Entonces! This week’s MEGATHREAD is a very simple affair. It talks of a lifelong love affair with THE FUNK.
I am as obsessed with it today as I was back when I was a kid listening to my Mum and Dads records.
Earth Wind and Fire were my Gods.
Eventually with a decade of my paper round I got enough together to buy the corpse of a drum kit.
A 2nd hand Premier Olympic. I’d got the bug at school having music lessons for several instruments.
At first it was just about early lunch pass, a dodge for getting off lessons.
Eventually my folks, so sick of me thrashing about teaching myself, paid the music teacher from school to come once a week. He'd turn up with a pedal, snare and stool. All drummers are essentially ambidextrous and would mirror me, like a driving instructor with extra controls.
I taught myself from records, so he built on that and would show me simple things I heard all the time were actually quite tricky and full of funk, like Grange Hill. No one is trying to be cool on this thread today. Only liars have cool origin stories.
Or we’d learn the drum fills and groove for the theme from Minder. My instructor was a good teacher cos he understood the simple educational value in taking apart something very familiar.
Then I’d ask if he could help with records I actually liked but couldn’t entirely understand in detail, like this one. The bit that was ‘out of time’ was triplets. So that week Prince taught us triplets on the hi hat.
My teacher wasn’t going to put up with this for long. He was a jazz funkateer at heart. Drummers will not be surprised at all that soon enough we were talking about Steve Gadd. About how very gentle, groovy and yet complex a pattern like this could be -
It wasn’t tablature. I’d already done theory on other instruments, and music is just like language. Once you’ve learned one - others come much easier. So each week we would write out the correct notation and sometimes we’d transcribe the whole record.
The other 99.9% of the week was all mine, and once I’d agreed to put blankets on the kit and go into the basement it was all about Earth Wind and Fire. Me Mam would say I’d kick and thrash drum parts in my sleep - I’d wear headphones all day and night.
Having the funk is about understanding space. Stuart Copeland drums in the same way Frank Sinatra sings. Completely oblivious to the formal ‘beat’. Arriving so long after, or before, that it is almost impossible to play/sing along precisely.
Naturally spent a lot of time listening and trying to imitate Clyde Stubblefield and Jabo Starks, and failing! Accents, delicacy and restraint are things that do not arrive early. They are earned not bestowed.
Suddenly out of nowhere Go-go just grabbed me by the throat. James Brown paved the way for a thing that was just continuous breaks, but Go-go was not dissimilar to the later raves. Just all funk, all night. I saw Chuck Brown on ’The Tube’ and that was it.
From my first kit right up until touring with bands I couldn’t afford a drum stool so I learned to play sitting in an old armchair. In one of the bands, forced to cart the huge thing around, I was mocked as 'The Comfy Drummer'.
Mid set I’d get introduced by the singer and we’d do a quick James Brown impersonation and ‘hear the drummer get comfy’. I'd stop playing, wiggle in my chair and go 'mmm, comfy'.
You had to be there I guess.
Brixton beckoned and the early days of Acid Jazz. Never thinking I’d actually get to see Trouble Funk at Hammersmith! But there was absolutely a species of South London Funk. You felt it. Lived it. And of course no one epitomised this more than Cymande.
Being part of a ‘scene’ but mad things happening like Roy Ayers needed a vibrophone and you got to just walk into the Jazz Cafe and see him play your kit and even get to shake his hand while off your tits on mushrooms. Roy Ayers!!
While electronica was very much a thing, nothing really beat playing in a band. There’s a buzz playing records and it is great to make people happy but there’s something about locking into a groove with other players that is forever a bit special.
Funk doesn’t mean obscure 7 inches from the 70s. As usual, straight white men turn a feeling into a genre. ‘Collectors’ kill everything they touch.
A lot of the 70s supergroups had a singer that liked a lovely ballad but a band that was secretly a funk beast. While Lionel Richie or Barry White was out the room the lads would lay down a monster -
Then Barry would come back in -
“Ey! have you lads being doing funk again?”
“No Barry!”
“Oo you big liars, these drums are still warm”
For a ‘definition of the funk’ you have to look at space. Music is a binary system. Notes and space. On and off. Few ever consider the off. Little consideration is given to the nothing. But a busy energy can also persuade your feet -
And if you ever wonder where some of that Weatherall beat came from -
Right? Not a million miles away from -
But I digress, for a while there was a thing that Prince, Cameo and this dude did brilliantly with huge gated drums and would get me more into playing a 2nd hand Simmons and basically trying to compete with drum machines -
Because we drummers were amongst the first to be made obsolete by tech. Replaced by robots. I sold my acoustic stuff and got more and more into the synthesised -
So it wouldn’t be until fairly recently that I got back into funk records made and played by people. But when it came back it was played by white kids who went to conservatories and you know what, there is nothing wrong with that. Nothing at all -
But once they got Nate Smith involved, oh boy!
I became obsessed with Snarky Puppy and it’s been a long time since I loved something so much to a point where I had to have everything. The lot. There’s nothing they do that I do not want to have immediately.
So yeah, as usual this could have gone on forever but hopefully the YouTube algorithm will do its thing and send you down a filthy funk hole this weekend and see you dancing in your pants in the kitchen.
It’s not a mix it is a story of sorts. Just my story there is nothing historical or definitive here. And you will have your own friendship with the funk over the years. Or like me you may spot a wrongun and say to yourself “yeah, that one there is a stranger to the funk”.
Things like this get less and less exposure thanks to Musk, so press like and share to get it out there and if you enjoy, drop a tip in the fund to help keep things going, or don’t, it is not obligatory -
Thanks for pitching-in folks. I got enough to get through the worst of the off-season. So I figure we are good for MEGATHREADS until about Feb.
so... MEGATHREAD 🧵🧵🧵
COVID relief fund cheaters and Plague Ravers - just where did our money (and brains) go? and why?
Dare we even mention the ‘C’ word? One place determined to forget COVID forever is the UK.
A kind of collective amnesia exists to such a degree that anyone who even so much as mentions it, or even wears a mask, is demonised.
Let’s put something to one side for a minute, there were many long periods when I did not have COVID, not all of this is personal.
No one wanted to work, travel and play records at parties full of lovely people more than I did.
One of the most bizarre and hateful comments that would pop up a lot was the accusation that I didn’t want to work. But it was the language of the schoolyard, naturally.
Am I the only one? I can’t be can I?
I mean, it seemed to me that COVID was a clear disaster for everyone but the very rich, but if there was one redeeming feature it was some sort of reset. A chance to fix what is broken. I had a, granted, slightly romantic vision of a new dawn -people remembering our roots as a protest movement.
A realisation perhaps that the top 1% of our biz were no different to the top 1% of society stuffing everything into their pockets and leaving nothing for the rest of us.
A guilt about the air miles and carbon footprint of what we do. A sense that the economics of our biz had run out of control somewhat.
A chance to instil real diversity into things instead of just lip service. Most of all, at least some kind of logistical plan about coping with the virus had to be around? All utopian dreams aside, where is the discussion about how we DEAL with this thing? Measures. Dialogue. Science. Logistics. Solutions. Where are they?
If this thing was showing us anything it is that we are comprehensively headless. Not merely as an industry but as a society led by chancers only out to line their own pockets.
Could be the last MEGATHREAD 🧵🧵 - judging by the huge reduction in engagement recently. Which in-turn suggested this topic. The reason why I do this. The reason why I pay for the tick. So people can see the journalism. Because that is what the Secret DJ project is for.
I did a solid 20 years of writing before the Secret DJ. Rarely got paid for it and compared to DJ wages in the 90s, who cared back then? A lot of it was fluff. But the thing that changed everything was GATECRASHERGATE.
This thread would be like Lord of the Rings if I went into all the detail, but after hearing perhaps the 10th story of wrongdoing by them I went to a major dance mag and asked why no one talks about it and basically I was told to shut up, cos Gatecrasher owed them money. Lots.
So a network of ‘debt as control’ emerged. Simon Raine, Evil Brain, the boss behind it, essentially never paid anyone when he could. Leaving a trail of destruction going back to the early 90s, possibly further. Wherever I asked a victim, no one would speak up. No one.
Rumours begin to circulate of criminal dealings, threats and non-payments. Some agents place Gatecrasher on 'The Blacklist' as early as 1998. Some witnesses cite even earlier examples at 'Bakers' in Birmingham, Raine's first venture.
That ‘Far Right’ Brit spouting venom at you is highly likely not British at all.
The American Far Right and Russia are constantly trying to mess with you.
Stand fast.
Know your enemy.
'The Movement' was an attempt by Steve Bannon, arguably one of the most dangerous men on the planet, top unify the global Far Right. It was devised to destabilise Europe after the failure of TTIP.
Boris Johnson is trending and while I hate him with every fibre of my being for reasons everyone else shares, I have a personal reason. Deeply personal.
I was stuck in Spain for COVID. Already had an evil dose of it very early on. High risk. I knew with absolute conviction what we were dealing with.
Thing is, I felt safe in Spain. There were roadblocks with machine guns. There were no crowds in parks or beaches. Within a matter of weeks the curve was flattened. We had adults in charge.
Populists by definition cannot make unpopular decisions, and a pandemic is literally a non-stop series of unpopular decisions that need to be made. Must be made.
Watching the absolute farce that unfolded in the UK was unreal. I was in a country taking real measures using science, while the leader of the UK was literally saying in public that it didn't exist. The it was 'just flu'. Then appearing without masks (intentionally) and saying he'd take a dose live on TV. I mean, not just the most obscene claptrap but also you could see the UK was palpably about 6 weeks behind the rest of the world.
And gradually, slowly, the COVID map of europe shed the red parts, the orange parts, soon Europe was shades of green.
Not the UK of course. Still red zones. Mostly orange.
One of the reasons Boris Johnson was so inept is Brexit. He prioritised it over COVID.
Things were looking OK, right wing Spaniards were demanding things open up. Normality was looming. And Boris Johnson went to India. Boris was in trade negotiations for Brexit with India's far right Gvt.
India had the Delta Variant. India had the most brutal circumstances for an outbreak imaginable. India was dying by the thousands daily.
As part of keeping India's far right sweet, Boris Johnson personally left the travel corridor with India open. No other nation on earth did. Tens of thousands of wealthy Indians with the Delta Variant flooded into the UK.
Suddenly the COVID map changed, London went red, then black. Glasgow went black. Boris was advised not just to shut the travel corridor with India. It was discovered that Delta was THREE HUNDRED TIMES the viral load of the Alpha Variant. It was a monster. And Boris Johnson may as well of brought it in his hand luggage in a jar.
And what did he do when told of this?
He opened all the stadiums for the football and then, unbelievably, opened all travel corridors and gave Brits infected with Delta the green light.
"Everybody go on holiday har har ho ho!" cried jolly Boris. Fully advised as to what this meant.
And within a week that COVID map of Europe showed a strange change. Much of it still green. No orange at all. But patches of red and even black in some spots.
Guess which spots?
Favourite holiday spots for the British.
And within 2 weeks of this - I got the Delta Variant, spent 3 weeks in hell trying to isolate while deranged with hypoxia, eventually emergency services having to break in, helicopter me to Majorca (Ibiza hospital overrun with sick Brits) 2 months in a coma. Nearly 2 years of complications.
I lost all my muscles to atrophy in my 50s. I lost everything. I could do nothing for the key 2 years after the worst of COVID. And I had to pay for it all. Tens of thousands.
I escaped with nothing but my life. And a day doesn't pass that I don't count myself very lucky...
Nor does a day pass when I do not curse the name of Boris Johnson.
Vile, lying filth.
At least a quarter of a million dead by his hands. Could be double that for all we know.
This is what I think when I see that name trending.
This week's MEGATHREAD 🧵 is pretty basic. I just figured we all need a wee cleanse. So I thought Id share some of my fave photos from over the years of Ibiza. Like a lot of immigrants in love with their host I got bang into the history of the place.
I am mad for dogs and one of the true tragedies in my life is that I travel too much to have any. So once a week I volunteer at the local pound. It's heartbreaking sometimes but...
The Podenco is both feral and indigenous and you may recognise the head of Anubis -
Every one of these has a story, some I even know.
There's a rough chronology, some the oldest go back a long way. I got all of them from the same shop over the years. It's tucked away and like all specialist shops it's under threat. This is the very furthest end of Talamanca.