1/ New from me in @TheEconomist Johanna Olson-Kennedy is the most famous youth gender doctor in the U.S. She has long been skeptical of comprehensive assessments, viewing them as unnecessary gatekeeping. Now, she’s being sued by a former patient who argues she didn't get *enough* gatekeeping.
2/ Clementine Breen is a 20-year-old UCLA student. She got puberty blockers at 12, testosterone at 13, and a double mastectomy at 14. She regrets it all and her lawsuit argues that Olson-Kennedy, her therapist, and her surgeon all provided her with lackluster care. Olson-Kennedy’s own notes, ...
3/ ...which Breen’s legal team acquired and shared with me, substantiate many of her claims. For example, Olson-Kennedy referred Breen for puberty blockers at her first visit. In her notes from that visit, Olson-Kennedy explicitly states Breen hasn’t seen a therapist yet and had come out as trans...
4/ ...three months earlier. It’s clear she didn’t meet the DSM criteria for GD (which require at least six months of feeling that way), and yet Olson-Kennedy diagnosed her with it. Breen claims that when her parents were skeptical of medical intervention, Olson-Kennedy spoke to them separately...
5/ ... and told them Breen was suicidal and could kill herself unless they acquiesced. Breen wasn’t suicidal and accuses Olson-Kennedy of lying in the lawsuit.
6/ In the letter of support for the double-mastectomy that Olson-Kennedy wrote for Breen, she claimed that Breen had “endorsed a male gender identity since childhood,” which is plainly false and contradicted by her own notes.
7/ There are a lot more details. Read the story here:
9/ There are many details I wasn't able to fit into the piece. I'll write more for my newsletter soon, so sign up if you want access. That bonus material will be based on primary docs and an interview with Clementine.
MASSIVE scoop here. Many of us have wondered why Johanna Olson-Kennedy's team, which has received ~$10 million in NIH funding, hasn't published its study on puberty blockers. JOK says the results weren't positive and she doesn't want them weaponized.
2/ A situation in which a researcher can ask for money from the federal government to run a study, run the study, and then not release the results because they weren't what she wanted is a situation in which federal funding for science is fundamentally broken.
3/ Congrats to Azeen Ghorayshi -- this is massive.
I don't know what to say anymore, man. There are just no adults left at most of these supposed gatekeeping and quality-control institutions within journalism.
2/ This is the textbook definition of "manipulation." I don't understand this.
3/ This is also just completely wrong, factually speaking. My article drew upon emails submitted as evidence, not some politicized amicus brief. Where are the standards?
I thought the contemporary concept of 'gender' was muddled beyond repair. Then the American Medical Association's Draft Guidance on Reporting Gender, Sex, Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Age in Medical and Scientific Publication TOTALLY cleared it up.
Thank you AMA!
2/ Let's affirm everyone's individuality by dictating to them that they have these four characteristics, two of which aren't coherently defined anywhere
I'm all for not auto-trusting an organization like the IBA (or the IOC for that matter!). But I'm trying to construct a scenario in which the IBA publicly lies that it conducted two separate chromosome tests on both athletes, publishes that lie, and alerts the IOC in June 2023.
2/ What would be the purpose of such an audacious, sprawling double-lie? I think you can simulatneously think the IBA is corrupt and that that doesn't automatically render invalid every position the org has ever taken.
3/ Also, in this scenario, neither athlete appeals or makes any attempt to reestablish eligibility under the IBA standard. If they are in fact eligible this would be a pretty easy thing to prove, even for an athlete of limited means, especially if they raised a ruckus about it.
2/ There is always an adjunct medical anthropologist available to provide expert insight into these questions
3/ Just... no. Factually, no. The IBA specifically said the test was *not* about elevated T levels. This AP reporter had time to interview a number of humanities "gender" "experts," but not to familiarize herself with the basic facts of the case.
Biden, delivering a teleprompter address at the NAACP convention, is repeatedly having trouble completing sentences. This is a fucking disagrace and it has to stop. He is incapable of campaigning.
I have been watching for perhaps 10 minutes and three different times he trailed off and said "anyway" because he couldn't remember the point he was making
In trying to explain his desperate-seeming housing policy, he seemed to say that landlords wouldn't be able to raise rent more than $55(?). And he kept saying "y'all said" he couldn't do this or that (like pass the Inflation Reduction Act), as though accusing the crowd