In the article basically it says POTUS can deploy the Marines if need be for imminent threats - The presidents first.
Look further too in the article
Presidents have a “Trump Card” - referring to bypassing congress in deploying the Marines 😳
Holy crap Trump card?????
You got to be kidding me right now…
Let’s go on…
Ok Trump card
Let’s do a keyword search on it
When do you play the Trump Card?
Near the end of the game…
Let’s look at the Plus…
Remember the video I’ve been directing new people to?
In it it gives the explanation of Q+ in it. I’ll post it for a refresher
HT : @AAnon55
Q+ is Trump …
He’s signaling to everyone he is Q+ in my opinion
Ok on the marines …
I did another keyword search on Marines
Post 4414 - it’s a big one
EAM Loyalist - EAM stands for Emergency Action Message
Let’s look at it Red 4 specifically
There’s the Marines - the 10th is very important in American history
Also what is slated to occur on Inaguration day?
Also a side note .Pence is mentioned in Red 3 - also he’s verified in attendance to the inaguration and also mentioned in post 1123 …
Let’s look into the riots more …
Let’s do a keyword search
34 and post 1
Those are huge!!!
Read them , digest what I’ve put out there. I could be completely wrong in all of this so don’t take it as the gospel. I’m just somebody connecting dots .
First before we dive into it I see a lot of confusion about the “boards” and aggregate programs such as Qagg.
Q started posting on the “boards” which was 4chan then migrated to 8chan then eventually 8kun.
Those are the boards. That’s where Q posted.
Programs like Qalerts and Qagg are simply an “aggregator” program or a “scraper” program that gathers all the Q drops from the “boards” and puts them into a searchable database.
So now that’s out of the way…
Here we go! 👇🏻
First question,
Well how do I get there?
On X , they still have the links censured so here’s a pic of what you need to put into the address bar on your browser as Qagg doesn’t have an app.
Let’s continue 👇🏻
Ok. Here we go. This is the homepage of Qagg. As you can see it looks a little much , but it really isn’t , so let’s start with the basics ok?
Let’s talk a little bit about what happened now that it’s not fresh shall we?
First off let’s talk about the delivery…
The folders were given to podcasters first, big influencers etc.
Let’s not even focus on these people’s connections because in this situation it’s irrelevant…
Now before you start yelling and getting pissed off at me just follow me here for a minute ok?
Who’s Trumps public enemy #1?
This was a big F/U to the MSM for giving “inside” info to the alternative media.
I bet Trump was laughing his ass off. Because now the MSM has to go off reporting of the podcasters ,etc..
If you have been watching the press briefings , our press secretary is hammering getting alternative media to the front and center.
Trump just did that , Bigly…
Now you ask , why doesn’t it matter who they are or what their connections are…
Let’s continue on down 👇🏻
Ok so you ask , why doesn’t it matter. “ Justice I’m outraged that xxxx podcaster has Israeli ties “
Ok I get it but now that we step back and actually look at the files , it’s nothing anons haven’t seen before. There was no sensitive information in those folders that ANONS haven’t seen before. So it’s not really privileged information.
So he really wasn’t doing them any favors…
Now the second part to this question , let me explain something for you.
Remember Q saying “the end isn’t for everyone”?
We always assumed Q was referring to the deep state or them
But actually the end is for them…
So who is Q talking about?
The anons. The end isn’t for us. We already know the end. Who doesn’t?
The general population. That’s who. It’s why we’re here people…
Let’s continue on…
Are you starting to breathe a little now?
Ok so back to where we started.
Phase 1 isn’t for us. That’s why people are so upset. The awake want new information. To disseminate , but remember…
It’s not about us at this point. It’s about the ones who are still asleep.. the deep sleep.
This slow roll is for them. It’s to slowly bring the gen pop up to speed to get ready for the storm.
Because I’m here to tell you , if Trump doesn’t do it like this , people will go insane , kill themselves , hurt others etc..
Remember back to when you first were awakened. Were you angry? Mad? Sad?
You got to go through a process. These that are just awakening are not going to have that luxury that you once had.
It took years for you to go through the process to get where you are now. They might have a month or two if at most. It’s going to be rough on them.
So you have to remember. Why are you here? Why did God awaken you so early?
To be the calm in the storm.
That’s it. It’s not for completing timelines in your head , it’s not about followers , or fame. It’s about none of that
It’s about being the calm in the storm…
I want to address one more thing I’ve seen all over the place today
I’m seeing this so much more these days. So let’s talk about it first a minute.
Obviously you have made it here because someone or something you have seen has sparked your interest in Q.
What the heck is it you ask?
We’ll get your waders on because we’re fixing to take you on a journey full of oh my goshes, and I knew it’s!
Have you ever felt something just wasn’t quite right in this world? That something was nefarious? Something is off?
Well you aren’t the only one. So we’re going to start at the very beginning before the Q op ( I’ll get to that in a moment ) started.
Here’s a video to help you break it down before I start into this deep dive of what Q is…
After you watch the video , we will continue on in the comments 👇🏻
If you wish to leave comments do it in the first section. This one.
So now that you just got a crash course in what the Q op is , let’s talk about it for a moment.
On Nov 22nd , 1963 John F Kennedy was killed. Shot in plain sight. Many of you wonder , why was he killed? Because he knew too much and he was going to do exactly what Trump is doing right at this very moment , destroy the deep state.
He knew the first step was to get rid of the central banking system in the US as that was the deep states main lever of control in the US
From here on out when I say [they] I am referring to the cabal, deep state , whatever you want to call it…
But back to topic [they] knew what Kennedy was up to. So a coup was initiated by the CIA under the direction of then CIA director George W Bush. ( you will find this out in the coming JFK files ).
This was a complete shock as Kennedy knew that the deep state was big but underestimated them. Bigtime.
Shortly after it is believed that the good Generals in the armed forces got together and knew something had to be done because if [they] could kill a president on national television , what was next?
This is where our story goes dark for a good while… roughly until 2015
So let’s continue on 👇🏻
During this dark time [they] were making plans to essentially enslave us all. But guess what , a counter offensive was launched by our US military dubbed the Q op.
President after president after JFK became as crooked as the other. During this time the “good guys” were making their way into key spots within our govt to establish control and finally attempt to overthrow [them] .
The team attempted the overthrow again during the Regan presidency. Step by step and inch by inch the good guys were attempting to bring us out of [their] control.
Then the attempt came on Regan’s life. It was a warning across the bow from [them].
Regan bugged out.
So the Q team carried on. Staying vigilant to the plan. But again underestimated [them]