Some of you still don’t get it and are locked in the liberal mind prison where their magic spell words continue to paralyze you from thinking clearly. Allow me to break it down for you simply:
The term "racism" has been weaponized against White people, stripping it of its original meaning. In its contemporary usage, "racism" is essentially synonymous with in-group preference.
Every other race and ethnic group on the planet engages in in-group preference, favoring their own kind in various aspects of life such as employment, neighborhoods, social circles, mate selection, and yes—even the church they attend.
And there is nothing wrong with this, I have no problem with other races having an in-group preference. This was the norm for every racial group for all of human history until about five minutes ago when Whites decided to embrace suicidal levels of altruism and atomized individualism.
My problem is with the double standard.
When Whites exhibit the same in-group preference, they are labeled as "racists” or “White supremacists.” This distortion of the term "racism" is deeply deceptive. It implies that Whites having in-group preference is inherently malicious and irrational, driven solely by a hatred of other races.
This is a gross mischaracterization. In-group preference does not necessitate a venomous animosity towards other races simply because of their ancestry. It is a natural human tendency that has served to maintain the integrity and cohesion of various communities throughout time.
The true significance of in-group preference lies in its role as a mechanism for survival and prosperity. When Whites fail to prioritize their own group interests, they leave themselves vulnerable to displacement, replacement, and eventual destruction at the hands of other groups that have no qualms about pursuing their own self-interests.
It is essential for Whites to recognize and understand the importance of in-group preference, not to foster hate or animosity towards other races, but to ensure the continued survival and flourishing of our people and nations.
We can, should, and have every right to embrace and advocate for our own interests while coexisting peacefully with other groups. This is not a call for hatred or division, but rather a plea for the recognition of the basic human right to self-preservation and the pursuit of a prosperous future for one's own people.
So make the choice, and it is absolutely a binary choice—you can be “racist” or you can be replaced by those who are.
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The greatest irony of Nietzschean ideology is that it does not produce supermen; it produces slaves. Slaves to pleasure, to addiction, to digital surveillance. A society built on his principles does not elevate human potential—it dehumanizes. It turns marriage and family into burdens rather than blessings. It sexualizes children while abandoning the elderly. It sees human limitations not as sacred but as flaws to be engineered away.
This is why Nietzsche’s vision always collapses: it cannot answer the fundamental question of why life is worth living. The plummeting birth rates in secular, Nietzsche-influenced societies are not a coincidence; they are a verdict. When life is reduced to power struggles, when suffering has no redemptive meaning, when morality is a lie—why bring children into such a world?
Where Nietzsche saw weakness in compassion, Christ revealed its strength. Where Nietzsche dismissed humility as servitude, Christianity reveals it as the foundation of wisdom. The Übermensch, that self-made god who bends reality to his will, is ultimately a pale and tragic counterfeit of the true God-Man—Jesus Christ, who emptied Himself, took on flesh, and conquered death not by force, but by love. In the end, Nietzsche’s philosophy destroys itself because it cannot sustain life. It cannot justify why justice should be pursued, why love matters, or why the weak deserve protection rather than elimination.
The most damning critique of Nietzsche’s ideology is not theoretical but existential: it does not inspire life. It leads only to sterility, despair, and the eventual erasure of the very civilization it once sought to liberate. Societies that embrace his “will to power” do not last because they cannot justify the sacrifices necessary to build the future. By contrast, Christianity is fertile. It blesses children, redeems suffering, and calls every life—no matter how “weak” by Nietzschean standards—sacred. The rise of AI does not change this truth; it only makes it more urgent. A Nietzschean society will use AI to escape humanity’s “shameful” limitations—our mortality, our need for one another, our vulnerability. A Christian society will use AI to serve humanity, understanding that our very limitations are where grace abounds the most.
AI should be viewed not as a replacement for human intelligence, but as a tool to amplify our God-given cognitive abilities. Just as a telescope extends our vision without replacing our eyes, AI should enhance our intellectual capabilities without supplanting them. Consider how the early church used the Roman road system - a technological marvel of its time - to spread the Gospel throughout the known world. Similarly, we must learn to harness AI as a tool for kingdom work.
While embracing these new capabilities, we must remember that true wisdom comes from God (James 1:5), and that our ultimate purpose is not to achieve technological supremacy but to know Christ and make Him known.
The danger lies not in the technology itself, but in how we might be tempted to use it - either as an idol that replaces our reliance on God, or as a crutch that weakens our own God-given capabilities.
The Regime has tried for 8 years now to take Gab offline. First I got offered large sums of money, but with strings attached: “Remove the far-right guys,” I declined. Then my family started getting threats. I held my ground.
Then the smear attacks by the media accelerated. Then they flooded Gab with p*rn bots and sent the ADL and SPLC after us.
Then they removed us from app stores, hosting providers, payment processors, banks and more. We did go offline briefly for 6 days, but got the site back up.
Then the billionaire Mercer family launched Parler with “hate speech” rules to try to compete and take us out that way. They paid every conservative influencer to shill Parler for years. Then Amazon pulled the plug and everyone came to Gab.
Then Trump’s team approached me. They wanted Trump to join Gab after J6, but there were conditions. “You have to do something about the antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment.” I declined. At this same time Rumble changed their terms of service to ban “hate speech and antisemitism.” That same week Trump joined the platform.
Then Trump launched Truth Social. It uses AI to censor “hate speech.” It flopped.
Then the ultimate subversion attempt: take over Twitter and say it’s freedom speech, not freedom of reach. The right slopped it up from the trough.
Now the rug is being pulled on the actual right wing and a huge purge is underway, implicit shadowbanning is back, demonetization is back, and algos are being changed.
Gab remains the true home of free speech.
One day I will write a book on all of this, but we’re still only on chapter one. 😎
A Christmas Story is a heartwarming tale that explores the triumph of a father's love for his son against the backdrop of a society that is effeminate and gynocentric.
Throughout the movie, Ralphie, the young protagonist, is constantly warned by everyone he encounters that he will "shoot his eye out" if he were to get his desired Red Ryder BB gun.
The gynocentric society, with its emphasis on safety and protection, stifles the adventurous masculinity that is brewing within young Ralphie. This tension reaches its climax when Ralphie finally unleashes his pent-up masculine rage on the bully Farkus, standing up for himself and asserting his own strength.
In the end, it is Ralphie's father who comes to the rescue of young Ralphie to overcome the gynocentric forces against him symbolized by giving him the coveted Red Ryder BB gun on Christmas morning.
This act of defiance against the prevailing gynocentric norms and the father's unwavering support of his son's masculinity are the ultimate triumphs in the story.
The movie highlights the importance of a father's role in nurturing and encouraging the masculine spirit in his son, even in the face of a society that may seek to suppress it. A Christmas Story is more than just a holiday film; it is a poignant commentary on the struggle between traditional masculinity and the modern, gynocentric world.
TFW you destroy the longhouse with one simple trick
Ralphie getting hit in the glasses by a BB pellet that ricochets off a metal target symbolizes the unpredictability and potential consequences of challenging societal norms and expectations, particularly when it comes to traditional masculinity.
His attempt to prove his masculinity and competency by shooting at the metal target demonstrates his desire to assert himself in a world that often undermines masculine expression. However, the incident highlights the fact that even seemingly harmless actions can have unintended consequences, leading to the breaking of his glasses and his ensuing panic.
The fact that Ralphie concocts a story about an icicle falling and hitting him in the eye to cover up the incident further emphasizes the societal pressure to conform to expectations and the fear of consequences for stepping out of line. It also represents the tendency to hide or downplay the challenges and setbacks faced by boys and men in a gynocentric society that often prioritizes appearances and smooth narratives over honesty and authenticity.
This scene further underscores the difficulties faced by young boys as they navigate the complexities of growing up in a gynocentric society that suppresses traditional masculine expression.
🧵OPERATION CHOKEPOINT: How Gab Was Debanked in 2021
Yesterday venture capitalist Marc Andreessen highlighted Operation Chokepoint 2.0 on Joe Rogan's show. He noted how 30 tech founders were targeted and debanked by the Biden administration for purely political purposes, I was one of them. This is our story.
Operation Choke Point was an initiative launched by the United States Department of Justice in 2013, under the Obama administration. The program aimed to discourage banks and financial institutions from doing business with companies that the government deemed to be high-risk, such as payday lenders, firearms dealers, and certain types of telemarketers.
The operation involved federal agencies, including the Department of Justice, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), working with banks to identify and cut off financial services to these high-risk industries. The idea was to "choke off" the financial lifeblood of these businesses, making it difficult for them to operate.
However, critics argued that the program went too far, infringing on the rights of businesses that were not necessarily engaged in fraudulent activities. They claimed that the initiative targeted lawful industries and violated the First Amendment rights of businesses to engage in legal commerce. The operation generated controversy and faced legal challenges.
In 2017, the Trump administration dismantled Operation Choke Point, with the Justice Department stating that it would no longer support the program. While the initiative had the stated goal of targeting fraudulent businesses and protecting consumers, many argued that it overstepped its authority and unfairly targeted legitimate industries.
BREAKING: The FBI is now claiming that the Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks had an unspecified "social media account" in 2019/2020 (when he was 14/15 years old) that posted "anti-immigrant and anti-semitic" content.
This is not consistent with Gab's understanding of the shooter's motives based on an Emergency Disclosure Request ("EDR") we received from the FBI last week for the Gab account "EpicMicrowave" which, based on the content of that EDR, the FBI appeared to think belonged to Thomas Crooks.
Many, particularly regime media reporters, have doubted Gab's claims that this request existed. Normally we don't confirm the existence or content of law enforcement communications. In this instance we had to make an exception due to the overwhelming public interest in disclosure and transparency.
As a courtesy to law enforcement, we are not going to post the entire request. This is the first page of that request.
The story is this: the account for which data was requested was, UNEQUIVOCALLY, pro-Biden and in particular pro-Biden's immigration policy.
To the best of Gab's knowledge, as of 2021, Crooks was a pro-lockdown, pro-immigration, left-wing Joe Biden supporter.
A thread of additional information from last week: