘Black Lives Matter’ on the Senate floor. No fear of speaking up for what’s right!
He organized the annual reading of MLK on the Senate floor that still continues to this today.
‘We cannot let this moment pass’: Doug Jones also invoked a push for racial justice in first 2020 campaign ad.
And let’s be upfront about the uncomfortable part — white voters in the Midwest would feel more reassured by him.
Listen to him here.
He can prosecute JD Vance like no one else.
Like Kyle Whitmire said, Doug Jones is everything Vance claims to be, but isn’t.
Jones would be the perfect partner with Kamala Harris in prosecuting convicted felon, Donald Trump, on the political stage. 2.
Doug isn’t afraid of fighting and doing what’s hard.
He successfully prosecuted the KKK in a cold case.
Wow‼️ Instead of attending hearings where his own constituents are testifying about their miscarriage horror stories attributed to Texas’ extreme abortion ban — @tedcruz has been busy selling himself to the highest bidders.
A reporter found documents left at a food kiosk on the first floor of the US Capitol. They detail information about a series of meetings between Cruz and big donors.
According to @PabloReports, the reporter who found them Tuesday afternoon, Twitter/X took down his posts with the documents because they included the donor’s personal contact info. Private info has now been redacted from the docs included here and in the🧵