Romanaland Hour of Grift, Sunday 24 November 2024 will be here. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340.
8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST
They've been unreliable lately but Tennyson "Shallow Throat" Park usually does Sundays, although Glenn "Fluffernutter" Jancke has done a few as well.
@RebeccaO1340 Dr. Sarteschi lists a few of Romana's victims here. She's detailed for years the real harm Romana causes. 100s, possibly 1000s,have lost houses, been evicted, arrested, had children removed,become homeless, or had utilities cut off,etc. Romana's a menace.
@RebeccaO1340 URGENT AND IMPORTANT! Gail has become vapor. She now roams the world as a disassociated collection of molecules spread far and wide across the globe. The cult calls it "sent on assignment."
[They can't use Gail's account for money laundering any more]
@RebeccaO1340 Several more gunshots in the background.
Maria Magdalenema is on now from Austria from her very stylish living quarters complete with an assortment of WWII searchlights.
@RebeccaO1340 She's reading Russian propaganda. What a surprise.
@RebeccaO1340 She ends with a delightful video of totalitarian marching music. Very motivating.
@RebeccaO1340 Well, she kept going after the rousing video. You have no sense of dramatic climax, Maria.
@RebeccaO1340 Gina Fucking Lee, in "Showdown at the Alley-gaytor Corral."
I presume. She's already about "pro-transgender" something or other and of course it involves Russia. On goes mute. I'll turn sound back on when the atrocity of Gina's voice is gone.
@RebeccaO1340 Here's today's peek into the nonworkings of Gina's mind+Newshounddet (Carol Boudreau) apparently yelling at her.
Gina must have discovered the B-52 bomber & how contracts exist to maintain them & keep them flying. It's outrageous. Why don't they use Romana's quantum spaceships?
@RebeccaO1340 Um-muted for 3 seconds, "Russia also has a ban on LGB..." Muted immediately.
@RebeccaO1340 In Q&A, Radcliff has a clearly-articulated kwestion for the kween:
@RebeccaO1340 He's also got a bug up his butt about, you guessed it, immigrants!
@RebeccaO1340 Ahh, Gina's gone. First installment of grifting.
Send your half-used tins of tuna and sardines to:
Her Royal Majesty Queen Romana Didulo Command Center
Box 210
Richmound, Saskatchewan S0N 2E0
Gina's still dead. DON'T SEND MONEY TO HER (except for PayPal, which the refuse to admit doesn't work any more).
@RebeccaO1340 Koffee with Klownsters, noon CST (new time?) tomorrow.
Now it's Tammy Burdett, the most boring person in eastern Canada.
@RebeccaO1340 She talked about Canada Post strike and kweenies fantasy WWG1029aalweiesAG2 mail service.
@RebeccaO1340 Mikey Hawkey. Again. Shut up Mikey. He just reads boring-ass stories he found on news sites. I'm muting him too.
@RebeccaO1340 OK before I muted him I noticed he's talking about avian flu. I might have left it on but there are SO much better sources of info about it. So sound-off for Mikey.
@RebeccaO1340 In other cult news, another day, another Romana follower on the verge of losing their home.
@RebeccaO1340 Kathryn's family seems to have had enough with her Romana insanity. She describes them "slandering me." She has posted before about losing her home and in July was desperately seeking help on telegram due to being homeless with no resources to travel. Another RD success story.
@RebeccaO1340 I guess she *might* be on still, but it looks like Brenda Price has been banished. She used to be on almost every night. Her crime? She followed Romana bullshit, put paper plates on her truck and now is in *serious* legal trouble.
@RebeccaO1340 Second installment of grifting.
URGENT! To Romana's family (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE)! Gail is dead! URGENT! Keep sending us money, just don't use Gail. Except for paypal. Which hasn't worked in months.
@RebeccaO1340 Ugggh. The nauseating, revolting, putrid, stinky gawd-awfullllll montage video.
@RebeccaO1340 Lise Beauchamp for the French tonight, adjusting her hat in the location she's been in the last few times. Little different camera angle, she like to change things up.
And that concludes this episode of brain damage with the stupidest cult on earth. Enjoy you remaining weekend!
@RebeccaO1340 Sunday 24 November 2024. Weekend crew did 46 minutes of cult squawking. Tennyson was a no-show, C-LSD muscled her way onto camera. Gail is (URGENTLY!) still dead, I mean "on assignment" (her bank account in particular). Thanks to @Mugginstoo @SMetharp for help with numbers!
🧵 Thread... A little about Debbra Greig of Watson Lake, YT, a Romana Didulo follower.
She was a social worker with legitimate degrees from real schools, and then after that a barrel-full of bogus degrees from nonsense, unaccredited "metaphysical" schools of woo.
Debbra was who we thought would be on a cult livestream back in April/May when the cult was feverously upset about everything indigenous. They mentioned it a number of times.
They referenced a social worker in the north and the BC College of Social Workers. She fit the bill perfectly. Then they stopped talking about it and didn't end up having her on.
Then on 5 October 2024 they announced a special afternoon show w/ "Social Worker working in Yukon".
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Thursday 21 November 2024 will be here. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340.
8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST
We expect Creepy Darlene, ogre of cultville, but they haven't kept their own schedule lately. Image of Darlene doing "kind" for her acting class in 1989:
@RebeccaO1340 Ack. Damn cult, you keep having the wrong person on! It's Fluffy.
@RebeccaO1340 No cult word of the day.
Webster's WOTD: tenacious
Sentence: Romana's followers appear tenacious online but are old, weak and timid in real life.
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Tuesday 19 November 2024 will be here. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340.
8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST
It's probably will be Fluffernutter, but could be C-LSD or Tennyson or even ogre Creepy D. This cult can't keep to a schedule if their lives depended on it.
@RebeccaO1340 It's Fluffernutter, or Fluffy as we call him. Some people call him Glenn Jancke but that just because they aren't his true friends like we are.
@RebeccaO1340 No cult word of the day
Webster's WOTD: moot
Sentence: In Romana's cult status is achieved by giving money to the stink kween, everything else is moot.