Refutation of Allegations on Brahma-Duhita [ Daughter ] Story by Malechas
Acharya Kumarilla Bhatta explained Brahma-Daughter Story in his Tantra Vartika 1/3/7 - That is being the protector of the world Prajapati Brahma is Sun . Rest plz read this slide for understanding this scientific story
Skanda Purana Srimad Bhagvatam contains the same narration where Brahma Sun follows his daughter Usha[ Dawn] and when counted by his sons [Rays of Sun ] Brahma Sun left his body causing Fog in all directions
There is another perspective also - Brahma is called Mind and Saraswati is called speech in various places in Vedas . Whenever we think first it comes into our mind [ Brahma] and then is spoken by mouth as speech [ Saraswati] . Hence Speech is daughter of Mind
Brahma is called Mind and Saraswati is called Speech in the following refrences from Vedas . Brahma is mind and Saraswati is speech . Mind in the form of Prajapati Brahma controlled Speech Saraswati
Satapatha Brahmana 12/8/2/6 calls Mind Brahma and Speech Saraswati as husband and wife
A thread on Scientific miracles in Vedas and other Vedic Literature
First, let us explore the shape of the Earth as described in the Vedas. The term Parimandal is frequently mentioned in the Brahmanas and Itihasas in reference to the Earth and other celestial bodies. Notably, this term is exclusively used to denote spherical objects.
The Satapatha Brahmana (7/1/1/37 and 6/7/1/26) explicitly describes the Earth as parimandal, meaning spherical in shape.
A thread on Vishnu-Vrinda Prakaran and Tulsi Vivah . What's the Story behind it ? Did Vishnu cheat Vrinda/Tulsi ? Why did Vrinda curse Vishnu to become a Shaligram ?
As per Devi Bhagvatam as part of a leela Lakshmi Devi was cursed by Devi Saraswati to be born in the world as Tulsi and flow as river Padmavati . Devi Lakshmi will have to take birth as Vrinda/Tulsi and marry an Asur Jalandhar/Sankhachuda who will be Vishnu Amsa himself
Vrinda/Tulsi is Devi Lakshmi herself as per Devi Bhagvatam . Padma Purana says that Tulsi is another name of Vrinda and that Vrinda is Tulsi herself
A thread debunking all propaganda on Brahmi Lipi and Sanskrit by Neo Buddhists and Anti Hindus #sanskrit #Prakrit #BrahmiLipi
Claim 1 - Sanskrit can be written in Devanagari lipi only and not other scripts . Ans- Before development of Devanagari lipi Sanskrit was written in many scripts such as Brahmi , Kharoshti , Grantha and various other local scripts
claim 2- Sanskrit cannot be written in Brahmi lipi and hence Sanskrit came into existence after Devanagari Lipi . Answer - Here i am writing all Devanagari alphabets which are used in Sanskrit in Brahmi Lipi
Debunking the baseless allegations put by @Haqiqatjou against Hinduism in his latest debate vs @Heated_Debates . I count not post it earlier due to some technical problems but am posting it now