I had some things to say about this because of course I did. 🧵
"I'm Mvskoke and Semvnole. We lived in wooden long houses traditionally. They were permanent housing centered around a town square. We had at least 50 Tribal Towns which were organized into the largest governmental
confederacy on Turtle Island pre invasion. These distinct moeties were separated into red and white towns, as well as having a Matrilineal Clan system. It was a highly sophisticated form of government which not only predates colonization but exists still today.
As for sacrifice
the only type of sacrifice we practiced was giving our blankets to our fallen relatives on the Nene Estemerkvlke (The Road of Suffering People) because your ancestors were so full of hate and genocidal rage in their greedy quest for land that they wouldn't pause their murderous
rampage to herd us like cattle to allow us to respectfully bury our relatives.
Indigenous Peoples not only cultivated corn we bred it, using our ancestral scientific knowledge to naturally create hybrids that would sustain us in different environments. Without us there would
be no popcorn, grits, corn oil, corn meal, or contemporary cereals but please, do go on about how you're superior because you had pie.
If I were you I wouldn't be trumpeting the wheel as a settler invention when yours were made of wood while Indigenous Peoples were here
inventing rubber. You'd still be in covered wagons, dying of dysentery because, until you got lost looking for India, you bathed in (very rarely) and washed foods in the same water you used for human waste. The tires you have now and the concept of hygiene by bathing in clean
water were because of us so let's not pretend Native Peoples wouldn't have advanced or outpaced you if your people hadn't come here. It's not smart to think we wouldn't have continued advancement. We just wouldn't have done it in the destructive,
capitalist way that your currently failing government employs, resulting in destructive misuse of the land, water, and even people. Indigenous Peoples comprise less than 5% of the world population yet we protect 80% of the Earth's biodiversity in the forests, deserts, grasslands,
and marine environments. Y'all can't even keep your lawns correctly.
We used baskets to carry things, just like you use with your laundry. In fact, our basketry was an advanced Indigenous technology. We wove them tightly and used hot rocks from the fire to cook foods.
Eventually we observed that the water and ash from the rocks mixed into an alkaline solution that was good for softened cracked corn hulls. This process, nixtamalization, turned corn into hominy and enhanced its nutritional value.
As for the so called united states if you love it then you need to thank the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. Your people not only stole their land but stole their name (you call them Iroquois) and their system of government.
Your constitution is based upon the Haudenosaunee Great Law of Peace. You stole it, just like you steal everything else, including the credit you're currently stealing for an "america" that wouldn't exist had you not committed an ongoing genocide and
took Haudenosaunee words, concepts, and beliefs and bastardized them in that twisted colonizer way you always do.
That you don't know any of this is not only sad in its ignorance but it's a prime example of the incredibly incorrect hubris that is
the hallmark of anerican exceptionalism.
I mean, you couldn't even post the correct picture. Bless your heart.
I hope your Indigenous Feast Day was amazing and you're welcome."
*Correct pic is the meme made by Robert Neblett Lloyd-Charles. Pie was made by Lauren Brooke.
If I've educated you take actionable steps to tear down systems that were built on the backs of Black people and the blood of the Indigenous that rely on our continued subjugation.
Amplify Native, FN, and Indigenous voices.
Also send #MutualAid from @shotheekwe @TheAgentNDN
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When the federal Indian boarding "schools" (reeducation camps) closed the land was supposed to revert back to the Native Nations it came from.*
The catholic church currently illegally occupies 10,000 acres of stolen land on which they held prisoner
and abused our young Native relatives. Between the church and the catholic bureau of Indian missions they were responsible for 67 reeducation camps in the so called united states.
In June the u.s. catholic bishops apologized for their role in the reeducation camps.
As catholics who confess their sins they should understand that apologies are not enough. As part of the sacrament of reconciliation confession is not complete without penance. Penance on their part should start with #LandBack.
Today is the anniversary of the largest mass shooting in American history, Wounded Knee, a massacre on December 29, 1890 that has been relegated to history as a "battle". 🧵
The Wounded Knee massacre saw 250-300 disarmed Lakota slaughtered. Half that number were women and children.
A father found his wife dead, shot through the breast that still had their 22 day old baby suckling it, filling the child's mouth with blood rather than mother's milk. The baby died a few days later.
Today is the 160th anniversary of the largest mass execution in u.s. history, carried out on the orders of The Great Emancipator, abraham lincoln.
In 1862 Minnesota was considered the new frontier. White settlers had been pushing Dakota Indians further west, making false promises of peace and breaking treaties amongst both groups. The u.s. promised to deliver food and supplies to the Dakota
as partial payment for their giving up their lands to whites. Corralled into reservations and limited to their traditional ways of hunting, the Dakota were being starved purposely.
Why then is Jackie still talking about the blood quantum of an enrollee in order to invalidate their Indigeneity?
To enroll in Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma in most cases one has to be a lineal descendant of an ancestor listed on the Dawes Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedman of the Five Civilized Tribes.
andrew jackson signed the Indian removal act today in 1830. You may remember it from not being covered in your history class, or as the thing that happened so "oklahoma" can celebrate Land Run Day, or
as that time that gave you a great, great grandma who was maybe an Indian princess probably and also gives you have permission to wear headdresses at music festivals.
It was really just the crowning effort of extermination from the architect of Native genocide who is celebrated on your $20 bill even though it cost so very many their families and their lives as the the largest genocide in US history, a genocide that continues today.