🧵THREAD: @PeterHotez is a sincere and non-corrupt scientist who has been right about everything in the last four years.
1/ @PeterHotez has been spreading lies from the beginning. For example, in May 2021, he advocated vaccinating children to achieve herd immunity. His narrative was uncritically pushed by the MSM, and millions of children were harmed because of him. (Just look at his eyes!)
2/ The problem is that until April 2020, he was claiming the opposite. Back then, Hotez expressed concerns about a potential vaccine for the seasonal cold virus. But how did it come to pass that he suddenly changed his opinion and labeled all critics as anti-science?
3/ Here too, the “follow the money” principle applies. It appears that Peter Hotez is a conscienceless mouthpiece who will do anything for money. In this case, he received funds from the @gatesfoundation. I doubt that these were the only financial contributions he received.
4/ It is therefore not surprising that Hotez changes his stance on the typical clinical trials of vaccines in no time. But just see for yourselves – your jaws will drop.
5/ Yet, the most dangerous aspect of Hotez is his use of language and the demonization of those who think differently. He did not hesitate to label critical people as anti-science and anti-Semitic, even going so far as to demand that they be treated like terrorists. He stated...
6/ "The task force should include experts who have tackled complex global threats such as terrorism because anti-science is now approaching similar levels of peril. It is becoming increasingly clear that advancing immunization requires a counteroffensive.” nature.com/articles/d4158…
7/ In this very publication,@PeterHotez even managed to integrate his hatred of Russia, which has absolutely nothing to do with the Covid vaccines, and his supposed witch-hunt against the "anti-scientists." He also wrote, "The United Nations and the highest levels of governments must take direct, even confrontational, approaches with Russia and move to dismantle anti-vaccine groups in the United States." - What the fvck, Peter?
8/ As if this wasn’t already enough, one of his publications reveals the absurdity of his pseudo-scientific fantasy, claiming that we need malnutrition vaccines. In September 2022, Hotez once again managed to publish his mental diarrhea in another high-impact journal.
9/ Last June, Hotez said that ‘disease X’ is coming, that will be much worse than Covid.
This raises 4 questions:
▪️How'd he know?
▪️Why does he still live that unhealthily?
▪️When will he finally get arrested for his involvement in GoF research?
▪️How much did Pfizer pay him?
10/ “We have some big-picture stuff coming down the pike starting on January 21st…”
Hotez said this just last week, referencing January 21st — just one day after Trump’s inauguration. He’s telling you their plans right to your face, knowing he's protected by those in power.
11/ Btw: Whenever someone criticized Hotez in the past, his friends and fellow believers came crawling out of the woodwork to discredit them as anti-Semites. In this case, @GYamey associated "evil" with Judaism. And these were the ‘experts’, MSM listened to for 3 years. FAIL!
12/ Holding a PhD in biotech and having worked in academia for over 10 years, I’m done with science. One reason for this is people like @PeterHotez, who participate in propaganda videos like this one. I’ve now become a citizen journalist to combat this corruption. Follow me!
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🧵THREAD – X is the last true bastion of free speech, and to support @elonmusk’s vision, I’ve verified myself and subscribed to incredible content creators who make this platform what it is.
In a world where mainstream media relentlessly dictates the narrative, these voices break through the noise and fight for truth. It’s only by supporting independent creators that we can ensure the narrative isn’t monopolized by corporate media.
This thread is dedicated to introducing the inspiring people I subscribe to. They’re journalists, activists, and truth-tellers who work tirelessly for a better, more honest journalistic future.
Take a moment to check them out, follow their work, and join me in supporting those who make free speech and independent reporting possible! 🚀
Let’s go: 👇
1/ Tracy Beanz (@tracybeanz) is the first person I ever subscribed to and for good reason! A fearless citizen journalist exposing corruption in DC and beyond. She stood with us during deplatforming on Twitter 1.0 and proves every day why she’s worth subscribing. Truly inspiring!
2/ Kanekoa (@KanekoaTheGreat) is one of the best investigative accounts out there. Deplatformed for asking the right (or “wrong”) questions, he’s back stronger than ever with in-depth content that keeps you hooked. Closing in on 1M followers—LFG!
🧵Reports suggest Biden intends to pardon Dr. Fauci, arguably one of the most notorious criminals in human history.
In this thread, I will present evidence proving he was a gaslighter and a key player in the plandemic, fully deserving to spend the rest of his life behind bars.⬇️
1/ Just weeks before the ‘Covid outbreak,’ Fauci eerily predicted a “pandemic-like flu,” a forecast made mere weeks before COVID-19 emerged.
2/ This aligns perfectly with Event 201, a “coincidental” simulation held shortly before Fauci’s prediction, where a pandemic strikingly similar to COVID was rehearsed—featuring key players who later emerged at the forefront of the plandemic.
Meet @c_drosten, the German virologist who not only labeled @DrJBhattacharya a “pseudo-expert” but without whom there almost certainly would have been no pandemic.
Think Fauci is the most evil? Hold your beer—this man is much worse!
1/ After more than 2 years of silence, @c_drosten has returned to X. And what was his first move? Retweeting a post slandering @DrJBhattacharya—again.
The irony? Jay was right about everything, and Drosten was wrong. But don’t worry, I’ll lay out all the facts in this thread.
2/ Let’s rewind to the pre-COVID era. Back in 2014, @c_drosten gave a legendary interview to @wiwo, boldly stating that PCR testing is NOT a suitable method for diagnosis.
Fast forward to the pandemic, and suddenly this principle no longer applied. Coincidence? Hardly.
This is Prof. @GYamey. For the past four years, he labeled me a “dangerous and insane conspiracy theorist” simply for opposing masks and advocating for vitamin D. He even called for my professional cancellation multiple times.
“Most beloved and trusted vaccine expert” 🙄🥲
I called @PeterHotez “Dr. Evil”.
Gavin Yamey: “One of the very worst online bullies.” 🥹
🧵PRACTICAL GUIDE: Many of you have asked how we can take action and push back against the @WEF and the globalist agenda. Don’t lose hope—here are ten powerful steps you can take to help ensure the Great Reset doesn’t succeed.
1. Voice your opinion to the politicians.
Many politicians believe that the majority of the population supports the woke agenda because they operate within their own political bubbles and receive biased information from the media, creating a false sense of societal consensus. To counter this, you should communicate your opinion to your local, regional, and national politicians via email or X, expressing either criticism or praise. It is essential to maintain a polite and respectful tone, as many politicians may need to be convinced that we are not extremists but rather well-informed, red-pilled citizens who are critical of the WEF’s agenda and see it as a threat to national sovereignty (e.g., express your concern about unnecessary centralization of power and emphasize that we did not elect these individuals). In this regard, comments like “Nuremberg 2 will wait for you” or “time to get the guillotines out” would be awesome but counterproductive.
2. Where there is no plaintiff, there is no judge.
While the judicial system has its flaws, it’s not fair to assume that all judges are “woke.” We must continue to file complaints and lawsuits—the more people involved, the greater the chance of success. Even if these lawsuits don’t win, they increase public awareness. Every legal challenge against the WEF’s agenda contributes positively to our society’s freedom. It’s time to hold accountable those who enforced vaccinations, subjected our children to masks and PCR tests, discredited us online and offline, and politicians like Matt Hancock who instilled fear through scare tactics.
🧵THREAD: This is Brian @Krassenstein. He keeps accusing Donald Trump of being a fraud, rapist, and liar, while he’s got way more skeletons in his own closet.
This is straight-up projection, and in this thread, I’ll be dropping some receipts.
Please share and enjoy the ride! ⬇️
#1 What many of you don’t know is that the Krassenstein twins were hardcore simping for Donald Trump when he launched a multi-level marketing program 16 years ago.
#2 It was only after their homes were raided for involvement in Ponzi scheme activities that they suddenly turned against Trump. Could this have been part of a deal they likely struck with the FBI?