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Mar 2 17 tweets 12 min read
Neil Oliver says it isn't important if there was a novel virus in 2020, "what matters is what was done in the name of it...which is to say, our freedoms were taken."

While this point's key, a quick 🧵 supporting Oliver's assertion "there was [nothing] new or dangerous." (1/17)

This clip is from a recent interview Oliver (@thecoastguy) did with former BlackRock fund manager Edward Dowd on GBNews (@GBNEWS).

The interviewer, Bev Turner (@beverleyturner), asks Oliver, "Neil, how have you come to [the conclusion there was no SARS-CoV-2]?"

Oliver responds: "[There were] so many instances [where] people...weren't calling themselves COVID sufferers unless they'd taken a test. And the PCR tests were utterly bogus." He adds, "from the mouth of their own designer and builder, they were not diagnostic tools. They're forensic tools. They were not supposed to be used in the way that they were being used."

"What kind of a novel virus was it if you had to take a test to find out you had it?" Oliver asks rhetorically. "Is that the best...thing that you could say about COVID-19? That it was so mild that you didn't know you had it?"

Oliver goes on to say: "When you look at, let's say, professor Stefan Homburg in can look at the stuff online where he delivers stark information from German government entities and Germany, a modern developed western country, hospital bed occupancy in 2019 and 2020 in Germany was at a record low."

"Clinicians saw nothing new. There was nothing clinical that they saw that they were in any way alarmed about. And perhaps most of all, the average age of death was 82 [or] 83, which is at or beyond life expectancy. So there was nothing in Germany, to take Germany as an example, that said to clinicians that there was anything happening here." (2/17) Here is the quote referenced by Oliver by Kary Mullis, the Nobel Prize–winning inventor of the PCR *technique* (not *test*).

" just a process that's used to make a whole lot of something out of something. IT DOESN'T TELL YOU THAT YOU'RE SICK and it doesn't tell you that the thing you ended up with was really gonna hurt you or anything like that.
Feb 27 11 tweets 11 min read
This is *the only realistic way* to get the COVID injections pulled.

HHS Secretary RFK Jr. (@SecKennedy) must revoke the PREP Act liability shield for the jabs—and he can do that NOW, *UNILATERALLY*

If he does not, he becomes complicit in "mass murder" (his quote) (A 🧵, 1/11)

In this open letter recently posted by Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova), the retired pharma R&D executive calls on RFK Jr. to "use [his] authority to immediately terminate the PREP Act emergency declaration for the covid pandemic, as there is no such emergency in reality." She notes, "All mRNA injections marketed as covid vaccines today are Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) Military Countermeasures."

Latypova adds that the COVID injections are being given to babies as the jabs are now on the CDC's immunization schedule, and that this means, in effect, that it's RFK Jr.'s opinion—by default—that this is an acceptable practice.

The retired pharma R&D executive goes on to say that the COVID injections constitute "the greatest human tragedy in recorded history" and have also "destroyed public trust in the government['s] health agencies."

Approximate transcription of Latypova's remarks in this clip:

"Secretary Kennedy,

"All mRNA injections marketed as covid vaccines today are Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) Military Countermeasures. The EUA pathway is used only when the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services declares an emergency and issues a PREP Act declaration. Section 564 of the Food and Drugs and Cosmetics Act exempts medical countermeasures from the pharmaceutical regulatory compliance or from the informed consent requirements for the duration of the PREP Act declaration of emergency. While the manufacturers may choose and FDA may ask to undertake some of the activities typically expected from an investigational clinical trial and manufacturing validation process, none of the typical pharmaceutical regulatory standards are applicable in an enforceable way.

"If there is no enforcement of the law, it’s as if the law doesn't exist. Misrepresentations of safety, efficacy or contents of EUA products are allowed by federal law. Thus, claims provided by the federal health authorities or manufacturers cannot be considered reliable sources of information. When these products are pushed onto unsuspecting consumers, claims about safety, efficacy or contents of these products are based solely on the HHS Secretary’s opinion, which requires no supporting scientific evidence. Today, three mRNA shots are listed on the CDC Childhood Vaccination Schedule to be given to 9 months old infants. Secretary Kennedy, are we supposed to think that it is now YOUR opinion that they are safe and effective for babies? I do not believe that, knowing what you know about mRNA injections, you can honestly believe this yourself. Current PREP Act emergency declaration [for covid] was extended by the previous administration by Xavier Becerra and it's now supposed to last until December 31, 2029!

"Real emergencies do not last decades simply based on the opinion of a single public health official. There is no real emergency for covid in the United Sates or worldwide as you are well aware. Continued PREP Act declarations, therefore, defy the observed reality and common sense, and represents a misuse and abuse of the federal law which was intended for declaring short-term emergencies in severe situations such as war or acts of terrorism. This law also did not envision shipping of billions of doses of medical products legally allowed to be adulterated and misbranded. Yet, this is precisely what is transpiring under the current PREP Act declaration today.

"By keeping the PREP Act declaration in place, the current administration continues to contrive a non-existing emergency. This contrivance serves only the interests of pharmaceutical companies and those institutions that still mandate the shots, shielding them from liability for deaths and injuries caused by the falsely promoted inherently unsafe products. Clearly, this contrivance does not serve the interests of the public at all. The continued disregard of the victims of the covid shots under the thorough liability shield of the PREP Act abuses the federal law and destroys any remaining shreds of the public trust in the government health authorities. These products pose severe risk of harm and death to the public due to the absence of any enforceable pharmaceutical regulations.

"The FDA and manufacturers falsely claim that these products are fully approved for age 12 and older as prophylactic vaccines. However, once someone is injured by these vaccines and seeks compensation for their injuries, they are informed that the products are not legally vaccines but countermeasures, and the only avenue available to them is the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program.

"To date this program has denied almost all claims and paid only a few thousand dollars to a handful of victims, making a mockery of them and the unbearable toll of their permanently destroyed health. During your Congressional confirmation hearings you said that a healthy person has a thousand dreams while a sick person has only one dream. Were you sincere about helping the covid vaccine victims? Secretary Kennedy, I respectfully ask you to:

"Please use your authority to immediately terminate the PREP Act emergency declaration for covid pandemic, as there is no such emergency in reality.

"Please also investigate the misuse and abuse of the federal law utilized in the so-called 'pandemic response' and countermeasures that resulted in the greatest human tragedy in recorded history and also destroyed public trust in the government health agencies." @SecKennedy (2/11) Note RFK Jr. said in a March 2023 discussion that the "clinical trials" for the COVID injections were, quote: "meaningless theater."

RFK Jr. added that the jabs are "a demonstration product, not a medical product" and that "the FDA has no authority over [them]."
Feb 22 6 tweets 5 min read
HYPER-CRITICAL: RFK Jr says the "clinical trials" for COVID jabs was "KABUKI THEATER" -ie FAKE


Saying jab trials were FAKE is part of informed consent!

This is a discussion with retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) from March 2023.


"Let me just give the punch line to what you're about to tell us, which is that, essentially, there were a series of laws put in place that allowed the military to take over distribution of vaccines and under a provision that does not allow any clinical trials and does not allow any safety testing.

"And...essentially, the safety testing that we did see, which was conducted by the pharmaceutical industry, was Kabuki theater put on for the public with no regulatory implications. And that's why they were able to take all these shortcuts because it was meaningless theater.


"Other transaction authority is called OTA. OTA. And which is essentially designed to allow the Pentagon to quickly buy weapons and weapons systems Without paying attention to any any existing regulatory authorities.

"What they've done is they've taken that authority, and they've applied it to the vaccines. So they're purchasing the vaccines under OTA as a demonstration product. It's not a medical product. So it has FDA has no authority over it. CDC has no authority over it. Military is actually manufacturing. They've farmed this out to hundreds of military contractors to do the manufacturing, to do the distribution, to do every aspect of it. And it's all a huge military operation. And the the involvement of the drug companies is kinda window dressing because the Pentagon did not wanna say did not wanna put on the product product. This is a Pentagon made defense department made product.

"They essentially paid the pharmaceutical companies, for their brand name so people would think they were getting something from Pfizer or Moderna.

"But all of the backroom and the, you know, the distribution and manufacturing is done by the military. And the the pharmaceutical companies were brought in to put their name on it and then to pretend to do clinical trials, which have no legal significance." THIS ISN'T SUBTLE.

Recall that in the COVID-jab contract between the DOD and Pfizer, the former paid the latter $1.95 billion for a "large scale vaccine manufacturing demonstration" of a "prototype." (1)

When Pfizer whistleblower Brook Jackson sued Pfizer over its fraudulent clinical trials, Pfizer itself confirmed that it was only responsible for producing a "demonstration" of a COVID countermeasure that imposed "no requirements related to Good Clinical Practices" ('CGP') or related FDA regulations." (2)

Source 1:…

Source 2:…Image
Feb 1 5 tweets 5 min read
Ultra-critical to note:

The Constitution is still (unlawfully) suspended because of COVID.

Figures like RFK Jr. and Sen. Ron Johnson know COVID was a military operation but are still framing it as a botched public health response. (Tweet 1/5)

Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) describes for Sarah Westall (@sarah_westall) how "we're [still] in the Twilight Zone" post COVID, as nearly everyone in government—from both sides of the aisle—are pretending that COVID was a public health event when it was, in fact, a military operation.

"[A] military framework was used [for COVID], and the public was lied to, as if [it was] a public health event," Latypova says. She notes that while figures like RFK Jr. and Senator Ron Johnson are willing to talk about the "botching" of the COVID response, they refuse to address "the castle" of—unlawful—laws surrounding public health emergencies that completely negate the Constitution.

Although Latypova doesn't mention it in this clip, take as one example of the unlawful laws that make up the "castle" of unlawful laws that suspend constitutional rights the PREP Act. The PREP Act, passed in 2005 under George Bush, negates American citizens' right to petition the government for redress of grievances, which is explicitly protected by the First Amendment. I.e. the PREP Act says you can't sue "covered persons" (e.g., "vaccine" manufacturers, doctors, pharmacy personnel) involved in the administration or use of "covered countermeasures" (e.g., "vaccines") in response to public health emergencies.

—> This. Liability. Protection. Is. Not. Constitutional. <—

"We're in the Twilight Zone. Everyone pretends on both sides of the aisle. I'm accusing both Democrats, Republicans, everyone in Congress [of pretending COVID is a public health response instead of a military operation]," Latypova says. "Since...December 2022, we [have] had sufficient evidence to demonstrate this is a military operation. That [a] military framework was used, and the public was lied to, as if [COVID were] a public health event."

"We...compiled this material at the request of Senator Johnson of Wisconsin," Latypova adds. "Senator Johnson, actually, his staffers, set up a Zoom call with me and Katherine [Watt] and a few other people. And he asked us, 'Can you put together a memo for me and, the package of evidence, which we've done?' And it's a two-page memo describing this—what laws have been utilized [for the military operation]... I published all of this and sent it to him in December, 2022. Nothing happened after that."

Latypova adds, "As you know, he held several hearings before and after. And to give him credit, he invited me to one, but I couldn't make the schedule. But he's held several hearings, with very high-profile so-called freedom leaders, discussing how COVID was [a] public health response [that] was botched...[but] this wasn't a public health anything, and he knows it."

"I give him a lot of credit for calling attention to the victims of this [military operation]," Latypova says. "You know, I'm very grateful that he gave any attention to this, but this wasn't a secret. We've published it many times. I gave it to him. I [also] gave this information to RFK Jr. too. I have a podcast with him recorded—two podcasts, actually. And he knows all of this also...But still, the public perception is being managed, and I don't know what he's gonna do about it."

Latypova goes on to say:

'What['s happening] right now is the public opinion is getting managed back into this box of, 'This was a public health event,' and 'This was a public health response. Some mistakes were made, some overreach. Let's fix those things.' But they won't do anything about the castle. The castle is these laws that they're using. These, essentially, military martial law[s] that they have pulled. They suspended the Constitution. They haven't unsuspended it yet. I haven't seen any evidence of this...[And] they've written a mountain of law[s], to do exactly this, starting even maybe in the 1800s.

"My friend, Katherine [Watt], started going back and tracing all these legal changes, specifically around the vaccines, even going back to the 1700s. And you can see how this, like, machine is morphing—meaning the federal government, which the Constitution actually is the document that limits the federal government very severely...But [what] they've done since, you know, the late 1700s or or even, you know, mid 1800s, they've done the complete opposite of it. So now the federal government is everything, pretty much. And what they've done in this last last episode [COVID], is they further merged the power of separate federal agencies that are supposed to be separate, supposed to be separately, you know, constrained and regulated. They're not. So since then, they've merged 11 federal agencies into what's called PEMSI [?]. It's a pandemic enterprise." (2/5) This thread contains the overwhelming evidence that COVID was a military operation, not a public health response:

Jan 25 29 tweets 25 min read
You have been lied to about the Elizabeth Holmes/Theranos story. Theranos was a failed Deep State play to get a blood-testing scam in place for diseases like COVID.

Holmes was a patsy. She took the fall for the real players. A 🧵 of the evidence proving these claims (1/29) Image (2/29) The story of how Theranos came to a fiery and unflattering end has been solidified in the media: It was the company’s founder, Elizabeth Holmes, who almost single-handedly was able to dazzle/deceive everyone from her investors to her employees to the FDA. A hat trick of fraud she was able to execute thanks to her charm, beauty, and often-touted brilliance.Image
Jan 19 4 tweets 4 min read
"Lavender is a software Palantir [built] for the Israeli IDF...they were using [it] to bomb [Gaza]...[so] no personnel...could be legally held accountable if the bombing was in violation of international [makes] the process of genociding children much easier." (1/4)

Investment banker, former HUD official, and founder of the Solari Report (@solari_the) Catherine Austin Fitts describes for Mel K (@MelKShow) how the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) has been using AI technology developed by Peter Thiel's Palantir to select targets for its mass destruction campaign in Gaza. (Mass destruction campaign is *my term*.) Fitts notes that the IDF uses Lavender so that nobody in its chain of command can be held legally responsible if the bombing is in violation of international law.

"Lavender is a software that Palantir helped build for the Israeli IDF...[and] after October 7th [when the] Israeli IDF moved into the Gaza area, they were using Lavender to bomb," Fitts says. "And what was explained was that if the software picked the targets, then no personnel in the Israeli IDF could be legally held accountable if the bombing was in violation of international law."

The investment banker and former HUD adds: "So [they've organized] the software that way [so it] completely protects the individual officer from any accountability under the law. Okay? And I'm assuming also some feeling of moral responsibility...and so it can make the process of genociding children much easier."

Fittes goes on to highlight one instance of Peter Thiel looking very uneasy at a debate at Cambridge held on May 8, 2024 as he attempts to defend the IDF's use of Lavender:

"There's someone in Cambridge asking Peter Thiel about this, and he completely does a meltdown because he's beginning to realize maybe he's not legally responsible, but in the court of popular opinion, he's gonna be held accountable.

"Now why do I tell that story?...Think of what's happening there as a prototype. Okay? You can use robots, drones, automated weapons, and this kind of software to do things that would never have been contemplated 10 or 20 years ago." (2/4) Here is the clip of Thiel at Cambridge looking uneasy as he attempts to defend the IDF's use of Palantir's Lavender AI.

"I believe that, broadly, the IDF gets to decide what it wants to do and that they're broadly in the right."

Transcription of Thiel's remarks:

"Um, look, I again, I'm not I'm not, um, you know, I, you know, with without without, um, going into all the deep you know, I I'm not on top of all the details of what's going on in Israel because my my bias is to defer to Israel. It's it's it's not for us to to second guess every, um, everything, and, uh, I I believe that, um, broadly, the IDF gets to decide, uh, what it wants to do and that they're broadly in the right, and that's that's sort of the the perspective I come back to."

"And if I if I fall into the trap of, um, arguing you on every detailed point, I'm I'm actually gonna I would actually be conceding the the the broader issue that, um, the Middle East should be micromanaged from Cambridge, and I think that's just simply absurd. Um, and so I'm not I'm not gonna concede that point."
Jan 11 5 tweets 10 min read
I wrote this as a post in April '23, but it seems timely:

The Top 5 Reasons Gavin Newsom Is a Fascistic, Hypocritical Sleazebag—(now) a thread 🧵(1/6) Image (2/6) 1. DINED AT THE FRENCH LAUNDRY IN DEFIANCE OF COVID RULES

In November 2020, after implementing some of the strictest COVID-19 “public health measures” in the country (California was the first state to lockdown in the nation, yet still to this day has the most deaths out of any state)(1) Newsom was spotted dining and socializing at the French Laundry, an upscale, three-Michelin restaurant in northern California(2). At the dinner with Newsom were California Medical Association CEO Dustin Corcoran and then SVP of California Medical Association Janus Norman, along with nine other people.

After Newsom and state officials spent months urging Californians not to co-mingle with members of other households—and discouraging families from gathering for the holidays—this action exemplified blatant hypocrisy. At the time, the California Department of Public Health said that restaurant patrons “must wear face coverings” unless “they [were] eating or drinking.” (3) Restaurant patrons were also only allowed to remove their masks if “they [were] able to maintain a distance of at least six feet away from persons who are not members of the same household or residence.”

Nobody at the table with Newsom was masking or “socially distancing” themselves.

Not incidentally, it was also reported at the time that Newsom’s kids were still attending their private school while most public schools remained closed.

(1) Source:… (Note that while I wrote this post in April 2023, as of January 2025, CA still has the most COVID deaths of any state in the Union!)

(2) Source:…

(3) Source:…Image
Jan 5 5 tweets 7 min read
"There's no conclusion except that Pfizer and Moderna were trying to make sure that they would secure what we now have, which is a 13 to 20% drop in live births in North America and Western Europe...." (1/5)

DailyClout CEO, author, and professor Dr. Naomi Wolf (@naomirwolf) describes for Stephanie Locricchio (@StephLocricchio) during a recent Children's Health Defense (@ChildrensHD) interview how "the centerpiece" of the harms that Pfizer's and Moderna's COVID injections cause is "reproductive damage." Wolf, who's edited a book that analyzes the documents related to the outcome of Pfizer's COVID-injection "clinical trial" and post-authorization data in depth, dubbed The Pfizer Papers, notes that "there's no conclusion except that Pfizer and Moderna were trying to make sure that they would secure what we now have, which is a 13 to 20% drop in live births in North America and Western Europe...."

--------------Partial transcription of clip--------------

"I wanna leave your audience knowing is that the centerpiece of the Pfizer documents isn't even all of those hideous problems, deaths, injuries. The centerpiece is reproductive damage. And Pfizer and this injection damages human reproduction in a 360-degree manner. It comes at human reproduction, especially female reproductive health, in multiple ways. And the testing of reproductive damage and the highlighting of reproductive damage and poisoning of babies, nursing from their moms' now poisoned breast milk, is so central in the Pfizer documents that, as we say in the tech world, it's not a bug, it's a feature.

"There's no conclusion except that Pfizer and Moderna were trying to make sure that they would secure what we now have, which is a 13 to 20% drop in live births in North America and Western Europe, especially where most of the damage is targeted. And I guess what I'll just say, you know, brief notes from how does it damage reproduction.

"The lipid nanoparticles, the ingredients bio-distribute throughout the human body in 48 hours, including accumulating in the ovaries if you're a woman. So first injection, some lipid nanoparticles, which are industrial fats, come into your ovaries. Second injection, more. Third injection, first booster, more. And we've seen no mechanism by which these materials leave the ovaries. So you're just literally blocking your ovaries with every injection. Not only that, the lipid nanoparticles traverse the placenta, so babies in utero aren't growing to term. I literally haven't heard of a full term baby since '20 '21 in my immediate circle. They they need to be delivered early because the placentas, you know, can't grow.

"Midwives are independently sending me images of flattened placentas pancaked, you know, unnaturally flattened placentas that are discolored. They can't provide babies with nutrients or oxygen when they're in utero. People, like doctor James Thorp, fetal maternal medicine specialist, are reporting high levels of chromosomal and other abnormalities in babies because lipid nanoparticles get into the babies. The lipid nanoparticles degrade the myelin, I'm sorry, the sheath around the testes in baby boys in utero and degrade the Sertoli cells and Leydig cells that turn on adult masculinity. So we don't even know if these babies are gonna grow up at adolescence and adulthood to be normal men with secondary sex characteristics, broad shoulders, facial hair, the ability to father children.

"There's a section of Pfizer documents that shows an 80% miscarriage rate. There's a section of Pfizer documents that shows that they told vaccinated men not to have intercourse with unvaccinated women. And if they did, to use two reliable forms of contraceptives. So Pfizer, to this day, knows that there's something in the semen of vaccinated men that could be injurious to either women or to a zygote or a fetus, but they're not telling us what they're worried about. But they do define exposure to the vaccine as including sexual intercourse, skin contact, and inhalation, which does confirm a lot of anecdotal concerns people had about shedding.

"There's this report, like a spreadsheet, that was sent in something called the Pregnancy and Lactation Report, on April 20th, 2021 to the White House. And it shows a chart of women damaged menstrually, like 15,000 women bleeding every day, 10,000 women bleeding twice a month, 7,500 women with no periods all at all, meaning no fertility, 10-year-old girls bleeding upon receiving an injection. 85-year-old women bleeding upon receiving an injection. Agonizing cramps, like disabling cramps, hemorrhaging, passing tissue, horrific conditions. And they just, you know, note this, as if this is the deliverable.

"And there's also a chart that shows babies getting very sick from nursing vaccinated moms. This many babies vomited. This many babies had edema, which is swelling of tissue. This many babies...had convulsions. One baby died of convulsions,  from nursing a vaccinated mom. You know, these babies have failure to thrive. And they just write up these charts, and they noted that two babies died in utero due to, quote, maternal exposure to the vaccine, end quote.

"And they sent this to the White House and to doctor Walensky, as I mentioned, in April 20th, 2021. Three days later, doctor Walensky gave a press conference from the White House telling the pregnant women of America or the women who wanted to get pregnant or who had gotten pregnant, there's no bad time to get a COVID injection, excuse me, before you get pregnant, during your pregnancy, or after your baby is born. And she had this document in her hand. By the way, three days after we ran that report, she resigned." (2/5) Note that these results—declining birthrates in the West—are perfectly in line with what the architects of this worldwide crime against humanity outlined in their 1944 "Open Conspiracy" for a "New World Order" game plan document.

Full plan:

"At least 4 billion 'useless eaters' shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, start-ing with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races. The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world's population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question."Image
Dec 30, 2024 60 tweets 60 min read

(Stick this thread on any post with a Community Note saying the injections don’t cause turbo cancers.)

Thread index:

Tweets 1–16: Physicians, Scientists, and Industry Experts—from the U.S., U.K., Canada, Germany, and Sweden—Describe How the COVID Injections Cause Turbo Cancers

The injections—

-Severely degrade the immune system, particularly causing T-cell suppression

-Are adulterated with DNA plasmids, which contain the notorious SV40 promoter sequence, which has not only been associated with oncogenesis, but also binding with P53 a.k.a. “the guardian of the genome”

-Are associated with far more aggressive cancers than what was normal prior to the injections’ rollout

-Are associated with increasing rates of cancers

Tweets 17–23: Anecdotal interviews with people describing aggressive cancers in themselves, their friends, or family members who’ve taken one or more COVID injections.

Tweets 24–39: Evidence in the scientific literature and regulatory documentation that supports the idea that the COVID injections degrade the immune system, are capable of causing aggressive cancers, and contain DNA and SV40 contamination.

Tweets 40–47: A—small—sample of the VAERS reports linking the COVID injections to various types of cancers.

Tweets 48–57: Users on X speak out about themselves, family, or friends who developed an aggressive, often fatal, cancer following receipt of one or more COVID injections.

NOTE: Please add your own COVID injection–related “turbo cancer” story to this thread to bolster the already overwhelming evidence that it is indeed a real phenomenon.


DR. DAVID RASNICK—“I’m convinced that the true explanation of what’s behind turbo cancer is that these [COVID] injections…are devastating the immune system…[and] now we’re seeing a consequence of that devastated immune system.”

In this first tweet, we start by hearing from cancer and AIDS research titan Dr. David Rasnick, who notes in a 2024 interview with Children’s Health Defense that this phenomenon of “turbo cancers” is new, and is defined by cancers that appear and grow to Stage 3 or Stage 4—i.e. “lethal”—in a matter of months.

Rasnick, who earned a PhD in chemistry from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1978, has more than 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries, published numerous scientific papers, and invented novel laboratory techniques, notes that these turbo cancers are also affecting younger people than usual, including people in their 20s.

“When it [the turbo cancer] develops, they get late stage cancer and they’re dead really, really quickly,” Rasnick says. “That is new.”

Furthermore, Rasnick says the only other time these kinds of rapid-growing cancers have been observed was in lab animals that were made to be immune deficient “by design.”

“I’m convinced that the true explanation of what’s behind turbo cancer,” Rasnick says, “is that these [COVID] injections…these mRNA and DNA genetic injections…are devastating the immune system…[and] now we’re seeing a consequence of that devastated immune system.”

Rasnick adds, “Once your immune system is really, really depressed, now these things [cancers] can develop rapidly.” The cancer researcher adds, “We’re basically doing to human beings what we did to laboratory animals: We’re destroying their immune systems to the point where they can’t resist the cancer. And the cancers are now growing like they are in cell culture. They don’t have anything impeding their ability to proliferate.” (2/57) DR. RYAN COLE — “[These shots]...cause immune suppression. They cause a disruption and dysregulation of your immune system that normally is what would fight cancer.”

In this clip from a 2023 interview with Greg Hunter, Dr. Ryan Cole, a board-certified pathologist and founder of Cole Diagnostics Inc. in Boise, Idaho, says that he saw early warning signs of immune system suppression following the rollout of the COVID injections and warned people that they “suppress the immune system.”

Cole notes that the injections “alter the way your immune system works.” He adds that they “[put] your T cells to sleep” in such a way that they can’t perform their “surveillance” duties “to fight cancer.”

The veteran pathologist adds that he has traveled the world, talking to oncologists, pathologists, family doctors, et al., who say that they’re “seeing cancers…in age groups…never seen before, and it happened after the rollout of the shots.”

Cole adds that insurance datasets and some countries’ disability data confirms the huge uptick in cancers. In the U.K., for example, Cole says that in 2021, there was a 6–7% rise in cancers; in 2022, there was a staggering 35% increase.

“Those are the types of data that we’re seeing that [are] really concerning,” Cole adds.
Dec 20, 2024 4 tweets 5 min read
Why *21 days* between mRNA jabs? To maximize the probability of anaphylactic reactions!

"The reason the manufacturers wanted the 21 because they wanted to document [the rate of reactions]...They knew they were gonna set off...massive death and injury." (1/4)

Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) describes for Iron Will (@IronWillRpt) how the manufacturers of the mRNA COVID injections chose the 21-day-long period between jabs in order to maximize the probability of eliciting anaphylactic reactions in recipients. Citing the work of Nobel Prize winner (and eugenicist) Charles Richet, Latypova notes that this period of time—approximately three weeks—is ideal for causing a severe anaphylactic reaction in a person.

"Charles Richet discovered that interval," Latypova says. "It's not always 21 days, but 21 days happens to be, like, a most likely period of time.'s several weeks usually—from first injection to the second injection of the same toxin or protein."

Describing the work of Richet, a French physiologist who won the Nobel Prize in 1913 for his work on what he dubbed "anaphylaxis," Latypova says the following:

"[Richet] did these experiments extensively, and he was injecting different types of toxins and observing [recipients]. So observing when that really severe anaphylaxis [reaction occurs]. [And] he said, first, he would inject some kind of a protein, and then the animal [who received] the first injection may have a mild reaction or not even react at all. So they may have nothing. And then after 21 days, typically, if he injected in some of the animals—but not all, in some, it's usually a percentage, something like 10 to to 15%—some of them would develop extreme severe reactions even to a very, very minute dose of the same protein.

So, like, in the first reaction, it was a larger dose. The second reaction, even a tiny, tiny, minute dose would set off this huge, huge anaphylactic shock or illness, and some of them would die. And this was found with all vaccinations at that time. He also even writes about other attempts at vaccinations, for anthrax in animals. He reported the same issues. So about 10, 15% of them died because of the anaphylactic reactions. He even reported that at the same time, different researchers were attempting this on themselves, and some of them killed themselves, with this method."

Latypova then goes on to describe on oddity with "vaccine" researchers: They don't mind poisoning themselves and their loved ones (sometimes fatally) for their research.

"[With] a lot of these vaccine crazy obsessed scientists, in fact, there are documented examples where they killed their children, grandchildren, and still did not recant and continued to do the same [thing]. Peter Hotez...he poisoned his daughter. She has autism from vaccines, and he's super pro-vax. So that's a very typical attitude amongst these people. They're insane. Unfortunately, they have a lot of power and money, and so they act on their insanity. But we need to understand exactly what's going on here."

Latypova goes on to describe why the mRNA injections are so much more dangerous than traditional "vaccines."

"I'd say they are much more dangerous than traditional vaccines because they also contain all kinds of novel technologies. And, as I said before, the reason the manufacturers want the 21 days between two injections is because they want to document this. And the mRNA platform was new in humans. It wasn't used in humans before. And so...they knew they were gonna set off death and injury, massive death and injury. They knew, absolutely knew. There was no question about it. All they wanted to do is document how much anaphylaxis they're that then they would, you know, try to dial it back, dilute, do whatever.

So later on, we find that not as many anaphylactic reactions are recorded as the for the initial wave. So they just needed to document how many people are having this reaction. That's all...They knew that this is going to happen." (2/4) "Through studies involving dogs... Richet demonstrated...[that after] an initial low dose of a substance, a new dose some weeks later could produce a severe reaction."

"In 1913, [Richet] was awarded the Nobel Prize for his researches on anaphylaxis. He invented this word to designate the sensitivity developed by an organism after it had been given a parenteral injection of a colloid or protein substance or a toxin (1902)." (Parenteral drug administration is drug administration by intravenous, intramuscular, or subcutaneous injection.)


Dec 20, 2024 5 tweets 6 min read

"The President was absolutely 100% not in charge of anything...the whole response...[was] NATO... Why... NATO?... They treated [COVID] as if it was a bioweapons attack. A global war." (1/5)

Debbie Lerman, a 2023 Brownstone (@brownstoneinst) Fellow and retired science writer, describes for FLCCC (@Honest_Medicine) Senior Fellow Dr. Kat Lindley (@KLVeritas) how NATO and the Intelligence Communities from countries like the U.S. were in charge of the global COVID "pandemic" response. Lerman, who has done extensive research into the matter, notes that President Trump was "absolutely 100% not in charge," and says he even pegged Coronavirus Task Force member Deborah Birx as "the [real] problem" because "Birx was representing the national security state within the Trump administration and within the task force."

"The President was absolutely 100% not in charge of anything," Lerman tells Lindley. "As we know, Trump switched from saying 'it [COVID] was nothing' to saying that 'it was terrible,' you know, that we had to lock down. Then a month later, he said, 'We have to stop locking down.' The way he was talking was—or the way he was tweeting was—very interesting because he would tweet all caps, [like] WE MUST OPEN UP. Right?

"[But] he's the President of the United States. You don't have to tweet, 'We must open up.' You tell everybody in your administration, 'We're gonna open up now.' If he can't do that, something's wrong. Right? He was not in charge."

Lerman goes on to say that "in Scott Atlas's book...he wrote about his time on the [COVID] task force, which was not at the beginning, so he wasn't there for the how it started, but he was there in about August [of 2020]. He did say[, however] that when he talked to Trump, Trump said to him, 'We all know who is actually the problem, and it's not Fauci. The problem is Deborah Birx.' [And that was] because Deborah Birx was representing the National Security State within the Trump administration and within the task force."

Lerman goes on to discuss the role that NATO—the intergovernmental military alliance of 30 North American and European countries, established to ensure a collective defense, where an attack on one member is considered an attack on all—played in orchestrating the "pandemic" response.

"How can NATO be responding to a naturally occurring virus? Right? Why...NATO? NATO is a military alliance. The only way I believe they could have invoked NATO is because they treated it [COVID] as if it was a bioweapons attack. [A] global war."

Lerman explains:

"They treated it that way. Whether it was...a lab leak or not, whether it was an engineered virus or not—I believe it was both of those things—but even if you don't believe that, it doesn't matter because that's what they use[d]. They said [that's what it was], and then they use[d] all the laws, all the treaties, all the agreements. There's memoranda of understanding in terms of bioweapons amongst various countries—they can invoke all of that in order to enforce a uniform response. And [that's the] uniform response...I'm now discovering in other European countries. So we now have the Dutch minister of health coming out and saying that we were actually following NATO orders during COVID. She literally said those words. And the intelligence agencies of Holland were in charge of the response. So it was exactly the same."

Furthermore, Lerman says that "we have the German RKI [Robert Koch Institute] leak, which [is] the public health institute, like HHS, that was supposed to be in charge. We also have leaked documents that show that they were also following orders from some NATO connected people, as opposed to public health officials. The public health officials, again, were just sort of the liaison between the national security apparatus and the public."

"And when you asked about the US military," Lerman adds, "[the] military industrial complex, because the U.S. is now the global the West and as far as in Europe, and the anglosphere in the Americas, we're it. And so our military industrial complex is the military industrial complex of the West, pretty much. And so we are what fuels NATO. And so we have demilitarized Europe in a that we could be, you know, the military power in the West."

Lerman goes on to say:

"The COVID response...really crystallized how much the national has now been subsumed into the global governance structures [and] military industrial complex, which is now kind of on a global scale. So it's an interesting paradox for the military industrial complex because what did it used to do? The U.S...the military industrial complex...[used to] gain strength, gain money, gain power by doing regime changes. Which they're still doing. I mean, we see Syria. Right? And we see the Ukraine. They're doing it. But [before,] they had the whole Communist Bloc to justify their existence. Right? We have a threat. It's a mortal threat. It's an existential threat. We don't really have existential threats like that anymore. So they have to define other existential threats.

"So a virus, which we all knew was not a threat to almost anyone, all of the sudden becomes an existential threat because they decide that it is—or they define it as a bioweapon or a bio-terror attack. So actually the solution, which is the existence of this giant global biodefense industrial complex, the solution defines the problem. Like...[the way I] describe it is COVID was gonna happen whether it was SARS CoV-2 or something else. Another virus." (2/5) Note that what Lerman describes perfectly aligns with what German journalist Paul Schreyer described in his seminal presentation showing how the COVID response had been planned by key globalist players for 20 years.

Link to full presentation:
Dec 20, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
"We are dealing with an intentional plan by the hospitals to euthanize Americans...the hospitals are killing zones...I can't tell you how many subscribers told me about loved ones...who were literally killed by the hospitals." (1/5)

Investment banker, former HUD official, and founder of the Solari Report (@solari_the) Catherine Austin Fitts describes on a recent episode of the @ChildrensHD series Financial Rebellion how there is "an intentional plan by the hospitals to euthanize Americans." Fitts notes that she traveled to 26 states in 2024 and had her subscribers tell her about "loved ones...who were literally killed by the hospitals."

"We are dealing with an intentional plan by the hospitals to euthanize Americans," Fitts says. "I just think, you know, that the hospitals are killing zones. People are being intentionally killed. And, you know, we saw that great video from Jacqui Deevoy about how it's happening in the UK[, too]."

Fitts goes on to say:

"But out on the [Children's Health Defense] bus, [you got] stories...about people being killed, and when we were doing our Financial Transaction Freedom Tour—I was in 26 states, you know, driving all over the place. I can't tell you how many subscribers told me about loved ones or, you know, friends and family, who were literally killed by the hospitals. It's frightening." (2/5) Here's a thread describing how doctors and nurses are slaughtering Americans in the hospitals using the remdesivir+ventilator murder protocol.

Based on death certs, John Beaudoin estimates 500K+ Americans have been killed this way.

Dec 19, 2024 5 tweets 5 min read

"Fauci was not in charge...He was the public relations face of the policy...The government entity that was in charge of the COVID policy was the National Security Council...and now they're applying the biodefense framework to the entire world." (1/5)

Debbie Lerman, a 2023 Brownstone (@brownstoneinst) Fellow and retired science writer, describes for FLCCC (@Honest_Medicine) Senior Fellow Dr. Kat Lindley (@KLVeritas) how former NIAID head Anthony Fauci **was not in any way in charge of COVID policy.** Instead, Lerman notes that the National Security Council was in charge of COVID policy. While Lerman notes that Fauci is indeed "a terrible person" who should be "on trial," she says that "that's [not] where we should be focusing all of our attention."

"The biodefense global public–partnership includes all of the public health agencies and stuff on a national level, but they're not the ones who are in charge," Lerman says. "So they're the ones who are just enacting the policy, and that's where everybody has to be really, really clear: Fauci was not in charge. Please get that out of your mind. We can prosecute him. We can blame him for a lot of things. [But] he didn't make the policy. He didn't come up with the policy, and he didn't enforce the policy. He was the public relations face of the policy. He's a terrible person. [And I] would be happy if he were on trial, but I don't think that's where we should be focusing all of our attention."

Lerman goes on to discuss Deborah Birx, who was also on the COVID "Task Force."

"Deborah Birx...she came [in as] the representative of the national security state...[And] what I discovered through my research is that the government entity that was in charge of the COVID policy was the National Security Council."

"And so I just went where my research took me, and, unfortunately, that's where it took me," Lerman adds. "And so I had to go there. And so the National Security Council is defined as the leaders of the military and intelligence arms of government that are advising the President on national security. That's the definition. Now that was the definition before COVID. They changed it. So you have to look at the Wayback Machine to find that definition."

Lerman goes on to say:

"Now the way they define it is, yes, it's the intelligence and military,'s also pandemics, disasters—anything that requires national coordination now is going to be coordinated through the National Security Council. That's scary because...they have expanded the definition of what the National Security Council is supposed to do, and in doing that, they've incorporated public health into what they call a biosecurity framework...[and] the one that they came up with is based on a biodefense response to outbreaks, which is lockdown until vaccine.

"What that was supposed to be for, it was supposed to be for when there was an anthrax attack, let's say, on a subway system in a big city—you could lock down that city, make sure that it didn't spread further, get rushed treatment to the people in the affected area. It would be a very limited geographic and temporal event...So, like, they would rush the countermeasures. They had EUA, which is emergency use authorization, which in that situation was important because you rush the treatment to the people in that area even if you don't know that it's definitely going to be effective. It's such a big emergency, biowarfare, bioterrorism—you gotta rush it to the people. There might be some collateral damage. We're in a military situation here. Right? So in a military situation, collateral damage is a whole different consideration than in a civilian framework of public health.

"So the civilian framework of public health disappeared. It just got swallowed up by the biodefense framework. And now they're applying the biodefense framework to the entire world, which is a utterly and completely counter to medicine science and public health." (2/5) Indeed, we can look at government documents and see Lerman is correct: it was the National Security Council that was in charge of COVID policy. Fauci and everyone else at HHS were essentially administrators: Image
Dec 15, 2024 5 tweets 5 min read
March 5, 2020—THE PENTAGON—**not Moderna or Pfizer**—talks about the "vaccines" it's developing for COVID & how "terrible things" can happen; "you may end up doing mass vaccination campaigns with a vaccine that could cause a significant amount of problems." (1/5)

Dr. Nelson Michael, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, describes during a March 5, 2020 press conference at The Pentagon how "the science" behind making a "vaccine" can "go very quickly," but there are "vaccines" that can "cause harm."

"Just recognize that part of [our] hesitation I mean, the science can go very quickly. But you at first don't wanna do harm. Right?" Michael tells the press. "And, you know... obviously... vaccines can can cause harm,  and they provide benefits. So that mixture is something you always have to look at. And so part of the hesitation to say, 'Oh, we can get a vaccine quickly,' is you need to make sure that it's really safe."

Michael goes on to say: "If you test the vaccine in 1,000 people, but one in 10,000 people is gonna have something terrible that happens. Until you get to those numbers, you may end up doing mass vaccination campaigns with a vaccine that could cause significant amount of problems. So...this needs to be a constant reassessment of the risk and the benefit."

Michael goes on to draw a ridiculous parallel between the "vaccines" for COVID and the "vaccines" for Ebola deployed in the Democratic Republic of Congo:

"The other thing I would tell you, and this is sort of a really good benchmark, we were the first people that tested the vaccine that eventually got licensed by Merck... for for Ebola. Okay? That vaccine was first tested by the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. Five years later, it was approved by the US FDA. In the meantime, half a million souls were vaccinated with it largely in Africa during especially during the outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

"So, you know, again, that was a risk–benefit assessment. The leadership in the DRC said, 'Okay. We know it's not approved yet by European medicines, um, uh, or by the US FDA, but we have a terrible outbreak of Ebola, which is highly fatal.' And so decisions were made to use that under, um, emergency use authorizations. And so, you know, there's always that kind of debate, but I think that's a good benchmark for vaccines." (2/5) Recall that Army General Gus Perna was THE CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER FOR OPERATION WARP SPEED.

In this video, Perna describes how "OWS [was] a partnership between HHS, DOD, and the other federal organizations to develop and deliver COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics."

"Science is driving all of our decisions, we are not cutting any corners with respect to safety and efficacy. We need to do this the right way," Perna says. He notes that the supposed COVID "vaccines" were set to go "through the same rigorous trials that [are done] for every pharmaceutical."

"We have worked with the manufacturers to help them scale up operations in order to produce vaccines and therapeutics. WE HAVE PURCHASED AND SECURED THE SUPPLIES NEEDED TO DELIVER AND ADMINISTER THE DRUG," Perna adds. (Emphasis added.)

"Everything from the vials that hold the vaccine, to the syringes and needles that will be used to put shots into arms." Perna notes that OWS would utilize the DOD's "planning and logistics expertise" and that the department would function "across the supply chains, FROM MANUFACTURING TO DELIVERY." (Emphasis added.)

"But commercial industry, not the military, will physically ship and distribute the vaccines to your local areas," Perna adds, highlighting a "whole-of-America" approach.
Dec 13, 2024 17 tweets 15 min read
This is the REAL STORY of how COVID started in the U.S.—Don't let Deep State shills like Kash Patel gaslight you (1/17 - supporting evidence in thread)

"[COVID wasn't] a pandemic. It [was] a military attack. It [was] a deployment of chemical [and] maybe radiological weapons."

Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) describes for Mic Meow (@MicMeowed) how the COVID "pandemic" was actually pulled off in the U.S., highlighting the U.S. military's involvement in the release of a biological (and potentially radiological) weapon, the lack of evidence supporting the existence of a patient zero in the U.S. (or even China), and the rollout of "hospital murder protocols," which were used to generate the deaths needed to make it look like there was a "pandemic" occurring.

"The Department of Defense quickly took over the response to the supposed public health event [i.e., the COVID-19 'pandemic']," Latypova notes at the beginning of the clip, before delving into the timeline of events—which is strongly supported by the available evidence. "The [supposed SARS-CoV-2 'virus'] sequence was posted into GenBank on January 9th, 2020, ostensibly from a Chinese patient[, for whom there is no evidence supporting their existence]." (See tweet 5/17 for supporting evidence of Latypova's claim here.)

"The [supposed SARS-CoV-2 'virus'] sequence was posted into GenBank on January 9th [2020]. On January 30th [2020], the CDC claimed that we have a first person in the United States, in Washington State, who was, again, infected with this virus. Again, [there was no] evidence of this person ever existing." (See tweet 4/17 for supporting evidence of this claim.)

(For reference, GenBank is a comprehensive public database that contains annotated collections of all publicly available nucleotide and DNA sequences.)

"On February 4th, there's a phone call—and this is...leaked audio from AstraZeneca executives. There was a phone call placed from the Department of Defense. I believe the person making the phone call was Colonel Matt Hepburn from DARPA," Latypova says. "And he called the consortium of pharmaceutical companies telling them to switch from previously funded pan-influenza ['vaccine'] models to COVID ['vaccine'] models because, and I'm quoting him, 'COVID was declared a national security threat.'" (See tweet 16/17 for supporting evidence.)

"So my question is," Latypova says, "[from] January 30th [2020] to February 4th [2020], we only have one ostensible patient having COVID. [But it's not] clear. Are they ill? Did they die? What happened?"

Latypova goes on to ask rhetorically: "We have maybe 11 cases—PCR cases—of COVID in the United States [but] somehow, Colonel Matt Hepburn decides say to the entire pharmaceutical consortium, which is over 300 companies, to start working on COVID products because it's a national security threat. Based on what? That's my question: How do you know that?"

Latypova goes on to note:

"What's more interesting...we have a whole series—hours—of Department of Defense press conferences at the Pentagon with media, over the 2020/2021 timeframe, when they were working on Operation Warp Speed. And so they would do these periodic press updates, and they're hilarious and very interesting....I don't recall the date exactly right now, but it was somewhere [in] February, early March, there [was] a press event where, there's Colonel Wendy Sammons-Jackson and a few others. So there's General [Michael J.] Talley, who leads the presentation from the DOD, and there are two or three [other] participants from Fort Detrick, the biolab and, the US Army infectious disease research. And they're all discussing this stuff. And so she [Sammons-Jackson] says specifically, 'Oh, we've received...the pathogen, meaning the COVID virus... and we [meaning the DOD] are growing the stocks of it." (See tweet 2/17 for supporting evidence.)

"At that time...I remind you," Latypova adds, "we only had maybe one case; maybe 10 cases or 20 [PCR] cases of this, meaning there was no COVID virus in the US. Yet Colonel Wendy Sammons-Jackson is growing stocks of it. And guess what happens after she's growing stocks of it? We have an explosion of cases and illness in the United States. So how is this a pandemic when nothing happens before they announce it, after they announce it, and tell you we're growing stocks of it, we have a pandemic?"

Latypova concludes:

"So it's [COVID] not a pandemic. It's a military attack. It's a deployment of chemical, maybe radiological weapons. I don't know what they deployed, but they deployed something. There was some weird illness that was going around. [But] it's a deployment. And a majority of the deaths...were caused by, we know, hospital murder protocols—killing people in the hospitals with the protocol that I can walk you through because they tried it on my on my mother-in-law, unsuccessfully. We rescued her." (See tweets 9/17 and 10/17 for supporting evidence of the "hospital murder protocols.")

"And, so I can walk you through that protocol....[I've been] with people testifying [as to] how their loved ones were killed in the exact same manner...[with] remdesivir and with ventilators and, dehydration, starvation, cruelty...Isolation...So those are the deaths. That's how they caused the deaths. They simulated illness with something [else]—some chemical weapon or something. And, the main point of this was to deploy these biological weapons, which are the shots [the COVID injections]." (2/17) "There has been receipt of the [SARS-CoV-2] virus, um, in one of our laboratories, and they're currently culturing, um, growing that virus so that we can have stocks available for a number of things to test products with." — Army Col. Wendy Sammons-Jackson, March 5, 2020

Here is the conference to which Latypova refers in the clip from her Mic Meow interview. A transcription of Sammons-Jackson's remarks regarding "growing" the SARS-CoV-2 "virus" to have "stocks available" is below:

"There has been receipt of the virus, um, in one of our laboratories, and they're currently culturing, um, growing that virus so that we can have stocks available for a number of things to test products with. That's, um, they're also doing, um, characterization of the virus to try to understand, learn more of what we know about the virus and how the virus, um, impacts, um, our the host and our immune response to that virus. The scientists in our other subordinate laboratories are, yes, test tubes, pipettes. They're dealing with mice. They're they're running, um, cell cultures, and and I can let the scientists here that are doing the hands on work talk a little bit."

Also note that Army Brig. Gen. Michael J. Talley, commander of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command, who led the March 5, 2020 conference, references the film Outbreak. (I note this because that film was clearly used as propaganda in order to prime people for the COVID scamdemic.)
Dec 11, 2024 9 tweets 7 min read
DON'T LET MAHA GASLIGHT YOU: It's not the food, water, or air: the chronic disease epidemic is due to the bloody "vaccines" (1/9)

"['Vaccines' are] ticking time inject something that turns the immune system against your own body, and it's progressive."

Inventor, scientist, and author of the seminal "Control Group study" Joy Garner describes during an interview with Vaccine Choice Canada (@VaccineChoiceCA) how "vaccines" are responsible for the chronic disease epidemic in the U.S. In this clip, Garner highlights the association of "vaccines" with a wide range of diseases and conditions, including autism, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, etc.

Critically, Garner notes that these diseases occur at a rate of less than 1% in "unvaccinated" Americans, despite the fact they still partake in unhealthy habits, including eating junk food, using cell phones, and consuming alcohol.

Firstly in the clip, Garner notes that babies who receive the "Vitamin K shot"——an injection **supposedly** given to newborns to prevent a rare but serious bleeding disorder by aiding in blood clotting—are associated with a rate of autism of 2%; when babies receive both the K shot and "pregnancy vaccines" via their mother, however, that rate shoots up to "over 5%."

Garner notes that in adults (aged 18 and over) is where she and her colleagues "saw [a] really extreme variation in long-term health outcomes, because ['vaccines'] are like ticking time bombs." She notes that when a person receives a "vaccine," they "inject something that turns [their] immune system against [their] own body, and it's progressive."

"It can get very aggressive if you continue to vaccinate, and you can suddenly end up with something that's gonna kill you right away or that disables you right away," Garner adds. She notes, for example, that she and her colleagues "could not find a single arthritic person over the age of 18 who was entirely unvaccinated."

"This means...that cancer, arthritis, diabetes, things like this, severe diseases, are non-existent [in the 'unvaccinated'] because we just couldn't find them in our sample."

Garner notes, "We had a very robust sample of that population of interest [the 'unvaccinated']...[And] the risk of any of these diseases could not possibly be more than...well under 1%. [For diseases like] heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis."

"That's the baseline what our natural health is supposed to look like, even if we're eating bad food, even if we're drinking and smoking," Garner adds. She goes on to say:

"I got to know these entirely unvaccinated families. Just because they knew that vaccines in particular were a bad idea, and they didn't trust their doctors, they didn't trust the government, they didn't trust the FDA or the CDC, doesn't mean they weren't enjoying themselves. They're having a beer. Their kids are running around with sugary popsicles and candy bars and cell phones. And I'm like, they're so healthy, and the explanation was, you know, 'I don't worry about their diet. I don't worry [because] they don't have allergies...I'm not worried about whether or not there might be few fumes coming out of my new flooring or, you know, the wrong clothing or whatever. They're not fragile. They're so robust. They never get sick. Or when they do, it lasts for 24 hours and they're all better.'" (2/9) Pharma insider Sasha Latypova has found the explanation for why "vaccines" are so detrimental: they work exactly IN THE OPPOSITE WAY we're told they do.

Instead of priming our immune systems to protect us, they prime our bodies for disease:

Dec 8, 2024 9 tweets 7 min read
THE FATAL FLAW OF THE HEALTH FREEDOM MOVEMENT—it must admit the C19 op is planned genocide largely executed by the US military-industrial complex (1/9)

"We've uncovered the scheme of the has nothing to do with science or medicine or public health. It's...genocide."

Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) describes for Mic Meow (@MicMeowed) how much of the health freedom movement still refuses to admit that the COVID operation (my term) was premeditated genocide and not just a public health response rife with supposed mistakes. Latypova notes that while many of the members of the health freedom movement are willing to say COVID was a "mismanaged health event," they won't come out and espouse the truth: that the COVID operation was, in fact, a "crime" and a "genocide."

"My biggest frustration today, and over the years, is with all sides of [the health freedom movement] trying to position this whole situation as a scientific debate or medical issue or even a public health issue. The deluded side thinks it's a virus and it's a pandemic. The side that's ostensibly health freedom side says...'Oh, yeah, it's a pandemic, but [it's just a] mismanaged public health issue.'"

"[But] it's an intentional poisoning," Latypova notes, referencing the COVID injections. "Even in 2021, I knew it was an intentional poisoning. [And] since then we've uncovered the whole scheme of the crime, the whole nature of the crime, and it has nothing to do with science or medicine or public health. It's a...genocide."

Latypova goes on to say that "if you're a have to move as the new data comes in; you have to make additional conclusions...[and yet]...the health freedom [movement]...will come to a certain point, but [go] no further." The pharma insider notes, "that's a hallmark of brand building to get political power versus seeking the truth....They [somehow] can't get past this point that this is a mismanaged health event."

Describing a key part of how the COVID genocide was committed, Latypova notes the following:

"We used to have a public health policy prior to 2018, 2019. We had a public health policy, which dealt with things like pandemics. Now, assume that this is a valid point—I personally believe pandemics do not exist, but even if you assume that this is a valid point and the government should have a policy for such situations... the policy said that Department of Health and Human Services is in charge of the policy, which is reasonable. And it also [called for] fairly reasonable public health measures, such as masking wasn't advised. There was... some quarantine measures or some advisory to stay home if you're sick, you know, some normal... public health advice. [But there were] no mandates of vaccines or anything like that.

"Now that policy was documented. [But] somehow in 2020, or maybe late 2019 or 2020, it's not clear when, [a] switch happened; that policy was replaced by a brand new policy....[one] that all of a sudden put the National Security Council in charge of pandemic policy. And that's a shocking switch. And still, only a few authors have commented on it."

Latypova goes on to say:

"The first person who identified this was Debbie Lerman, to my knowledge, and she is a journalist writing [for the Brownstone Institute]. And so she wrote several articles about it. I found the documents...referenced. She and I also found additional documents after that. So, in charge of the whole policy is the National Security Council. [And the] National Security Council is an advisory body to the President of the United States, and consists of heads of military and intelligence; it does not have any representatives from Health and Human Services on the council...[And] this has been known now for at least two or three years.

"[Yet still] everybody is pinning [the COVID crimes] on Anthony Fauci. And I'm not defending him. He's a Mengele type, and he should be prosecuted for what he did both during the AIDS [crisis] and all the years that he's done similar crimes. But he wasn't in charge of this [COVID] policy. He [was at] NIH, NIAID, and, again, had nothing to do with the policy...He was part of designing certain things, and he was an advisor; HHS played an advisory role. So, obviously, he was involved in designing certain things, and he is clearly the spokesperson for the cabal. But it's not his policy. It's the [policy of the] National Security Council [and U.S.] military and intelligence." (2/9) The National Security Council (NSC) was indeed ****in charge of**** COVID-19 policy. Not HHS or any of its subsidiaries. Image
Dec 7, 2024 6 tweets 7 min read
"Now we have excess deaths and potentially lower fertility rates...and [for] South Korea, we looked at preliminary data: It looks like an extinction-level event going on there [and] that, over time, the economy will collapse." (1/6)

Former BlackRock fund manager and founding partner at Phinance Technologies Edward Dowd (@DowdEdward) describes for Dr. Kelly Victory (@DrKellyVictory) on Ask Dr. Drew (@AskDrDrew) how the COVID injections' association with excess deaths and "potentially lower fertility rates" are contributing to an "extinction-level event" happening in South Korea.

"Now we have excess deaths and potentially lower fertility rates...and [in] South Korea, we looked at preliminary data, [and] it looks like an extinction-level event going on there [and] that over time the economy will collapse," Dowd says.

"[And] sure enough," he adds, "South Korea is in the news: they declared martial law. We suspect that was to cover up a currency crisis and a collapsing stock market because their central bank came out immediately and provided as much liquidity as needed."

Dowd goes on to say that the effects of the COVID injections "have real-world consequences long-term for a lot of these economies; they don't collapse overnight, but it's definitely not good."

Providing her own point of view on the issue of the COVID injections having negative effects on fertility, Victory says that "we have we clear pathophysiology that explains why these mRNA injections might be the cause. With regard to men, we know that males who receive the injections show lower sperm counts and lower sperm motility, for example." She adds, "We know that...the shots cause you to form antibodies that [are] very, very similar—almost identical—to a protein that is critical for the formation and development of the placenta."

Dr. Victory adds, "if you get one of these shots and you develop antibodies to the spike protein, at the same time, you are developing antibodies to a forming placenta, which may well explain why we're seeing increased rates of miscarriage or failures of women to be able to get pregnant in the first place." (2/6) South Korea "vaccinated" ~88% of its total population with the COVID injections by August 2023; for ages 18 and up, rates were between ~90 and ~99%.

Dec 6, 2024 6 tweets 7 min read
"My speculation on [UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson's murder] is he was either going to testify or was compelled to testify as part of [an ongoing DOJ investigation], and it was going to bring down some very powerful individuals who are behind his company." (1/6)

Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) speculates on a recent episode of The Shannon Joy Show (@ShannonJoyRadio) as to the real reason UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson was recently murdered. Highlighting a gargantuan ransomware attack that targeted the health insurance and benefits corporation—which is a subsidiary of UnitedHealthcare Group—earlier this year, Latypova notes that "there's ongoing...litigation about that," which has already cost the company "several billion dollars"—not including whatever forthcoming settlement there may be.

"[Thompson's] the CEO of the company that processes most of the Medicare and Medicaid claims, all kinds of insurance claims, in the United States," Latypova notes. "About a year ago, there was a breach of data. They got hijacked, ransomware. They had to pay a ransomware bribe and that also went sideways. There was a data breach exposed, about hundred million Americans [had] their healthcare data, their Social Security numbers [exposed]. And so there's litigation ongoing about that. They already spent several billion dollars on that litigation, and that's before even the settlement."

Latypova goes on to say that UnitedHealthcare is "also under investigation by the Department of Justice, which [is] also looking into all of this. And so [Thompson] was meeting with the investors, walked out in the morning, and then was gunned down right after that." The pharma insider adds, "my speculation on this is he was either going to testify or was compelled to testify as part of this, and it was going to bring down some very powerful individuals who are behind his company."

"Because it's such a huge company, such huge data that they're processing, they have to be connected to the same cabal...that's running this whole global thing," Latypova adds, referencing the ongoing global COVID operation (my term). (2/6) In May of this year, UnitedHealthcare Group CEO Andrew Witty testified before Congress regarding the ransomeware attack. Change Healthcare, the hacked division of UNH, processes $1.5 TRILLION in medical claims annually.

Witty—the CEO of the company that had revenues of $324 billion in 2023—apologized over the attack, which took place because one or more employees was/were not using two-factor authentication and had their credentials stolen by the hackers.


Nov 28, 2024 5 tweets 5 min read
🔥🔥"All chronic diseases today, especially in people under, let's say, 50, are because of vaccines. It's not because of what you eat...We have to stay focused on the shots because that's how they poison us and our children."🔥🔥 (1/5)

Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) describes for Michael Farris (@CoffeeandaMike) how it is LITERALLY NOT POSSIBLE TO VACCINATE people—against anything, for any reason. Latypova highlights the work of Nobel Prize winner—and eugenicist—Charles Richet, which showed conclusively that anytime a protein—of any type—is injected into a person's bloodstream, it primes their body for an anaphylactic reaction the next time they're injected with (or even, possibly, consume) that protein.

Richet "quickly realized that you don't have to inject a toxin to produce [anaphylaxis]," Latypova says. "You can inject safe things like milk, like, corn, soy derivatives, albumins, gelatin. So anything that you think is safe to eat, if you inject it, a protein directly into the bloodstream, you can produce this effect."

Latypova notes: "This is how people have lactose intolerance. All the peanut allergies are because of this. The Alpha-gal, this effect [meat allergies] it's another type of allergy that's because of the gelatin injections. And so there's a variety of different reactions. They all boil down to the same thing: You got injected with the protein directly into the bloodstream."

"So all chronic diseases today, especially in people under, let's say, 50, are because of the vaccines. It's not because of what you eat," the retired pharma executive adds. She goes on to say:

"To produce the same damage through food, you need decades, and you need really bad habits. And you sometimes you might not even get But with one shot of a newborn, you can produce this effect for life. So that's why I'm saying, all this debate about food, throw it out of the window doesn't matter. We have to stay focused on the shots because that's how they poison us and our children through this. The food effects are secondary."

Furthermore, Latypova says that "the work of Charles Richet and his Nobel Prize definitively says that it's not possible to vaccinate. Vaccination is not possible. There are no safe vaccines." She adds:

"You can't do it because we have this fundamental law of nature that works against it. You can't inject proteins directly into the bloodstream. And everybody denies it. The whole medical establishment denies that this exists, that this knowledge is available. They deny it. They call it different names. They give it different categories. They hide the data. They ban us everywhere. They say we're cranks and anti-vaxxers, and we're just crazy, and we're killing grandma. And so this whole establishment is working as one unit to suppress this information."

This is why food is the new focus among the (usurped) freedom health movement, Latypova notes.

"That's why they're telling you, 'Oh, it's need to ban corn syrup ban dyes or you know? And that's why in California, they label everything with proposition 65 so that you think that everything around you causes cancer. And that's not true. Cancer is caused by injections through the same mechanism. So, anyway, so that's what I want people to understand. And I wrote several articles about it. I linked Richet's work...As I said, you can find his book and you can read about it and it will become extremely clear what's going on. And that's why, you know, it's so important to stay on the vaccines and not get into these diversions of, you know, let's ban different types of food." (2/5) Indeed, when we look at "vaccinated" vs. "unvaccinated" Americans, we find that the "unvaccinated" are FAR healthier—in every respect. This would not be the case if food were the problem re: chronic diseases.

Nov 27, 2024 5 tweets 4 min read
"They [hospitals] murdered a lot of people. MORE THAN A MILLION [1,000,000] PEOPLE. The CARES basically a solicitation of fraud." (Emphasis added.)

In this clip from a recent Vaccine Safety Research Foundation Live (@VacSafety) video electrical engineer and independent investigator John Beaudoin, Sr. (@JohnBeaudoinSr) describes for a Special Committee on COVID Response Efficacy in New Hampshire how deadly COVID "treatment" protocols implemented by the CARES Act—signed into law by President Trump in March 2020—resulted in the deaths of more than a million (1,000,000) Americans.

Note this testimony was given in April of 2024 and that the deadly COVID protocols continue to this day in the hospitals.

---------------Partial transcription of clip--------------

"I can look at CMS(.)gov. Okay? You go to CMS(.)gov and look for NCTAP. That's a COVID payout plan, and you'll find that Olumiant, which is baricitinib, or Veklury, which is remdesivir, has a 20% adder to the entire hospital bill," Beaudoin tells the NH COVID committee. "They murdered a lot of people. More than a million people.
So the CARES basically a solicitation of fraud.
Walter E. Williams said it, but probably also said by Thomas Sowell, Milton Friedman, if you subsidize something, you'll get more of it. And since they subsidized COVID being put on a death certificate, thinking somehow they're convincing the people that that's gonna save people. How is that gonna save somebody? But that's what they did.

"People being put on ventilators, that's an 86% kill rate. 86% of people die, get put on ventilators. And they did it to people who whose vital signs were normal, and they died." @VacSafety As Beaudoin notes in the clip, hospitals are rewarded a 20% "add-on payment" if they use VEKLURY (remdesivir) or Olumiant (barcitinib).

Remdesivir is known to be wildly toxic—see tweet after next.
