@RepThomasMassie P.S. When I was at Cambridge, the English lady whom I loved used to laugh at "God Bless America," which is so vulgar and typical of New York. It's not about songs, but how about a real song, which reaches Appalachia, like "America the Beautiful."
@RepThomasMassie P.P.S. And here's a bit by the fellow who sang it, Pete Seeger, who was blacklisted by the government, and he was far from perfect, but at least he had guts.
@RepThomasMassie P.P.P.S. And, meanwhile I wonder what the hell happened to the House Committee, from which you were removed, on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.
@RepThomasMassie Our enemies are luciferians who arrange events to astrological gangsigns, so you should look to the occultation of Saturn by Venus, since Saturn, or Chronos, stands for Time (TikTok), and Venus stands for Lucifer.
@RepThomasMassie Our satanic enemies are just that crazy, while you can learn more about the astronomical events that drive their decision-making in the video below.
@RepThomasMassie Here, too, is an article I wrote on the arrangement of a constitutional amendment in conjunction with their manipulation of the government, through assassinations, and otherwise, more than fifty years ago.
2. These attacks involve mind controlled lunatics who are not what they seem, while 911 is only one example of the deep state's control and use of the muslim terror network.
2. These attacks involve mind controlled lunatics who are not what they seem, while 911 is only one example of the deep state's control and use of the muslim terror network.
That's when I wasn't exposing your fraudulent cars, whose exploding engines contain hundreds of nonrecyclable parts, as your success depends on slave labor, mining pollution, and Biden-Harris energy policies.
@elonmusk @elonmusk You limited my access to your platform, as you did with other journalists in response to my exposure of you, while you told lies about free speech.
@davidicke While I celebrate the life of David Icke's daughter, this post appeared at the top of my feed, so CIA threatens my daughter through apparent coincidence & control of this platform.
See their moves--and visit my site (with more than two million hits).
I heard the implied threat your masters made against my daughter, as you continue to interfere with my use of your platform.
You are a fool, and the slave of fools, you stupid coward.
Support free speech, as you claim to do.
The world sees your lies.
@davidicke @elonmusk @elonmusk
P.S. I note further that, as I posted my articles, with whose distribution you continually interfere, as you claim to promote free speech, you were actually so stupid as to ask me for money....