Andrew Torba Profile picture
Christian, Father of 3, CEO of
Marla 🍀 🇺🇸 Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jul 24 5 tweets 2 min read
🚨Approximately 30 minutes ago, Gab learned that Thomas Crooks, the deranged Joe Biden supporter who attempted to assassinate President Donald Trump, may have had an account on our platform. We are unable to confirm that the account in question actually belonged to him.

The account was last active on the site in 2021. As far as we are aware, the account did not use the site to send any direct messages. He posted on the site nine (9) times total.

While the account made very few posts on the site, the majority of them were in support of President Biden. A number of posts in particular expressed support for President Biden's COVID lockdowns, border policies and executive orders.

We have saved the account data pending receipt of a search warrant.Image We are disclosing this information at significant personal and business risk. If the past is any guide, defying the D.C. consensus by publishing the first definitive evidence that the shooter was a Biden supporter - something Democrats and their media allies have tried to cover up and deny at every turn - has a high probability of resulting in significant political and media backlash.

In the past, we have been the target of politically motivated inquiries from both the House Oversight Committee and the Joint Committee on the January 6th Attacks, both of which sought to interfere with our mission of protecting free speech online. The enemies of freedom have the ability to impose significant present and future legal costs and any donations we receive will help to defray those costs.

If you wish to support our endeavors, kindly consider donating to Gab:
Jul 10 5 tweets 2 min read
This entire plan is a slap in the face to White Christian men, like me, who Trump needs to show up in PA to win. Good luck.… Trump personally rolled the RNC on abortion and gay marriage. It wasn’t the RNC that did this, it was him personally. Image
Mar 4 5 tweets 2 min read
W Image Image
Feb 24 6 tweets 3 min read
It’s not just Google’s AI image generation. Their text model hates White people too.
Google Hates White People.

Dec 10, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I've been testing out different LLM models locally on my computer. zephyr is pretty solid. Image Image
Sep 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The ADL lobbied the DOJ to investigate Gab and throw me in jail after January 6th even though I didn’t even attend the rally. #BantheADL Image The CEO of the ADL went on national television and called me one of the most toxic people in public life for daring to say that America is a Christian nation and it should stay that way. #BantheADL
Aug 11, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Today was a groundbreaking day, what did we learn?

The ADL is clearly calling the shots at Twitter/X and it could not be more clear.
They are petrified of you joining Gab—where they have zero control and never will—so they’ve adapted their playbook from full banning to……
“Freedom of speech not freedom of reach” who coined this phrase? Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL of course back in April 9th of 2022.

When did Elon start the process of buying Twitter?

April 14, 2022.
Jun 19, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Gather round friends, time for this day in history: June 19th. A lesson on espionage brought to you by the Rosenbergs. Image Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were an American couple accused of passing classified atomic bomb-related information to the Soviet Union during the late 1940s. At a time of heightened Cold War tensions, their arrest and subsequent trial sent shockwaves through the nation, stoking……
Jun 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Le basé Image Debating in the world of political theory is for nerds. Kings don’t debate. They lead. The best way to lead is by example. People will see you survive and thrive by living out your faith and convictions. This will drawn them in.
Jun 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Jun 5, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The Pitfalls of Twitter's Community Notes: A Threat to Open Discourse

By positioning itself as the arbiter of truth, Twitter's Community Notes creates an illusion of objectivity. Users should be encouraged to engage in their own research and make informed judgments rather than…… “Yes please make the black box Twitter Community Note mob that only certain people can join the arbiter of objective truth on this platform.”

Stupidity. The comment/QT section has always solved for this problem.
May 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Direct violation of 1A. But that’s par for the course lately. Both Trump and DeSantis have backed legislation protecting a certain group of people from any and all criticism. This group of people happens to make up both of their top donors too.…