"Peatlands are unique and rare ecosystems that, despite only covering around 3-4% of the planet’s land surface, contain up to one-third of the world’s soil carbon, which is twice the amount of carbon found in the world’s forests."
What most people don't really understand about peatlands, is that when they are in a healthy state, they are one of the most effective carbon sinks.
However, when peatlands are degraded, they start emitting large amounts of carbon, into the atmosphere.
In other words, in a degraded state, peatlands switch from being one of the world's most important carbon sinks, naturally taking huge amounts of carbon out of the atmosphere, to a net emitter of carbon, releasing huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere.
As can be seen, in virtually every country in the world with peatlands, these peatlands are being degraded, turning them from one of the world's most important natural carbon sinks, absorbing carbon, to a net emitter of carbon.
The most usual way peatlands are degraded, is by draining, burning them, using them for agriculture, planting palm oil plantations etc. Plus thawing permafrost, which is a tipping point, type event.
I will briefly explain what peat is. Peat is the remains of plants, which grow on peatlands. This plant debris is preserved, pickled, in these waterlogged, anoxic, and usually acidic habitats, which prevent the peat rotting away.
This means over time, peat is accumulated, and the depth of it gets thicker and thicker, over time. Peat can be preserved for many thousands of years, which is what makes it such an important natural carbon sink.
This is unlike a forest, where when trees are growing, they are absorbing carbon, like a peat bog. However, when a tree dies, and rots, much of that carbon is emitted back into the atmosphere, as it is not pickled and preserved, like in a peatland.
Planting trees and re-forestation, is often put forward as a climate solution, for taking carbon out of the atmosphere. However, being as peatlands store around twice the amount of carbon, of the world's forests.
Around 31% of the Earth's surface is covered by trees, woodland. Compared to, only 3-4% of the Earth's surface is covered by peatlands.
Therefore, it is a matter of urgency, that further degradation of peatlands is stopped, and degraded peatlands restored.
Peatland restoration, usually consists of stopping peatlands being drained, re-wetting peatlands, and removing inappropriate palm oil and conifer plantation, which degrades them. Restoring the peat forming vegetation.
It's a no-brainer, in stopping carbon emissions, where healthy peatlands start actively capturing carbon from the atmosphere, and storing it long term in the ground.
So why is the degradation of huge areas of peatland still allowed, and why's there so little restoration?
It's not clear, why this is still happening, why is it not being stopped, and why is so little being done to restore peatlands, aside from governments don't take climate change seriously, and are not making an effort to avert climate catastrophe.
There is also the usual vested interest problem, where powerful and wealthy vested interests are exploiting and degrading peatlands for profit, and these powerful vested interests, often have huge influence over governments, and their policy. This is corruption.
The future of humanity, and life on Earth, is being destroyed and put in peril, by corrupt politicians, being influenced by wealthy vested interests.
Corruption has got clever. It's no longer money stuffed in brown envelopes.
In the past, corruption was simple and easy to spot. Crooked politicians would get surreptitious, bribes, for doing the bidding of various vested interests, even organized crime. This is too easy to detect.
Modern political corruption is clever. It consists of big campaign donations and other favours. Politicians being offered jobs on the side, or after retirement, where they have to do very little to nothing, for a lot of money. It's rare, it's just an old-fashioned bribe, now.
Overall, though, we can only speculate on why politicians do things like ignoring the damage and degradation of peatlands. Fail to legislate, or provide proper funding for peatland restoration. We're stuck in the old mind reading conundrum.
We know politicians are failing to act, when they could act, and they should act.
But we don't really know why they're failing to act, because we can't read their minds, and boy, do they know it.
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I am both baffled and alarmed by our leadership's lack of an appropriate response to the climate and ecological crisis, over the last 50 years.
It suggests that they fundamentally misunderstand the situation and our predicament.
When I see government plans and strategy, what is discussed at COP talks, articles that discuss strategies, to addressing the climate crisis, in the media, which will actually discuss it, like the Guardian. I am struck by the total unreality of the thinking.
Quite a number, of totally unrealistic assumptions seem to be made. I will try and deal with some of these here.
The first unrealistic assumption, is that we still have lots of time left, to incrementally put in place, action that won't take place until well into the future.
This is a dangerous pattern we see all over the world, where especially right wing, but not always, authoritarians, take the world to the brink, and perpetrate heinous crimes, just to avoid personal accountability.
Whether it's genocide with Netanyahu, invading other countries and threatening nuclear annihilation like Putin, and the forthcoming Trump clusterfuck. These dangerous individuals, are taking the world to the brink, for personal reasons.
Simply because they fear being held criminally responsible for their crimes and corruption, if they're no longer not in power. So these manipulative people, create massive chaos and destruction, which will destroy the lives of a huge amount of people.
There is profound insight, in this quote. I don't know what the late great David Graeber meant by this passage, but I will explain my understanding, which is of profound relevance to the total clusterfuck we currently find ourselves in.
Anyone familiar with my postings is aware that I keep saying we need to transform our societies to being cooperative, to deal with the climate and ecological emergency, which threatens to collapse our civilization.
This may seem idealistic to some, but it is very realistic.
We're in a total mess at the moment, because of the artificial competitiveness in our societies, imposed by capitalism and neoliberalism, which needs this divide and conquer gaslighting and manipulation, to dominate our societies.
We are at a critical juncture in the history of our civilization and humanity, due to a number of factors. The climate crisis, and rest of the ecological polycrisis, which is much bigger. Warmongering and the election of Trump.
Things can go in 2 ways, and we have no reached a point, where it is a real dichotomy. Humanity, can either address these crises, appropriately, which would require a radical change to business as usual, or we are heading towards the collapse of our civilization.
The big confusing factor, is our political masters, the mainstream media, seem to be determined to gaslight the public, and to pretend everything is fine, and we have a wonderful future of higher living standards, if only everyone goes along with their plans.
@RogerHallamCS21 As you know I have fully agreed with you for a long time on this and have been trying to warn about this. It is only a matter of time before it happens, and contrary to the impression created, people in rich countries won't be protected.
@RogerHallamCS21 As I've repeatedly explained, these don't have to be absolute food shortages to create societal chaos and upheaval, and the possible collapse of governments, economic and financial systems. Just not the usual surplus.
@RogerHallamCS21 Limited supplies, will cause hyperinflation. Plus if as likely it is caused by a combination of extreme weather events, it will likely impact many types of food, and there will be other impacts on society.
Yet climate change impacts, have barely yet started, and it is going to get much, much worse, then continue getting worse until generations into the future.
Only radical action, by rapidly ending the burning of fossil fuels, will save us from absolute catastrophe.
I was just baffled by @Ed_Miliband's rhetoric yesterday. It seemed deeply sincere, but he is so utterly misguided, and totally detached by what the science tells us, that I felt bad for having to burst Ed's bubble of delusion.