As requested of my previous tweet about this birth plan, here’s a line-by-line commentary.
I’m all for parents participating actively in the care of their newborns, but it’s dangerous to make a blanket statement to refuse everything.
#MedTwitter #PedsTwitter
“No antibiotics for baby.”
I agree with this for most babies. Healthy babies do not need antibiotics. But if they have a bacterial infection or sepsis, this can be lifesaving. 💊
“No IV fluids/antibiotics” (I’m assuming for mom)
If the mother has a bacteria called GBS 🦠, I'd absolutely recommend antibiotics to prevent transmission to the baby and neonatal infection/death. Otherwise, for fluids and other reasons for antibiotics, I’ll defer to OB.
A common question I get asked is “How can I stay up to date with the medical literature?” 📗📚
Here are 5 tips that have helped me over the years.
#TipsforNewDocs #MedTwitter
First, how do you currently keep up?
Next, a disclaimer: Residents are NOT expected to do this. Your schedules are crazy and your sleep scarce. You should also be getting education through your residency (e.g. conferences). 🎓
But for those with the inclination/bandwidth for medical literature, read on…
This is a nevus simplex (aka salmon patch/stork bite/angel kiss). 👼🏻💋
They can worsen with crying and go away with time. They're usually on the forehead/eyelids and have feathery borders (vs. a port-wine stain). They're actually not nevi (moles) but capillary dilations.