wym201 says Palestine will be free Profile picture
it takes a multiplicity of struggles (views my own)
Jan 5 26 tweets 3 min read
1. AHA business meeting called to order...will report the parts relevant to the resolution 2. Grossman talking about AHA's advocacy efforts on 'truth' in history...'absolutely essential' to history education at all levels, he states 🤔
Apr 20, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Dr. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian's family and colleagues would like it shared widely that while detained, Israeli police subjected her to torture and interrogated her. They spent an hour asking about an article she wrote in 2020. They shackled her feet and hands, put her in solitary - a urine and cockroach-infested space - and gave her blankets with vomit on them. They kept the light on all night long and kept her room freezing. Her ear started bleeding from high blood pressure and they denied her medication. They confiscated her computer, phone,
Dec 4, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Multiple Academic Senates sent out notices extending grade submission deadlines last week that began by warning Senate faculty of all of the confusing memos, letters, FAQs, etc., that are floating around regarding the strike. 1/10 The insinuation is that these are partisan, and that the Senate is neutral body and doesn't take a position on the strike, and that they exist to protect all faculty interests. 2/10