wym201 says Palestine will be free Profile picture
Jan 5 26 tweets 3 min read Read on X
1. AHA business meeting called to order...will report the parts relevant to the resolution
2. Grossman talking about AHA's advocacy efforts on 'truth' in history...'absolutely essential' to history education at all levels, he states 🤔
3. "We are not a political organization," he says.
4. AHA parliamentarian going thru procedures of this 'orderly debate.' no amendments to the member resolution permitted tonight. 5 members from each side, 2 min each. voting by paper ballot.
5. audience member points out that the executive director has already spoken against the resolution thru his report. parliamentarian rejects this notion. says that he was simply 'giving his report'
6. M Power, sponsor of the resolution, co-chair of HPAD, gives a short statement. Notes that it is a moral imperative that it passes. "Code of civility" is emphasized. Not appropriate to attack those who disagree, she says. Says that we should not record the statements 😐
7. First speaker in favor, Prof. S Sheikaly begins. Lists all of the educational institutions destroyed by Israel since Oct. 2023, scholars targeted. Nearly every library, archive, and cultural institution destroyed. Centuries of endowments gone.
8. "History is screaming to the present. the AHA has been deafeningly silent." It's time to end the complicity now. Ends to standing ovation 🔥🔥🔥
9. First speaker against, R Horowitz says that he cannot support a resolution that does not acknowledge that 'the war began on Oct. 7," the hostages. Sorry. was finding the fire emoji for Prof. Seikaly and missed it
10. Lottery speaker in support next. sorry. too slow again. will catch up
11. Second speaker in opposition, J. Herf. "the core problem of this resolution is that it has no discussion of Hamas...the reactionary nature of its ideology..." Basically accusing Hamas of using human shields. Calls the resolution "bad history," to jeers.
12. Third speaker in support, Prof. R. Segal. Affirms that Israel has conducted a well-documented scholasticide in Gaza as part of genocide. Thoroughly documented, as "Israel is proud of it," as captured and shared on social media. Addresses accusations of anti-semitism, rejects
13. this, and calls it weaponization, and calls on audience to reject the 'upside-down world' that Israel seeks to create. This is "not a war," and it did not begin on Oct. 7th. To standing ovation.
14. Third speaker in opposition, S. Marchand, incoming president of AHA. Says that this "sweeping resolution" will "recklessly divide us" and will destroy the scholarly legitimacy of the AHA. It will cause irreparable harm to AHA as an advocacy organization. Says "the AHA should
15. not have a foreign policy arm." And that the Gazans have not asked for our help. or something like that.
16. Next speaker in support, Prof. Von Gosse, responds directly to the previous speaker's point, and notes that AHA has made "political declarations" many times in the past. References elder scholars' warnings of the danger of anticipatory obedience - we have responsibility to
17. stand up for scholars and educators around the world who are targeted for attack. To standing ovation.
18. Speaker in opposition, Prof. S. Heschel, asks "will this resolution end this war?" Where is the strategy for ending the war, she asks. People with power to destroy us ("MAGA") will come after us, she insists. Urges AHA to 'protect the academy" and work for 'peace.'
10. Final speaker in support, Prof. B. Weinstein. Not first time to speak in support of a resolution to protect Palestinians from Israel's violence. These failed. But says there could not possibly be a more urgent time for schools, universities, libraries, students in Palestine.
20. (oops) Notes that the AHA has taken political positions in the past and only led to a more energized membership. Standing ovation.
21. Final speaker in opposition, Prof. N. Petrzela. Outraged by the "ongoing human cost of the war," but again, Hamas, hostages, use of 'civilian sites for military operations.' Says that resolution will hurt the AHA, the historical profession, and society. Calls the genocide
22. the "Israel-Hamas war." Inappropriate and impolitic to pass a one-sided resolution that only criticizes Israel. Well over time.
23. voting begins. see you later
24. resolution passes overwhelmingly
428-88 and 4 abstentions
next steps: goes to council. a. council can accept as stands; b. council can put it to e-vote to full membership; c. council can veto the vote and will have to explain. Council meets tomorrow

• • •

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wym201 says Palestine will be free Profile picture

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Apr 20, 2024
Dr. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian's family and colleagues would like it shared widely that while detained, Israeli police subjected her to torture and interrogated her. They spent an hour asking about an article she wrote in 2020. They shackled her feet and hands, put her in
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every piece of new scholarship she was working on, and books from her home. They also questioned her about her academic colleagues. They ask that we remain vigilant even though a judge ordered her release. Her own university facilitating the arrest through their own repression
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Dec 4, 2022
Multiple Academic Senates sent out notices extending grade submission deadlines last week that began by warning Senate faculty of all of the confusing memos, letters, FAQs, etc., that are floating around regarding the strike. 1/10
The insinuation is that these are partisan, and that the Senate is neutral body and doesn't take a position on the strike, and that they exist to protect all faculty interests. 2/10
Folx have already critiqued these statements for failing to mention our HEERA-protections to not volunteer to take up struck work AND to honor the picket line fully as part of faculty interests. 3/10
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