🔥🔥🔥Breaking! The Center For Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) partnered with Restless Development (youth collective) to counter Covid Disinformation. And the best part? Restless Development is funded by the US government along the Obama Foundation, Gates, Clinton’s, and other foreign governments!
This joint effort bragged about getting conservative news orgs such as the Gateway Pundit, the Federalist, and Zero Hedge reported to social media AND demonetized! Especially from Google!
Organisers say the campaign was inspired by Sleeping Giants in the US, which persuaded brands not to advertise on Breitbart.
Restless Development is global, and promotes social justice, climate justice, UN developmental goals, feminism, inclusivity, gender transformation, and anti-racism.
Let’s start off with some of the Restless Development funding (see photo)
-Obama Foundation
-US Department of Health and Human Services
-Clinton Health Initiative
-Bill and Melinda Gates
-United Nations
-The Swedish International
Development Agency
-Norwegian Agency For Exchange Cooperation (NOREC)
-Irish Aid
-Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
-Ford Foundation
-Danish International
-Development Agency
-Plus more
Considering Bill Gates funds them, I can see why they were so bent on targeting information posted about him.
This also started running exclusively out of the UK in April/May 2020 and it expanded later.
Imran Ahmed, CEO, CCDH. May 6 2020:
“The initiative is currently working with volunteers in the UK, but their reach across social media is global. The project will be expanded to work with volunteers in different countries around the world.”
Let’s start off with how it’s organized.
♦️CCDH and Restless Development
1. Youth Against Misinformation (YAM) - name of project
A. Youth Against Fake News (Org used to do the work, and was later renamed to the below.)
B. Youth Against Misinformation (new name)
Now here’s how this works, and as for the blocklists, I have a few examples:
“The Record and Report team spent shifts combing through misinformation Facebook groups, Instagram and Twitter accounts, sourcing explicit examples of misinformation and reporting them to the respective platforms.
We would visit these websites and screenshot adverts next to the article headline, then contact the advertising brands via Twitter and email.
We included information from CCDH on the nature of the website and their content and requested that they blacklist those sites from featuring their adverts, therefore reducing the profitability of misinformation.”
“Since YAM volunteers began working on CCDH’s Stop Funding Fake News campaign we have contacted over 250 different brands, with around 40 responding that they’ve taken action.”
They also interacted with social media users.
“They began by identifying tweets that
contained misinformation, then tweeted the users to request their
deletion whilst sharing advice from CCDH on how to avoid spreading
“The reports produced from this collaboration have been used in
US Congress, UK Parliament, in gov briefings and media reporting across the world, particularly influencing the deliberations surrounding the Online Safety Bill and the scope of online harms.”
The Stop Funding Misinformation campaign also carries blocklists (see photo).
Here’s a sampling:
- Gateway Pundit
- Zero Hedge
- Federalist
- Breitbart
- Rebel News
- AM Greatness
Anyways, they are very proud of their successes.
“Since we launched, we’ve seen one of our target fake news sites completely shut down, and the capacity of several others reduce significantly as a result of us damaging their ability to raise revenue.”
Video: CCDH CEO Imran Ahmed brags to PARLIAMENT about using Stop Funding Misinformation to have Google stop monetizing The Gateway Pundit!
Sources to follow along with tons more information including more on affected US individuals and businesses such as Robert F Kennedy and Sayer Ji’s Green Med Info.
Let’s begin with a document which explains the Youth Against Misinformation campaign in detail. A partnership between the Center For Countering Digital Hate and Restless Development.
Youth Against Misinformation•:
A Young People’s Campaign Against Online Harms
“Youth Against Misinformation (YAM) was a unique and innovative programme created by Restless Development and the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) in April 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its aim was simple: to galvanise the energy and skills of young people to research and combat the growing mis-
infodemic around COVID-19, as well as other issues, on social media.”
“Over a period of eight months, 61 young volunteers were trained by CCDH to identify and act on dangerous misinformation online, particularly where it related to health, COVID-19 or vaccines. They collected data for research to be used by CCDH and successfully campaigned to make their findings heard at the highest levels of UK decision-making by tabling questions in the Houses of Parliament.”
“Volunteers were deployed into three targeted streams, each with their own objectives: Record and Report (RnR), Transcriber, and Stop
Funding Fake News (SFFN).”
“The SFFN team (now called Stop Funding Misinformation) was supported to develop skills to communicate persuasively when approaching organisations and businesses online, and to encourage participation in the initiative. They began by identifying tweets that contained misinformation, then tweeted the users to request their deletion whilst sharing advice from CCDH on how to avoid spreading it. Later, they adapted their approach to target websites that were promoting harmful misinformation and fake news by contacting organisations whose adverts were appearing on those sites.”
“The reports produced from this collaboration have been used in US Congress, UK Parliament, in government briefings and media reporting across the world, particularly influencing the deliberations surrounding the Online Safety Bill and the scope of online harms.”
This is a 2020 year end doc from Restless Development. It even references the Youth Against Misinformation program.
This includes their Donor Funders.
“From young leaders reaching 247,000 people across Sierra Leone to help communities protect themselves, to Youth Against Misinformation fighting the ‘infodemic’ online, to young researchers gathering deep insight on how the pandemic impacted young people and communities, over 3,523 Restless Leaders took action when it mattered most, serving 319, 360 people in 2020.
The pandemic was not the only force to reshape our world in 2020. Following the murder of George Floyd, we were again called on to change and to challenge the systemic racism in our world and in our work.
Building on our existing diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy, Restless Development conducted deep, meaningful listening exercises across our global teams to create new anti-racism approaches. From changing our leadership structure.
“We trained 61 volunteers in the UK to fight COVID-19 misinformation. Over 2,000 pieces of misinformation were recorded and reported to social media companies.”
“COVID-19. Fighting misinformation. Taking on the ‘infodemic’, young leaders rooted out misinformation and fake news about COVID-19, identifying misinformation and reporting it to GOVERNMENTS and social media platforms to force them to take action.”
🔥Huge new info! I just found a 2019 EU funded fact checking research paper on Trump listed in a CCDH and Restless Development document! It discusses fact checking and the 2016 election in great detail. And it links to the US Department of Interior to get the doc!
Why are they linking to a government website with a special link that needs authorized access?
When accessing the link via Archive.org it forwards from the DOI to Springer. After more investigation I found out that the DOI link was a special access link with extra DOI information for authorized users.
This means the DOI was involved in fact checking malarky during the Trump admin!
Here’s a Jstor page that shows that the DOI page is only for authorized users and has additional information.
“Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi.org/10.1007/s11109…) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.”
Here’s a layman’s copy of the fact checking study document and not the DOI version.
“Taking Fact-checks Literally But Not Seriously? The Effects of Journalistic Fact-checking on Factual Beliefs and Candidate Favorability”
This research received funding support from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 682758). We also received support from the School of Media and Public Aairs at George Washington University.
Now Restless Development and the Center For Countering Digital Hate, did a bunch of documents together for this program.
Shame on folks for trashing Bill Gates, a donor partner! And who’s posting this? Why it’s Robert F Kennedy Jr!
Theres tons of misinformation examples inside this doc. A large portion goes to Bill Gates. Feel free to share your favorites with us.
Oh, and beware of the Anti Mask Mind control too. Oooo… 👀
“Many posts in our sample claim that masks are ineffective in limiting the spread of Coronavirus, are a form mind control or are actually dangerous”
And here they push a conspiracy of their own. They accused Trump of pushing an anti Covid vax agenda. When he was the one who warp sped it into existence.
“There is a major gap in vaccine hesitancy between those who voted in 2016 for Secretary Hillary Clinton (29%) and those for President Donald Trump (55%).
This suggests a push by the President and his party to persuade their base could be very valuable.”
Here’s the next document from the Restless Development and Center For Countering Digital Hate joint program called Will to Act.
Various documents discuss various numbers of misinformation used for that particular paper. This paper covers only about a month at the beginning. And of course, our friend and their Donor Partner, Bill Gates, is inside.
And who can forget Alex Jones, with a Bill Gates hashtag. 😹
They also have a block list with the “Lies Cost Lives” name found on this report. We’ll discuss it later.
Once we get the did docs out of the way, we head into the block lists.
This Restless Development and Center For Community entering Digital Hate doc is called Malgorithm. Recall these all relate to their Youth Against Misinformation aka Stop Funding Misinformation program. This report mostly deals with Instagram.
Inside they list a top ten of Instagram anti vaxers. They also discuss the Instagram recommendation system suggesting the “taboo” anti vaxers.
1. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (verified) 2. Children's Health Defense 3. London Real (verified) 4. Weston A. Price Foundation 5. NVIC.org 6. Physicians for Informed Consent 7. Highwire with Del Bigtree 8. Dr Rashid A Buttar 9. Patrick Bet-David 10. Valuetainment
“More than one volunteer was recommended content from Robert F. Kennedy Jr., while
others were recommended posts from “The Truth About Vaccines”, an account run by the anti-vaxx entrepreneurs Ty & Charlene Bollinger. Two more commendations were for posts from “Green Med Info”, an account run by the anti-vaxx entrepreneur Sayer Ji. All of these individuals were identified in CCDH’s report The Anti -Vaxx Playbook.”
They also list ten health authorities used.
1. nhs.uk (verified) 2. BBC News (verified) 3. World Health Organization (verified) 4. Gates Foundation (verified) 5. Public Health England 6. UK government (verified) 7. Centers for Disease Control (verified) 8. UNICEF (verified) 9. Bill Gates (verified) 10. LSHTM
They also extended the list of top ten anti vaxers to 20.
11. Ty & Charlene Bollinger 12. The Truth About Vaccines 13. The Truth About Cancer 14. Vaccines Uncovered 15. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai 16. Rizza Islam 17. Denise Marie 18. Circle of Mamas 19. Erin Elizabeth 20. Dr. Joseph Mercola
And here’s a list of Wellness influencers linked to anti-vaxx
1. David Wolfe (verified) 2. Zach Bush 3. Ben Lynch 4. Global Healing 5. Wellness Force 6. ANH International 7. Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. (verified) 8. Dr. Joseph Mercola (verified) 9. Erin Elizabeth 10. Organic Consumers Association (verified)
There’s other lists inside including Qanon etc, so don’t forget to look for your name!
Oh and there’s a bunch more of those US Department Of Interior (DOI) links inside too.
Let’s head into the block lists now. Stop Funding Misinformation actually bragged about putting a website out of business and DAMAGING others.
“Since we launched, we've seen one of our target fake news sites completely shut down, and the capacity of several others reduce significantly as a result of us damaging their ability to raise revenue.”
Stop Funding Misinformation has other blocklists also.
This list is for those that they call racist. This page lists their top ten, “racists”.
- amgreatness dot com
- moonbattery dot com
- americanthinker dot com
- bigleaguepolitics dot com
- zerohedge dot com
- wnd dot com
- thewashingtonstandard dot com
- thegatewaypundit dot com
- breitbart dot com
- thefederalist dot com
There’s also the Covid “Lies Cost Lives” campaign also.
“We've identified five GoogleAds-funded Fake News sites that we hope you will blacklist as they are doing some of the worst damage when it comes to spreading COVID-19 misinformation.”
Here’s Emily’s Story on the Restless Development page. She joined Youth Against Misinformation in April 2020 as one of the volunteers.
“Stop Funding Fake News (SFFN) have seen the complete shutdown of one of their target sites, and the significant reduction of capacity for multiple others.”
“We split into two teams; the Don’t Spread the Virus (DSTV) team and the Record and Report (R&R) team. Both teams were trying to get as much misinformation as possible reported but in slightly different ways.
In order to accurately identify misinformation, we used a variety of fact-checking websites such as FullFact and First Draft News. We also used several official sources, such as the World Health Organization and the NHS.”
“The DTSV team contacted people (on Twitter) sharing misinformation, provided them with more information and asked them to remove their posts. “
“The Record and Report team on the other hand, spent shifts combing through misinformation Facebook groups, Instagram and Twitter accounts, sourcing explicit examples of misinformation and reporting them to the respective platforms.
We would visit these websites and screenshot adverts next to the article headline, then contact the advertising brands via Twitter and email. We included information from CCDH on the nature of the website and their content and requested that they blacklist those sites from featuring their adverts, therefore reducing the profitability of misinformation.
We were also able to keep track of the brands that other volunteers were contacting, retweeting their posts and following up on their emails to confirm that the brands had taken action. Most recently, we have also added the focus of contacting brand CEOs as well as the official company Twitter/email account, to increase accountability of individuals.
Since YAM volunteers began working on CCDH’s Stop Funding Fake News campaign we have contacted over 250 different brands, with around 40 responding that they’ve taken action.”
🔥🔥🔥Breaking series! Part 4 Avaaz, the Global Democrat Activist Organization and admitted global Trump resistance, censoring in the USA for the 2020 election!
In no sane world should the admitted epicenter of the Global Trump resistance be handling, “disinfo”.
“Avaaz is the epicenter of the global resistance to Trump. Together, we've helped DEFEAT TRUMPISM AT THE BALLOT BOX in Western Europe, and defeated Trump's attempt to kill the Paris climate agreement.”
Also recall they said that disinfo work is required to prevent the, “next generation of Trumps”.
And PS, Facebook suppression was real, and Avaaz showed evidence of itself using Crowdtangle. Boom! Yeah they had backend access.
Suppression was very real, see photo two for examples. 👇🏻
“Specifically, our analysis shows how, from October 10, 2020, there was a sudden decline in interactions on some of the most prominent pages that had repeatedly shared misinformation.
This analysis was supported by posts made by many of the pages WE WERE MONITORING and REPORTING, which started to announce that they were being ‘suppressed’ or ‘throttled’ (see below for examples). In contrast, the top 100 media outlet pages on Facebook remained at a steady pace”
Just look at this US election censorship they admitted to.
Avaaz 2020 election:
“We hired a dedicated team of US researchers, and in the run up to the election, we produced over 40 investigations on the rampant disinformation, hate, violence and extremism that was spreading online, pushing Facebook to act.
And just around the elections, Facebook launched emergency measures , throttling the spread of many of the pages we had identified as repeat misinformers, making it harder for them to flood social media with lies and hatred before the vote.”
Let’s Move on to another good part. Avazz censored at least 162 pro Trump election ads on Facebook! This was direct election interference!
“In September 2020, Avaaz found that Facebook allowed two Super PACs to collectively run hundreds of political ads containing fact-checked misinformation, which earned more than 10 million estimated impressions, largely in swing states.
Only 162 ADS of the 481 ads flagged to Facebook were REMOVED immediately after our report was released - ALL with videos that took Joe Biden’s statements on taxes out of context.”
There were also active measures to censor the post election Stop the Steal activities too.
“Moreover, a number of misinformation-sharing pages, which Avaaz discovered in a separate investigation were connected to Steve Bannon, were removed from the platform mid-November after we reported to Facebook that they were using inauthentic behavior to amplify “Stop the Steal” content.
As of February 24, 2021, despite clear violations of Facebook’s policies, out of the 267 identified pages and groups, 118 are still active, of which 58 are Boogaloo, QAnon, or militia-aligned, and 60 are non- movement aligned pages and groups that spread violence-glorifying content.
Despite Facebook’s removal of 56% of these pages and groups, their action inoculated only a small fraction (16%) of the total number of followers from the violence glorifying content they were spreading.”
Avaaz also worked on Covid censorship too.
“Back in April 2020, an investigation by Avaaz uncovered that millions of Facebook’s users were being exposed to coronavirus misinformation without any warning from the platform. On the heels of reporting these findings to Facebook, the company decided to take action by issuing retroactive alerts: "We’re going to start showing messages in News Feed to people who have liked, reacted or commented on harmful misinformation about COVID-19 that we have since removed. “
Sources to follow as always!
This Avaaz is what is censoring the USA and global elections. This can’t stand and everyone must cease working with them! This should have consequences.
Here’s three examples of their animus towards Trump and the right (Trumpism):
♦️“Avaaz is the epicenter of the global resistance to Trump. Together, we've helped defeat Trumpism at the ballot box in Western Europe, and defeated Trump's attempt to kill the Paris climate agreement.”
“We have to face the hard truth that the world is facing a serious and sustained threat from an old enemy of humanity: neo-fascism.” archive.is/EMp3J
♦️2024 post election:
“It's a gut punch. Trump. Again.”
“Create an emergency fund for the global resistance needed to fight Trump's attacks. We've seen how Trumpism is going global -- the resistance will have to be, too.” archive.is/UISds
♦️“Now the trolls are targeting crucial elections in Canada and Europe, hoping to create the next generation of Trumps. But there’s a way to stop them.
During Brazil’s election Avaaz ran an experiment -- just six people were given basic training to investigate the troll networks and flag fake news. They shut down false stories that reached *16 million people* -- so imagine what ten times as many could do!” archive.is/TgTJh
Just a quick note before I complete sourcing.
The reason everyone was so angry on Jan 6th, was because of censorship.
Many people left Facebook even years before the 2020 election due to censorship. I now I did. Everything I posted just disappeared.
Tons of people had evidence of issues with the 2020 election and it was all being deleted. And the MSM pretended like our issues didn’t exist.
In my opinion, censorship caused Jan 6th because we got no redress. And the censors got just what they wanted, more censorship.
🔥🔥🔥Breaking series! Part 3 Avaaz, the Democrat Global Activist Organization, and Trump resistance, that not only wants to destroy the right, but handles disinformation globally! To quote them, disinfo work is required to, prevent the, “next generation of Trumps”.
Todays part is on the Democrats, Avaaz, censoring the European Union prior to elections. All to prevent the right from getting into office! Avaaz, is extremely influential in the global disinformation circuit.
And in case you need a reminder how much Avaaz, a major global censor, hates the right…
“Avaaz has planned a massive, people-powered uprising to help defeat the far right. We'll expose the wolves in sheep's clothing, uniting millions in a defiant rejection of hate and planetary destruction.”
“The far right is surging across Europe. But a powerful resistance movement is building.”
Recall they ran an EU war room of “Elves”.
“As election day approached, top EU politicians, journalists and security experts were coming to our war room almost every day for information and briefings.”
This here is their announcement of involvement in EU elections.
“We did it in Brazil and Spain -- but now we need to rise up in multiple countries, hiring political strategists, running giant campaigns, and building alliances with grassroots organisations. We're ready to start in Europe right now, and we need your support.”
The far left Avaaz is also partnered with Newsguard. And was a signatory for the EU Code of Practice on Disinfo.
“Several of NewsGuard's partners are among the prospective signatories (for the EU Code of Practice on Disinformation), such as Publicis, Neeva, Bright, and Avaaz.”
So where all did the leftist Avaaz work on disinfo as of this writing (2021?).
“Avaaz has deployed anti-misinfo teams in the United States, Europe, Brazil, India (the Assam region), and Canada.”
Now let’s get into the Avaaz EU and elves. (I’ve already covered considerable EU info already in part 2.)
Here’s some select quotes:
“Avaaz is launching an unprecedented anti-disinfo project to protect the EU elections from the proliferation of fake news and disinfo. After piloting this approach in Brazil where Avaaz was able to take down one of the biggest disinfo networks, we are planning to scale up our efforts on the European continent, launching a Europe-wide operation that will use big data, investigative journalism, and the strength of our network of 20 million members in the EU to identify and debunk fake news, take down the biggest disinfo networks, bring to justice the criminal networks behind them, and create viral content and factual corrections to reach those who’ve been exposed.”
“The investigation by the Avaaz “Elves” team uncovered over 500 suspicious pages and groups, which were then reported to Facebook. Together, these pages and groups were followed by 32 million people and generated 67 million “interactions”.
As a result of the Elves’ work, Facebook took down 77 of these pages and 230 accounts, from Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain and Poland, the content of which, together, had been viewed an estimated 533 million times in three months.
The disinformation pages shut down had more than 13 million interactions and 6 million followers - almost three times the number of followers as the pages of the main far-right and anti-EU parties (League, AfD, VOX, Brexit Party, Rassemblement National and PiS) combined (2 million). Content from the networks was viewed on average 6 million times a day.
Avaaz page called disinfo_elves_41:
“Now the trolls are targeting crucial elections in Canada and Europe, hoping to create the next generation of Trumps. But there’s a way to stop them.”
“During Brazil’s election Avaaz ran an experiment -- just six people were given basic training to investigate the troll networks and flag fake news. They shut down false stories that reached *16 million people* -- so imagine what ten times as many could do !”
Sources to follow.
I’m going to begin my sourcing listing the first two parts.
This here reviews Avaas’s creation in 2007 by the Democrats MoveOn and Res Publica. Avaaz, situated in New York, was meant to take US Democrat organizing, global.
Avaaz was also involved in regime change too. And at least one of its founders, MoveOn, is currently involved in the US Trump resistance. MoveOn utilized trainings from the Serbian Otpor color revolution founders.
Amazing how they have been around so long and nobody caught on.
Part Two was actually a huge whopper. Here I proved, without a shadow of doubt, that the global leftist Trump resistance, Avaaz, made DSA censorship a multi year astroturfing project.
Where they also rubbed elbows with top EU government officials and gaslit nations.
Also working on this with Avaaz was Imran Ahmed of the Center for Countering Digital Hate.
🔥🔥🔥Huge! Rock solid 💯 evidence that seditious Obamas, Organizing For Action (OFA), was involved with the Trump Resistance alongside Indivisible.
His Organizing For Action was actually partnered with RapidResist along with Indivisible.
Even better? A co-founder of Rapid Resist was Obamas OFA Organizing Fellow Manager. The other was from his administration.
“We are rapid response recruitment for the resistance.”
“Our primary partners are grassroots organizing groups in red or purple areas. We've worked with local groups affiliated with INDIVISIBLE, Dolores Huerta Foundation, ORGANIZING FOR ACTION and Working America to name a few.”
Here’s the founders of Rapid Resist
Former Obama White House OMB and Robert Reich staffer
Former Ohio Regional Organizing Director for Hillary for America and Organizing Fellow Manager for Organizing for America.
Here’s an interview with a founder Yolanda Landou.
“Yoni Landau: We assess who the critical lawmakers are who can stop Trump, find the critical moments that can be influenced by their voters, and then send large amounts of text messages to turn out crowds of people in those places to tell them not to support Trump’s agenda.”
“Our first success was back in March, when we learned about Sen. Dean Heller’s campaign fundraiser at a Harley-Davidson in Las Vegas that wasn’t publicized. We had 72 hours to turn out a crowd to yell out not to repeal the Affordable Care Act. We texted 2,000 progressives on behalf of the Working Families Party (communist) organizing for action, and 69 folks turned out.”
How I found this was interesting. It was an old screenshot and link of mine from years back showing that OFA and Indivisible Berkeley worked together. The Google link on the bottom sends you to a Rapid Resist page which was formerly called CA Organizes.
From Indivisible Berkeley:
“URGENT ACTION: Latest from OFA about leaning Republicans for #Trumpcare vote:
OFA phone banking coordinator does NOT want us to contact Denham's District anymore. They request a headcount of people who are willing to call Cook's district, CD 8, tonight. See info below about texting.”
RapidResist is ran by Resistance Labs.
“At Resistance Labs, our mission is to stop Trump and rebuild the Democratic Party from the ground up.”
Notable advisors at Resistance Labs are:
- Nathaniel Pearlman, Founder NGP VAN
- Robert Creamer, Democracy Partners
- Perry Rosenstein, Co-Founder of Hustle and Board Member, State Voices (Soros Democracy Alliance)
Sources to follow.
There will be a lot of posts with my archives. You all know that I am meticulous with sourcing.
Here’s my old evidence that I never followed up on. Never clicked the Google link on the bottom of the page. It takes you to RapidResist previously known as CA Organizes.
The Facebook page shows Indivisible Berkeley and Obamas Organizing For Action (OFA) colluding together.
🔥🔥🔥Breaking series! Part 1 Avaaz, the Global Justice Activist Organization used by Democrats to conquer the world with leftism while running the Global Trump Resistance.
Have you ever wondered why the world protests Trump?
Avaaz was called the globe's largest and most powerful online activist network by the Guardian and only 5 years after its creation.
Avaaz has a long history with helping along global regime change which I wish to demonstrate for you. Remember this as we move forward to other parts in this series.
Avaaz, a global Democrat org that despises the right, is also a major player in disinformation work and you will learn more on this in future parts of my series. It will be quite shocking!
In 2007 ResPublica and the now USA Trump resistance, MoveOn, created a new global organization called Avaaz. (It’s rumored to include a few other founding orgs called Purpose, GetUp and the SEIU.)
Three main Avaaz founders came from ResPublica. An adviser for ResPublica was John Podesta.
Because of Avaaz’s history with regime change, it’s important you understand its ResPublica roots.
Res Publica first ran as a pilot project in Sierra Leone West Africa in 2001-2002. It was later formally launched in December of 2003 with Soros Open Society funding. (The grants from George Soros via Res Publica facilitated Avaaz’s establishment.)
Res Publica was a group of young public sector professionals dedicated to promoting good governance, virtuous civic cultures and DELIBERATIVE PUBLIC DISCOURSE globally.
ResPublica had three full-time fellows, supported by a broader network of “Friends of Res Publica”.
Here’s 3 of the main founders of Avaaz from ResPublica:
Ricken Patel - Sierra Leone West Africa under Soros international crisis group. (Was a member of MoveOn)
Tom perriello - Prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone - Open Society Fellow in West Africa (Good friends with Obama and worked in State dept.)
Tom Pravda - Diplomat dealing with European Union development policy and relations with the Middle East and Africa for the Foreign Office of the UK Government.
Now everyone is familiar from my past work on the other Avaaz main founder, MoveOn. They run the Trump resistance aka the Serbian Otpor which utilized trainings from the Otpor founders.
Let’s move on to Avaaz’s global history now. This one article alone should give you a good idea.
2012 “Avaaz faces questions over role at centre of Syrian protest movement”
“In Syria, it (Avaaz) was an important player in the crisis, acting as a coordinating hub and logistical supply route for the protest movement.
It was also centrally involved in the planning and coordination of this week's operation to evacuate four western journalists in which 13 Syrian activists died under government shelling.
The tragic loss of life, combined with Avaaz's increasingly pivotal role in the Syrian uprising, has raised inevitable doubts about such a young organisation. In particular, questions have been asked about whether an internet campaign with such a limited track record is equipped to be operating in such a brutal war zone.
The accusation of inexperience clearly irritates Ricken Patel, Avaaz's Canadian-British co-founder and director. He stresses the personal experience of Avaaz's senior team – the 20-odd war zones that Avaaz's campaigns manager previously worked in; the time served by its campaign director at the US state department and Amnesty; and his own 4 years in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Sudan, Afghanistan.
From there its involvement in the Syrian Arab spring drew it steadily further and further into the conflict. First off Avaaz sent in hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of communications equipment – satellite phones and internet connections known as BGANs – that gave the protesters a link to the outside world.”
Video: Tom Perriello telling folks from youth org in Jordan to sacrifice for their countries.
Stay tuned for sources and part 2
Before I move on with sourcing, understand thst their history is important. You need to understand the expertise of Avaaz. And how this fits in to their global movement of countering the right.
These two articles illustrates Avaaz’s hatred of right wing parties. You’ll see more later too. Now remember, these folks do massive disinformation work:
♦️“Hitler wasn't stopped until it was too late. Now extreme far-right forces are rising again.
Only recently, AfD politicians were caught discussing plans to deport millions of people. Far-right parties are beating the drums of hate, marching to victory across Europe -- and threatening everything we stand for.
First they demonised refugees, gay people, and women's rights. But now Trump and his copycats have turned their rage on environmental protections -- throttling urgent action as we spiral into climate chaos.” archive.is/5W2Iw
♦️ Avaaz under attack from far-right for launching first ever Italian Election Campaign
“Avaaz, a global civic movement with over 2 million Italian members, has launched its first major Italian election campaign. The goal is to unite Italians across party lines to keep far-right extremists out of government.”
🔥This series will be going places, I promise you. Part 2 is gonna destroy the European DSA censorship apparatus. But that’s not all!
♦️Avaaz claims to have over 69 million global members.
“The Avaaz community campaigns in 17 languages, served by a core team on 6 continents and thousands of volunteers. We take action -- signing petitions, funding media campaigns and direct actions, emailing, calling and lobbying governments, and organizing "offline" protests and events -- to ensure that the views and values of the world's people inform the decisions that affect us all.”
“In the life of an issue or a cause, a moment sometimes arises when a decision must be made, and a massive, public outcry can suddenly make all the difference.” archive.is/xdOVo
♦️ Avaaz (US based) was co-founded by Res Publica, a global civic advocacy group, and Moveon, an online community that has pioneered internet advocacy in the United States.
Our co-founding team was also composed of a group of leading global social entrepreneurs from six countries, including our founding President and Executive Director Ricken Patel, Tom Perriello, Tom Pravda, Eli Pariser, Andrea Woodhouse, Jeremy Heimans, and David Madden.
Avaaz's largest countries are Brazil and France tho they are global. archive.is/aZq9n
🔥🔥 Zelensky Oval Office meeting setup exposed! The Zelensky deal was sabotaged by democrats in the name of getting Trump with a new Russiagate scandal. The newest Russiagate name to remember is Sen Chris Murphy. And whoever else was at that meeting.
Update! This appears to be a Trump resistance operation with MoveOn!
Before meeting Trump, Zelensky met with anti-Trump Democrats who advised him to reject the terms of the mineral deal the president was offering, according to Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.).
“Just finished a meeting with President Zelensky here in Washington. He confirmed that the Ukrainian people will not support a fake peace agreement where Putin gets everything he wants and there are no security arrangements for Ukraine,” Murphy’s office posted on X at 11:15 a.m. Friday.
He attached a picture of Zelensky at a conference table, with Murphy seated on the opposite side.
In a perverse way, Murphy and other Dems got the outcome they wanted. The fireworks at the White House gave them an excuse to replay their Russia Russia Russia hoax. Once again, they and their media handmaidens are dishonestly insisting that Trump is in Vladimir Putin’s camp.
Like the original Russia hoax that consumed much of Trump’s first term, Russia 2.0 is born of political desperation. After months of not knowing how to respond to Trump’s fast, populist start to his second term, Dems up and down the food chain decided that the president’s refusal to write a blank check to Zelensky and pledge a military guarantee amounts to a gift to Putin.
The Trump resistance aka Rep Chris Murphy of MoveOn met before the Oval office meeting and told Zelensky to not take the deal without security guarantees. @realDonaldTrump
💥 Next time the NONPROFIT 501 c4, Indivisible, tries to destroy your Tesla Business, @elonmusk, remember that it was created primarily to be the Trump and now also Elon Musk resistance because you work for Trump. That’s not how 501 c4’s work.
Nonprofit Tax code:
“A 501(c)(4) can campaign for or Against a Political Candidate provided that the campaigning is not the nonprofits primary activity.”
Ahem… 😬
Indivisible 👇🏻
“OUR ONLY GOAL is help the real leaders on
the ground who are resisting Trump’s agenda on their home turf. We
hope you will take this document and use it however you see fit.”
You may wanna tell that to their papa Soros too. And perhaps @PamBondi. 😬
You are welcome! And thank you too! Your buying X was amazeballs! 😻
Sources to follow.
Here’s the Indivisible Musk or US Recess Toolkit and THE TESLA TOWN HALL: TAKE THE FIGHT TO ELON.
You see, you involve Trumps agenda which they fight. Obviously…
And here’s the only and only Indivisible Guide where it states that this 501 c4 non profit was created to resist Trumps agenda.
“ Our only goal is help the real leaders on the ground who are resisting Trump’s agenda on their home turf. We hope you will take this document and use it however you see fit.”