In the article basically it says POTUS can deploy the Marines if need be for imminent threats - The presidents first.
Look further too in the article
Presidents have a “Trump Card” - referring to bypassing congress in deploying the Marines 😳
Holy crap Trump card?????
You got to be kidding me right now…
Let’s go on…
Ok Trump card
Let’s do a keyword search on it
When do you play the Trump Card?
Near the end of the game…
Let’s look at the Plus…
Remember the video I’ve been directing new people to?
In it it gives the explanation of Q+ in it. I’ll post it for a refresher
HT : @AAnon55
Q+ is Trump …
He’s signaling to everyone he is Q+ in my opinion
Ok on the marines …
I did another keyword search on Marines
Post 4414 - it’s a big one
EAM Loyalist - EAM stands for Emergency Action Message
Let’s look at it Red 4 specifically
There’s the Marines - the 10th is very important in American history
Also what is slated to occur on Inaguration day?
Also a side note .Pence is mentioned in Red 3 - also he’s verified in attendance to the inaguration and also mentioned in post 1123 …
Let’s look into the riots more …
Let’s do a keyword search
34 and post 1
Those are huge!!!
Read them , digest what I’ve put out there. I could be completely wrong in all of this so don’t take it as the gospel. I’m just somebody connecting dots .