Oxford anthropologist J.D. Unwin studied 86 societies and civilizations to see why some collapse and others don't.
What did he find?
That sexual debauchery leads to the collapse of a civilization within 3 generations. (thread) 🧵
Unwin defined four categories of cultures. Each is differentiated in its pursuit of art, engineering, literature, agriculture, etc.
1. Dead - these cultures are only focused on the day-to-day needs of life. They don't care about higher questions and so do not progress.
2. Superstitious - these cultures develop beliefs that help them explain the natural world. This can be represented in the special treatment of the dead.
3. Deistic - characterized by belief in gods or a god. This requires more imagination and higher-order thinking
4. Rationalistic - characterized by rational thinking. This was the category with the most human flourishing.
Next, Unwin defined sexual ethics and restraint into two categories.
Unwin's two categories of sexual ethics and restraint:
- Prenuptial - this was measured on a scale from complete sexual freedom to "remain a virgin until married."
- Postnuptial - how easy is it to get a divorce? How many wives can a man have? How faithful are the women expected to be?
What did he find?
The single most influential factor in a civilization's longevity and success is prenuptial chastity.
If people were expected to remain virgins until marriage, the culture was more likely to have all of the markers of human flourishing.
They were more likely to be an "advanced" civilization.
What was the best combination, resulting in a culture that exceeds other cultures?
You probably won't be surprised.
Prenuptial chastity combined with absolute monogamy. Absolute monogamy means one spouse for life.
Why was prenuptial chastity the most important?
In cultures where virginity was no longer expected, within three generations, the following disappeared:
- absolute monogamy
- deism
- rational thinking
Without prenuptial chastity, people usually regress into the lowest "dead" category as they become interested only in their own wants and needs.
They become slaves to their appetites.
Cultures that have embraced total sexual freedom collapse within three generations.
They might limp along for a time, powered by some momentum, but eventually, they are conquered or taken over by another culture.
In the West, the sexual revolution started in the late 1960's. Three generations (~40 years each) from then would put us in the 2070s.
Are we on the way to collapse?
The evidence points to "yes."
You cannot have both sexual freedom and progress.
Unwin: "Any human society is free to choose either to display great energy or to enjoy sexual freedom; the evidence is that it cannot do both for more than one generation."
Sexual freedom unleashes all sorts of demons on a society.
Couple it with modern medicine, which basically baptizes sexual debauchery with antibiotics and abortion, and you have an acceleration of collapse.
Slaves are too busy having orgies to be truly productive.
It turns out that marriage is not just a private contract between two individuals.
It has ramifications for the entire community and culture.
How a society views and treats marriage determines whether or not it will keep things like indoor plumbing and modern dentistry.
What two (or more) people do together in the bedroom is not, indeed, a private matter.
Writ large, it has consequences for that entire civilization.
Likewise, porn is cultural cancer.
It rots the bones.
A healthy civilization, or one that wants to progress, will want to eradicate it or push it to the fringes of society. Porn leads to other debaucheries.
Looking at the current state of our culture, is there any hope to avoid collapse? It looks bleak.
Even recently, close to a pandemic, we've even people engaging in orgies and other risky sexual behavior, despite a new disease called monkeypox.
They really are slaves to their passions.
The good news: a culture can be turned around. Massive repentance can bear fruit.
But based on the data, it also takes three generations for improvements to start showing up.
Sexual ethics is a powerful rudder, but it is still a rudder on a huge, lumbering ship. Better start turning the wheel.
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A woman trying to be more like a man is only a danger to herself and those she loves.
But there is a type of feminine strength that is fearsome to behold.
11 ways to raise dangerous daughters.
1. Tell your daughters they are beautiful.
If your daughters don’t think they are beautiful, it’s your fault. They should hear this truth from their father often.
Too many girls are crippled by insecurity, and an insecure girl will not grow up to be a dangerous woman.
2. Teach your daughters to love children.
Motherhood and its fruits are glorious.
Your daughters should be taught to love children, to dote over them, to care for younger siblings, and to squish the cheeks of little babies.
Women are forges where new souls are wrought, where the warriors of the future are nurtured. A woman who rejects this birthright will never be dangerous.
A boy who is not becoming more dangerous will be unable to protect anything. Here are 11 ways to raise dangerous sons.
1. Don’t tell your sons to be careful. Tell them to pay attention.
Expect your boys to be wild and get hurt.
Show them how to pay attention to others and to their surroundings. Don’t undercut their zeal. Hone it.
You should be more concerned if a son does *not* get himself into dangerous situations from time to time. Survival is important, but it is not the most important virtue.
2. Teach your sons to delight in strength but be sympathetic to weakness.
Encourage them to be physically strong. Join them in roughhouse play. Work their muscles until they are tired.
Seek opportunities to use their strength to bless those weaker than themselves.
Napoleon said the only way to become a great captain was to read and reread the campaigns of Alexander, Hannibal, Caesar, Adolphus, Turenne, Eugene, and Frederick.
But he left off one name. A general you've probably never heard of. A general greater than Napoleon himself.
Scipio Africanus was the Roman general who defeated Hannibal and set the stage for Rome's supremacy across the Mediterranean.
And he did it without being a dictator. He was always encumbered by the political machinery of a republic.
Scipio's record is almost unblemished, and he accomplished this by facing other accomplished generals, including Hannibal. No undisciplined, Asiatic hordes.
Hannibal is known as the master of the ruse, but Scipio was even better.
1. It shouldn't take 6+ hours a day of your time. 2-3 hours max.
2. You don't have to know everything yourself to teach your kids. You certainly don't need a PhD to teach 3rd-grade math.
3. Homeschooling shouldn't be a public school classroom transplanted into the home. If it does, you're doing it wrong.
4. Flexibility is king. Take your kids to the Zoo and count it as a school day. Drive to the grandparents and let them do their schoolwork in the car.
5. "Socialization" is a poor excuse not to homeschool. There are co-ops, classes, churches, parks, and, most of all, siblings. "Socialization" at public school is 20-30 kids of the same age locked in a room for most of the day. That's not very social, either.