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Dec 30, 2024 60 tweets 60 min read Read on X

(Stick this thread on any post with a Community Note saying the injections don’t cause turbo cancers.)

Thread index:

Tweets 1–16: Physicians, Scientists, and Industry Experts—from the U.S., U.K., Canada, Germany, and Sweden—Describe How the COVID Injections Cause Turbo Cancers

The injections—

-Severely degrade the immune system, particularly causing T-cell suppression

-Are adulterated with DNA plasmids, which contain the notorious SV40 promoter sequence, which has not only been associated with oncogenesis, but also binding with P53 a.k.a. “the guardian of the genome”

-Are associated with far more aggressive cancers than what was normal prior to the injections’ rollout

-Are associated with increasing rates of cancers

Tweets 17–23: Anecdotal interviews with people describing aggressive cancers in themselves, their friends, or family members who’ve taken one or more COVID injections.

Tweets 24–39: Evidence in the scientific literature and regulatory documentation that supports the idea that the COVID injections degrade the immune system, are capable of causing aggressive cancers, and contain DNA and SV40 contamination.

Tweets 40–47: A—small—sample of the VAERS reports linking the COVID injections to various types of cancers.

Tweets 48–57: Users on X speak out about themselves, family, or friends who developed an aggressive, often fatal, cancer following receipt of one or more COVID injections.

NOTE: Please add your own COVID injection–related “turbo cancer” story to this thread to bolster the already overwhelming evidence that it is indeed a real phenomenon.


DR. DAVID RASNICK—“I’m convinced that the true explanation of what’s behind turbo cancer is that these [COVID] injections…are devastating the immune system…[and] now we’re seeing a consequence of that devastated immune system.”

In this first tweet, we start by hearing from cancer and AIDS research titan Dr. David Rasnick, who notes in a 2024 interview with Children’s Health Defense that this phenomenon of “turbo cancers” is new, and is defined by cancers that appear and grow to Stage 3 or Stage 4—i.e. “lethal”—in a matter of months.

Rasnick, who earned a PhD in chemistry from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1978, has more than 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries, published numerous scientific papers, and invented novel laboratory techniques, notes that these turbo cancers are also affecting younger people than usual, including people in their 20s.

“When it [the turbo cancer] develops, they get late stage cancer and they’re dead really, really quickly,” Rasnick says. “That is new.”

Furthermore, Rasnick says the only other time these kinds of rapid-growing cancers have been observed was in lab animals that were made to be immune deficient “by design.”

“I’m convinced that the true explanation of what’s behind turbo cancer,” Rasnick says, “is that these [COVID] injections…these mRNA and DNA genetic injections…are devastating the immune system…[and] now we’re seeing a consequence of that devastated immune system.”

Rasnick adds, “Once your immune system is really, really depressed, now these things [cancers] can develop rapidly.” The cancer researcher adds, “We’re basically doing to human beings what we did to laboratory animals: We’re destroying their immune systems to the point where they can’t resist the cancer. And the cancers are now growing like they are in cell culture. They don’t have anything impeding their ability to proliferate.”
(2/57) DR. RYAN COLE — “[These shots]...cause immune suppression. They cause a disruption and dysregulation of your immune system that normally is what would fight cancer.”

In this clip from a 2023 interview with Greg Hunter, Dr. Ryan Cole, a board-certified pathologist and founder of Cole Diagnostics Inc. in Boise, Idaho, says that he saw early warning signs of immune system suppression following the rollout of the COVID injections and warned people that they “suppress the immune system.”

Cole notes that the injections “alter the way your immune system works.” He adds that they “[put] your T cells to sleep” in such a way that they can’t perform their “surveillance” duties “to fight cancer.”

The veteran pathologist adds that he has traveled the world, talking to oncologists, pathologists, family doctors, et al., who say that they’re “seeing cancers…in age groups…never seen before, and it happened after the rollout of the shots.”

Cole adds that insurance datasets and some countries’ disability data confirms the huge uptick in cancers. In the U.K., for example, Cole says that in 2021, there was a 6–7% rise in cancers; in 2022, there was a staggering 35% increase.

“Those are the types of data that we’re seeing that [are] really concerning,” Cole adds.
(3/57) DR. ROGER HODKINSON— “The immune system has been taken off its watch…[there could be] a tsunami of…cancer and other conditions that have been brought on…by this vaccination program.”

In this clip from a 2022 interview with the RAIR Foundation, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, a medical specialist in pathology, a graduate of Cambridge University, and a Fellow at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (FRCPC), echoes Dr. Ryan Cole’s concerns regarding the COVID injections’ deleterious effects on the immune system.

“One of the primary functions of the immune system is to surveil the entire body, looking for little, tiny cancers that can be knocked off before they get to a size when they produce a lump or a syndrome that kills you…[And] with the [COVID] vaccination, having a profound impact on the vitality of our immune system, the deep concern is that some of these cancers that are being reported, or maybe all of them, are due to immune escape,” Hodkinson says. The pathologist adds, “the immune system has been…taken off its watch…and the cancer has been allowed to proliferate in a way that it would not normally have done.”

Hodkinson goes on to note: “[This] could result in a tsunami of…cancer and other conditions that have been brought on…by this vaccination program.” He adds, “When…something of this magnitude…is not studied, that is cause for enormous concern. Because that is not the way medicine works.”
(4/57) SCIENTIST KEVIN MCKERNAN—”The EMA…has documents that have leaked showing a one to 815-fold variance in the amount of DNA contamination that are in these vaccines.”

In this clip from a presentation given to the International COVID Summit in 2024, Kevin McKernan, Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Medicinal Genomics, as well as former R&D lead of the Human Genome Project, describes how there is “DNA contamination” in the mRNA COVID injections from both Pfizer and Moderna. McKernan notes that there is DNA plasmid contamination of between one and 815-fold from injection lot to injection lot (i.e. batch to batch) and that the contamination has been found by scientists in multiple states in the U.S. and in Germany. (The one to 815-fold figure means that the amount of DNA plasmids present in a given injection is up to 815 times the allowable amount set by regulatory agencies.)

McKernan notes that regulators have, in turn, been forced to respond to the contamination and that the FDA in the U.S., the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and Health Canada have all confirmed that there is indeed DNA plasmids in the COVID mRNA injections. McKernan notes that the regulators have also confirmed that this DNA contamination includes the so-called “SV40 promoter,” which is a DNA sequence derived from the Simian Virus 40 that enhances gene expression. I.e. the SV40 promoter helps to import the contaminating DNA plasmids into the nucleus of the cell.

Furthermore, McKernan notes that the inclusion of the SV40 in the contaminating DNA plasmids was originally withheld from the regulators by Pfizer.

Note that, as outlined in the documentation in tweet 39 in this mega-thread, an FDA guidance document published back in 2010 states the following:

“Residual DNA might be a risk to your final product because of oncogenic [i.e. cancer causing] and/or infectivity potential. There are several potential mechanisms by which residual DNA could be oncogenic, including the integration and expression of encoded oncogenes or insertional mutagenesis following DNA integration.”
(5/57) PROF. ANGUS DALGLEISH—“[The] synthetic DNA contamination…in…vials of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines…presents risks of genomic instability, which can manifest as cancers…”

Professor Angus Dalgleish, a professor of oncology at St. George’s, University of London, describes in a presentation given to the Special Council at Port Hedland Town in Western Australia in 2024 how the DNA contamination found in the COVID mRNA injections by McKernan, et al. “can manifest as cancers, immune disorders, and hereditary diseases.”

“Synthetic DNA contamination as detected in Australian vials of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines by David Speicher presents risks of genomic instability, which can manifest as cancers, immune disorders, and hereditary diseases,” Dalgleish says. “The vaccines contain lipid nanoparticles, which encapsulate synthetic DNA fragments. These nanoparticles deliver this DNA into various organs throughout the body, where the DNA has the potential to integrate into our own genetic material. As such these vaccines are not ‘vaccines,’ they are, in fact, gene therapy based. This genomic integration, as the scientific literature makes clear, can lead to cancer development, immune system disruption, and more. The sheer levels of contamination detected…in some cases are extraordinary, and far beyond what should be allowed in any medicinal product.”

Dalgleish goes on to note: “While this may sound like a remote possibility…we are already seeing evidence of these effects in real patients. In my work as an oncologist in the U.K., I started to see a disturbing trend as early as February 2022. Patients who had been cancer free for many years were suddenly relapsing with aggressive, explosive cancers shortly after receiving booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. I personally counted six cases in as many weeks in patients who developed a rapid progression, having been completely stable, with zero disease, having been on an immunotherapy I had given them 5, 8, 10, 15, 18 years ago.”

Dalgleish adds: “All these patients only had one thing in common, and that was they had all been forced to have a [COVID-injection] booster by their GPs on the grounds they were at risk. One of the most unsettling aspects of the nature of these cancers is that they are not slow progressing…they are aggressive, often presenting at advanced stages, affecting multiple organs by the time they are diagnosed. Colorectal cancer has specifically shown explosive growth—something we’ve never seen before. These cancers are emerging faster and more virulent than we would expect in patients who otherwise have been stable.”

Dalgleish also notes a rise in blood cancers, such as leukemias and lymphomas, which have “appeared shortly after vaccinations.”

“I have had many colleagues and patients express concerns about the timing of these cancers following what I believe are totally unnecessary boosters, which is not an isolated issue,” the oncologist goes on to say. “My own research has shown that the boosters suppress the T cell response and switch[es] the antibody response to tolerizing. That means this is the perfect example where you have switched off the policing of foreign invaders, viruses, etc. and cancer, allowing it to grow uncontrolled.”
(6/57) DR. UTE KRÜGER—“Ultimately, I saw a correlation that the tumors appeared on average three [3] months after these so-called ‘vaccinations.’”

In this clip from an interview with klaTVEnglish from 2024, Dr. Ute Krüger, a pathologist and breast cancer researcher in Sweden, describes her experience witnessing the exact same phenomenon Dr. Angus Dalgleish did in the previous tweet: explosive, aggressive cancers that appeared in cancer patients who were previously stable prior to receiving one or more COVID injections.

Krüger describes how, following the rollout of the COVID injections, she began to see the largest tumors she had ever seen in her career. “And the tumors simply grew more aggressively, and there were more frequent occurrences, [meaning] relapses,” Krüger adds.

The pathologist and breast cancer researcher notes: “Patients may have been tumor free for 20 years, and then a few months after these injections against corona, the tumor suddenly came back. And with such aggressiveness that the patients often died as a result.”
(7/57) DR. JOHN CAMPBELL, describing the work of DR. DAVID SPEICHER—“The Moderna [injection] can contain up to 10 [trillion] copies of DNA fragments per dose.”

In this clip from a video posted in October 2024, Dr. John Campbell, a semi-retired nurse lecturer, describes work performed by molecular virologist Dr. David Speicher, which found that in some of the COVID injection vials, there are 10 TRILLION copies of the DNA plasmids. Campbell notes that 3 to 10 copies is “enough to cause incorporation of SV40 DNA contamination into the nuclear genome of the cell, thereby causing a mutation, which has been identified in cell cultures in chromosomes 9 and 12, including an oncogene that can potentially cause cancer.”
(8/57) DR. ANGUS DALGLEISH (PT. 2)—“The Pfizer [injections] are all full of SV40 [and] SV40 was what, in my day, we put into mice to make them grow tumors…”

Here is Professor Angus Dalgleish once again, this time in a clip taken from a discussion with Charles Kovess et al. from December of 2024.

Dalgleish notes the following:

"It's obvious talking to everybody and all the presentations I've been to....[that] they're [the COVID injections] all completely contaminated. They're just not fit for purpose," Dalgleish says. "The Pfizer [injections] are all full of SV40 [and] SV40 was what, in my day, we put into mice to make them grow tumors so we could pour chemotherapy into them to see if it worked for the tumors. And we are putting this into humans for a disease that hasn't killed anybody for at least two years. It is beyond belief, and that's really what I cannot understand."
(9/57) DR. SUCHARIT BHAKDI—“The integration of any foreign gene into your chromosome can cause cancer immediately.”

Sucharit Bhakdi, a retired Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology and Immunology and former Chair of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, describes in this clip taken from a conversation with Children’s Health Defense from May 2023 how the integration of foreign genes into a person’s genome can lead to cancer.

Bhakdi notes that mRNA injections cause this type of damage because “the [DNA] plasmids, these foreign genes derived from bacteria, stolen from bacteria, enter the human cells, and…every cell that is genetically altered is doomed.”
(10/57) KEVIN MCKERNAN (Pt. 2)—“This SV40 component…it interacts with P53 [which] is [the] guardian of the genome that’s supposed to keep our genome intact…[and] it’s the most cited gene in cancer.”

In this clip from an interview Kevin McKernan did with Bret Weinstein, he notes that the SV40—which has been firmly established as being present in the DNA plasmid contamination in the COVID injections—interacts with P53, a gene that is commonly referred to as “the guardian of the genome.”

“This SV40 component…it interacts with P53 [which] is [the] guardian of the genome that’s supposed to keep our genome intact,” McKernan says. “And now we have billions of these molecules being injected that we know interact with that.”

Furthermore, McKernan adds that P53 is “the most cited gene in cancer,” and “if you mess with P53, you’re inviting cancer, particularly if you shut it down.”

The scientist also notes that simply having fragmented DNA inside the cytosol of cells—that is, the liquid portion of the cytoplasm within a cell, where many biochemical reactions occur—is enough to cause cancer; meaning the DNA doesn’t even need to be imported into the nucleus of the cell.

“It [the plasmids] doesn’t have to get into the nucleus to cause cancer. Just cytosolic presence of DNA like this can trigger this cGAS STING pathway,” McKernan notes. (The cGAS-STING pathway is an innate immune signaling route that detects cytosolic DNA to trigger an immune response, including inflammation and an antiviral defense.)
(11/57) DR. JANCI LINDSAY— “LNPs have been found to cause cancer cells that are already present to more readily spread by inducing endothelial leakiness.”

In this clip from a presentation given for the World Council for Health, posted in 2023, toxicologist and molecular biologist Dr. Janci Linsday describes the nine (or more) ways the mRNA COVID injections can cause cancer. In her presentation, Lindsay notes that:

–the injections use lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), which have been found to cause cancer cells that are already present to spread more readily

–the LNPs may be oncogenic by themselves

–the SV40 is a “super promoter” that is “great at driving gene expression,” and should it sit above an oncogene, you could have “an amplification of a cancer gene.”

–the spike protein can interact with, and suppress, P53, the aforementioned “guardian of the genome.”

–the injections can produce “frame shifted” proteins, which are aberrant and can themselves cause cancer

–the mRNA in the injections itself can reverse transcribe into the genome, in turn causing insertional mutagenesis and cancer

–the injections cause immunosuppression of T cells, which, in turn, can damage the immune system and lead to cancer (as previously mentioned in the thread)
(12/57) KEVIN MCKERNAN (Pt. 3)—“We have sequencing from a colon [tumor] biopsy from a patient who was four [4] times vaccinated…we can find [Pfizer-injection DNA] plasmids in there at a hundred copies per cell.”

In this clip from a 2024 Mind & Matter podcast, we hear again from scientist Kevin McKernan, who describes finding the DNA plasmids from Pfizer’s mRNA COVID injection in a colon tumor from a—now deceased—individual who received four injections.

​​”We have sequencing from a colon biopsy from a patient who was four [4] times vaccinated. A year after vaccination, they had a colon cancer. They biopsied it that day, and then 30 days later, they died, and then they biopsied after, and we have sequencing on both the pre-mortem and post-mortem samples," McKernan says. The scientist and entrepreneur, often cited as the first person to find DNA contamination in the mRNA COVID injections, adds, "we can find plasmids in there a hundred copies per cell. They're not exactly the same as Pfizer's, which is a real head-scratcher, but they're in there."

McKernan goes on to say: “The copy number alone suggests that these things aren't fully fragmented. Right? These plasmids really shouldn't be replicating to a hundred copies per cell." McKernan adds, "They shouldn't be in there at that level because if you just do the math on how much is in the vaccine, when you do an injection of this, this person has four vaccines...1.2 ml of Pfizer...went into about 87,000 mls [of] body volume. So you should have a massive dilution into your body. Yet when we're sequencing this and doing qPCR off the tumor, the CTs coming back off the tumor are almost as high as they are straight out of the vial."
(13/57) RETIRED PHARMA R&D EXECUTIVE SASHA LATYPOVA— “The FDA was fully aware that these things would cause cancer because they’ve written numerous guidance documents [saying so]; that’s how they regulate industry.”

In this clip from an interview with Dr. Drew from 2024, retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova describes how the "FDA was fully aware that these things [the COVID injections] would cause cancer, because they've written numerous guidance documents [saying so]; that's how they regulate industry.” Latypova notes that in “2015, 2013, even more recently than that, they wrote extensive guidance documents explaining to manufacturers who wanted to develop mRNA products that they need to study...cancer..."

"They had this knowledge and they told manufacturers you have to study these risks and you have to exclude them and they were also not allowed to even study it in healthy volunteers because it was considered unethical," Latypova adds. "It was considered too dangerous. So then we come to 2020 [and] all of the sudden all of this is solved—this is a joke. To me, that's where I became extremely suspicious..."

One such FDA guidance document referenced by Latypova is linked in tweet 39 of this mega-thread.
(14/57) DR. JAMES ROYLE— “In addition to the increase in all-cause excess deaths in highly vaccinated countries since the gene based–injectable rollout, there has been observed an alarming and significant increase in cancers.”

In this 2024 presentation for the Stone Summit, U.K.-based surgeon Dr. James Royle describes seeing the same kinds of phenomena regarding turbo cancers as described by Professor Angus Dalgleish, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Ute Krüger, et al. He also notes that the excuses for these cancers that have been used to deflect away from the COVID injections as the cause don’t make any logical sense.

“In addition to the increase in all-cause excess deaths in highly vaccinated countries since the
gene-based injectable rollout, there has been observed an alarming and significant increase in cancers,” Royle says. “These cancers have been termed colloquially ‘turbo cancers.’ Obviously, this is not a scientific term, but reflects the different aggressive biological nature that seems to be being observed by the public as well as clinicians…There was [also] a clear, dramatic increase [in cancer rates] that occurred in 2021 shortly after the rollout.”

Royle goes on to note the following: “A robust study recently published from Japan now [retracted] by the journal after significant pressure showed cancer-related excess mortality in vaccinated populations. Cancer is being observed within all ages. It is my assertion shared by many experts oncologists and clinical colleagues around the world that the cancers we are seeing are extremely aggressive and are of a different biology. One study showed this dramatic increase, particularly in younger ages through 2021, [and in] 2022, [a] 7.9% increase.” The surgeon adds: “I've noticed aggressive widespread recurrences in previously successfully treated bowel cancer cases that I'd considered cured. Many metastases in these cases are unusual or atypical. Middle aged and elderly people are presenting with out-of-the-blue aggressive stage IV colorectal cancer who are incurable and die within weeks or months. In many of these cases, the entire liver appears to be filled with large, round tumor masses.”

The prominent surgeon notes that “many of [his] multidisciplinary team colleagues, fellow surgeons, oncologists, pathologists, radiologists and specialist nurses have all acknowledged… [a] sudden change in patterns and [a] dramatic increase in these aggressive incurable advanced cancers…observed in these past two years. However, none of them can offer an explanation.”

“This post-2021 increase cannot be explained by a sudden population-wide change in environmental toxins,” Royle notes. “Ultra-processed foods are not new. We already had an obesity epidemic prior to COVID-19,” the surgeon adds. “In any case, there is no valid argument that the increase is due to stopping [cancer] screening given we are seeing a particular increase in cancers in much younger people, 20 to 45 years of age. Screening services for colorectal cancer and breast and others typically start at 60 years [of age].”
(15/57) DR. WILLIAM MAKIS— “Once the vaccines roll out in 2021, you see a statistically significant rise in cancer, and it rises every single year since then…there’s some kind of damage that…can manifest years after you’ve had your last COVID vaccines.”

In this clip from a discussion with pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas, oncologist, radiologist, and cancer researcher Dr. William Makis describes some of the work that’s been done by The Ethical Skeptic on cancer trends following the rollout of the COVID injections. Makis notes that there was a “statistically significant rise in cancer” in the U.S. following the rollout of the COVID injections. Furthermore, he says that the injections cause “some kind of damage that…can manifest years after you’ve had your last COVID vaccines.”

"I love the work of Ethical Skeptic, and this is his work," Makis says of the graph he presents for Thomas. "This is a data analyst on X...and he looks at CDC data, and he finds these trends that are really fascinating."

"These are deaths from malignant neoplasms in...a younger cohort, ages 0 to 54," Makis says. "And you see that really, in 2020, you don't see much in terms of a [rise in] cancer. There seems to be a slight blip above trend line, but it's sort of still hovering around a long-term trend line. And then once the vaccines roll out in 2021, then you see a statistically significant rise in cancer, and it rises every single year since then."

Ethical Skeptic "calls it a 12-sigma event, which is...I'm not even gonna try to describe what that means, how astronomically unlikely this is to be a sort of a random thing or a coincidence," Makis says. "This is a very real trend. I'm seeing it in thousands and thousands of young people," the cancer researcher adds. "And what's shocking and what's particularly concerning about this graph—and I really want people to pay attention to this—is that people stopped taking booster shots. People have, by and large, stopped taking booster shots. But the trend continues. And it's a very steady upward trend. There's no sign of it leveling off or stopping, or reversing. And this has me really, really concerned for the long term."

Makis goes on to say:

"Initially, I started seeing these patterns...Someone would take a COVID vaccine and then they would be diagnosed with a stage 4 cancer out of the blue four months later, six months later. And I thought, 'Okay. Well, maybe there's a pattern here. Maybe there's a sort of a certain time that's required for cancer to develop.' And through my research, I found, for example, that there is a shift in the type of antibodies that we produce. It's called the IgG4 shift. And IgG4 antibodies start being produced once you've been exposed to multiple shots, once you've had at least two COVID vaccines. And these are called tolerance antibodies. This is where your...immune system starts tolerating the antigen, which is the spike protein; but it also starts tolerating cancer and cancer cells. And that takes a few months. That whole shift takes several months to happen.

"But then I start[ed] seeing cases where the young person hasn't taken a shot in the last two years, then they're just suddenly diagnosed with an aggressive stage 4 cancer that behaves the way these mRNA vaccine–induced turbo cancers are behaving, and they [the patients] have a very, very poor prognosis. They don't respond to chemotherapy or radiation therapy or even immunotherapy, and then they die approximately six to 12 months after diagnosis. So there is a long-term effect, and that is the one thing that really has me concerned...that there is something that happens to people who've had the vaccines that is permanent. There's some kind of damage that appears to be permanent, and it can manifest years after you've had your last COVID vaccines. And this is really, really, concerning for me."
(16/57) DR. CHARLES HOFFE—“In my practice now…approximately two-thirds of all cancer diagnoses—since the vax rollout—are stage 4.”

Topping off the first section of this turbo cancer mega-thread, which features expert testimonials from around the Western world, we have a clip of family physician Dr. Charles Hoffe speaking on turbo cancers during a 2022 Children’s Health Defense virtual roundtable. Hoffe, who has more than 30 years of experience as a family physician, notes that “as a family doctor, over the years, a small percentage of the new cancer diagnoses would unfortunately be stage 4 at first diagnosis. But in [his] practice now…approximately two-thirds of all cancer diagnoses since the vax rollout are stage 4.”

Hoffe notes, “pathologists around the world have noticed this—that, unfortunately, now people who had previous cancers, which were in remission, are flaring up since their shots because of the damage to their immune system by the COVID shots. [And with] new cancers being diagnosed, the tumors are bigger than ever. They seem to grow very aggressively, spread very aggressively, and be very resistant to treatment. So this has been nicknamed turbo cancer.”

The veteran family physician goes on to describe one such case of turbo cancer he’s seen in a man who was mandated to get a COVID injection in order to keep his job. Hoffe shows how the man, a 61-year-old machine operator, developed a grapefruit-sized tumor in his lungs within months of getting his COVID injection. He also developed other tumors, including ones that grew along the vertebrae of his spine. Hoffe notes that the prognosis at the time was that the man would almost certainly die due to the aggressive cancers.
(17/57) DR. MICHAEL HUANG—“The clinic I work at, it's about 30 physicians…in the past year, I've learned that two out of the 30 physicians I work with were diagnosed with aggressive advanced cancer, and one of them died because of that.”

Starting off our testimonies portion of this turbo-cancer mega-thread, we have Dr. Michael Huang, a family medicine physician in California, describing during a 2024 conversation with Charles Kovess, et al. how he started to see aggressive cancers crop up in his colleagues following the rollout of the COVID injections.

Huang tells Kovess, et al.:

“I have seen what has happened when my friends have taken the shots. I used to work at Kaiser. It's a large management group. And the clinic I work at, it's about 30 physicians. And, you know, physicians, we are usually trying to stay healthy, trying to avoid harms. We don't smoke. We don't drink. And, unfortunately, in the past year, I've learned that two out of the 30 physicians I work with were diagnosed with aggressive advanced cancer, and one of them died because of that. Almost monthly, I will hear about one or two physicians [who] die suddenly. And most recently, we know this family practice resident who's in his thirties. We have seen him about a month ago, healthy, vibrant, and he suddenly died of advanced gastric cancer and left an unborn child as a result. So we start to see the results of healthcare providers playing Russian Roulette, getting the shots as they're…leading their patients, setting examples, getting their booster shots and getting injured from these experimental vaccines.”
(18/57) NURSE DAWN—“This is a huge tumor about the size of a softball behind my eye. And I had [metastases] to the back of my skull and 12 different areas of my bones.”

In this clip taken from a 2023 interview with Children’s Health Defense, Dawn, a nurse, describes how she developed cancers throughout her body after receiving two Moderna COVID injections. Dawn describes how the cancer is “muscle-loving,” appearing throughout her body, and did not respond to treatment.

Dawn also shows how she developed a “huge tumor about the size of a softball” behind her eye” and had “[metastases] to the back of [her] skull and 12 different areas of [her] bones.”
(19/57) MODERNA COVID INJECTION–TRIAL PARTICIPANT—“I know I got this vaccine that's caused me to have a rare cancer that has progressed way faster than it was supposed to.”

In this clip from a HighWire segment, we hear from a participant of Moderna’s COVID-injection “clinical trial” describe how she developed T-cell lymphoma—a type of cancer that originates from T cells, a type of white blood cell in the immune system—following receipt of her injection.

Since being diagnosed, the trial participant notes that she’s been to the doctor approximately 200 times and has had four surgeries. Despite the doctors’ visits and surgeries, however, the participant notes her cancer has only become “worse.”
(20/57) JILL KLEISS— “Shortly after I had my vaccine, two weeks later, I went to have my routine mammogram…[months later] I insisted on a biopsy…[and was told I] have the same breast cancer again [that I had prior to the ‘vaccine’] on the other side.”

In this clip we hear from Jill Kleiss, also known as the Chemo Dancer on YouTube, who describes how she developed breast cancer following her COVID injection. Kleiss, who had had breast cancer prior to receiving the injection, developed cancer in the breast that had previously been healthy and cancer-free.
(21/57) CHILDREN’S HEALTH DEFENSE BUS STORY—“[After receiving his COVID injection], all of the sudden he had multiple cancers, fluid buildup around the heart, [and] pneumonia.”

In this clip from a Children’s Health Defense bus story, we hear from a gentleman who describes a cousin of his who developed brain and lung cancer following receipt of his COVID injection. The gentleman notes that his cousin subsequently died—the time between the development of the cancers and death was less than a year.
(22/57) CHILDREN’S HEALTH DEFENSE BUS STORY—”I…have three aunts that had turbo cancer from the COVID shot. They all died last year. Within months of each other.”

A woman describes for Children’s Health Defense how three of her aunts all developed turbo cancer following their receipt of one or more COVID injections. She notes they all died within months of each other.
(23/57) JEREMIAH’S AUNT, NANCY ARCHER—“I think [it] took, from her last shot, approximately, 12 months to get to that point where medicine didn’t even think they had an answer [for her cancer].”

In this Children’s Health Defense bus interview, we hear from Jeremiah, who describes how his aunt, Nancy Archer, died of turbo cancer following receipt of a Pfizer COVID injection.

“It was heartbreaking to watch her succumb to turbo cancer from the effects of the shot,” Jeremiah says. He notes that she only took the injection because she wanted to ensure that she could travel freely between her homes in the U.S. and Guatemala. The timespan between Nancy’s receipt of her final Pfizer injection and her turbo cancer–caused death was approximately one year according to Jeremiah.
(24/57) 2024 Study Published in Cureus Shows Significant Cancer Increase in Japan Following the Rollout of the COVID Injections in the Country

Title: Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan

Authors: Miki Gibo, et al.

Published: April 8, 2024

Journal: Cureus

Key excerpts: “No significant excess mortality was observed during the first year of the pandemic (2020). However, some excess cancer mortalities were observed in 2021 after mass vaccination with the first and second vaccine doses, and significant excess mortalities were observed for all cancers and some specific types of cancer (including ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate cancer, lip/oral/pharyngeal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and breast cancer) after mass vaccination with the third dose in 2022.”

“In 2020, the first year of the pandemic, there was significant deficit mortality for all causes (< 99% lower PI) and no excess mortality for all cancers. However, in 2021, there was significant excess mortality of 2.1% (>99% upper PI) for all causes and 1.1% (>95% upper PI) for all cancers. In 2022, the excesses increased to 9.6% (>99% upper PI) for all causes and 2.1% (>99% upper PI) for all cancers. In 2022, the number of excess deaths was 115,799 (95%CI: 106,018, 125,501) for all causes and 7,162 (95%CI: 4,786, 9,522) for all cancers.”

(25/57) “Five case reports of 71, 40, 76, 55, and 75 years old with diagnoses of colon cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer, and gastric cancer in the last two patients respectively days and months after receiving the second, third and fourth doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.”

Title: Which Could Be the Risk Factors for Developing Cancer After Receiving The COVID-19 Vaccine?

Authors: Huang, W. L

Published: January 28, 2023

Journal: International Journal of Cancer Research & Therapy

Key Excerpts: “There are several articles in the literature after the COVID-19 pandemic showing the necessity of vaccinating people who have a cancer diagnosis to prevent this disease in this group of patients. But what I want to report in this article is that I am facing an increasing number of cases of patients with cancer after receiving COVID-19 vaccines and this is what I want to describe in this study, using the thoughts of Hippocrates (460 bce - 375 bce), the father of medicine, that said that ‘it is more important to consider other ancient medical traditions prior to the knowledge we have nowadays.’”

“Five case reports of 71, 40, 76, 55, and 75 years old with diagnoses of colon cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer, and gastric cancer in the last two patients respectively days and months after receiving the second, third and fourth doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.”

“The conclusion of this study is that patients that are developing cancer after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine have in common, energy deficiency inside the five internal massive organs (and these alterations are the factors to induce cancer formation according to traditional Chinese medicine) and the use of this kind of vaccine has the potential to reduce even more the vital energy of the patient which is already very low and leading to a weakness state of the immune system and increasing the chance to have any kind of chronic diseases, in this case, cancer.”

(26/57) “We report on an aggressive, infiltrating, metastatic, and ultimately lethal basaloid type of carcinoma arising shortly after an mRNA vaccination for COVID-19…We propose that the vaccine can cause suppression of the immune system, which leads to accelerated cancer progression.”

Title: Bell’s palsy or an aggressive infiltrating basaloid carcinoma post-mRNA vaccination for COVID-19? A case report and review of the literature

Authors: Anthony M Kyriakopoulos, et al.

Published: September 15, 2023

Journal: Journal of Experimental and Clinical Sciences

Key Excerpts: “We report on an aggressive, infiltrating, metastatic, and ultimately lethal basaloid type of carcinoma arising shortly after an mRNA vaccination for COVID-19…We propose that the vaccine can cause suppression of the immune system, which leads to accelerated cancer progression.”

“In this study we describe all aspects of this case and discuss possible causal links between the rapid emergence of this metastatic cancer and mRNA vaccination. We place this within the context of multiple immune impairments potentially related to the mRNA injections that would be expected to potentiate more aggressive presentation and progression of cancer. The type of malignancy we describe suggests a population risk for occurrence of a large variety of relatively common basaloid phenotype cancer cells, which may have the potential for metastatic disease.”

(27/57) “Evidence is provided that adding 100 % of N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) to the mRNA vaccine in a melanoma model stimulated cancer growth and metastasis…Based on this compelling evidence, we suggest that future clinical trials for cancers or infectious diseases should not use mRNA vaccines with a 100 % m1Ψ modification, but rather ones with the lower percentage of m1Ψ modification to avoid immune suppression.”

Title: Review: N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ): Friend or foe of cancer?

Authors: Alberto Rubio-Casillas, et al.

Published: May 2024

Journal: International Journal of Biological Macromolecules

Key Excerpts: “Evidence is provided that adding 100 % of N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) to the mRNA vaccine in a melanoma model stimulated cancer growth and metastasis…Based on this compelling evidence, we suggest that future clinical trials for cancers or infectious diseases should not use mRNA vaccines with a 100 % m1Ψ modification, but rather ones with the lower percentage of m1Ψ modification to avoid immune suppression.”

(28/57) “Treg responses produced after mRNA vaccination and the subsequent mRNA-encoded SARS-CoV-2 spike protein expression may lead to a harmful influence on the immune system of vaccinees, and subsequent accelerated development of cancer and autoimmune disease.”

Title: Oncogenesis and autoimmunity as a result of mRNA COVID-19 vaccination

Authors: Anthony M Kyriakopoulos, et al.

Published: April 23, 2024

Journal: TechRxiv PREPRINT

Key Excerpts: “In summary, the Treg responses produced after mRNA vaccination and the subsequent mRNA-encoded SARS-CoV-2 spike protein expression may lead to a harmful influence on the immune system of vaccinees, and subsequent accelerated development of cancer and autoimmune disease. These mechanisms are consistent with both epidemiological findings and case reports.”

(29/57) “In this report, a rare case of primary cutaneous adenoid cystic carcinoma (PCACC) localized in the subcutaneous tissue of the scapular region that grew after BNT162b2 corona virus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination…The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine has been associated with a multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-V). A comparable immune reaction could potentially enhance tumor growth rate.”

Title: Primary Cutaneous Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma in a Rare Location With an Immune Response to a BNT162b2 Vaccine

Authors: Yilmaz, Abdurrahman, et al.

Published: April–June 2024

Journal: JBJS Case Connector

Key Excerpts: “In this report, a rare case of primary cutaneous adenoid cystic carcinoma (PCACC) localized in the subcutaneous tissue of the scapular region that grew after BNT162b2 corona virus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination is presented and may be explained by CD4 and CD8 cell infiltration. The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine has been associated with a multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-V). A comparable immune reaction could potentially enhance tumor growth rate.”

(30/57) “mRNA vaccine boosters may impair immune system response in immune compromised individuals. Multiple doses of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines may result in much higher levels of IgG 4 antibodies, or also impaired activation of CD4 + and CD8 + T cells.”

Title: mRNA vaccine boosters and impaired immune system response in immune compromised individuals: a narrative review

Authors: Alberto Boretti

Published: January 27, 2024

Journal: Clinical and Experimental Medicine

Key Excerpts: “mRNA vaccine boosters may impair immune system response in immune compromised individuals. Multiple doses of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines may result in much higher levels of IgG 4 antibodies, or also impaired activation of CD4 + and CD8 + T cells.”

(31/57) “The mRNA vaccines potentially cause increased risk to infectious diseases and cancer.”

Title: Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs

Authors: Stephanie Seneff, et al.

Published: June 2022

Journal: Food and Chemical Toxicology

Key Excerpts: “The mRNA vaccines potentially cause increased risk to infectious diseases and cancer.”

“In this paper, we present evidence that vaccination induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health. Immune cells that have taken up the vaccine nanoparticles release into circulation large numbers of exosomes containing spike protein along with critical microRNAs that induce a signaling response in recipient cells at distant sites. We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance.”

“These vaccinations have now been shown to downregulate critical pathways related to cancer surveillance, infection control, and cellular homeostasis.”

(32/57) “In this report we describe the case of a healthy, young, athletic woman who developed acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL)/lymphoblastic lymphoma (LBL) after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech modified mRNA (modRNA) COVID-19 genetic vaccine (marketed as Comirnaty)”

Title: A Case Report of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL)/Lymphoblastic Lymphoma (LBL) Following the Second Dose of Comirnaty: An Analysis of the Potential Pathogenic Mechanism Based on of the Existing Literature

Authors: Patrizia Gentilini, et al.

Published: Posted April 1, 2024


Key Excerpts: “In this report we describe the case of a healthy, young, athletic woman who developed acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL)/lymphoblastic lymphoma (LBL) after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech modified mRNA (modRNA) COVID-19 genetic vaccine (marketed as Comirnaty)”

“A time interval of 16 weeks from the second vaccination to the diagnosis of cancer was noted.”

(33/57) “We report a case of neuropsychiatric symptoms and refractory HLH in a woman with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) after receiving her COVID-19 vaccine treated with belimumab, later found to have intravascular large B-cell lymphoma (IVLBCL) at autopsy.”

Title: Fatal hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis with intravascular large B-cell lymphoma following coronavirus disease 2019 vaccination in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus: an intertwined case

Authors: Yusuke Ueda, et al.

Published: November 6, 2023

Journal: Immunological Medicine

Key Excerpts: “We report a case of neuropsychiatric symptoms and refractory HLH in a woman with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) after receiving her COVID-19 vaccine treated with belimumab, later found to have intravascular large B-cell lymphoma (IVLBCL) at autopsy.”

(34/57) “After reviewing the available literature, we are particularly concerned that certain COVID-19 vaccines may generate a pro-tumorigenic milieu (i.e., a specific environment that could lead to neoplastic transformation) that predisposes some (stable) oncologic patients and survivors to cancer progression, recurrence, and/or metastasis.”

Title: SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and the Multi-Hit Hypothesis of Oncogenesis

Authors: Raquel Valdes Angues, et al.

Published: December 17, 2023

Journal: Cureus

Key Excerpts: “After reviewing the available literature, we are particularly concerned that certain COVID-19 vaccines may generate a pro-tumorigenic milieu (i.e., a specific environment that could lead to neoplastic transformation) that predisposes some (stable) oncologic patients and survivors to cancer progression, recurrence, and/or metastasis.”

(35/57) “We present a rare case of metastatic prostate cancer diagnosed after initially presenting as generalized lymphadenopathy following a coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID) booster vaccination.”

Title: Metastatic prostatic adenocarcinoma presenting as generalized lymphadenopathy unmasked by a COVID booster vaccine

Authors: Kavya Bharathidasan, et al.

Published: November 28, 2023

Journal: Clinical Case Reports

Key Excerpts: “We present a rare case of metastatic prostate cancer diagnosed after initially presenting as generalized lymphadenopathy following a coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID) booster vaccination.”

(36/57) “Our results raise grave concerns regarding the safety of the BNT162b2 vaccine and call for an immediate halt of all RNA biologicals unless these concerns can be dispelled.”

Title: BioNTech RNA-Based COVID-19 Injections Contain Large Amounts Of Residual DNA Including An SV40 Promoter/Enhancer Sequence

Authors: Ulrike Kämmerer, et al.

Published: December 3, 2024

Journal: Science, Public Health Policy and the Law

Key Excerpts: “We further analyzed RNA and DNA contents of these vials and identified large amounts of DNA after RNase A digestion in all lots with concentrations ranging from 32.7 ng to 43.4 ng per clinical dose. This far exceeds the maximal acceptable concentration of 10 ng per clinical dose that has been set by international regulatory authorities.”

“Our results raise grave concerns regarding the safety of the BNT162b2 vaccine and call for an immediate halt of all RNA biologicals unless these concerns can be dispelled.”

(37/57) “These data demonstrate the presence of billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose in these vaccines. Using fluorometry, all vaccines exceed the guidelines for residual DNA set by FDA and WHO of 10 ng/dose by 188 – 509-fold.”

Title: DNA fragments detected in monovalent and bivalent 2 Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Ontario, Canada: Exploratory dose response relationship with serious adverse events

Authors: David J. Speicher, et al.


Key Excerpts: “These data demonstrate the presence of billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose in these vaccines. Using fluorometry, all vaccines exceed the guidelines for residual DNA set by FDA and WHO of 10 ng/dose by 188 – 509-fold…Our findings extend existing concerns about vaccine safety and call into question the relevance of guidelines conceived before the introduction of efficient transfection using LNPs.”

(38/57) “We conclude that the SV40 origin of replication and early control region are sufficient viral components for the genomic instability at sites of SV40 integration and that SV40 T Ag is not required.”

Title: The genomic instability associated with integrated simian virus 40 DNA is dependent on the origin of replication and early control region

Authors: D J Hunter, et al.

Published: February 1, 1994

Journal: Journal of Virology

Key Excerpts: “We conclude that the SV40 origin of replication and early control region are sufficient viral components for the genomic instability at sites of SV40 integration and that SV40 T Ag is not required.”

(39/57) “Residual DNA might be a risk to your final product because of oncogenic and/or infectivity potential. There are several potential mechanisms by which residual DNA could be oncogenic, including the integration and expression of encoded oncogenes or insertional mutagenesis following DNA integration.”

Title: Guidance for Industry Characterization and Qualification of Cell Substrates and Other Biological Materials Used in the Production of Viral Vaccines for Infectious Disease Indications

Authors: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Key Excerpts: “Residual DNA might be a risk to your final product because of oncogenic and/or infectivity potential. There are several potential mechanisms by which residual DNA could be oncogenic, including the integration and expression of encoded oncogenes or insertional mutagenesis following DNA integration.”

(40/57) SENIOR RESEARCH SCIENTIST STEPHANIE SENEFF—"Ninety-eight percent [98%] of the mentions of cancer [in VAERS in 2021] were COVID vaccines...This is just very striking to me that cancer is something that these vaccines cause that other vaccines don't cause..."

To start the VAERS portion of this turbo-cancer mega thread, we have senior research scientist at MIT Stephanie Seneff describing for Dr. William Makis, Zen Honeycutt, et al. how the COVID injections are heavily associated with various cancers according to numerous reports in VAERS.

"Ninety-eight percent [98%] of the mentions of cancer [in VAERS in 2021] were COVID vaccines," Seneff says. "It's hugely more highly represented than the number of COVID vaccines that were received in that year, so it's way out of line with the other [non-COVID] vaccines."

"This is just very striking to me that cancer is something that these vaccines cause that other vaccines don't cause," Seneff adds. She notes that for VAERS reports of cancer regarding flu jabs, there are "practically none," which means the ratio of how often the COVID injections cause cancer versus flu jabs is "infinity."

As for mechanism of action, Seneff highlights one paper describing PD-L1 overexpression as a result of the COVID injections, which, in turn, can increase one's odds of developing cancer. (PD-L1, Seneff notes, is a "molecule that's produced by both cancer cells and immune cells" that "prevents... immune cells from responding to both the... COVID virus, but also to cancer.")

Seneff notes that the paper shows a "dramatic difference" in overexpression of PD-L1 in the control group versus the group recently injected with the COVID jabs, with the latter group showing far more of it.
(41/57) VAERS ID 1220913: “HUSBAND DIED BECAUSE OF TERMINAL PANCREATIC CANCER.” (One dose of Moderna’s COVID injection.) Image

Note that in the context of the COVID injections, searching a single cancer-related term like “carcinoma” turns up more than 900 reports.

Also note that VAERS reports are only a small fraction of the true number of adverse-event cases. According to one study performed by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. in 2011, it is estimated that VAERS is underreported by a factor of 100 or more.

(ADDENDUM TWEET 1) “You know, if you just read the pamphlet that comes with the COVID-19 vaccines, it says COMIRNATY has not been evaluated for…carcinogenicity…[Meaning] It hasn't been tested to see if it causes cancer.”

In this clip, EMT and whistleblower Harry Fisher shows us the package insert that comes with the COMIRNATY injection (i.e. Pfizer’s ostensibly FDA approved COVID injection). He notes that the insert says that the injection has not been tested for potential carcinogenicity. Fisher notes that this means that “it hasn’t been tested to see if it causes cancer.”

“They're constantly telling us it [the COVID injection] can't cause cancer, and they haven't even studied to see if it can,” Fisher adds. “They write it right there in the pamphlet.”

For me: My first cousin once removed died of turbo cancer at the age of 40 and left behind one young son. Also: my uncle was diagnosed with skin cancer following his injection; my former barber was diagnosed with prostate cancer following his injection; my best friend’s father was diagnosed with colon cancer following his injection.
(ADDENDUM TWEET 3) Another victim tells her story of a loved on developing a turbo cancer caused by a COVID injection:

• • •

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Mar 2
Neil Oliver says it isn't important if there was a novel virus in 2020, "what matters is what was done in the name of it...which is to say, our freedoms were taken."

While this point's key, a quick 🧵 supporting Oliver's assertion "there was [nothing] new or dangerous." (1/17)

This clip is from a recent interview Oliver (@thecoastguy) did with former BlackRock fund manager Edward Dowd on GBNews (@GBNEWS).

The interviewer, Bev Turner (@beverleyturner), asks Oliver, "Neil, how have you come to [the conclusion there was no SARS-CoV-2]?"

Oliver responds: "[There were] so many instances [where] people...weren't calling themselves COVID sufferers unless they'd taken a test. And the PCR tests were utterly bogus." He adds, "from the mouth of their own designer and builder, they were not diagnostic tools. They're forensic tools. They were not supposed to be used in the way that they were being used."

"What kind of a novel virus was it if you had to take a test to find out you had it?" Oliver asks rhetorically. "Is that the best...thing that you could say about COVID-19? That it was so mild that you didn't know you had it?"

Oliver goes on to say: "When you look at, let's say, professor Stefan Homburg in can look at the stuff online where he delivers stark information from German government entities and Germany, a modern developed western country, hospital bed occupancy in 2019 and 2020 in Germany was at a record low."

"Clinicians saw nothing new. There was nothing clinical that they saw that they were in any way alarmed about. And perhaps most of all, the average age of death was 82 [or] 83, which is at or beyond life expectancy. So there was nothing in Germany, to take Germany as an example, that said to clinicians that there was anything happening here."
(2/17) Here is the quote referenced by Oliver by Kary Mullis, the Nobel Prize–winning inventor of the PCR *technique* (not *test*).

" just a process that's used to make a whole lot of something out of something. IT DOESN'T TELL YOU THAT YOU'RE SICK and it doesn't tell you that the thing you ended up with was really gonna hurt you or anything like that.
(3/17) Just as important as Mullis' note about the PCR *technique* is the FACT that the CDC never isolated SARS-CoV-2 for its PCR "test."

Quote: "SINCE NO QUANTIFIED VIRUS ISOLATES OF THE 2019-nCoV WERE AVAILABLE FOR CDC AT THE TIME THE TEST WAS DEVELOPED and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen."

Read 17 tweets
Feb 27
This is *the only realistic way* to get the COVID injections pulled.

HHS Secretary RFK Jr. (@SecKennedy) must revoke the PREP Act liability shield for the jabs—and he can do that NOW, *UNILATERALLY*

If he does not, he becomes complicit in "mass murder" (his quote) (A 🧵, 1/11)

In this open letter recently posted by Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova), the retired pharma R&D executive calls on RFK Jr. to "use [his] authority to immediately terminate the PREP Act emergency declaration for the covid pandemic, as there is no such emergency in reality." She notes, "All mRNA injections marketed as covid vaccines today are Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) Military Countermeasures."

Latypova adds that the COVID injections are being given to babies as the jabs are now on the CDC's immunization schedule, and that this means, in effect, that it's RFK Jr.'s opinion—by default—that this is an acceptable practice.

The retired pharma R&D executive goes on to say that the COVID injections constitute "the greatest human tragedy in recorded history" and have also "destroyed public trust in the government['s] health agencies."

Approximate transcription of Latypova's remarks in this clip:

"Secretary Kennedy,

"All mRNA injections marketed as covid vaccines today are Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) Military Countermeasures. The EUA pathway is used only when the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services declares an emergency and issues a PREP Act declaration. Section 564 of the Food and Drugs and Cosmetics Act exempts medical countermeasures from the pharmaceutical regulatory compliance or from the informed consent requirements for the duration of the PREP Act declaration of emergency. While the manufacturers may choose and FDA may ask to undertake some of the activities typically expected from an investigational clinical trial and manufacturing validation process, none of the typical pharmaceutical regulatory standards are applicable in an enforceable way.

"If there is no enforcement of the law, it’s as if the law doesn't exist. Misrepresentations of safety, efficacy or contents of EUA products are allowed by federal law. Thus, claims provided by the federal health authorities or manufacturers cannot be considered reliable sources of information. When these products are pushed onto unsuspecting consumers, claims about safety, efficacy or contents of these products are based solely on the HHS Secretary’s opinion, which requires no supporting scientific evidence. Today, three mRNA shots are listed on the CDC Childhood Vaccination Schedule to be given to 9 months old infants. Secretary Kennedy, are we supposed to think that it is now YOUR opinion that they are safe and effective for babies? I do not believe that, knowing what you know about mRNA injections, you can honestly believe this yourself. Current PREP Act emergency declaration [for covid] was extended by the previous administration by Xavier Becerra and it's now supposed to last until December 31, 2029!

"Real emergencies do not last decades simply based on the opinion of a single public health official. There is no real emergency for covid in the United Sates or worldwide as you are well aware. Continued PREP Act declarations, therefore, defy the observed reality and common sense, and represents a misuse and abuse of the federal law which was intended for declaring short-term emergencies in severe situations such as war or acts of terrorism. This law also did not envision shipping of billions of doses of medical products legally allowed to be adulterated and misbranded. Yet, this is precisely what is transpiring under the current PREP Act declaration today.

"By keeping the PREP Act declaration in place, the current administration continues to contrive a non-existing emergency. This contrivance serves only the interests of pharmaceutical companies and those institutions that still mandate the shots, shielding them from liability for deaths and injuries caused by the falsely promoted inherently unsafe products. Clearly, this contrivance does not serve the interests of the public at all. The continued disregard of the victims of the covid shots under the thorough liability shield of the PREP Act abuses the federal law and destroys any remaining shreds of the public trust in the government health authorities. These products pose severe risk of harm and death to the public due to the absence of any enforceable pharmaceutical regulations.

"The FDA and manufacturers falsely claim that these products are fully approved for age 12 and older as prophylactic vaccines. However, once someone is injured by these vaccines and seeks compensation for their injuries, they are informed that the products are not legally vaccines but countermeasures, and the only avenue available to them is the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program.

"To date this program has denied almost all claims and paid only a few thousand dollars to a handful of victims, making a mockery of them and the unbearable toll of their permanently destroyed health. During your Congressional confirmation hearings you said that a healthy person has a thousand dreams while a sick person has only one dream. Were you sincere about helping the covid vaccine victims? Secretary Kennedy, I respectfully ask you to:

"Please use your authority to immediately terminate the PREP Act emergency declaration for covid pandemic, as there is no such emergency in reality.

"Please also investigate the misuse and abuse of the federal law utilized in the so-called 'pandemic response' and countermeasures that resulted in the greatest human tragedy in recorded history and also destroyed public trust in the government health agencies."
@SecKennedy (2/11) Note RFK Jr. said in a March 2023 discussion that the "clinical trials" for the COVID injections were, quote: "meaningless theater."

RFK Jr. added that the jabs are "a demonstration product, not a medical product" and that "the FDA has no authority over [them]."
(3/11) RFK Jr. said in the same discussion, quote:

"[Regarding the COVID jabs] the only determination [they're safe/effective] is that the Secretary of HHS decides, in his head, with either some evidence, or no evidence whatsoever, that the product may be effective. That's it."

RFK Jr. adds, "even if the evidence then shows that it's not effective, if he can say, 'Well, I still believe it's effective, it stays on the market. Even if there's a mountain of evidence that says it's killing people, it's not effective, he can choose, legally, under his own decision-making, that I'm going to believe that this is effective, no matter what the evidence says, and as long as I believe it's effective, legally, I can essentially mandate it for all Americans."
Read 11 tweets
Feb 22
HYPER-CRITICAL: RFK Jr says the "clinical trials" for COVID jabs was "KABUKI THEATER" -ie FAKE


Saying jab trials were FAKE is part of informed consent!

This is a discussion with retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) from March 2023.


"Let me just give the punch line to what you're about to tell us, which is that, essentially, there were a series of laws put in place that allowed the military to take over distribution of vaccines and under a provision that does not allow any clinical trials and does not allow any safety testing.

"And...essentially, the safety testing that we did see, which was conducted by the pharmaceutical industry, was Kabuki theater put on for the public with no regulatory implications. And that's why they were able to take all these shortcuts because it was meaningless theater.


"Other transaction authority is called OTA. OTA. And which is essentially designed to allow the Pentagon to quickly buy weapons and weapons systems Without paying attention to any any existing regulatory authorities.

"What they've done is they've taken that authority, and they've applied it to the vaccines. So they're purchasing the vaccines under OTA as a demonstration product. It's not a medical product. So it has FDA has no authority over it. CDC has no authority over it. Military is actually manufacturing. They've farmed this out to hundreds of military contractors to do the manufacturing, to do the distribution, to do every aspect of it. And it's all a huge military operation. And the the involvement of the drug companies is kinda window dressing because the Pentagon did not wanna say did not wanna put on the product product. This is a Pentagon made defense department made product.

"They essentially paid the pharmaceutical companies, for their brand name so people would think they were getting something from Pfizer or Moderna.

"But all of the backroom and the, you know, the distribution and manufacturing is done by the military. And the the pharmaceutical companies were brought in to put their name on it and then to pretend to do clinical trials, which have no legal significance."

Recall that in the COVID-jab contract between the DOD and Pfizer, the former paid the latter $1.95 billion for a "large scale vaccine manufacturing demonstration" of a "prototype." (1)

When Pfizer whistleblower Brook Jackson sued Pfizer over its fraudulent clinical trials, Pfizer itself confirmed that it was only responsible for producing a "demonstration" of a COVID countermeasure that imposed "no requirements related to Good Clinical Practices" ('CGP') or related FDA regulations." (2)

Source 1:…

Source 2:…Image


"We have worked with the manufacturers to help them scale up operations in order to produce vaccines and therapeutics. WE HAVE PURCHASED AND SECURED THE SUPPLIES NEEDED TO DELIVER AND ADMINISTER THE DRUG," Perna adds. (Emphasis added.)

"Everything from the vials that hold the vaccine, to the syringes and needles that will be used to put shots into arms." Perna notes that OWS would utilize the DOD's "planning and logistics expertise" and that the department would function "across the supply chains, FROM MANUFACTURING TO DELIVERY." (Emphasis added.)

"But commercial industry, not the military, will physically ship and distribute the vaccines to your local areas," Perna adds, highlighting a "whole-of-America" approach.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 1
Ultra-critical to note:

The Constitution is still (unlawfully) suspended because of COVID.

Figures like RFK Jr. and Sen. Ron Johnson know COVID was a military operation but are still framing it as a botched public health response. (Tweet 1/5)

Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) describes for Sarah Westall (@sarah_westall) how "we're [still] in the Twilight Zone" post COVID, as nearly everyone in government—from both sides of the aisle—are pretending that COVID was a public health event when it was, in fact, a military operation.

"[A] military framework was used [for COVID], and the public was lied to, as if [it was] a public health event," Latypova says. She notes that while figures like RFK Jr. and Senator Ron Johnson are willing to talk about the "botching" of the COVID response, they refuse to address "the castle" of—unlawful—laws surrounding public health emergencies that completely negate the Constitution.

Although Latypova doesn't mention it in this clip, take as one example of the unlawful laws that make up the "castle" of unlawful laws that suspend constitutional rights the PREP Act. The PREP Act, passed in 2005 under George Bush, negates American citizens' right to petition the government for redress of grievances, which is explicitly protected by the First Amendment. I.e. the PREP Act says you can't sue "covered persons" (e.g., "vaccine" manufacturers, doctors, pharmacy personnel) involved in the administration or use of "covered countermeasures" (e.g., "vaccines") in response to public health emergencies.

—> This. Liability. Protection. Is. Not. Constitutional. <—

"We're in the Twilight Zone. Everyone pretends on both sides of the aisle. I'm accusing both Democrats, Republicans, everyone in Congress [of pretending COVID is a public health response instead of a military operation]," Latypova says. "Since...December 2022, we [have] had sufficient evidence to demonstrate this is a military operation. That [a] military framework was used, and the public was lied to, as if [COVID were] a public health event."

"We...compiled this material at the request of Senator Johnson of Wisconsin," Latypova adds. "Senator Johnson, actually, his staffers, set up a Zoom call with me and Katherine [Watt] and a few other people. And he asked us, 'Can you put together a memo for me and, the package of evidence, which we've done?' And it's a two-page memo describing this—what laws have been utilized [for the military operation]... I published all of this and sent it to him in December, 2022. Nothing happened after that."

Latypova adds, "As you know, he held several hearings before and after. And to give him credit, he invited me to one, but I couldn't make the schedule. But he's held several hearings, with very high-profile so-called freedom leaders, discussing how COVID was [a] public health response [that] was botched...[but] this wasn't a public health anything, and he knows it."

"I give him a lot of credit for calling attention to the victims of this [military operation]," Latypova says. "You know, I'm very grateful that he gave any attention to this, but this wasn't a secret. We've published it many times. I gave it to him. I [also] gave this information to RFK Jr. too. I have a podcast with him recorded—two podcasts, actually. And he knows all of this also...But still, the public perception is being managed, and I don't know what he's gonna do about it."

Latypova goes on to say:

'What['s happening] right now is the public opinion is getting managed back into this box of, 'This was a public health event,' and 'This was a public health response. Some mistakes were made, some overreach. Let's fix those things.' But they won't do anything about the castle. The castle is these laws that they're using. These, essentially, military martial law[s] that they have pulled. They suspended the Constitution. They haven't unsuspended it yet. I haven't seen any evidence of this...[And] they've written a mountain of law[s], to do exactly this, starting even maybe in the 1800s.

"My friend, Katherine [Watt], started going back and tracing all these legal changes, specifically around the vaccines, even going back to the 1700s. And you can see how this, like, machine is morphing—meaning the federal government, which the Constitution actually is the document that limits the federal government very severely...But [what] they've done since, you know, the late 1700s or or even, you know, mid 1800s, they've done the complete opposite of it. So now the federal government is everything, pretty much. And what they've done in this last last episode [COVID], is they further merged the power of separate federal agencies that are supposed to be separate, supposed to be separately, you know, constrained and regulated. They're not. So since then, they've merged 11 federal agencies into what's called PEMSI [?]. It's a pandemic enterprise."
(2/5) This thread contains the overwhelming evidence that COVID was a military operation, not a public health response:

(3/5) Latypova described for RFK Jr. in March 2023, in detail, how COVID was a military operation.

He himself referred to the mRNA injections as "mass murder."

Read 5 tweets
Jan 25
You have been lied to about the Elizabeth Holmes/Theranos story. Theranos was a failed Deep State play to get a blood-testing scam in place for diseases like COVID.

Holmes was a patsy. She took the fall for the real players. A 🧵 of the evidence proving these claims (1/29) Image
(2/29) The story of how Theranos came to a fiery and unflattering end has been solidified in the media: It was the company’s founder, Elizabeth Holmes, who almost single-handedly was able to dazzle/deceive everyone from her investors to her employees to the FDA. A hat trick of fraud she was able to execute thanks to her charm, beauty, and often-touted brilliance.Image
(3/29) But there are HUGE RED FLAGS with the official story. The biggest being: How did Holmes manage to dupe her board of directors, which consisted of ultra-powerful players in the top echelons of national security/foreign policy, including:

Henry A. Kissinger — former U.S. Secretary of State and national security advisor

George P. Schultz — former U.S. Secretary of State

Gary Roughhead — retired U.S. Navy admiral

William J. Perry — former U.S. Secretary of Defense

Sam Nunn — a former U.S. senator who served as Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations

James N. Mattis — a retired U.S. Marine Corps general (who served as the U.S. Secretary of Defense from 2017 to 2019, after Theranos’ collapse)

William H. Foege — former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

William H. Frist — a former U.S. senator and heart and lung transplant surgeon

Richard Kovacevich — former CEO of Wells Fargo

Donald Lucas Sr. — billionaire venture capitalist

Riley P. Bechtel — chairman of the board of the Bechtel Group Inc., a 109-year-old construction company with $40 billion in revenue that was responsible for “epic” projects such as the Hoover Dam and the Trans-Arabian Pipeline.Image
Read 29 tweets
Jan 19
"Lavender is a software Palantir [built] for the Israeli IDF...they were using [it] to bomb [Gaza]...[so] no personnel...could be legally held accountable if the bombing was in violation of international [makes] the process of genociding children much easier." (1/4)

Investment banker, former HUD official, and founder of the Solari Report (@solari_the) Catherine Austin Fitts describes for Mel K (@MelKShow) how the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) has been using AI technology developed by Peter Thiel's Palantir to select targets for its mass destruction campaign in Gaza. (Mass destruction campaign is *my term*.) Fitts notes that the IDF uses Lavender so that nobody in its chain of command can be held legally responsible if the bombing is in violation of international law.

"Lavender is a software that Palantir helped build for the Israeli IDF...[and] after October 7th [when the] Israeli IDF moved into the Gaza area, they were using Lavender to bomb," Fitts says. "And what was explained was that if the software picked the targets, then no personnel in the Israeli IDF could be legally held accountable if the bombing was in violation of international law."

The investment banker and former HUD adds: "So [they've organized] the software that way [so it] completely protects the individual officer from any accountability under the law. Okay? And I'm assuming also some feeling of moral responsibility...and so it can make the process of genociding children much easier."

Fittes goes on to highlight one instance of Peter Thiel looking very uneasy at a debate at Cambridge held on May 8, 2024 as he attempts to defend the IDF's use of Lavender:

"There's someone in Cambridge asking Peter Thiel about this, and he completely does a meltdown because he's beginning to realize maybe he's not legally responsible, but in the court of popular opinion, he's gonna be held accountable.

"Now why do I tell that story?...Think of what's happening there as a prototype. Okay? You can use robots, drones, automated weapons, and this kind of software to do things that would never have been contemplated 10 or 20 years ago."
(2/4) Here is the clip of Thiel at Cambridge looking uneasy as he attempts to defend the IDF's use of Palantir's Lavender AI.

"I believe that, broadly, the IDF gets to decide what it wants to do and that they're broadly in the right."

Transcription of Thiel's remarks:

"Um, look, I again, I'm not I'm not, um, you know, I, you know, with without without, um, going into all the deep you know, I I'm not on top of all the details of what's going on in Israel because my my bias is to defer to Israel. It's it's it's not for us to to second guess every, um, everything, and, uh, I I believe that, um, broadly, the IDF gets to decide, uh, what it wants to do and that they're broadly in the right, and that's that's sort of the the perspective I come back to."

"And if I if I fall into the trap of, um, arguing you on every detailed point, I'm I'm actually gonna I would actually be conceding the the the broader issue that, um, the Middle East should be micromanaged from Cambridge, and I think that's just simply absurd. Um, and so I'm not I'm not gonna concede that point."
(3/4) A Daily Mail article from April 2024 outlines how the IDF uses Palantir's Lavender AI to "develop kill lists" and "bomb targets."

Quote from article:

"The Israeli army has been using an AI system to populate its 'kill list' of alleged Hamas terrorists, leading to the deaths of women and children, a new report claims.

The report cited six Israeli intelligence officers, who admitted to using an AI called 'Lavender' to classify as many as 37,000 Palestinians as suspected militants — marking these people and their homes as acceptable targets for air strikes.

Israel has vehemently denied the AI's role with an army spokesperson describing the system as 'auxiliary tools that assist officers in the process of incrimination.'"

Read 4 tweets

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