In light of the recent high-profile resignations from two #AmericanCommunistParty Politburo members, I’d like to offer my own thorough critique of the ACP. I’ve kept these reflections privately on the back burner since I resigned, but now is the time to share them.
Today, I will reflect on my time as the North Carolina Chapter Executive of the American Communist Party (ACP). I joined the ACP shortly after its launch in the summer of 2024, and I resigned in December. I am compelled to write this statement for several reasons: 1) The ACP is a rapidly self-cannibalizing organization that, under the present corrupt leadership, will waste the time, energy, and motivation of all its members. 2) The ACP is toxic to the development of the American working masses. 3) My association with the ACP is known online, and I have faced continual harassment from affiliates ever since I left the group, in part because few seem to understand why I left and the countless hours I spent trying to improve the organization to no avail.
➡️ On the So-Called “American Communist Party”
The “American Communist Party” is a triple misnomer: the group is neither American, nor Communist, nor a Party. The ACP is a cult of personality, with the top ranks filled by narcissists, cowards, and self-interested grifters, shrouded in a veil of legitimacy by the rank-and-file membership and their well intentioned but woefully unskilled and disconnected work. Most ACP members are completely ignorant to the dynamics of leadership. As Hero of the Party and a once-powerful Chapter Executive, I was relatively well acquainted with the true inner workings of the Party. Let me help illuminate the truth.
The Executive leadership of the ACP purports to uphold the American proletarian mass line, but we have no American proletarian mass movement, and the ACP has no plan or ability to build one, so what line are they really upholding? Their own. The cult of personality surrounding Haz al-Din relies on people believing he has some unique access to communist knowledge and truth, despite Haz doing zero work on the ground and living completely isolated from the American people. Clearly, such a perspective is both predatory and fundamentally anti-communist.
In Haz’s geopolitical postmodernist theory, with threads of Trotskyism if Trotsky had been a total failure, the social media war is paramount. Why? Because social media is the only way Haz and his ilk have relevance or authority, and because social media is one of the main ways the ACP Executive Board gets paid. It is also through social media that Haz is irrevocably bound to Jackson Hinkle, who has a much broader and artificially boosted reach. Haz has previously stated that Jackson and himself are one and the same, and this is why: Haz needs Jackson.
Thus, the controversial personae of our Executive Board members and their relationships to other public figures are in fact integral to the Party itself. Certain prominent ACP personalities are frequently and intentionally marred in immature debates, inflammatory statements, and highly questionable endorsements. In typical narcissist fashion, both Haz and Jackson fashion themselves as petty Henry Kissingers: masters of realpolitik — a political approach that is, inherently and specifically, anti-communist, as it is the American capitalist alternative to dialectics. They believe they can uniquely connect all the strings of the world through their personal, suspiciously high profile connections, and thus they can successfully foment a world proletarian revolution. This is, of course, preposterous. The rest of the Executive Board is inclined to promote the public misdeeds of Jackson because it makes them more money, feeds their fragile egos, and reinforces their misogynistic worldview.
Outside of social media, the American Communist Party's greatest strength lies in its international relations. The Executive Board's and Politburo's extensive international contacts, along with the unusually impressive work of Christopher Helali, the nefarious and unsavory contacts of Jackson Hinkle, and the professional network of the well respected Danny Shaw, have rapidly carved a place for ACP’s rhetoric in the international political arena. These external relationships are carefully cultivated and prioritized by the Executive Board.
Where are Americans in this? Where is the concern for the advancement of the working class? Where is the elevation of proletarian consciousness? The top two priorities of the Executive Board are 1) the leadership’s social media petty fiefdom, and 2) cultivating international contacts of widely varying quality, integrity, and relevance. Domestic concerns are wholly relegated to the inept but typically well meaning rank-and-file and their overworked, under-resourced Chapter Executives. The “patriotism” of the ACP, so maligned by Leftists, is, in truth, just an aesthetic veneer. I had to fight for the ACP to even acknowledge and release a statement on the horribly devastating Hurricane Helene, and even when I convinced the Executive Board, I had to write the statement entirely by myself! Furthermore, my criticism of the blatant statistical errors in the Party’s public Veterans Day statement were ignored. Why? The Executive Board cared more about tweet views than accuracy.
➡️ On the Internal Dysfunction of the ACP
Let’s be clear: there is a wide gulf between the Executive Board and everyone else in the Party. The EB operates as a clique with its own interests, removed from the members and the activities of the chapters. The ACP Executive Board appoints its own advisory Politburo and has no Central Committee nor any system of accountability for its leadership. The entire Executive Board and Politburo are unelected, and this will not change for the next one to two years, as per the ACP Constitution. Next in the hierarchy are the Chapter Executives, elected by the rank-and-file of their state chapters. However, there is a total schism between these lower tiers of ACP (Chapter Executives and rank-and-file) and the upper tiers (Executive Board and Politburo). The only communication between the two is top-down, usually in the form of random, urgent orders.
As I've alluded to, the work of the chapters is completely decentralized and varies widely in quantity and quality. This system, which once gave me much hope for my ability to succeed and materialize change as a Communist in my community, allowed me to accomplish a great deal very quickly as the Chapter Executive for my state. However, the system also left us all with detrimentally little guidance and oversight.
Generally, the EB took exceedingly little interest in the work of its members unless and until it caught the EB’s attention on social media. If the attention was negative, the punishment was swift and severe. If the attention was positive, you could be exalted to the most unusual heights. This is how I was awarded Hero of the American Communist Party so quickly despite my history of disagreement with members of the EB. I simply made the Party look really good in public. As Hero of the Party and one of the most successful Chapter Executives, was I ever asked to educate other members on the lessons we learned along the way so that others may replicate our success? Of course not.
➡️ On Chapter Enterprises
I’ll reflect for a moment on the painfully misguided and understudied failure of one of the Party’s least realistic ideas: chapter enterprises. These small businesses were intended to fund the Party and integrate the ACP into our communities. However, how on earth could a bunch of young, 20-something-year-old men, with little to no job experience or financial or business knowledge, somehow launch successful businesses across the country with no support at all whatsoever from the Party? They can’t, and they haven’t. Chapter businesses are dead in the water.
Starting small businesses as Party members is merely a further abstraction from the masses. Lenin said to go to the masses, not isolate ourselves in our own petty businesses, hoping to one day have a large enough business to organize the proletariat. The idea is absurd, and the execution nonexistent. I do, however, understand the need to have independent funding for communist organizing. To that end, why did ACP leadership never establish or promote a way to donate to the ACP? To help fund the activities of the chapters instead of relying on members to pay out of pocket for everything?
The Executive leadership was too incompetent and too preoccupied with their own personal streams of income as online content creators to establish legitimate means of funding the Party. As head of the Hurricane Helene relief efforts, I was told by Haz himself that he and the Party weren’t exactly pleased that we had raised and mobilized so much money to serve the hard-hit communities of North Carolina, because the money that came in from our members could have gone to funding other ventures of interest to leadership. However, there was neither a mechanism nor even a plan for that to occur.
➡️ On the Failings and Priorities of ACP Leadership
Working in an abstracted, nationwide, decentralized, novel system is incredibly challenging. Adding to the difficulty is the lack of a stated Party strategy and vision. The long-awaited ACP Manifesto has still not been produced. The roles of and rules for EB members are not articulated. There is insufficient internal documentation, no onboarding call, and little guidance for anyone in the ACP, including Chapter Executives. This results in many questions and mistakes — mistakes that, once made, are dealt with most harshly by the ACP Executive Board.
The “leadership” of ACP has no leadership experience, and it shows. They have no apparent knowledge of organizational management, and they aren't interested in gaining those skills. Under the Executive Board’s misleadership, the ACP rank-and-file are an unstably unified collection of two broad groups of contradictory people: those from IGG/Infrared and those from more offline backgrounds who specifically support ACP. The former group, often called Gorillas, dogmatically back the Khan, Haz. The ones tearing me apart on social media for leaving ACP are primarily from this group.
Note too that many of these Infrared stans are not in the Party and thus have no actual ability to speak on Party dynamics, yet they are often the vocal and ardent supporters. The offline group consists more of regular working class people who are often turned off by the antics of the Gorillas. I frequently receive messages of support from these workers. Haz and the ACP, however, rely on the dogmatism of the Gorillas.
Haz, Jackson Hinkle, and the Midwestern Marx crew have all systematically prioritized their own streams of revenue and relevance over the Party itself, leaving other members to desperately try to pick up the slack. Jackson’s only perceivable role in the Party was to create introductory graphics for the new chapters and boost them on Twitter — a task he unceremoniously quit doing entirely within weeks of the Party launch. Carlos, the ACP Director of Education, relied on the California chapter to put together a functional educational program for all Party cadre while happily taking money from members to teach unofficial Marxist courses elsewhere. Haz prioritized his personal trip to Russia and a pointless debate with a TikTok’er over drafting and assembling the most fundamental and necessary Party documents.
The ACP Constitution and Party Program only exist because of the tireless yet thankless efforts of the ACP’s (former) law team, approved by Haz mere hours before being presented to the rank-and-file. Infamously, these documents were ratified unanimously. Why? Because Party members, who took time off work and flew all the way to Chicago on their own dime to the National Convention, were not given any time whatsoever to review these documents before we were asked to vote on them. Since we weren’t even able to read the founding documents of our Party, it goes without saying that there was no debate or criticism of these documents whatsoever before they were ratified. Absurd!
➡️ On Internal Criticism
Much belly-aching occurs online against me on this point: why did Bree not bring her criticisms to the Party internally? Let it be known: I tried everything. There are simply no mechanisms for internal criticism, and my repeated demands, beginning in August of 2024, for increased organizational capacity to facilitate mechanisms of internal criticism fell on deaf, hostile ears. The ACP is a dictatorship of the neurotic, insular, and self-interested Executive Board. The EB has no capacity nor desire to understand internal criticism, let alone incorporate it to strengthen the Party.
Internal Party communication was tightly controlled, such that Chapter Executives were only permitted to talk amongst themselves in the Party-controlled Chapter Executive Telegram chat. Cooperation between the chapters was prohibited without the explicit permission and inclusion of Kyle Pettis, the pettiest of petty tyrants who served as the ACP Director of Personnel and Security. Furthermore, Chapter Executives could only speak to the members in their own chapter about the Party, never members in any other chapter. The information ecosystem was tightly controlled by the Executive Board, thus making the mere notion of free internal criticism moot.
Haz continually states that criticism is welcome within the Party, but that is because the criticism must go directly to the Executive Board, and thus the critique will immediately be neutralized and rendered inconsequential. No meaningful disagreement is tolerated. Because of my reputation for being willing to speak up when ACP leadership errs, I’ve received an abundance of direct messages from ACP members since the Party’s launch expressing dissatisfaction with the EB while maintaining that they support ACP, want to remain in ACP, but do not know how to move forward and effect change. Many members and even some Chapter Executives have expressed to me that they fear reprisals if they speak up in internal channels. They feel impotent against the EB, and they of course are.
Because I dared to work genuinely to actually strengthen the ACP instead of kowtowing to the tantrums of Haz and his Executive Board enablers, I was subjected to countless hours of struggle sessions in which I was berated, demeaned, and shut down. I was threatened with being purged. At one point, I issued, at Haz’s demand, a self-criticism against my correct public critique of Jackson Hinkle’s misogyny. I apologized to my fellow Chapter Executives for daring to state the obvious publicly about Jackson, and I urged them to help me fight for better internal means of communication.
In response, Haz issued a Party-wide anti-Bree manifesto, in which he 1) did not share my internal self-criticism with the rank-and-file, thus making them believe my self-criticism didn’t exist, 2) completely misrepresented my arguments, and 3) wrote 12 pages of jibber jabber about the “errors” of “Jackson-mongering”, “discursive subjectivisim”, “moralism”, and “cultural individualism.” This is not a reasonable or sane man. Through this petty political maneuvering, Haz prioritized denigrating my reputation within the ACP over actually strengthening the Party. He painted me, one of the strongest Party members at the time, as a wrecker, along with all of the loyal, honest comrades who agreed with my criticisms. He further wasted everyone’s time.
In addition to the humiliation spectacles I endured within the Party, RTSG — the heavily foreign research collective that works in tandem with ACP leadership, represented by Rev in the Politburo — has kept a profile on me for many months now, gathering personal background information on me, mixed with their own delusions and fabrications, without my consent to blackmail me into staying quiet should I ever raise concerns about ACP. To be sure, they have profiles on other ACP members and associates as well, wholly unbeknownst to most people.
➡️ Conclusion
The ACP's lack of internal structure, combined with leadership's neglect of organizational management, disinterest in the chapters, and overt hostility to criticism led to my departure. After leaving the ACP and reflecting on my time within the Party, I have a much stronger understanding of the truth: the ACP is a cult of personality with zero capacity for democratic centralism and strong financial incentives against it. Thus, ACP’s shortcomings cannot be overcome.
The “American Communist Party” is a destructive force for its members and, should it continue gaining prominence, for the American Left and the American people as well. The ACP is supported by nefarious international actors and tolerated by the American intelligence agencies because the ACP is actively disuniting the American people. It is a toxic den of crybaby and hypocritical leadership, propped up by the misplaced good faith of its members and popularized through right-wing media. It is not a party, it is not communist, and it is not American.
Additional screenshots showing that, almost as soon as I joined in August 2024, I began asking for ACP to increase organizational capacity - the same exact "internal criticisms" that I was still making in December because no one in leadership cared enough to fix the issues.
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