"... 200nm to 230nm is often described as “eye and skin safe” but is perhaps more accurately described as “safer”. There is still an exposure limit- just much, much higher than with other portions of the UV spectrum."
What are my biases?
I have disagreed with Nukit in the past on a couple of non-technical issues, but these are times fraught with tension.
On the technical issues, I have found them
incredibly knowledgeable, and I very much appreciate their engineering.
Anyone accusing Nukit of endangering others are simply not knowledgeable on the topic.
Do I have a Cybermarket light? No. Do I anticipate getting one? Maybe in the future, if they are still available.
I have other projects I am currently interested in.
Am I an expert in FARUVC? No, but I can sure read a study.
1 lamp was good enough to disinfect room. Produced "negligible" ozone. -0.62 ±0.03 ppb
Even with 4x the needed strength? 6.98 ±0.24 ppb.
The conclusion? One lamp does not impact the air quality.
With 4 times OVERKILL.
Under 10 ppb. Secondary organic aerosols (SOA)? minor increases in particulate matter (16% increase particulate matter, 10 % increase in particle number count).
@naomirwolf - if you want to avoid inhaling shed vaccines, then you'd be wise to get an N95.
You might be tempted to ignore this thread, but I have 5 years of experience of helping people get into respirators that avoid the problems you have mentioned previously.