James Steele Profile picture
I am a Retired Disabled American Veteran, US Army. We will NOT heal until Trump is in prison, where he cannot spread his poison...#BlackLivesMatter..VACCINATED
3 subscribers
Mar 24 9 tweets 2 min read
1/8 I can think of MANY things this so called "president" has brought to the DOJ and the FBI, and INTEGRITY is NOT one of them. There is NO integrity in EITHER the DOJ OR FBI offices, for they have been HIJACKED by this "president" as his personal retribution brigade, going after 2/8 those that held him accountable for his myriad of CRIMES, and his lap dogs he installed as Leaders are NOTHING MORE than Trump sycophants, ready, willing, and EXCITED to do his dirty work or WHATEVER the wannabe dictator asks them to do. Restoring law and order has to be the
Mar 24 16 tweets 3 min read
@AGPamBondi 1/15 Just a little fact check for you, PAM. The Judges are NOT losing. They have even received support from the Chief Justice of the SCOTUS, who has REBUKED Trump for his, and YOUR, disgusting treatment of our Judges. YOU should be ashamed of yourself because YOU know 2/15 better, but you have been clamoring all over everyone to ensure you have the most ass kissing lip marks on his ass. And Trump received 49.8% of the vote, that is NOT an "overwhelming majority" as you claim. He only beat Kamala Harris by 1.6% points, NOT a damn landslide
Mar 23 18 tweets 4 min read
1/17 You are a fucking HYPOCRITE, going after Democrats when what you describe is EXACTLY what your Grand PooBah does. Apparently, you know NOTHING about Trump's history. He sues RELENTLESSLY, especially when he owes people money, constantly filing lawsuits and spending YEARS in 2/17 courts. So, your statement is utter BULLSHIT. And as far as the Judge you are describing, HE is still following the law. Donald Trump is DESPISED by a majority of the population because of what he is doing to people, ESPECIALLY Veterans, who after finishing their commitment
Mar 20 13 tweets 3 min read
1/12 When I seen this on Fox, I almost LOST it. THIS is what this jackass does, as WELL AS Republican Governors and politicians who voted AGAINST the Infrastructure Plan President Biden signed into law DESPITE these Republicans blocking the bill. They NOW take credit for their Image 2/12 infrastructure projects getting completed! THEY didn't do SHIT; it was President BIDEN'S work that enabled them to get things repaired and built. Trump DID NOT help build the Susquehanna Bridge River Project! He is NOT helping with our infrastructure; he is taking CREDIT for
Mar 2 14 tweets 3 min read
@highbrow_nobrow @LindseyGrahamSC 1/13 What we have here is a SLIMY FUCKING WEASEL...an ASS KISSER who has to constantly go to the men's room and wipe the orange stain off his lips due to his ass kissing Trump all damn day. This little POS not TWO WEEKS ago was singing the praises of President 2/13 Zelenskyy, telling him "Man, are we ever happy you are our ally, shooting up the bad guys for us so we don't have to. You're a GREAT ally"...THEN, after witnessing the DISGUSTING ambush of a foreign Leader by TWO ASSHOLES who hate our ally yet cozy up to the brutal dictator
Mar 1 7 tweets 2 min read
@brianglenntv 1/6 Hey DUMBASS...you are ANOTHER example of the DESPICABLE P'sOS hired by the wannabe Führer. Zelenskyy was attacked in the most BRUTAL WAY, and YOU have the FUCKING audacity to ask Zelenskyy why he doesn't wear a suit. Have you asked ELON MUSK, who ALSO doesn't 2/5 wear a suit when attending the Oval Office cabinet meetings but has his child there at the WH as well? NO, you haven't said SHIT to Musk! I wonder why?? Could it all be part of the PLANNED AMBUSH TWO ASSHOLES cooked up and used to attack Zelenskyy with? And YOU, of course,
Mar 1 13 tweets 3 min read
@LindseyGrahamSC 1/12 You fucking make me SICK to my stomach! Not TWO WEEKS ago YOU told Zelenskyy you were proud of him, that he is battling the bad guys so that "we don't have to" and even shook his hand. Zelenskyy showed up today and thanked ALL you Senators, DID HE NOT Image 2/12 LINDSEY! `He has lost HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of his own people and traveled all the way over here for help. What he received was a DISGUSTING, COWARDLY and SHAMEFUL display of DONALD TRUMP and his retarded mini me, and it is Trump, the STUPID IDIOT, that is going to get
Feb 24 8 tweets 2 min read
1/7 VERY few immigrants commit crimes, but when one does you sensationalize it. So far, just over 25% of the people you have arrested have criminal records, so that shoots your "criminal illegals" all to hell. VERY few immigrants are guilty of murder, so CUT THE SHIT! For those 2/7 of us smart enough to see RIGHT THROUGH your BLATANT lies, we see you are fitting RIGHT IN...as the Democrats in the confirmation hearings told us. Trump has your lip marks on his ass now as well. The Attorney General is the PEOPLE's Attorney, NOT the "president's". But you
Feb 14 12 tweets 3 min read
1/11 It is SO tragic that Trump has managed to bullshit SO MANY people, that they can be identified by the Trumpian Brain Fog they walk in. You are DEFINITELY a victim of this, and your interview with Ari Melber shows you are an IDIOT, and an UNEDUCATED one at that. Trump did NOT 2/11 add jobs, he LOST jobs. He left with FEWER JOBS for the American people than when he ENTERED office, SO I am calling BULLSHIT. A woman has already DIED due to Trump and Musks FUCKING around with shit they know NOTHING about! The oxygen that USAID
Feb 6 13 tweets 3 min read
1/12 THIS is why the Senate is NOT a "co-equal branch of government", nor is it "co-equal Democracy", like it SHOULD be. Here we have THIS ASSHAT saying that all the evidence against Trump is fake, that Trump is an innocent man, that he is being picked on...BULLSHIT, TOMMY. It 2/12 is DISGUSTING how you have fell in line like a tin soldier, who will jump high or kiss Trumps boots if he asked you to. What we are now witnessing is a "president" who is hell bent on staying in power and using the DOJ to go after his enemies...you know, those people doing
Feb 6 17 tweets 4 min read
1/16 I just watched Trump speaking, STILL lying about his "ASSASSINATION" attempt. The FBI determined that his ear was NOT HIT by a bullet, but by FLYING GLASS from a teleprompter that had hit the stage and exploding glass went everywhere, one piece of which nicked his ear. THAT 2/16 is what happened, and I STILL don't believe that was a REAL "assassination" attempt. The shooter was from a long-distance shooting club. And he misses a HUGE target like Donald the blimp at 150 YARDS??? Yea, SURE!! Even I CAN'T miss at 150 yards! And THEN this POS talks
Feb 4 21 tweets 4 min read
1/20 YES, it IS an agency. The USAID is the principal U.S. agency that gives assistance to countries that are recovering from disasters, engaging in democratic reforms, and trying to escape poverty. The Secretary of State established the USAID, which was directed by Executive 2/20 Order 10973, signed on November 3, 1961. The agency's purpose was to administer elements of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. As well the ICA, which is a law that grew out of decisions made by then President Nixon to withhold, or impound, water control funds as well as
Feb 4 8 tweets 2 min read
1/7 And yet he has the "president" in his back pocket. He has access to the Federal Treasury, and access to sensitive information on EVERY federal employee...social security numbers, addresses, etc. 2 weeks before the election F-Elon Musk sent up a rocket that exploded raining 2/7 shrapnel and rocket parts all over the place. The FAA had to shut down the airport and re-route airliners due to Musk's LACK of safety protocols, to which he was fined $633,000 for lack of safety guidelines. Instead of the 240-BILLION-dollar F-Elon Musk paying this MEASLY
Jan 28 11 tweets 3 min read
1/10 If you believe that you are an idiot. President Biden did MORE in his first TWO YEARS in office than ANY OTHER President since FDR, over NINETY YEARS ago. I don't call that failure; I call that AMAZING. If you can't see what DESTRUCTION Trump is already starting, you need 2/10 bifocals. The ONLY thing that has been exposed is how many IDIOTS we have in this country, who put a KNOWN CRIMINAL BACK in the WH, as if what he did the FIRST time wasn't enough. He is already bypassing the Senate, who are SUPPOSED to be keeping Trump in check, but since
Jan 16 22 tweets 4 min read
1/20 Donald Trump is PURPOSELY picking people that will break the law for him, go against the constitution and who will shut down law enforcement entities like the FBI and DOJ...WHY? So that he can consolidate power making HIM a dictator, grabbing power by force. And guess WHAT? Image 2/20 For those of you DUMB ENOUGH to believe Trump is going to make your life better, you are in for a HUGE letdown. NONE of his bills he wants passed deal with lowering grocery prices, lowering prices on homes to make home ownership more attainable for the American people, or a
Jan 15 8 tweets 2 min read
@PamBondi @LindseyGrahamSC @seanhannity 1/7 NUMBER ONE Lindsey Graham...when you say Pam Bondi is "ethical" that remains to be seen. She is one of the idiots who are STILL clinging onto the 2020 election fraud garbage, even though SIXTY-ONE District Court Judges threw lawsuits 2/7 OUT due to NO proof! Notice now that Trump "won" (with the help from Musk's Star Link satellite, which exploded RIGHT after the election results were announced) fraud is non-existent. Because YOU decided to trade in your morals and ethics when you sold your soul to the devil.
Jan 14 10 tweets 2 min read
1/9 At a time when people are suffering and DYING, losing their ENTIRE livelihoods, instead of offering help and condolences, people like YOU and Trump use politics, the race card and FALSE information to FURTHER divide and anger our country. Your statement is FALSE. DEI had 2/9 NOTHING to do with this tragedy, PERIOD. NO water was denied to ANY area so that people of DEI could have their homes saved at the expense of other homes. It is a SICKENING statement that will just anger people who might resort to violence because dark skinned people are
Jan 12 14 tweets 3 min read
1/13 OUR CURRENT President knows EXACTLY where he is at. Do YOU have any idea HOW MANY times Trump's aids had to tell HIM which state he was in? I know of at least FIVE instances where someone had to whisper in his ear where the fucking idiot was...but the media doesn't catch 2/13 those! Our VP doesn't drink on the job and would have been a MUCH better President than the one who is playing "The White House Apprentice", putting WHOLLY UNQUALIFIED people in Cabinet positions. Kash Patel, who should be NO WHERE near the FBI, vowing to close it down. When
Jan 11 13 tweets 3 min read
@hakeemjeffries @SenSchumer 1/12 GARGANTUANLY uneducated and DON'T forget STUPID. You HAVE to be an idiot to elect this evil POS BACK into our WH. Massively IGNORANT! Almost ALL of Joe Bidens efforts to make Americans lives easier will become available within 1-2 years, and WHO 2/12 will get credit for his FANTASTIC work that MILLIONS of Americans were so UNGRATEFUL for? Like President Obama, TRUMP will take credit! And people will be walking around "See! When Trump came back things got better"! MILLIONS of fricking IDIOTS that pay NO ATTENTION to WHO
Jan 11 13 tweets 3 min read
1/12 Neither of these people are traitors. NEITHER of these people tried to overthrow the government because they were too much of a BABY to admit Americans were TIRED of his fucking INCOMPETENCE. Donald Trump has been the WORST, TREASONOUS TRAITOR this country has EVER known. He 2/12 walks around like a Mafia Kingpin, committing crime after crime after crime. NO ONE is holding him accountable for these crimes. The party of "law and order" (what a FUCKING JOKE) has a man in charge who is going to release the CRIMINALS who attacked police officers on Jan
Jan 7 10 tweets 2 min read
@RepMikeCollins 1/9 YOU are a REAL POS! Trying to change history by kissing Trumps ASS and out here spewing your tiresome LIES and blatant falsehoods! There was not a DAMN thing peaceful about this day. BILLIONS around the Globe seen what I and MILLIONS of other Americans saw... 2/9 an ARMED INSURRECTION, with people riled up and enraged because of the LIES spewed out of Trump's DISGUSTING mouth and sent to the Capitol to try and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power. We saw the police officers beaten, tased, hit with Iron pipes, assaulted with bear