Romanaland Hour of Grift, Tuesday 26 November 2024 will be here. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340.
8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST
It has been Glenn "Fluffernutter" Jancke hosting the last three Tuesdays but ogre-clown Cindy Desrochers has been muscling in and taking over shows lately.
@RebeccaO1340 He is some pre-show entertainment. Not really entertainment, more like a sideshow, a carnival, an exhibit in a traveling freakshow exposition of oddities.
I give you, the stink kween in her latest masterpiece:
@RebeccaO1340 OK, a little more pre-show entertainment. First, here's what Cindy looks like when the camera comes on. Quite natural and spontaneous, isn't it? Especially very natural smile of hers.
@RebeccaO1340 Wonder what it's like before the camera is on? Wonder no more! They gave us 10 full minutes when they had that camera live during pre-roll before Saturday's show. Cindy got MAD! I say again, that school must be worse than a 1960s CIA psycological experiment. Wish there was audio.
@RebeccaO1340 It's Cindy Desrochers. Damn them to hell!
THey're doing greenscreen (very poorly) and it looks worse than usual.
@RebeccaO1340 No cult word of the day. I'll pick one: Incompetence. Romana's cult excels at incompetence, it's practially the only thing.
@RebeccaO1340 URGENT AND IMPORTANT! Gail is banished! Or "on assignment". Or "having a little chat with CRA. Or "buried in the mud pit."
Long story short they can't use Gail's account for Interac anymore.
@RebeccaO1340 Assturd Hacker from Bavaria. Bavarian werewolf series (none of them look like werewolves).
In this work, what the artist was saying was... don't be a damn werewolf.
@RebeccaO1340 She reading a story about, um, Afghanistan and missiles. I think. It really doesn't matter at all.
However, it's better than when she read stories about how the people who died in German concentration camps died of Typhoid fever.
@RebeccaO1340 Gina Fucking Lee. She's stuck on the NordStream pipelines again. On goes the mute. Off goes Gina.
@RebeccaO1340 Grift number one.
Time to let everyone know how to send Romana things, as detailed by the cult in their nightly shitcast:
Her Royal Majesty Queen Romana Didulo Command Center
Box 210
Richmound, Saskatchewan S0N 2E0
Gail is dead. To them. Her only value was her bank account and now it's not available, so down with Gail.
@RebeccaO1340 They're showing a re-run of the "Press Briefing" from this morning. Bad news is it's 18 minutes long today, BUT... the other bad news is it's just Darlene reading a decree. @SMetharp graciously did audio-to-text for us.
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp The whole thing:
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp Here's someone asking some SovCit-adjacent Natural Law bathit question in Q&A today, and IAMNewshouddet (Carol Ann Boudreau) yelling at them because she's a big shot admin now.
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp Haha. Here's the awesome quality of greenscreen compositing they are putting out these days. Have you ever seen anything so fake, and so terrible?
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp Yay! Briefing brain damage has concluded.
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp Tammy Burdett. Blandness in a plain generic package.
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp Oops, she heard us and splashed this *gold* all over the screen. I think she's reading about gold mining.
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp Brenda Price. From her bedroom in Ontario.
Image by @kuslak, much appreciated. :)
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp @kuslak She wasn't on last week, probably because she posted VERY LOW FREQUENCY VIBRATIONS on their Q&A, got yelled at, and then had her post deleted.
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp @kuslak She had a nice encounter with the police over her fake plates and had her vehicle towed & impounded. I wonder if her car is STILL relaxing in the impound lot. She posted a receipt, but it said "Indefinite hold" on it. :)
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp @kuslak Mikey Hawkey. Energy vampire. Operates through infliction of extremely painful boredom.
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp @kuslak Here's a re-run from 8/18/2024. I really enjoyed making these.
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp @kuslak Haha, he's reading a story that included something that sounds like the description of a 15-minute city, but he's reading it like it's a good thing. Oh Mikey, consistency never visits your empty head, does it?
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp @kuslak Here's some more batshit from romanaland's dwindling telegram empire... someone named "Veronica" from Australia complimenting Canadians for freeing themselves from colonialism.
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp @kuslak Mikey still doesn't have a cult hat, by the way. And that's actually what the stream looks like on rumble from my end.
Why is he still talking?
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp @kuslak Grift Number Two.
It's the third time they've read that thing.
@RebeccaO1340 @SMetharp @kuslak Deep Calming Ass Mona Chartier will deliver this whole thing in French now. She seems relatively energetic.
I'm outta here. Need a cult purge.
@RebeccaO1340 Tuesday 26 November 2024. Richmound's invasive delinquents did another crapfest from their cold purple weakhold. Brenda was on again, we'll see what happens in the coming weeks as the legal pain intensifies. Thanks to @Be4rdedW4rrior @Mugginstoo @SMetharp for the help!
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Sunday 24 November 2024 will be here. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340.
8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST
They've been unreliable lately but Tennyson "Shallow Throat" Park usually does Sundays, although Glenn "Fluffernutter" Jancke has done a few as well.
@RebeccaO1340 Dr. Sarteschi lists a few of Romana's victims here. She's detailed for years the real harm Romana causes. 100s, possibly 1000s,have lost houses, been evicted, arrested, had children removed,become homeless, or had utilities cut off,etc. Romana's a menace.
🧵 Thread... A little about Debbra Greig of Watson Lake, YT, a Romana Didulo follower.
She was a social worker with legitimate degrees from real schools, and then after that a barrel-full of bogus degrees from nonsense, unaccredited "metaphysical" schools of woo.
Debbra was who we thought would be on a cult livestream back in April/May when the cult was feverously upset about everything indigenous. They mentioned it a number of times.
They referenced a social worker in the north and the BC College of Social Workers. She fit the bill perfectly. Then they stopped talking about it and didn't end up having her on.
Then on 5 October 2024 they announced a special afternoon show w/ "Social Worker working in Yukon".
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Thursday 21 November 2024 will be here. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340.
8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST
We expect Creepy Darlene, ogre of cultville, but they haven't kept their own schedule lately. Image of Darlene doing "kind" for her acting class in 1989:
@RebeccaO1340 Ack. Damn cult, you keep having the wrong person on! It's Fluffy.
@RebeccaO1340 No cult word of the day.
Webster's WOTD: tenacious
Sentence: Romana's followers appear tenacious online but are old, weak and timid in real life.
Romanaland Hour of Grift, Tuesday 19 November 2024 will be here. I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340.
8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST
It's probably will be Fluffernutter, but could be C-LSD or Tennyson or even ogre Creepy D. This cult can't keep to a schedule if their lives depended on it.
@RebeccaO1340 It's Fluffernutter, or Fluffy as we call him. Some people call him Glenn Jancke but that just because they aren't his true friends like we are.
@RebeccaO1340 No cult word of the day
Webster's WOTD: moot
Sentence: In Romana's cult status is achieved by giving money to the stink kween, everything else is moot.