The first and most obvious reason is because the police have reported that he died from a GSW to his head 'prior' to the explosion, yet there were no reported gunshots in the 15-20 seconds before the Cybertruck exploded.
Needless to say, it is odd that one would shoot themselves in the head with a 50-caliber Desert Eagle right before blowing themselves up. It simply makes no sense.
I've seen some people saying, "maybe he did not want to burn to death so he shot himself first," but I believe that is silly. Any professional trying to carry out an actual attack would want to ensure their explosion went off without issue. They would not kill themselves before hand and take the chance of wasting the opportunity.
Also, the rifle he supposedly had in the vehicle had no iron sights nor any other optics, which basically makes it worthless for any type of engagement. Another red flag.
The second reason is because he was a highly experienced Special Forces soldier that would not have created such an abomination of an explosive device that was both silly and ineffective.
He was SF for long enough to have used a CARVER matrix and to understand basic explosives. If the intent was political, the intent was missed due to the second-rate explosive he supposedly used.
We are trained in Home Made Explosives (HMEs). He could have gotten everything he needed from a local hardware store to level the entire bottom floor of the Trump hotel. There is simply no way he thought the combustibles he had in the back of that bulletproof truck would have been enough to do any damage to anything.
The third reason is that his Signal safety number changed just before the explosion, and then somehow his photo and safety number changed AFTER the explosion.
Clearly this was manipulated by somebody other than him, as he was deceased and would not have been able to change anything. Find who changed his signal info and you find who shot him in the head.…
The fourth reason is that GBs that knew him are convinced that he could not have done this, nor would have had any reason to do so.
@angertab has also reported that he was approached by someone pretending to be a GB previously on his team, claiming that Matthew was suicidal so that it would be recorded if they reported it.
Again, find who this person is, and you likely find the culprit behind the entire thing.…
The fifth reason is that he was still Active Duty, had just had a 6 month old baby with his new wife, and had a literal multitude of jobs ahead of him when he retired.
Yes, I understand that sometimes people end their own lives for one reason or another and it does not make sense to us, but all of this coupled with the evidence we have so far makes me believe that he was, indeed, a patsy.
We need to see every single piece of evidence from this investigation and if anything is withheld, then it only further confirms my suspicions that this was a setup to frame one of our best soldiers with a heinous crime.
Also, on a side note, the 50 cal shot to his head ensured that his entire head was little more than splatter, destroying any hope of obtaining and matching dental records in the process.
Tell me how this smells…
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The Joint Special Operations Medical Training Center (JSOMTC) at Fort Bragg, NC is the premier medical training school for Special Operations that teaches elite combat trauma medicine and advanced prolonged field care.
The schoolhouse operates the Special Operations Combat Medic (SOCM) course and the Special Forces Medical Sergeant (SFMS) course, a thread 🧵:
Overview: What is SOCM and SFMS and why does it matter?
*** DISCLAIMER: If you are a former graduate or attendee of SOCM and SFMS, I would like to remind you that your NDA lasts forever, regardless of your operational status. The training that happens at this location truly is the best training in the entire world. Do not...I REPEAT...DO NOT add anything into this thread or make any comments that could compromise that training for our future combat medics. Roger? I've never hidden comments before, but if anyone posts anything that I deem could compromise this training, I will hide the comment and block you. Yes, it is that serious. ***
SOCM is the elite combat trauma and prolonged field care course for Special Operations Forces (SOF) medics including Civil Affairs, MISO, Rangers, 160th SOAR, MARSOC, US Army Special Forces, and soon to be SEALs and Air Force PJs once more (both SEALs and PJs attended SOCM before starting their own standalone courses, but everything is in the process of being moved back to JSOMTC as we speak).
SFMS, also called the long course, is the advanced trauma surgery, primary care, and prolonged field care course for 18D Green Beret medics.
SOCM would be considered the entry point level of SOF medic training, with SFMS being the graduate-level SOF medic training.
This thread will break down the training (to an extent, some of it is classified training under NDA, so don't think all of the secrets will be spilled) that these elite medics receive and how it positively affects the fighting force in each and every conflict.
Special Operations Combat Medic Course
SOCM is a 36 week (9 month) long course that teaches SOF medics how to treat multi-system trauma patients in austere or hostile environments so that they can provide top of the line care to their fellow service members.
SOCM is a very challenging course to pass and has an attrition rate of about 40 percent.
On July 13, 2024, at 6:11 PM, Thomas Matthew Crooks fired eight rounds at former President Donald Trump while he was on stage at a campaign rally in Butler, PA. He struck Trump once in the right ear, killed a supporter, and injured two others.
This incident was either the greatest security failure in US Secret Service history due to severe and systematic incompetence or a deliberate act by those in power who wanted Trump gone. I'll let you decide, a thread 🧵:
As previously stated, this is one of the biggest security lapses I've ever seen (I simply cannot stress this enough, it is truly mind boggling to me that this was allowed to happen). It seems so egregious, in fact, that it feels intentional rather than merely a product of incompetence. I will break down why I feel this way below, but I wanted to start with the video of the shooting to remind you how close Trump came to losing his life.
1) Official Timeline of Events for July 13th, 2024:
9:30 AM - Thomas Matthew Crooks purchases a ladder from a Home Depot store in Bethel Park.
10:00 AM - Crooks drives to the Butler Farm Show Grounds, the rally site, staying slightly longer than one hour.
11:10 AM - Crooks drives back to Bethel Park and purchases 50 rounds of ammunition from Allegheny Arms & Gun Works.
3:35 PM - Crooks arrives again at the rally site.
3:50 PM - Crooks flies a drone for 11 minutes, viewing the scene behind his eventual firing position.
4:26 PM - After a local law enforcement counter-sniper positioned in the AGR International warehouse ends his shift and spots Crooks while leaving, he notifies other counter-snipers in the warehouse that Crooks saw him leave the warehouse and may now know that law enforcement is positioned inside.
5:06 PM - Crooks is caught on video twice by citizens in the crowd outside of the secured perimeter.
5:10 PM - Crooks was first identified as a person of interest.
5:14 PM - Police officers photograph Crooks twice near the event's magnetometer weapon detectors, addressing him as a suspicious individual.
5:30 PM - Crooks was spotted with a rangefinder for the first time.
5:38 PM - Photographs are taken of Crooks using a rangefinder. The images were shared with Beaver County Emergency Services Unit members.
5:44 PM - Ed Lenz, the tactical commander of the Butler County mobile unit informs Pennsylvania State Police officer of Crooks and sends a photograph. The police officer is located in a trailer approximately 270 meters from the rally venue.
5:51 PM - The Pennsylvania State Police officer forwards the image of Crooks to his Secret Service counterparts in the trailer.
5:52 PM - Secret Service notifies its counter-sniper team and response agents of a suspicious person with a rangefinder (Conflicting reports later on from LEO claimed that Crooks was actually spotted on the roof at this time).
5:54 PM - Lenz reports to traffic-control officers that his unit has lost sight of Crooks.
6:02 PM - As Donald Trump prepares to walk onstage, a Beaver County sniper locates Crooks, who walks with a backpack into a dead end between the northernmost AGR buildings (This also doesn't actually fit into timeline because LEO said Crooks was spotted on the roof by Secret Service at 5:52 PM).
6:03 PM - Donal Trump moves to the podium.
6:05 PM - Donald Trump begins speaking.
6:06 PM - Crooks scales air-conditioning unit to access the roof of the AGR International complex while officers search for him on the ground.
6:08 PM - As Crooks walks across a series of interconnected roofs to reach the southernmost warehouse of the AGR International complex, a local law enforcement officer reports via radio, "Someone's on the roof". At least four Pennsylvania law enforcement officers begin an effort to reach Crooks.
6:09 PM - Several bystanders notice a person carrying a rifle on a distant roof and report their sightings to law enforcement officers.
6:10 PM - Hoisted by another officer, a Butler Township police officer attempts to climb onto the rooftop on which Crooks is located. Crooks aims his rifle at the officer, and the officer releases his grip, falling 8 feet (2.4 m) to the ground and severely injuring his ankle; the officer's bodycam records the event. The officer reports via radio that Crooks is armed with a "long gun". Lenz requests deployment of the Butler County quick response force, located near the AGR International complex.
6:11:33 PM - Crooks fires the first of eight shots into the rally venue. Trump pauses his speech midsentence as the shot is fired.
6:11:34 PM - Trump raises his hand to his right ear. Crooks fires two more shots.
6:11:35 PM - Trump drops down behind the lectern of his podium for cover as Secret Service agents start moving toward the podium to surround him.
6:11:37 PM - Crooks fires five more shots. An outbound shot is fired by either a member the SS counter-sniper team or Butler County's Emergency Services Unit, hitting Crooks's rifle stock, which fragments into debris that hits his face, neck, and right shoulder. Crooks stops firing and repositions himself.
6:11:49 PM - A member of the Secret Service counter-snipers reorients towards Crooks and fatally shoots him.
6:12:25 PM - Secret Service agents lift Trump, preparing to walk him offstage.
6:12:47 PM - Secret Service agents begin escorting Trump offstage while Trump raises his fist, pumps it at the crowd, and begins mouthing the words "Fight! Fight! Fight!"
6:14 PM - Trump is escorted to a vehicle and taken to the nearby Butler Memorial Hospital for examination.
6:40 PM - The BMH emergency room is cleared. Trump begins receiving treatment.
6:51 PM - The Trump campaign released a statement describing Trump as "fine" as he is medically examined.
8:42 PM - Trump posts a statement on Truth Social about the assassination attempt.
Let's discuss this timeline quickly as it reinforces my thoughts that this was more than mere incompetence.
First, Crooks was able to fly a drone around for 11 minutes hours before the rally started. I can't discuss exact Secret Service SOPs, but locking down the immediate airspace over a particular event space where an HVT will be speaking is absolutely one of them (then again, so is locking down all structures within a half-mile radius with direct line of sight...but that did not happen either).
Second, Crooks was a person of interest hours before Trump took the stage and was identified by not only Secret Service but also by local law enforcement. Yet somehow, he moved around the event with impunity and then crawled up onto a roof to take an elevated shooting position with a perfect line of sight to the podium.
Third, law enforcement officials told lawmakers that Crooks was actually spotted on the roof at 5:52 PM, a full twenty minutes before the shooting, yet did nothing to stop Trump from taking the stage nor did they investigate the situation any further.
Fourth, Crooks pointed his rifle at a police officer at 6:10, a full minute and a half before shots were fired, yet there was no Secret Service distress or movement, and no immediate rush to get Trump to safety.
Absolutely, positively, suspect. Now that you are thoroughly primed, let's dive even deeper...
U.S. Army Special Forces, aka Green Berets, are currently deployed in over 80 countries worldwide on a variety of missions including Unconventional Warfare, Foreign Internal Defense, Special Reconnaissance, Direct Action, Counterterrorism, Counter-proliferation of WMDs, Security Force Assistance, Information Operations, and Counterinsurgency. This is a thread breakdown of those missions 🧵:
Unconventional Warfare (UW) is the cornerstone mission of Special Forces (SF). UW encompasses a broad spectrum of military and paramilitary operations conducted in an enemy held, enemy controlled, or politically sensitive denied area.
UW involves organizing, training, equipping, and directing indigenous forces to conduct guerrilla warfare, subversion, sabotage, intelligence activities, and escape and evasion operations. SF teams, operating covertly or clandestinely, aim to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt, or overthrow a government or occupying power.
This complex mission requires SF operators to possess deep cultural understanding, language skills, and the ability to build rapport with local populations. UW operations can span months or even years, involving tasks such as establishing and operating clandestine support mechanisms, conducting psychological operations to influence target audiences, and linking indigenous forces with conventional forces.
The ultimate goal of UW is to exploit a hostile power's political, military, economic, and psychological vulnerabilities. This involves developing and sustaining resistance organizations and synchronizing their activities to further U.S. national objectives. Such missions demand exceptional adaptability, as SF teams often operate with minimal support in austere environments, balancing tactical requirements with strategic and political considerations.
Foreign Internal Defense (FID) includes SF soldiers providing training, advice, and assistance to a host nation's security forces. This training assists the host nation's efforts to protect its society from subversion, lawlessness, insurgency, terrorism, and other threats to its security.
SF teams conducting FID engage in a wide range of activities, from providing tactical and technical training to advising on strategy and operations at higher command levels. FID operations often go beyond purely military matters, encompassing Civil Affairs (CA), Psychological Operations (PSYOPS), and Intelligence Activities (IA) to address the root causes of instability.
This mission requires SF operators to work closely with host nation forces to improve capabilities in areas such as small unit tactics, weapons proficiency, logistics, medical care, and human rights observance. The mission requires SF teams to have language skills and the ability to build trust and rapport with host nation personnel.
FID operations can be conducted overtly or covertly, depending on political sensitivities, and may last for extended periods. The ultimate goal is to enable the host nation to maintain its own security and stability without external assistance, thereby preventing the need for direct U.S. military intervention.
This mission demands that SF operators balance immediate tactical needs with long-term strategic objectives, often operating in complex political environments where they must navigate relationships with various host nation institutions, U.S. government agencies, and international organizations.
We have been lied to about the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting event that claimed 60 lives and injured over 850 more, a thread 🧵:
Since the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, numerous discrepancies and inconsistencies have been identified by multiple researchers. The media and authorities have maintained that these claims lack substantial evidence, but this thread will show the evidence gathered by independent researchers that proves, without a shadow of a doubt, that Stephen Paddock was framed for this mass casualty event.
At the end of this thread, I will post links to any and all information used from outside sources for your own verification processes.
Before we start, I want to give a shout out to @xanderarena for his work on this case. He definitely did the heavy lifting and has thoroughly investigated this incident far better than anyone else has. I'd also like to shout out to @ClaytonMorris and @TheRedactedInc for producing the video breaking down this incident alongside Xander.
Great work gentlemen.
Let's jump in and break down the reasons why I think that almost everything that they told us was a lie.
Event Timeline According to LVMPD and FBI:
September 25, 2017: Stephen Paddock checks into the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.
September 29, 2017: Paddock moves into an additional suite, 32-134, connected to his initial room, both overlooking the festival grounds.
October 1, 2017:
- 9:40 p.m.: The Route 91 Harvest festival begins its closing act with country music star Jason Aldean taking the stage.
- 10:05 p.m.: Paddock begins firing into the crowd of approximately 22,000 attendees from his hotel suite. He uses multiple rifles, some equipped with bump stocks to increase their rate of fire.
- 10:06 p.m.: Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos is shot in the leg while investigating an open door on the 32nd floor. Despite his injury, Campos manages to alert hotel security about the shooter's location.
- 10:12 p.m.: Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) officers inside the hotel begin ascending to the 32nd floor.
- 10:15 p.m.: Paddock ceases firing. In total, he fires more than 1,000 rounds during the attack.
- 10:17 p.m.: The first LVMPD officers arrive on the 32nd floor and, with Campos' assistance, identify Paddock's room.
- 10:24 p.m.: Additional officers arrive on the 32nd floor and begin clearing nearby rooms to ensure guest safety.
- 10:55 p.m.: A specialized SWAT team arrives and prepares to breach Paddock's suite.
- 11:20 p.m.: SWAT officers breach the suite and find Paddock deceased from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
We will break down some of the inconsistencies with this timeline in the thread, but as you can gather, something does not add up. For instance, police did not even breach the hotel room until a full hour and fifteen minutes after the shooting began. Why did it take them so long?
Now, let's go through step by step my reasons why I think Stephen Paddock was setup for this mass casualty attack.
Trump's new Executive Order declaring certain cartels and criminal organizations as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) is absolutely necessary but also poses numerous complex and formidable challenges for the U.S. military, diplomatic, Federal Law Enforcement and intelligence communities, a thread 🧵:
The best way to tackle this problem is to treat it as any planning cell would and go through a full Mission Analysis. I will finish the thread with a breakdown of everything contained in the Mission Analysis, but I will forego COA Development as I do believe some information should be left off of open source.
Before we start, I would like to reaffirm that everything in this thread is Open-Source information that I was able to gather from the internet. I truly want to iterate how complex this fight will actually be by looking critically at what planning will look like for this type of mission, but you must understand that this information was already out there for anyone to access.
This thread is obviously a very condensed, limited view of what planning would look like for this mission and does not include any actual intelligence or information that would be available to an active planning cell in an ISOFAC.
Let's begin.
Higher Headquarters' Plan and Intent
The mission to combat Mexican drug cartels stems from the highest levels of government, with President-elect Trump stating his intent to attack the cartels. The overarching purpose is to weaken the operational effectiveness of Mexican drug cartels and reduce the flow of illegal drugs and human trafficking into the U.S., addressing a critical national security issue.
Key objectives of this order include neutralizing cartel leadership, disrupting supply chains, and undermining the cartels' capacity to traffic both drugs and humans on an international level.
Almost no one is reporting that the pilot of the Black Hawk, identified as Chief Warrant Officer 2 (CW2) Jo Ellis, was a transgender woman with many anti Trump posts. He transitioned at some point while serving as a pilot. Yes, they allowed a person with a severe mental disorder to have control of the most used aircraft platform in the Army. This is Biden's military...
I will also post a video from another angle showing how long the Black Hawk had to divert or change course from the incoming passenger jet directly under this.
Was this another instance of transgender terrorism? #transterrorism
Here is another video of the crash and you can see the direct path and the 30 full seconds of awareness the Black Hawk would have had to see this incoming passenger jet.