1/12 Neither of these people are traitors. NEITHER of these people tried to overthrow the government because they were too much of a BABY to admit Americans were TIRED of his fucking INCOMPETENCE. Donald Trump has been the WORST, TREASONOUS TRAITOR this country has EVER known. He
2/12 walks around like a Mafia Kingpin, committing crime after crime after crime. NO ONE is holding him accountable for these crimes. The party of "law and order" (what a FUCKING JOKE) has a man in charge who is going to release the CRIMINALS who attacked police officers on Jan
3/12 6th, 2021. People who put out the eyes of Capitol Police Officers, tased them, beat them with metal pipes, baseball bats, and flagpoles with our OWN flag attached to it. People who smeared their shit on the walls of our Capitol and damaged property. A man who didn't CARE if
4/12 people came into the Capitol area with guns because "they weren't coming to harm me". A man who gave a response of "So what?" when told his OWN VP was in danger and that people wanted to hang him. THIS fucking COWARD allowed police officers to be beaten and attacked for over
5/12 THREE HOURS, watching it all on a TV in the WH dining room, gleeful, as if he ENJOYED watching the carnage, as advisors and family members begged and pleaded for him to call off his mob that HE riled up and angered before sending them to the Capitol to stop the certification
6/12 of the man who Americans CHOSE over him. Because Donald Trump was too much of a POS to help those police officers OR his OWN VP, who also had his wife and kids with him, because the VP would not break the law for him. Joe Biden is TEN TIMES the President Donald Trump will
7/12 EVER be, PERIOD. Hilary Clinton was NOT AT FAULT for the Benghazi attack, and it was PROVEN by an investigation the Republicans spent MILLIONS OF DOLLARS on. The final report came with NO CONVICTIONS for ANYONE...it was a terrorist attack, JUST LIKE 9/11. Joe Biden was
8/12 SCREWED from the start on the Afghanistan withdrawal that TRUMP had set up, dealing directly with the Taliban, WITHOUT including the Afghan government, and had 5,000 Taliban fighters released from prison against the wishes of the Afghani's. One of these prisoners became the
9/12 leader of ISIS-K, the terrorist group that was responsible for the bombing that killed 13 American soldiers. Had Trump kept his STUPID ASS out of the withdrawal plans, that terrorist leader would have STILL been in prison!! DONALD TRUMP is responsible for the deaths of those
10/12 13 servicemembers, NOT Joe Biden! Trump as well, against the advice of Army Generals, took out all but 2500 troops for the HUGE withdrawal task placed upon Joe Biden. Trump fucking SET HIM UP, PERIOD! And let's not forget the Syrian withdrawal Trump ordered, AGAIN against
11/12 the advice of our Generals, in which HE also left equipment behind! Not to mention our support for the Kurdish fighters who had been helping us with ISIS. He just LEFT THEM there to be slaughtered by Turkish soldiers. So, I don't know where YOU get off saying EITHER of
12/12 these deserving people are traitors when YOU support a REAL traitor SO MUCH WORSE! NOW we have ANOTHER first...a "president" (what a JOKE) who is a FELON with 34 felonies under his belt. And YOU support this piece of SHIT! UNBELIEVABLE.
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@hakeemjeffries @SenSchumer 1/12 GARGANTUANLY uneducated and DON'T forget STUPID. You HAVE to be an idiot to elect this evil POS BACK into our WH. Massively IGNORANT! Almost ALL of Joe Bidens efforts to make Americans lives easier will become available within 1-2 years, and WHO
2/12 will get credit for his FANTASTIC work that MILLIONS of Americans were so UNGRATEFUL for? Like President Obama, TRUMP will take credit! And people will be walking around "See! When Trump came back things got better"! MILLIONS of fricking IDIOTS that pay NO ATTENTION to WHO
3/12 makes things better for them. Trump gave us NO manufacturing, NO medical insurance, NO better economy than the one Obama left to him, JUST LIKE Biden is handing to him. Well, I KNOW who gave us these things, and I will REMIND these idiots from time to time WHO they need to
@RepMikeCollins 1/9 YOU are a REAL POS! Trying to change history by kissing Trumps ASS and out here spewing your tiresome LIES and blatant falsehoods! There was not a DAMN thing peaceful about this day. BILLIONS around the Globe seen what I and MILLIONS of other Americans saw...
2/9 an ARMED INSURRECTION, with people riled up and enraged because of the LIES spewed out of Trump's DISGUSTING mouth and sent to the Capitol to try and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power. We saw the police officers beaten, tased, hit with Iron pipes, assaulted with bear
3/9 spray, chemical bombs, baseball bats, and EVEN the poles upon which our flag was attached! Over 140 Police Officers were injured that day, some lost their eyes...FIVE Police Officers died due to the violence they experienced that day. FIVE. I find it NAUSEATINGLY DISGUSTING
1/15 We are a Democracy, last time I checked. We had some pretty intelligent founders, who, after just obtaining our independence from British rule, sat down and initiated rules, regulations, and guidelines for the rule of our country. They wanted to ensure each section of our
2/15 government had certain rules and restrictions, and no one entity was allowed to rule without checks and balances in place...YES even the Executive Branch, the President. They had just gotten out from under the oppressive rule of England; they wanted to ensure we did NOT end
3/15 up being governed by the same oppressive government. They also DREADED that a power-hungry individual might be elected, who would try and do as he pleased, which is WHY Congress was given the job of keeping this from happening. They are FAILING their responsibility...
@RepJamesComer 1/5 What a frickin HYPOCRITE you are! You talk about the 9/11 committee lying in their investigation and setting people up, which DIDN'T HAPPEN hence you have NO PROOF to back up your ridiculous claim but yet YOU LIED repeatedly; REPEATEDLY about Joe Biden and ALSO
2/5 tried to set HIM up using his son Hunter. But YOUR "witnesses" all turned out to be Soviet operatives and others who said they had proof but then you found out they had NO PROOF. SO, JIMMY, you going to send YOURSELF to jail?? Because you WEAPONIZED YOUR damn committee to
3/5 interfere in CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS, something you had NO business doing or had ANY authorization or power to do. You are a DAMN LIAR and a hypocrite and are FAR worse than ANY MEMBER of the 9/11 committee. You all hate it that they aired all your people's dirty laundry and
@SenRickScott 1/9 I have NO idea HOW in the world you ended up on the Armed Services committee. You are an idiot, and a dangerous idiot at that. For you to sit there with a straight face in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper and say Peter Hegseth is the "right pick" for leading
2/9 the Pentagon, just shows how STUPID you are and also shows how far you will go to kiss Trump's orange ass. You also said "He’s led a team & held people accountable. Pete understands what it takes to clean up the Pentagon & he is the right pick to lead the DoD". NO Rick, he
3/9 is NOT the right fucking pick to lead the Pentagon! I was in the military FOR 25 years and I also led people and held them accountable. That DOESN'T fucking mean I can lead the Pentagon! This BOOZER and womanizing disgrace will be leading the men and women of the U.S.
1/13 It just shows how a ruthless, corrupt, power-hungry individual can make people see something that isn't there. The FBI and DOJ are great when they investigate OTHER criminals, but when they investigate TRUMP, FAR worse a criminal than Hilary was, they are corrupt. And people
2/13 believed him, even though Trump HAD committed crimes ranging from election interference to Classified Document theft, to tax fraud on the state of New York. And people went after the FBI and DOJ for DOING THEIR JOBS! In 2018 when Trump put his tariffs into effect on China,
3/13 his words were "It's not gonna be a cost to you, it's gonna be a cost to them". He was flat out LYING. Trump is an idiot who has NO CONCEPT of what a tariff is. The country initiating the tariff is the country that PAYS the extra cost..it ISN'T the country the tariff is