it’s a prelude to postabundance: no more resource scarcity.
it means the old game of status signaling, built on scarcity and competition, is becoming unsustainable. people don't need to prove they've got something others don't anymore.
anik-anik, altoid, etc are ingroup belonging *and* taste signals, a way to show you're part of a certain tribe or aesthetic or that you love them. but in a world of postabundance, those signals lose their weight. when everything is easy to get and mass-produced, the old ways-
-don't work anymore. why do people grift? Because they're naturally like that, yes, but also because there's a huge incentive in getting resources by grifting. or because they feel insecure. or want to be accepted. All of those dynamics are essentially rooted in scarcity.
those ingroup belonging signals function to defend against said grifters, social predators, people who only want the fun and will rot the subculture from inside.
but postabundance means that everyone has everything, thus less threats to communities and subcultures.
nowadays, signaling has shifted a bit from "look at what i have" to "look at what i do with what i have" or maybe even "look at how i connect with others, or how i am valued by others"
but those are still rooted in scarcity. in this "prelude to abundance" era,
mass production capability *and* horizontal custom markets increasingly force people to actually value what could not be faked: love of the subject. In literature circles, it might be that you've written a good book. In tech, you've got a lot of those green blocks.
but is that truly the end? No, because talented, hard-working, and "productive" people can poison the well of communities as well. Good shit being produced doesn't necessarily mean civilizational alignment or transformation. The scarcity curse is still a background incentive.
even if people produce good shit, reputation acts as a form of social capital, and social capital determines access to opportunities, leading to more social capital and actual capital etc—this creates inequilibria. Scarcity is still here b/c reputation is materially hackable.
to put it avtistically: reputation itself is a compression mechanism for trust and capability signaling in complex networks. And compression inherently creates information loss and exploitable patterns (and exploitable actors suffering from information asymmetry)
so for communities, even if we optimize for good shit/output/contribution, we might get social equilibriums that are fundamentally misaligned with what we actually want. But that's the crux of the question: in a post-abundance world, how would that look like?
Post-scarcity beda btw
Post-abundance = "We've internalized that we can make enough of everything and have changed our systems, including our meaning-making, virtues, and social dynamics, accordingly. But what does *that* looks like? Our terminal goals? Our creation? etc."
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borrowing self-worth from some future path or trajectory like career or education always comes at non-linear costs. it's way better to just sit with what we "have" now and appreciate as it is, because "as it is" can be so much more expansive when we sit with, well, it.
right now is the only place where anything substantial happens, where actual life is unfolding. it’s not about "sitting with" life as some zen exercise—it's about confronting how much more there is to it when one stops running toward the promise of some future self-version.
there is only one thing at any given time, and "any given time" berbentuk lentur seperti karet, dependent on the quality of attendment (attending to something)
Update, ada working paper baru dari Seitz dan Imam. Ngeri:
- Lebih dari SETENGAH dari semua rumah Indo itu catnya tercemar timbal. Terutama dinding,
- 77% (!) merek cat Indo itu tercemar timbal,
- Belom ada peraturan pemerintah ttg ini.
-misalnya jadi agresif (kontrol perilaku berkurang), risiko penyakit ginjal dan jantung bertambah, terus jg ada pengaruhnya ke memori, terus jg IQ berkurang (IQ is imperfect, tapi utk policy/population-level ya berguna)
Salah, lebih ke ordoliberalism dgn flavor policy g > r (markets do not come into existence by themselves and are not value-free, thus can be designed to be directionally right)
Bukti: 1. Hadits "jangan halangi jalan ke pasar" 2. Hadits2 "jgn curang" 3. No riba, judi, dll.
Kenapa flavor policy-nya g > r (Piketty reference)? Karena kontrak harus jelas barangnya, peruntukan dan tanggung jawab jg, risks biasanya harus dibagi rata as per investment jadinya skin in the game (ini musyarakah), atau mudarabah yg menghargai labor value lebih banyak.
Thus the most hated upon instrumen2 finansial kek CBOs, CDSs, dll itu ga bisa ada kecuali udh beneran diitung kepantasannya gmn, sesuai dgn kaidah2 risk distribution yg berdasar fiqh.
All of which, theoritically, prioritizes the so-called "real sectors" vis-a-vis finance
Kalo cabang PHD di indo itu isunya lebih "ya motif ekonomi aja, umr kecil, nyari kerja susah, dsb."
Terus asal organisasi PHD dari mana? Well, ada persatuan silat tertentu yang didirikan sebagai upaya agar silat bisa diajarin ke non-bangsawan, nah terus,
(image random aja 😉)
nah terus persatuan silat ini nilai-nilainya kurleb ttg jadi "kesatria", bisa dibaca di bawah. This will be relevant later on.
Katanya: "di Jatim ormas pe pe [oren] ga begitu kuat pengaruhnya. Instead, persatuan inilah yang hampir di tiap desa/dusun sampai ada gapura logo"