I may try to make videos tomorrow, but I am not sure I’ll need to. In any case, let’s get started: 🧵
#SF6 #SF6_KIM #SF6_Kimberly
Crouching LP is now -1 from -2. This is a small change but will certainly make her safer when pushing opponents away with crLP X 3 into sLK.
See IAmHermit’s videos about Light Attacks for a clear description of why -1 for Lights is very useful (1:59):
Crouching LK is now +4 instead of +2 on hit. This is really nice. Because that means Drive Rush crLK is now +8 on hit. Before, surprise DR crLK had ranges where none of his 6f buttons reached before at +6. Now, there seems to be NO RANGE where DR crLK can’t combo into sMK (8f).
More range on Standing HP is niiiice. Combined with the Arc Step change below, this gives her a really nice weapon in Neutral. Still shorter than sMK, but not by much anymore.
Also, DR crMK doesn’t seem to EVER be too far for a sHP follow-up now. sHP use to whiff at tip DR crMK.
Most moves trigger Proximity Guard at same ranges that the move hits. I guess sHK actually had its Proximity Trigger SHORTER than its actual range before. So they fixed that. Never noticed it as being shorter before, though.
This might be her biggest buff, to be honest. The improvements to her Slide are pretty significant.
Before, on hit, at worst it was -3. So even though you landed it, YOU were in a mixup afterwards. And oftentimes, the bad outweighed the good. You could get it Meaty or hit late…
…so that it could be 0 or even better.
But now, no matter what, at worst it will be +1!! The first 4 Active Frames will always result in +1 for you, so no matter what, when it hits, it’s YOUR TURN. This is great. It gives her a valid low threat from farther ranges than before.
Walking away from her was so powerful because her lows were SO BAD and had no range. Slide had range, but as I said, you would be minus very often and have to succumb to THEIR mixup. But now, you can catch standing opponents and be guaranteed pressure afterwards! SO good!
But honestly, the Punish Counter change might be the difference maker here. I read it and was very confused as to how it would be useful. But now that I’ve tested it? Wow.
So the change is that the first 4 frames now knock down as a Punish Counter. As I said, sounds… okay.
But I didn’t realize HOW FAR you could be and still connect with the first 4 frames! This has become one of her best Whiff Punish tools now. Before, on the first 4 frames, you’d be between +1 to +4 at those ranges. But now you get a Knock Down instead!
And interestingly, every frame that knocks down gives you +37. Now, I think they picked that number because it’s VERY awkward for Kim. You can double dash or whiff another slide to be +1, but I haven’t found any really strong auto-timed Oki from +37. But it’s still very valuable.
Kim’s Hisen Kick, her ➡️+Kick leaping attack, has waaaaaaay better range. I’m not sure if I just don’t remember her old range, but it feels REALLY far now. It still doesn’t leap quickly, so no improvements jumping over Juri’s Fireball, for example. But the new range feels BIG.
From a full screen away, Drive Rush into Hisen kick will reach the opponent. It’s crazy.
The input buffer change is for Punish Counter. If you just land, she can link an LP or LK, but the Hit Stun was LONG so I’d often mistime it. The extra 13f window makes it almost unmissable.
Quality of life change. Before if you tried doing her jumping elbow immediately after Jumping, it would result in a Jump MP due to height restriction. Now, if you do it too early, it just waits until she reaches the minimum height and it comes out then. Really nice.
Didn’t mess with this one much. But now in a Combo, her OD Running Up Kicks will hit higher. This might? open up new combos, but not sure. Another nice to have change, not a big deal.
WE BACK, BABY! Her attack where you run into and onto the opponent is back to BETA STATUS. This was a HUGE nerf from beta to release. But Arc Step now starts faster, so Arc Step off cancels is back to being a Frame Trap.
Before, sMP or sHP into Run could be interrupted by a 4f.
Now it’s a real Frame Trap again. sMP -> sHP Target Combo into run still has a 4f gap (previously 6), so you can still interrupt it, but that Chain into OD Run into Arc Step is a Frame Trap again. Before, even that was interruptible by a 4f.
This lets her play a LOT more.
She has a nice meterless Frame Trap off of good buttons that aren’t -12 on block. LOL! She has an option to catch mashers and, while not completely safe after a blocked Arc Step, at least it’s a mixup.
Combined with the new range on sHP, this change is SO welcome.
They adjusted the Kick followup to Arc Step so that on hit, the Frame Data would still be the same despite her juggling the opponent earlier thanks to the faster startup. So she’s still +30 when Arc Step into Kick lands as a Juggle.
However, there is an unintended side effect!
In the corner, previously, if you juggled with Arc Step into Kick, you would be +29 instead. +30 is much better with better Oki. There was some new stuff you could do at +29 but +30 is better.
With this change, you are now +30 even in the corner! So it’s an extra added buff!
For the OD version, it sounds like they tweaked it so that it launches opponents the same distance as before despite the faster Arc Step startup. It would have been super cool if it launched them farther to get the wall splat from father out, but I don’t think it does.
Light Vagabond Edge, the elbow attack, now is -4 instead of -5. Which is… nice. But not significant.
If it hits on the last active frame, a previous patch made it so that you it has better hit and block stun, so it was safe (-3) before. Now it’s -2.
On hit off that last Active Frame, you could link into a 5f button (sLK is your best choice), but it was REALLY hard to tell if you got the +5 or the +3 on the other Active Frame. It’s subtle, but they changed the reel animations for everyone now when the last Active Frame hits.
It is nice that this pushes back less. This seems to be most useful for longer range hits. Before, Light Vagabond would hit at ranges where you can’t throw without a microstep. Now, those distances leave her in Throw range more often. You can still whiff at MAX range, but rarer.
Not sure what this is for. Did it miss in some rare cases before? There is one super crazy case that this might improve. You can avoid DP with aerial OD Spin Kick but when canceled into L2, it often whiffed. Maybe it hits more now. *shrug* Such. Rare situation, not sure it helps.
So there you have it. The things I noticed on Day 1 regarding this patch. As I said elsewhere, is it going to make her top tier? Probably not. She’ll probably still bee very squarely mid-tier, but it’s still better buffs than anything else she’s gotten before.
And for SURE character specialists can win tournaments now, like iDom with a previous Manon or El Chakotay with a previous Lily. People who hated her bwfore will hate her a lot more now. Haha.
I can’t wait to try her out. I’ll still be bad, but I have no excuses now. Hahaha!
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Just want to say: I know I make it very easy for people to make fun of me, and I really don't care. I'll respond to people making fun of me because occasionally you'll get one or two people who come around once they realize you are human. If they double down, I mute them. 🧵
While I can definitely tone down the frustration aspect of my Tweets, it's also very helpful to many people who see them to see others experience frustration to that degree as well. I'm trying to be honest and candid, and I also am hoping to get discussions going. For example:
I got a LOT of good ideas from my DI Tweet that have legitimately helped me. And it's cool for many to see all the suggestions and try them out themselves.
The only thing the hateful Tweets do is make me really sad that many people see vulnerability and see it as a fault...
Been really trying to step up my content game. If you haven't caught a lot of the stuff I've dropped on YouTube recently, here's a thread of stuff I've done recently:
1v1 Interview with @nycfurby on East Coast FGC history, input lag, and so, so much more:
Been thinking of getting into DNF Duel but not sure what the game is about, what skills are needed, what the pace of the game is, what character to pick, etc.? I did a deep dive into the game to help understand what to expect as a player/viewer:
Numbers ARE scary. And if you thought it was scrubby of me to say so, I DARE you to watch this video so you can understand where I'm coming from and why I'm right. Frame Data HAS to be in the game, but we can do BETTER with its presentation:
Thanks to trying out a Hitbox type controller, I've discovered some interesting things about KOFXV's Short Hops. These things are probably known by experts already, but hopefully these tips will help other people newer to the game like me. (Thread)
If you're walking forward (already holding 6 aka forward), the smoothest way to do a Hyper Hop is actually 569 (and of course let go of 9 quickly) because holding 6, then going Neutral and then back to 6 makes you run. And running gives you Hyper Jumps/Hops automatically.
What's really interesting is that all this time I thought if you were holding 6, doing 39 would give you a Hyper Hop forward. It doesn't. Sort of. What I've discovered is that if you have only JUST started walking, you get the Hyper Hop. If you've walked for a bit, you won't.
There is definitely a huge level of gratification hearing Daigo talk about the differences between older and newer fighting games nearly identically to what I've been saying for the past year. *I* sound like a senile old man, but if it comes from Daigo, I can't be wrong. LOL!
I've said it a lot, recently, that Fighting Games have had a HUGE shift from being games of "heart" to becoming games of "mind", that years 3-5 of SFIV at Evo marked the transition between the Heart players and the Science players.
And I've often said modern games do NOT favor many of the strong players from the past. It's not that they are getting old and washed up or they were worse than the players of today, it's that the games are very different. I even said Daigo was one of them, but he transitioned.