Before everyone leaves this app, I want to make a confession
I'm planning a robbery
I already have a target, a crew & a blueprint, I just need 1 more thing:
Will you help me recreate the greatest Black on Black crime in US history?
A story
An announcement
A (final) thread
On Thursday, May 23, 1861, Frank Baker, James Townsend, and Shepard Mallory orchestrated the greatest heist in American history.
Less than 6 weeks after the start of the Civil War, the enslaved men were essentially donated to the Virginia Confederate Militia to dig ditches
As they worked near the exact same spot where "20& Odd" Africans arrived 1619, the men spotted a boat.
Of course they skedaddled. Scrammed. Vamoosed. They ran like Josh Hawley in an insurrection, crossed the river and presented themselves to Union Gen, George Butler
This put Butler in a bind (Not like a SLAVERY bind; more like a white bind. Like when you want your kids to learn history but you also don't want them seeing photos of their segregationist mee-maw spitting on Black kids. You know... like a "pickle" or a "pinch")
Butler was an attorney, so he knew the escapees were legally considered property. According to the rules of war, taking an enemy's property is considered "looting." But Butler didn't actually STEAL the men. Technically, the runaways were thieves...
Who had stolen themselves.
But instead of accusing the men of committing Black on-Black crime, Butler searched his law books and found a loophole.
Yes, the men were property. But they were being used as tools of war–no different than an enemy ship, rifle or cannon that he was allowed to confiscate.
When the Confederates threatened to sue the Butler for the return of their human chattel,* Butler responded:
"I shall hold these negroes as contraband of war..."
*The loser who started a war and threatened to sue when he lost money was named Charles, NOT DRAKE
Baker, Sheperd and Mallory were the first influencers because the news went viral. 8 more runaways showed up at the Union camp on Sunday. Monday, 47 escapees arrived. By Wed, fugitive slaves were arriving by the hour
Within weeks, there was a "Contraband" pandemic.
Escapees would show up at Union forts, where they would be sent to what was essentially a refugee camp. They began working for the army, building homes and helping others escape.
There was only 1 person more pissed than the confederates:
Abraham Lincoln.
For 2 years, Lincoln had told everyone:
"I couldn't free the slaves if I wanted to... Not that I want to. Trust me, as commander in chief, I WILL NOT FREE THE SLAVES!"
But by acknowledging the Confederates as a separate country, Butler put Congress in it
So many enslaved people were running away, Congress passed the Confiscation Act to back up Butler's legal premise. A year later they passed the Second Confiscation Act freeing anyone enslaved by a Confederate soldier or even Confederate sympathizers
An estimated 100,000 people had unenslaved themselves and gone to more than 100 camps around the country.
By comparison, the Emancipation Proclamation only freed the 75,000 people in the Confederate states that were also under Union control
Black people freed THEMSELVES.
Even though these self-emancipated ppl were no longer property, they were NOT citizens. Before the 14th Amendment passed, "Contraband" was the legal status of people living in more than 100 Contraband Camps scattered around the country
These "Contraband Camps" were the origin story of many Black towns, HBCUs and neighborhoods. They produced 200 K-12 schools, 12 HBCUs, & 1000s of Black veterans
Harriet Tubman freed more people while living in SC's contraband camp than as a conductor on the Underground Railroad
Black neighborhoods in KC, Nashville & St. Louis were contraband camps. Mary Peake, a free Black woman, held reading classes under a tree at the original VA camp until classes got too big
But no one calls it the "Grand Contraband Camp" anymore
They call it Hampton University
Contraband Camps were also where freedmen held rallies to push for the passage of the 14th Amendment & 15th Amendments defining citizenship, due process and giving EVERYONE the right to vote FOR EVERYONE. Contraband Campers INVENTED the American education system as we know it.
I think about this story a lot.
For instance, have you ever wondered why is it that the most well-resourced media outlets in the world want to talk to a Black person about politics, they call a rapper, actor or an "influencer?"
How did everything Black become "woke?" or CRT?
Seriously. How did every major outlet in America collectively agree AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME to label the shit Black people said in Contraband Camps 200 years as "woke"?
South Carolina's 1868 Constitution was written by a majority Black delegation WHO FREED THEMSELVES
Not only did Robert Smalls, a MAN WHO FREED HIMSELF, help create the American education system as we know it, he ensured that it would not promote religious or "sectarian principles"
A white minority undid that constitution.
If CRT exists, it's because WHITE PEOPLE DID IT.
I told someone that I knew Kimberlé Crenshaw and they didn't believe me. I understand why.
The law professor who literally coined the term Critical Race Theory is walking around living and breathing.
But when a white guy with literally no education, experience or expertise in the subject pulled a definition out of his anus, EVERY SINGLE NEWS OUTLET IN AMERICA simultaneously said:
"Forget truth and facts and history. Let's go with the white guy's definition."
My point is:
What if we just stole ourselves?
What if we didn't wait for the Washington Post to endorse a candidate who 98% of the descendants of the people who CREATED DEMOCRACY, education and the DEFINITION OF "AMERICAN CITIZEN"?
What if we listened to the scholars who walked into the camp and taught us under a tree instead of the windbags who helped normalize Trump, the fake definition of woke and every right-wing lie since the 90s?
Contraband Camp is a collective of thinkers, writers, journalists, artists and creators.
Instead of viral thinkpieces, our contributors will engage in rigorous reporting, expert analysis and unapologetically Black dialogues on issues that affect the lives of Black people.
But it is not just serious analysts like @ElieNYC and award-winning editors like @GenettaAdams. Our camp includes music critics and comedians and storytellers who you know and trust.
ContrabandCamp is not ad-supported, we are building it ourselves.
@ElieNYC @GenettaAdams Before camp begins on Jan. 20, our first 5,000 campers can subscribe for 1.99/month or 19.99/year.
Whitewashing the uncomfortable parts of the past doesn't just affect Black stories. For example, you can't fully appreciate how a peanut farmer from Plains, GA became a beloved president unless you know TRUE Black History.
The unwhitewashed history of Jimmy Carter:
A thread.
Jimmy Carter was a simple peanut farmer who grew up in Plains, GA when the deep South was defined by racism. His family taught him not to see color. Instead of asking for handouts, they focused on God, education and...
OK, none of that happened.
First of all, to understand where Jimmy Carter comes from, you have to go back a few generations. Because you probably already know a few of his cousins.
In fact, he might not even be the most famous person in his family. But I'll let you decide.
There's a very interesting connection between Mark Zuckerberg's right-wing turn and the guy who might be the most powerful person in American media. I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere, so...
A thread.
First of all, let's be clear. Mark Zuckerberg's didn't just announce changes to Meta's content moderation policy. He didn't even announce that Meta's content policy will change.
He announced that his company is willing to help kill people.
First of all, replacing fact-checking with community notes doesn't just mean misinformation and hate will spread, it means people will die because of it.
For instance , Facebook removed MILLIONS of posts containing COVID misinformation.
Brett Favre is a descendant of Simon Favre, a famous“interpreter” who could speak multiple native languages.
Simon entered the family business at a young age and owned dozens of slaves and 100s of acres
But that wasn’t the family business.
The Favres stole land
The scam worked like this:
The Favres would move near a native tribe, earn their trust and convince native Americans that giving up their land & assimilating was in their best interest.
In exchange, they could keep some of the stolen land
For five years, I have been covering what is unquestionably the biggest criminal justice scandal in American history.
Today it ended when the most corrupt cop in history took his life.
But it's not over.
A thread.
For 5 decades, police officer Roger Golubski sexually assaulted Black women and forced to give false testimony that he used to send Black men to prison while he ran a sex trafficking and drug cartel in Kansas City Kansas
People who say this election could be the "end of democracy" are so extra...
Or maybe they know the TRUE history of the election-denying white supremacist who led a violent insurrection, overturned a presidential election and ended democracy in America.
A thread
First, you should know that the US Constitution created a form of govt called a "federal republic" where elected officials represent the citizens (as opposed to a DIRECT DEMOCRACY, where people vote on every decision)
But a representative democracy is just A KIND OF DEMOCRACY
Saying, "America is a constitutional republic, not a democracy," is like saying: "I'm a MAGA Republican, not an American."
BTW, this is your daily reminder that @laurenboebert is a pro-insurrection MAGA Republican HS dropout who failed the GED 3x... NOT an American.
My uncle’s friend Hawk was a feared gangsta. He was ruthless but he was also a chess wizard. According to the streets, Hawk only lost 1 once, years ago, when he was in prison.
So imagine my surprise when my uncle told Hawk: “l bet $100 my nephew will kick your ass
A thread
Now I was like 12 or 13, so even though I was a chess prodigy, I was scared AF
What if I put Hawk in check and he slit my throat ? What if he sicced his goons on me to keep his streak alive? I hadn’t even reached goon-fighting age!
Then my uncle made a deal:
If I beat Hawk, I could keep the money.
A whole $100 dollars? Oh, hell yeah! I was down.
There was just one other problem with my uncle’s plan.