Oh wait obviously we're not done. @ProtocolGuild coming in with the mergooor pass, EIP1559 NFT, beacon book, @0xsplits and many more with the indefatigable @trent_vanepps & @TimBeiko
2c. @ethereumfndn doesn't use the chain
@EFDevcon accepts ticket purchases in crypto, @ZupassProject , @fileverse
@EF_ESP giving out grants on mainnet and even L2s
3. @ethereumfndn dumps ETH
2 approaches - not sell or stake ETH to relieve sell pressure
2 responses, @loi_luu pointing out the double standard, and @SECGov going after ethereum since 2022
4. @ethereumfndn employees don't use the chain
tbh doxxing your own employees into the twitter mob sounds like a horrible idea. also whatever happened to our cypherpunk values of privacy?
@0xstark has literally been saying this since the report came out months ago
also many community development grants go to developer meetups/events
also kudos to the incredible work by @ProtocolGuild
6. @ethereum doesn't want to win/not engaging institutions
This is literally what @EntEthAlliance & @Consensys are doing and many more orgs
I mean, @vaneck_us reps a pudgy + donates 10% of ETF profits to PG
As @0xstark says, ethereum has 100 bd teams, go engage them instead
7. @ethereumfndn doesn't take feedback and is opaque
@jchaskin22 is doing what people are asking now with supporting builders
as for opaqueness - unless you knew every single thing that was on this thread (which is public), there's basically too much happening to keep up
disclaimer: I don't even work for the EF
But as a community member, I am worried new folks enter this space; see week after week of infighting and utterly bad faith engagement
This is not a place people will feel safe in.
Also, a little searching sometimes yields an answer
Now we can go back to discuss
- if EF is doing too little/
- what can YOU do for Ethereum
- aligning around goals @VitalikButerin highlighted that require ecosystem wide coordination
But most importantly remember @ethereum isn't a corpo, it's closer to a movement with a soul
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1⃣ Preparation
First thing you notice is that there's 2 requirements and lots of swapping. Well let's chart out an end goal.
You'd need some assets to deposit on Aave, USDT for pooltogether, and assets for Sushiswap's LP.
This means there's another dependency, check for best LP.
2⃣ Bridging on Optimism 🕐
This task would take the longest because you have to wait 20 minutes. I suppose you can do this last so you don't have to wait and can just do other things first.
Web3 allows us to design incentives that can shape user behaviour. Cryptography is used to secure user actions while economics can predict and influence them.
1⃣ What is Cryptoeconomics
- 💻Cryptoeconomics is the use of incentives and cryptography to design new kinds of systems, applications, and networks
- 🦾This is most in common with mechanism design
2⃣ Bitcoin as a case study
- 💸relies on economic incentives and penalties to make attacks expensive
- 🎮public-private key infrastructure to guarantee users that they have exclusive control over their Bitcoin
- 🕵️♀️Transforms information security problems to economic terms.
1⃣: Legal uncertainty is the biggest issue for DAOs
- 👀 need clarity on operations, treaury management, taxation etc
- 🧑⚖️DAOs need to be able to engage with regulators to establish and protect their rights
2⃣: Legally compliant relationships with people that work in DAOs are most pressing
- 🆕many of these new relationships have no legal precedents
- 🌎DAO talent located in jurisdictions around the world with different employment laws